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#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
extern const int INCORRECT_FILE_NAME;
extern const int DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED;
extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST;
/// A function to read file as a string.
class FunctionFile : public IFunction, WithContext
static constexpr auto name = "file";
static FunctionPtr create(ContextPtr context_) { return std::make_shared<FunctionFile>(context_); }
explicit FunctionFile(ContextPtr context_) : WithContext(context_) {}
String getName() const override { return name; }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 1; }
bool isInjective(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName &) const override { return true; }
bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo & /*arguments*/) const override { return true; }
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const override
if (!isString(arguments[0].type))
throw Exception(getName() + " is only implemented for types String", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return std::make_shared<DataTypeString>();
bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; }
ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr &, size_t input_rows_count) const override
const ColumnPtr column = arguments[0].column;
const ColumnString * expected = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnString>(column.get());
if (!expected)
throw Exception(
fmt::format("Illegal column {} of argument of function {}", arguments[0].column->getName(), getName()),
const ColumnString::Chars & chars = expected->getChars();
const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets = expected->getOffsets();
std::vector<String> checked_filenames(input_rows_count);
auto result = ColumnString::create();
auto & res_chars = result->getChars();
auto & res_offsets = result->getOffsets();
size_t source_offset = 0;
size_t result_offset = 0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < input_rows_count; ++row)
const char * filename = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&chars[source_offset]);
fs::path user_files_absolute_path = fs::canonical(fs::path(getContext()->getUserFilesPath()));
fs::path file_path(filename);
if (file_path.is_relative())
file_path = user_files_absolute_path / file_path;
fs::path file_absolute_path = fs::canonical(file_path);
checkReadIsAllowedOrThrow(user_files_absolute_path.string(), file_absolute_path);
checked_filenames[row] = file_absolute_path.string();
if (!fs::exists(file_absolute_path))
throw Exception(fmt::format("File {} doesn't exist.", file_absolute_path.string()), ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST);
const auto current_file_size = fs::file_size(file_absolute_path);
result_offset += current_file_size + 1;
res_offsets[row] = result_offset;
source_offset = offsets[row];
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t row = 0; row < input_rows_count; ++row)
auto file_absolute_path = checked_filenames[row];
ReadBufferFromFile in(file_absolute_path);
char * res_buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&res_chars[prev_offset]);
const size_t file_lenght = res_offsets[row] - prev_offset - 1;
prev_offset = res_offsets[row];
in.readStrict(res_buf, file_lenght);
res_buf[file_lenght] = '\0';
return result;
void checkReadIsAllowedOrThrow(const std::string & user_files_absolute_path, const std::string & file_absolute_path) const
// If run in Local mode, no need for path checking.
if (getContext()->getApplicationType() != Context::ApplicationType::LOCAL)
if (file_absolute_path.find(user_files_absolute_path) != 0)
throw Exception("File is not inside " + user_files_absolute_path, ErrorCodes::DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED);
fs::path fs_path(file_absolute_path);
if (fs::exists(fs_path) && fs::is_directory(fs_path))
throw Exception("File can't be a directory", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_FILE_NAME);
void registerFunctionFile(FunctionFactory & factory)