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synced 2024-12-18 12:22:12 +00:00
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#pragma once
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDate.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <DB/Functions/IFunction.h>
namespace DB
/** Функции работы с датой и временем.
* toYear, toMonth, toDayOfMonth, toDayOfWeek, toHour, toMinute, toSecond,
* toMonday, toStartOfMonth, toStartOfYear, toStartOfMinute, toStartOfHour
* toTime,
* now
* TODO: makeDate, makeDateTime
* (toDate - расположена в файле FunctionsConversion.h)
* Возвращаемые типы:
* toYear -> UInt16
* toMonth, toDayOfMonth, toDayOfWeek, toHour, toMinute, toSecond -> UInt8
* toMonday, toStartOfMonth, toStartOfYear -> Date
* toStartOfMinute, toStartOfHour, toTime, now -> DateTime
* А также:
* timeSlot(EventTime)
* - округляет время до получаса.
* timeSlots(StartTime, Duration)
* - для интервала времени, начинающегося в StartTime и продолжающегося Duration секунд,
* возвращает массив моментов времени, состоящий из округлений вниз до получаса точек из этого интервала.
* Например, timeSlots(toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:20:00'), 600) = [toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:00:00'), toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:30:00')].
* Это нужно для поиска хитов, входящих в соответствующий визит.
#define TIME_SLOT_SIZE 1800
struct ToYearImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toYear(t); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toYear(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToMonthImpl
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toMonth(t); }
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toMonth(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToDayOfMonthImpl
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toDayOfMonth(t); }
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toDayOfMonth(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToDayOfWeekImpl
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toDayOfWeek(t); }
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toDayOfWeek(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToHourImpl
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toHourInaccurate(t); }
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toHour", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToMinuteImpl
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toMinuteInaccurate(t); }
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toMinute", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToSecondImpl
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toSecondInaccurate(t); }
static inline UInt8 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toSecond", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToMondayImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfWeek(date_lut.toDayNum(t)); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfWeek(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToStartOfMonthImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfMonth(date_lut.toDayNum(t)); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfMonth(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToStartOfQuarterImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfQuarter(date_lut.toDayNum(t)); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfQuarter(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToStartOfYearImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfYear(date_lut.toDayNum(t)); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfYear(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToTimeImpl
/// При переводе во время, дату будем приравнивать к 1970-01-02.
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toTimeInaccurate(t) + 86400; }
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toTime", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToStartOfMinuteImpl
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toStartOfMinuteInaccurate(t); }
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfMinute", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToStartOfHourImpl
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toStartOfHourInaccurate(t); }
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfHour", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToRelativeYearNumImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toYear(t); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toYear(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToRelativeMonthNumImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toRelativeMonthNum(t); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toRelativeMonthNum(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToRelativeWeekNumImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toRelativeWeekNum(t); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toRelativeWeekNum(DayNum_t(d)); }
struct ToRelativeDayNumImpl
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toDayNum(t); }
static inline UInt16 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut) { return static_cast<DayNum_t>(d); }
struct ToRelativeHourNumImpl
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toRelativeHourNum(t); }
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toRelativeHourNum", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToRelativeMinuteNumImpl
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return date_lut.toRelativeMinuteNum(t); }
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toRelativeMinuteNum", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
struct ToRelativeSecondNumImpl
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt32 t, DateLUT & date_lut) { return t; }
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, DateLUT & date_lut)
throw Exception("Illegal type Date of argument for function toRelativeSecondNum", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
template <typename FromType, typename ToType, typename Transform, typename Name>
struct DateTimeTransformImpl
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
DateLUT & date_lut = DateLUT::instance();
if (const ColumnVector<FromType> * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<FromType> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
ColumnVector<ToType> * col_to = new ColumnVector<ToType>;
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_to;
const typename ColumnVector<FromType>::Container_t & vec_from = col_from->getData();
typename ColumnVector<ToType>::Container_t & vec_to = col_to->getData();
size_t size = vec_from.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
vec_to[i] = Transform::execute(vec_from[i], date_lut);
else if (const ColumnConst<FromType> * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<FromType> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConst<ToType>(col_from->size(), Transform::execute(col_from->getData(), date_lut));
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::get(),
template <typename ToDataType, typename Transform, typename Name>
class FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething : public IFunction
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return Name::get();
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
return new ToDataType;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
IDataType * from_type = &*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).type;
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(from_type))
DateTimeTransformImpl<DataTypeDate::FieldType, typename ToDataType::FieldType, Transform, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime * >(from_type))
DateTimeTransformImpl<DataTypeDateTime::FieldType, typename ToDataType::FieldType, Transform, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
throw Exception("Illegal type " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).type->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
/// Получить текущее время. (Оно - константа, вычисляется один раз за весь запрос.)
class FunctionNow : public IFunction
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return "now";
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 0)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 0.",
return new DataTypeDateTime;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConstUInt32(
class FunctionTimeSlot : public IFunction
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return "timeSlot";
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be DateTime.",
return new DataTypeDateTime;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
if (const ColumnUInt32 * times = typeid_cast<const ColumnUInt32 *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
ColumnUInt32 * res = new ColumnUInt32;
ColumnUInt32::Container_t & res_vec = res->getData();
const ColumnUInt32::Container_t & vec = times->getData();
size_t size = vec.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
res_vec[i] = vec[i] / TIME_SLOT_SIZE * TIME_SLOT_SIZE;
block.getByPosition(result).column = res;
else if (const ColumnConstUInt32 * const_times = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstUInt32 *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConstUInt32(block.rowsInFirstColumn(), const_times->getData() / TIME_SLOT_SIZE * TIME_SLOT_SIZE);
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
template <typename DurationType>
struct TimeSlotsImpl
static void vector_vector(
const PODArray<UInt32> & starts, const PODArray<DurationType> & durations,
PODArray<UInt32> & result_values, ColumnArray::Offsets_t & result_offsets)
size_t size = starts.size();
ColumnArray::Offset_t current_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (UInt32 value = starts[i] / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; value <= (starts[i] + durations[i]) / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; ++value)
result_values.push_back(value * TIME_SLOT_SIZE);
result_offsets[i] = current_offset;
static void vector_constant(
const PODArray<UInt32> & starts, DurationType duration,
PODArray<UInt32> & result_values, ColumnArray::Offsets_t & result_offsets)
size_t size = starts.size();
ColumnArray::Offset_t current_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (UInt32 value = starts[i] / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; value <= (starts[i] + duration) / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; ++value)
result_values.push_back(value * TIME_SLOT_SIZE);
result_offsets[i] = current_offset;
static void constant_vector(
UInt32 start, const PODArray<DurationType> & durations,
PODArray<UInt32> & result_values, ColumnArray::Offsets_t & result_offsets)
size_t size = durations.size();
ColumnArray::Offset_t current_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (UInt32 value = start / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; value <= (start + durations[i]) / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; ++value)
result_values.push_back(value * TIME_SLOT_SIZE);
result_offsets[i] = current_offset;
static void constant_constant(
UInt32 start, DurationType duration,
Array & result)
for (UInt32 value = start / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; value <= (start + duration) / TIME_SLOT_SIZE; ++value)
result.push_back(static_cast<UInt64>(value * TIME_SLOT_SIZE));
class FunctionTimeSlots : public IFunction
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return "timeSlots";
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 2.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be DateTime.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 *>(&*arguments[1]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[1]->getName() + " of second argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be UInt32.",
return new DataTypeArray(new DataTypeDateTime);
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const ColumnUInt32 * starts = typeid_cast<const ColumnUInt32 *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column);
const ColumnConstUInt32 * const_starts = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstUInt32 *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column);
const ColumnUInt32 * durations = typeid_cast<const ColumnUInt32 *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column);
const ColumnConstUInt32 * const_durations = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstUInt32 *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column);
ColumnArray * res = new ColumnArray(new ColumnUInt32);
ColumnUInt32::Container_t & res_values = typeid_cast<ColumnUInt32 &>(res->getData()).getData();
if (starts && durations)
TimeSlotsImpl<UInt32>::vector_vector(starts->getData(), durations->getData(), res_values, res->getOffsets());
block.getByPosition(result).column = res;
else if (starts && const_durations)
TimeSlotsImpl<UInt32>::vector_constant(starts->getData(), const_durations->getData(), res_values, res->getOffsets());
block.getByPosition(result).column = res;
else if (const_starts && durations)
TimeSlotsImpl<UInt32>::constant_vector(const_starts->getData(), durations->getData(), res_values, res->getOffsets());
block.getByPosition(result).column = res;
else if (const_starts && const_durations)
Array const_res;
TimeSlotsImpl<UInt32>::constant_constant(const_starts->getData(), const_durations->getData(), const_res);
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConstArray(block.rowsInFirstColumn(), const_res, new DataTypeArray(new DataTypeDateTime));
throw Exception("Illegal columns " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ ", " + block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column->getName()
+ " of arguments of function " + getName(),
struct NameToYear { static const char * get() { return "toYear"; } };
struct NameToMonth { static const char * get() { return "toMonth"; } };
struct NameToDayOfMonth { static const char * get() { return "toDayOfMonth"; } };
struct NameToDayOfWeek { static const char * get() { return "toDayOfWeek"; } };
struct NameToHour { static const char * get() { return "toHour"; } };
struct NameToMinute { static const char * get() { return "toMinute"; } };
struct NameToSecond { static const char * get() { return "toSecond"; } };
struct NameToMonday { static const char * get() { return "toMonday"; } };
struct NameToStartOfMonth { static const char * get() { return "toStartOfMonth"; } };
struct NameToStartOfQuarter { static const char * get() { return "toStartOfQuarter"; } };
struct NameToStartOfYear { static const char * get() { return "toStartOfYear"; } };
struct NameToStartOfMinute { static const char * get() { return "toStartOfMinute"; } };
struct NameToStartOfHour { static const char * get() { return "toStartOfHour"; } };
struct NameToTime { static const char * get() { return "toTime"; } };
struct NameToRelativeYearNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeYearNum"; } };
struct NameToRelativeMonthNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeMonthNum"; } };
struct NameToRelativeWeekNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeWeekNum"; } };
struct NameToRelativeDayNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeDayNum"; } };
struct NameToRelativeHourNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeHourNum"; } };
struct NameToRelativeMinuteNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeMinuteNum"; } };
struct NameToRelativeSecondNum { static const char * get() { return "toRelativeSecondNum"; } };
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt16, ToYearImpl, NameToYear> FunctionToYear;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt8, ToMonthImpl, NameToMonth> FunctionToMonth;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt8, ToDayOfMonthImpl, NameToDayOfMonth> FunctionToDayOfMonth;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt8, ToDayOfWeekImpl, NameToDayOfWeek> FunctionToDayOfWeek;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt8, ToHourImpl, NameToHour> FunctionToHour;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt8, ToMinuteImpl, NameToMinute> FunctionToMinute;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt8, ToSecondImpl, NameToSecond> FunctionToSecond;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDate, ToMondayImpl, NameToMonday> FunctionToMonday;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDate, ToStartOfMonthImpl, NameToStartOfMonth> FunctionToStartOfMonth;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDate, ToStartOfQuarterImpl, NameToStartOfQuarter> FunctionToStartOfQuarter;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDate, ToStartOfYearImpl, NameToStartOfYear> FunctionToStartOfYear;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDateTime, ToStartOfMinuteImpl, NameToStartOfMinute> FunctionToStartOfMinute;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDateTime, ToStartOfHourImpl, NameToStartOfHour> FunctionToStartOfHour;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeDateTime, ToTimeImpl, NameToTime> FunctionToTime;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt16, ToRelativeYearNumImpl, NameToRelativeYearNum> FunctionToRelativeYearNum;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt32, ToRelativeMonthNumImpl, NameToRelativeMonthNum> FunctionToRelativeMonthNum;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt32, ToRelativeWeekNumImpl, NameToRelativeWeekNum> FunctionToRelativeWeekNum;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt32, ToRelativeDayNumImpl, NameToRelativeDayNum> FunctionToRelativeDayNum;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt32, ToRelativeHourNumImpl, NameToRelativeHourNum> FunctionToRelativeHourNum;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt32, ToRelativeMinuteNumImpl, NameToRelativeMinuteNum> FunctionToRelativeMinuteNum;
typedef FunctionDateOrDateTimeToSomething<DataTypeUInt32, ToRelativeSecondNumImpl, NameToRelativeSecondNum> FunctionToRelativeSecondNum;