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#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#if defined(__SSE2__)
#include <emmintrin.h>
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
#include <nmmintrin.h>
/** find_first_symbols<c1, c2, ...>(begin, end):
* Allow to search for next character from the set of 'symbols...' in a string.
* It is similar to 'strpbrk', 'strcspn' (and 'strchr', 'memchr' in the case of one symbol and '\0'),
* but with the following differencies:
* - works with any memory ranges, including containing zero bytes;
* - doesn't require terminating zero byte: end of memory range is passed explicitly;
* - if not found, returns pointer to end instead of nullptr;
* - maximum number of symbols to search is 16.
* Uses SSE 2 in case of small number of symbols for search and SSE 4.2 in the case of large number of symbols,
* that have more than 2x performance advantage over trivial loop
* in the case of parsing tab-separated dump with (probably escaped) string fields.
* In the case of parsing tab separated dump with short strings, there is no performance degradation over trivial loop.
* Note: the optimal threshold to choose between SSE 2 and SSE 4.2 may depend on CPU model.
* find_last_symbols_or_null<c1, c2, ...>(begin, end):
* Allow to search for the last matching character in a string.
* If no such characters, returns nullptr.
namespace detail
template <char s0>
inline bool is_in(char x)
return x == s0;
template <char s0, char s1, char... tail>
inline bool is_in(char x)
return x == s0 || is_in<s1, tail...>(x);
#if defined(__SSE2__)
template <char s0>
inline __m128i mm_is_in(__m128i bytes)
__m128i eq0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(bytes, _mm_set1_epi8(s0));
return eq0;
template <char s0, char s1, char... tail>
inline __m128i mm_is_in(__m128i bytes)
__m128i eq0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(bytes, _mm_set1_epi8(s0));
__m128i eq = mm_is_in<s1, tail...>(bytes);
return _mm_or_si128(eq0, eq);
template <bool positive>
bool maybe_negate(bool x)
if constexpr (positive)
return x;
return !x;
template <bool positive>
uint16_t maybe_negate(uint16_t x)
if constexpr (positive)
return x;
return ~x;
enum class ReturnMode
template <bool positive, ReturnMode return_mode, char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_symbols_sse2(const char * const begin, const char * const end)
const char * pos = begin;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
for (; pos + 15 < end; pos += 16)
__m128i bytes = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(pos));
__m128i eq = mm_is_in<symbols...>(bytes);
uint16_t bit_mask = maybe_negate<positive>(uint16_t(_mm_movemask_epi8(eq)));
if (bit_mask)
return pos + __builtin_ctz(bit_mask);
for (; pos < end; ++pos)
if (maybe_negate<positive>(is_in<symbols...>(*pos)))
return pos;
return return_mode == ReturnMode::End ? end : nullptr;
template <bool positive, ReturnMode return_mode, char... symbols>
inline const char * find_last_symbols_sse2(const char * const begin, const char * const end)
const char * pos = end;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
for (; pos - 16 >= begin; pos -= 16) /// Assuming the pointer cannot overflow. Assuming we can compare these pointers.
__m128i bytes = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(pos - 16));
__m128i eq = mm_is_in<symbols...>(bytes);
uint16_t bit_mask = maybe_negate<positive>(uint16_t(_mm_movemask_epi8(eq)));
if (bit_mask)
return pos - 1 - (__builtin_clz(bit_mask) - 16); /// because __builtin_clz works with mask as uint32.
for (; pos >= begin; --pos)
if (maybe_negate<positive>(is_in<symbols...>(*pos)))
return pos;
return return_mode == ReturnMode::End ? end : nullptr;
template <bool positive, ReturnMode return_mode, size_t num_chars,
char c01, char c02 = 0, char c03 = 0, char c04 = 0,
char c05 = 0, char c06 = 0, char c07 = 0, char c08 = 0,
char c09 = 0, char c10 = 0, char c11 = 0, char c12 = 0,
char c13 = 0, char c14 = 0, char c15 = 0, char c16 = 0>
inline const char * find_first_symbols_sse42_impl(const char * const begin, const char * const end)
const char * pos = begin;
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
__m128i set = _mm_setr_epi8(c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16);
for (; pos + 15 < end; pos += 16)
__m128i bytes = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(pos));
if constexpr (positive)
if (_mm_cmpestrc(set, num_chars, bytes, 16, MODE))
return pos + _mm_cmpestri(set, num_chars, bytes, 16, MODE);
if (_mm_cmpestrc(set, num_chars, bytes, 16, MODE | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY))
return pos + _mm_cmpestri(set, num_chars, bytes, 16, MODE | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY);
#undef MODE
for (; pos < end; ++pos)
if ( (num_chars >= 1 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c01))
|| (num_chars >= 2 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c02))
|| (num_chars >= 3 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c03))
|| (num_chars >= 4 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c04))
|| (num_chars >= 5 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c05))
|| (num_chars >= 6 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c06))
|| (num_chars >= 7 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c07))
|| (num_chars >= 8 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c08))
|| (num_chars >= 9 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c09))
|| (num_chars >= 10 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c10))
|| (num_chars >= 11 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c11))
|| (num_chars >= 12 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c12))
|| (num_chars >= 13 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c13))
|| (num_chars >= 14 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c14))
|| (num_chars >= 15 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c15))
|| (num_chars >= 16 && maybe_negate<positive>(*pos == c16)))
return pos;
return return_mode == ReturnMode::End ? end : nullptr;
template <bool positive, ReturnMode return_mode, char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_symbols_sse42(const char * begin, const char * end)
return find_first_symbols_sse42_impl<positive, return_mode, sizeof...(symbols), symbols...>(begin, end);
/// NOTE No SSE 4.2 implementation for find_last_symbols_or_null. Not worth to do.
template <bool positive, ReturnMode return_mode, char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_symbols_dispatch(const char * begin, const char * end)
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
if (sizeof...(symbols) >= 5)
return find_first_symbols_sse42<positive, return_mode, symbols...>(begin, end);
return find_first_symbols_sse2<positive, return_mode, symbols...>(begin, end);
template <char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_symbols(const char * begin, const char * end)
return detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<true, detail::ReturnMode::End, symbols...>(begin, end);
/// Returning non const result for non const arguments.
/// It is convenient when you are using this function to iterate through non-const buffer.
template <char... symbols>
inline char * find_first_symbols(char * begin, char * end)
return const_cast<char *>(detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<true, detail::ReturnMode::End, symbols...>(begin, end));
template <char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_not_symbols(const char * begin, const char * end)
return detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<false, detail::ReturnMode::End, symbols...>(begin, end);
template <char... symbols>
inline char * find_first_not_symbols(char * begin, char * end)
return const_cast<char *>(detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<false, detail::ReturnMode::End, symbols...>(begin, end));
template <char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_symbols_or_null(const char * begin, const char * end)
return detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<true, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end);
template <char... symbols>
inline char * find_first_symbols_or_null(char * begin, char * end)
return const_cast<char *>(detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<true, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end));
template <char... symbols>
inline const char * find_first_not_symbols_or_null(const char * begin, const char * end)
return detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<false, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end);
template <char... symbols>
inline char * find_first_not_symbols_or_null(char * begin, char * end)
return const_cast<char *>(detail::find_first_symbols_dispatch<false, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end));
template <char... symbols>
inline const char * find_last_symbols_or_null(const char * begin, const char * end)
return detail::find_last_symbols_sse2<true, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end);
template <char... symbols>
inline char * find_last_symbols_or_null(char * begin, char * end)
return const_cast<char *>(detail::find_last_symbols_sse2<true, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end));
template <char... symbols>
inline const char * find_last_not_symbols_or_null(const char * begin, const char * end)
return detail::find_last_symbols_sse2<false, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end);
template <char... symbols>
inline char * find_last_not_symbols_or_null(char * begin, char * end)
return const_cast<char *>(detail::find_last_symbols_sse2<false, detail::ReturnMode::Nullptr, symbols...>(begin, end));
/// Slightly resembles boost::split. The drawback of boost::split is that it fires a false positive in clang static analyzer.
/// See https://github.com/boostorg/algorithm/issues/63
/// And https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41141
template <char... symbols, typename To>
inline void splitInto(To & to, const std::string & what, bool token_compress = false)
const char * pos = what.data();
const char * end = pos + what.size();
while (pos < end)
const char * delimiter_or_end = find_first_symbols<symbols...>(pos, end);
if (!token_compress || pos < delimiter_or_end)
to.emplace_back(pos, delimiter_or_end - pos);
if (delimiter_or_end < end)
pos = delimiter_or_end + 1;
pos = delimiter_or_end;