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source /usr/share/clickhouse-test/ci/utils.lib
function attach_gdb_to_clickhouse()
# Set follow-fork-mode to parent, because we attach to clickhouse-server, not to watchdog
# and clickhouse-server can do fork-exec, for example, to run some bridge.
# Do not set nostop noprint for all signals, because some it may cause gdb to hang,
# explicitly ignore non-fatal signals that are used by server.
# Number of SIGRTMIN can be determined only in runtime.
echo "
set follow-fork-mode parent
handle SIGHUP nostop noprint pass
handle SIGINT nostop noprint pass
handle SIGQUIT nostop noprint pass
handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint pass
handle SIGTERM nostop noprint pass
handle SIGUSR1 nostop noprint pass
handle SIGUSR2 nostop noprint pass
handle SIG$RTMIN nostop noprint pass
info signals
backtrace full
thread apply all backtrace full
info registers
disassemble /s
disassemble /s
disassemble /s
p \"done\"
" > script.gdb
# FIXME Hung check may work incorrectly because of attached gdb
# We cannot attach another gdb to get stacktraces if some queries hung
gdb -batch -command script.gdb -p "$(cat /var/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.pid)" | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' >> /test_output/gdb.log &
sleep 5
# gdb will send SIGSTOP, spend some time loading debug info and then send SIGCONT, wait for it (up to send_timeout, 300s)
run_with_retry 60 clickhouse-client --query "SELECT 'Connected to clickhouse-server after attaching gdb'"
# vi: ft=bash