Maksim Kita 084bd03672
Merge pull request #21692 from azat/dict-ip_trie-access_to_key_from_attributes
Fix SIGSEGV on not existing attributes from ip_trie with access_to_key_from_attributes
2021-03-13 23:13:26 +03:00

468 lines
16 KiB

#include "DictionaryStructure.h"
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeFactory.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/Operators.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <ext/range.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int UNKNOWN_TYPE;
extern const int ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND;
extern const int TYPE_MISMATCH;
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
DictionaryTypedSpecialAttribute makeDictionaryTypedSpecialAttribute(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_prefix, const std::string & default_type)
const auto name = config.getString(config_prefix + ".name", "");
const auto expression = config.getString(config_prefix + ".expression", "");
if (name.empty() && !expression.empty())
throw Exception{"Element " + config_prefix + ".name is empty", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
const auto type_name = config.getString(config_prefix + ".type", default_type);
return DictionaryTypedSpecialAttribute{std::move(name), std::move(expression), DataTypeFactory::instance().get(type_name)};
AttributeUnderlyingType getAttributeUnderlyingType(const DataTypePtr & type)
auto type_index = type->getTypeId();
switch (type_index)
case TypeIndex::UInt8: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt8;
case TypeIndex::UInt16: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt16;
case TypeIndex::UInt32: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt32;
case TypeIndex::UInt64: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt64;
case TypeIndex::UInt128: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt128;
case TypeIndex::Int8: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt8;
case TypeIndex::Int16: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt16;
case TypeIndex::Int32: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt32;
case TypeIndex::Int64: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt64;
case TypeIndex::Float32: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utFloat32;
case TypeIndex::Float64: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utFloat64;
case TypeIndex::Decimal32: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal32;
case TypeIndex::Decimal64: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal64;
case TypeIndex::Decimal128: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal128;
case TypeIndex::Date: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt16;
case TypeIndex::DateTime: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt32;
case TypeIndex::DateTime64: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt64;
case TypeIndex::UUID: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt128;
case TypeIndex::String: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utString;
// Temporary hack to allow arrays in keys, since they are never retrieved for polygon dictionaries.
// TODO: This should be fixed by fully supporting arrays in dictionaries.
case TypeIndex::Array: return AttributeUnderlyingType::utString;
default: break;
throw Exception{"Unknown type for dictionary" + type->getName(), ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TYPE};
std::string toString(const AttributeUnderlyingType type)
switch (type)
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt8:
return "UInt8";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt16:
return "UInt16";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt32:
return "UInt32";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt64:
return "UInt64";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utUInt128:
return "UUID";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt8:
return "Int8";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt16:
return "Int16";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt32:
return "Int32";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utInt64:
return "Int64";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utFloat32:
return "Float32";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utFloat64:
return "Float64";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal32:
return "Decimal32";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal64:
return "Decimal64";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utDecimal128:
return "Decimal128";
case AttributeUnderlyingType::utString:
return "String";
throw Exception{"Unknown attribute_type " + toString(static_cast<int>(type)), ErrorCodes::ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND};
DictionarySpecialAttribute::DictionarySpecialAttribute(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_prefix)
: name{config.getString(config_prefix + ".name", "")}, expression{config.getString(config_prefix + ".expression", "")}
if (name.empty() && !expression.empty())
throw Exception{"Element " + config_prefix + ".name is empty", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
DictionaryStructure::DictionaryStructure(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_prefix)
std::string structure_prefix = config_prefix + ".structure";
const auto has_id = config.has(structure_prefix + ".id");
const auto has_key = config.has(structure_prefix + ".key");
if (has_key && has_id)
throw Exception{"Only one of 'id' and 'key' should be specified", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
if (has_id)
id.emplace(config, structure_prefix + ".id");
else if (has_key)
key.emplace(getAttributes(config, structure_prefix + ".key", true));
if (key->empty())
throw Exception{"Empty 'key' supplied", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
throw Exception{"Dictionary structure should specify either 'id' or 'key'", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
if (id)
if (id->name.empty())
throw Exception{"'id' cannot be empty", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
const char * range_default_type = "Date";
if (config.has(structure_prefix + ".range_min"))
range_min.emplace(makeDictionaryTypedSpecialAttribute(config, structure_prefix + ".range_min", range_default_type));
if (config.has(structure_prefix + ".range_max"))
range_max.emplace(makeDictionaryTypedSpecialAttribute(config, structure_prefix + ".range_max", range_default_type));
if (range_min.has_value() != range_max.has_value())
throw Exception{"Dictionary structure should have both 'range_min' and 'range_max' either specified or not.",
if (range_min && range_max && !range_min->type->equals(*range_max->type))
throw Exception{"Dictionary structure 'range_min' and 'range_max' should have same type, "
"'range_min' type: "
+ range_min->type->getName()
+ ", "
"'range_max' type: "
+ range_max->type->getName(),
if (range_min)
if (!range_min->type->isValueRepresentedByInteger())
throw Exception{"Dictionary structure type of 'range_min' and 'range_max' should be an integer, Date, DateTime, or Enum."
" Actual 'range_min' and 'range_max' type is "
+ range_min->type->getName(),
if (!id->expression.empty() || (range_min && !range_min->expression.empty()) || (range_max && !range_max->expression.empty()))
has_expressions = true;
attributes = getAttributes(config, structure_prefix, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i)
const auto & attribute_name = attributes[i].name;
attribute_name_to_index[attribute_name] = i;
if (attributes.empty())
throw Exception{"Dictionary has no attributes defined", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
if (config.getBool(config_prefix + ".layout.ip_trie.access_to_key_from_attributes", false))
access_to_key_from_attributes = true;
void DictionaryStructure::validateKeyTypes(const DataTypes & key_types) const
if (key_types.size() != key->size())
throw Exception{"Key structure does not match, expected " + getKeyDescription(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH};
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, key_types.size()))
const auto & expected_type = (*key)[i].type;
const auto & actual_type = key_types[i];
if (!areTypesEqual(expected_type, actual_type))
throw Exception{"Key type at position " + std::to_string(i) + " does not match, expected " + expected_type->getName() + ", found "
+ actual_type->getName(),
const DictionaryAttribute & DictionaryStructure::getAttribute(const std::string & attribute_name) const
auto it = attribute_name_to_index.find(attribute_name);
if (it == attribute_name_to_index.end())
if (!access_to_key_from_attributes)
throw Exception{"No such attribute '" + attribute_name + "'", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
for (const auto & key_attribute : *key)
if ( == attribute_name)
return key_attribute;
throw Exception{"No such attribute '" + attribute_name + "' in keys", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
size_t attribute_index = it->second;
return attributes[attribute_index];
const DictionaryAttribute & DictionaryStructure::getAttribute(const std::string & attribute_name, const DataTypePtr & type) const
const auto & attribute = getAttribute(attribute_name);
if (!areTypesEqual(attribute.type, type))
throw Exception{"Attribute type does not match, expected " + attribute.type->getName() + ", found " + type->getName(),
return attribute;
size_t DictionaryStructure::getKeysSize() const
if (id)
return 1;
return key->size();
std::string DictionaryStructure::getKeyDescription() const
if (id)
return "UInt64";
WriteBufferFromOwnString out;
out << '(';
auto first = true;
for (const auto & key_i : *key)
if (!first)
out << ", ";
first = false;
out << key_i.type->getName();
out << ')';
return out.str();
bool DictionaryStructure::isKeySizeFixed() const
if (!key)
return true;
for (const auto & key_i : *key)
if (key_i.underlying_type == AttributeUnderlyingType::utString)
return false;
return true;
size_t DictionaryStructure::getKeySize() const
return std::accumulate(std::begin(*key), std::end(*key), size_t{}, [](const auto running_size, const auto & key_i)
return running_size + key_i.type->getSizeOfValueInMemory();
Strings DictionaryStructure::getKeysNames() const
if (id)
return { id->name };
const auto & key_attributes = *key;
Strings keys_names;
for (const auto & key_attribute : key_attributes)
return keys_names;
static void checkAttributeKeys(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys & keys)
static const std::unordered_set<std::string> valid_keys
= {"name", "type", "expression", "null_value", "hierarchical", "injective", "is_object_id"};
for (const auto & key : keys)
if (valid_keys.find(key) == valid_keys.end())
throw Exception{"Unknown key '" + key + "' inside attribute section", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
std::vector<DictionaryAttribute> DictionaryStructure::getAttributes(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const std::string & config_prefix,
bool complex_key_attributes)
/// If we request complex key attributes they does not support hierarchy and does not allow null values
const bool hierarchy_allowed = !complex_key_attributes;
const bool allow_null_values = !complex_key_attributes;
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys config_elems;
config.keys(config_prefix, config_elems);
auto has_hierarchy = false;
std::unordered_set<String> attribute_names;
std::vector<DictionaryAttribute> res_attributes;
const FormatSettings format_settings;
for (const auto & config_elem : config_elems)
if (!startsWith(config_elem, "attribute"))
const auto prefix = config_prefix + '.' + config_elem + '.';
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys attribute_keys;
config.keys(config_prefix + '.' + config_elem, attribute_keys);
const auto name = config.getString(prefix + "name");
/// Don't include range_min and range_max in attributes list, otherwise
/// columns will be duplicated
if ((range_min && name == range_min->name) || (range_max && name == range_max->name))
auto insert_result = attribute_names.insert(name);
bool inserted = insert_result.second;
if (!inserted)
throw Exception(
"Dictionary attributes names must be unique. Attribute name ({}) is not unique",
const auto type_string = config.getString(prefix + "type");
const auto initial_type = DataTypeFactory::instance().get(type_string);
auto type = initial_type;
bool is_array = false;
bool is_nullable = false;
if (type->isNullable())
is_nullable = true;
type = removeNullable(type);
const auto underlying_type = getAttributeUnderlyingType(type);
const auto expression = config.getString(prefix + "expression", "");
if (!expression.empty())
has_expressions = true;
Field null_value;
if (allow_null_values)
const auto null_value_string = config.getString(prefix + "null_value");
if (null_value_string.empty())
null_value = type->getDefault();
ReadBufferFromString null_value_buffer{null_value_string};
auto column_with_null_value = type->createColumn();
type->deserializeAsTextEscaped(*column_with_null_value, null_value_buffer, format_settings);
null_value = (*column_with_null_value)[0];
catch (Exception & e)
String dictionary_name = config.getString("", "");
e.addMessage("While parsing null_value for attribute with name " + name
+ " in dictionary " + dictionary_name);
const auto hierarchical = config.getBool(prefix + "hierarchical", false);
const auto injective = config.getBool(prefix + "injective", false);
const auto is_object_id = config.getBool(prefix + "is_object_id", false);
if (name.empty())
throw Exception{"Properties 'name' and 'type' of an attribute cannot be empty", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
if (has_hierarchy && !hierarchy_allowed)
throw Exception{"Hierarchy not allowed in '" + prefix, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
if (has_hierarchy && hierarchical)
throw Exception{"Only one hierarchical attribute supported", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
has_hierarchy = has_hierarchy || hierarchical;
return res_attributes;