Ivan 97f2a2213e
Move all folders inside /dbms one level up (#9974)
* Move some code outside dbms/src folder
* Fix paths
2020-04-02 02:51:21 +03:00

549 lines
20 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Poco/Timespan.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <DataStreams/SizeLimits.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <common/StringRef.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace DB
class Field;
struct SettingChange;
using SettingsChanges = std::vector<SettingChange>;
class ReadBuffer;
class WriteBuffer;
enum class SettingsBinaryFormat;
/** One setting for any type.
* Stores a value within itself, as well as a flag - whether the value was changed.
* This is done so that you can send to the remote servers only changed settings (or explicitly specified in the config) values.
* That is, if the configuration was not specified in the config and was not dynamically changed, it is not sent to the remote server,
* and the remote server will use its default value.
template <typename Type>
struct SettingNumber
Type value;
bool changed = false;
SettingNumber(Type x = 0) : value(x) {}
operator Type() const { return value; }
SettingNumber & operator= (Type x) { set(x); return *this; }
/// Serialize to a test string.
String toString() const;
/// Converts to a field.
Field toField() const;
void set(Type x);
/// Read from SQL literal.
void set(const Field & x);
/// Read from text string.
void set(const String & x);
/// Serialize to binary stream suitable for transfer over network.
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
/// Read from binary stream.
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
using SettingUInt64 = SettingNumber<UInt64>;
using SettingInt64 = SettingNumber<Int64>;
using SettingFloat = SettingNumber<float>;
using SettingBool = SettingNumber<bool>;
/** Unlike SettingUInt64, supports the value of 'auto' - the number of processor cores without taking into account SMT.
* A value of 0 is also treated as auto.
* When serializing, `auto` is written in the same way as 0.
struct SettingMaxThreads
UInt64 value;
bool is_auto;
bool changed = false;
SettingMaxThreads(UInt64 x = 0) : value(x ? x : getAutoValue()), is_auto(x == 0) {}
operator UInt64() const { return value; }
SettingMaxThreads & operator= (UInt64 x) { set(x); return *this; }
String toString() const;
Field toField() const;
void set(UInt64 x);
void set(const Field & x);
void set(const String & x);
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
void setAuto();
static UInt64 getAutoValue();
enum class SettingTimespanIO { MILLISECOND, SECOND };
template <SettingTimespanIO io_unit>
struct SettingTimespan
Poco::Timespan value;
bool changed = false;
SettingTimespan(UInt64 x = 0) : value(x * microseconds_per_io_unit) {}
operator Poco::Timespan() const { return value; }
SettingTimespan & operator= (const Poco::Timespan & x) { set(x); return *this; }
Poco::Timespan::TimeDiff totalSeconds() const { return value.totalSeconds(); }
Poco::Timespan::TimeDiff totalMilliseconds() const { return value.totalMilliseconds(); }
String toString() const;
Field toField() const;
void set(const Poco::Timespan & x);
void set(UInt64 x);
void set(const Field & x);
void set(const String & x);
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
static constexpr UInt64 microseconds_per_io_unit = (io_unit == SettingTimespanIO::MILLISECOND) ? 1000 : 1000000;
using SettingSeconds = SettingTimespan<SettingTimespanIO::SECOND>;
using SettingMilliseconds = SettingTimespan<SettingTimespanIO::MILLISECOND>;
struct SettingString
String value;
bool changed = false;
SettingString(const String & x = String{}) : value(x) {}
operator String() const { return value; }
SettingString & operator= (const String & x) { set(x); return *this; }
String toString() const;
Field toField() const;
void set(const String & x);
void set(const Field & x);
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
struct SettingChar
char value;
bool changed = false;
SettingChar(char x = '\0') : value(x) {}
operator char() const { return value; }
SettingChar & operator= (char x) { set(x); return *this; }
String toString() const;
Field toField() const;
void set(char x);
void set(const String & x);
void set(const Field & x);
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
/// Template class to define enum-based settings.
template <typename EnumType, typename Tag = void>
struct SettingEnum
EnumType value;
bool changed = false;
SettingEnum(EnumType x) : value(x) {}
operator EnumType() const { return value; }
SettingEnum & operator= (EnumType x) { set(x); return *this; }
String toString() const;
Field toField() const;
void set(EnumType x) { value = x; changed = true; }
void set(const Field & x);
void set(const String & x);
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
struct SettingURI
Poco::URI value;
bool changed = false;
SettingURI(const Poco::URI & x = Poco::URI{}) : value(x) {}
operator Poco::URI() const { return value; }
SettingURI & operator= (const Poco::URI & x) { set(x); return *this; }
String toString() const;
Field toField() const;
void set(const Poco::URI & x);
void set(const Field & x);
void set(const String & x);
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format) const;
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format);
enum class LoadBalancing
/// among replicas with a minimum number of errors selected randomly
/// a replica is selected among the replicas with the minimum number of errors
/// with the minimum number of distinguished characters in the replica name and local hostname
/// replicas are walked through strictly in order; the number of errors does not matter
/// if first replica one has higher number of errors,
/// pick a random one from replicas with minimum number of errors
using SettingLoadBalancing = SettingEnum<LoadBalancing>;
enum class JoinStrictness
Unspecified = 0, /// Query JOIN without strictness will throw Exception.
ALL, /// Query JOIN without strictness -> ALL JOIN ...
ANY, /// Query JOIN without strictness -> ANY JOIN ...
using SettingJoinStrictness = SettingEnum<JoinStrictness>;
enum class JoinAlgorithm
AUTO = 0,
using SettingJoinAlgorithm = SettingEnum<JoinAlgorithm>;
/// Which rows should be included in TOTALS.
enum class TotalsMode
BEFORE_HAVING = 0, /// Count HAVING for all read rows;
/// including those not in max_rows_to_group_by
/// and have not passed HAVING after grouping.
AFTER_HAVING_INCLUSIVE = 1, /// Count on all rows except those that have not passed HAVING;
/// that is, to include in TOTALS all the rows that did not pass max_rows_to_group_by.
AFTER_HAVING_EXCLUSIVE = 2, /// Include only the rows that passed and max_rows_to_group_by, and HAVING.
AFTER_HAVING_AUTO = 3, /// Automatically select between INCLUSIVE and EXCLUSIVE,
using SettingTotalsMode = SettingEnum<TotalsMode>;
/// The settings keeps OverflowMode which cannot be OverflowMode::ANY.
using SettingOverflowMode = SettingEnum<OverflowMode>;
struct SettingOverflowModeGroupByTag;
/// The settings keeps OverflowMode which can be OverflowMode::ANY.
using SettingOverflowModeGroupBy = SettingEnum<OverflowMode, SettingOverflowModeGroupByTag>;
/// The setting for executing distributed subqueries inside IN or JOIN sections.
enum class DistributedProductMode
DENY = 0, /// Disable
LOCAL, /// Convert to local query
GLOBAL, /// Convert to global query
ALLOW /// Enable
using SettingDistributedProductMode = SettingEnum<DistributedProductMode>;
using SettingDateTimeInputFormat = SettingEnum<FormatSettings::DateTimeInputFormat>;
enum class LogsLevel
none = 0, /// Disable
using SettingLogsLevel = SettingEnum<LogsLevel>;
enum class SettingsBinaryFormat
OLD, /// Part of the settings are serialized as strings, and other part as varints. This is the old behaviour.
STRINGS, /// All settings are serialized as strings. Before each value the flag `is_ignorable` is serialized.
/** Template class to define collections of settings.
* Example of usage:
* mysettings.h:
* struct MySettings : public SettingsCollection<MySettings>
* {
* M(SettingUInt64, a, 100, "Description of a", 0) \
* M(SettingFloat, f, 3.11, "Description of f", IMPORTANT) // IMPORTANT - means the setting can't be ignored by older versions) \
* M(SettingString, s, "default", "Description of s", 0)
* };
* mysettings.cpp:
template <class Derived>
class SettingsCollection
Derived & castToDerived() { return *static_cast<Derived *>(this); }
const Derived & castToDerived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived *>(this); }
struct MemberInfo
using IsChangedFunction = bool (*)(const Derived &);
using GetStringFunction = String (*)(const Derived &);
using GetFieldFunction = Field (*)(const Derived &);
using SetStringFunction = void (*)(Derived &, const String &);
using SetFieldFunction = void (*)(Derived &, const Field &);
using SerializeFunction = void (*)(const Derived &, WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat);
using DeserializeFunction = void (*)(Derived &, ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat);
using ValueToStringFunction = String (*)(const Field &);
using ValueToCorrespondingTypeFunction = Field (*)(const Field &);
StringRef name;
StringRef description;
StringRef type;
bool is_important;
IsChangedFunction is_changed;
GetStringFunction get_string;
GetFieldFunction get_field;
SetStringFunction set_string;
SetFieldFunction set_field;
SerializeFunction serialize;
DeserializeFunction deserialize;
ValueToStringFunction value_to_string;
ValueToCorrespondingTypeFunction value_to_corresponding_type;
class MemberInfos
size_t size() const { return infos.size(); }
const MemberInfo * data() const { return; }
const MemberInfo & operator[](size_t index) const { return infos[index]; }
const MemberInfo * find(const StringRef & name) const;
const MemberInfo & findStrict(const StringRef & name) const;
size_t findIndex(const StringRef & name) const;
size_t findIndexStrict(const StringRef & name) const;
void add(MemberInfo && member);
std::vector<MemberInfo> infos;
std::unordered_map<StringRef, size_t> by_name_map;
static const MemberInfos & members();
class const_iterator;
/// Provides read-only access to a setting.
class const_reference
const_reference(const Derived & collection_, const MemberInfo & member_) : collection(&collection_), member(&member_) {}
const_reference(const const_reference & src) = default;
const StringRef & getName() const { return member->name; }
const StringRef & getDescription() const { return member->description; }
const StringRef & getType() const { return member->type; }
bool isChanged() const { return member->is_changed(*collection); }
Field getValue() const;
String getValueAsString() const { return member->get_string(*collection); }
friend class SettingsCollection<Derived>::const_iterator;
const_reference() : collection(nullptr), member(nullptr) {}
const_reference & operator=(const const_reference &) = default;
const Derived * collection;
const MemberInfo * member;
/// Provides access to a setting.
class reference : public const_reference
reference(Derived & collection_, const MemberInfo & member_) : const_reference(collection_, member_) {}
reference(const const_reference & src) : const_reference(src) {}
void setValue(const Field & value) { this->member->set_field(*const_cast<Derived *>(this->collection), value); }
void setValue(const String & value) { this->member->set_string(*const_cast<Derived *>(this->collection), value); }
/// Iterator to iterating through all the settings.
class const_iterator
const_iterator(const Derived & collection_, const MemberInfo * member_) : ref(const_cast<Derived &>(collection_), *member_) {}
const_iterator() = default;
const_iterator(const const_iterator & src) = default;
const_iterator & operator =(const const_iterator & src) = default;
const const_reference & operator *() const { return ref; }
const const_reference * operator ->() const { return &ref; }
const_iterator & operator ++() { ++ref.member; return *this; }
const_iterator operator ++(int) { const_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator ==(const const_iterator & rhs) const { return ref.member == rhs.ref.member && ref.collection == rhs.ref.collection; }
bool operator !=(const const_iterator & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
mutable reference ref;
class iterator : public const_iterator
iterator(Derived & collection_, const MemberInfo * member_) : const_iterator(collection_, member_) {}
iterator() = default;
iterator(const const_iterator & src) : const_iterator(src) {}
iterator & operator =(const const_iterator & src) { const_iterator::operator =(src); return *this; }
reference & operator *() const { return this->ref; }
reference * operator ->() const { return &this->ref; }
iterator & operator ++() { const_iterator::operator ++(); return *this; }
iterator operator ++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
/// Returns the number of settings.
static size_t size() { return members().size(); }
/// Returns name of a setting by its index (0..size()-1).
static StringRef getName(size_t index) { return members()[index].name; }
/// Returns description of a setting.
static StringRef getDescription(size_t index) { return members()[index].description; }
static StringRef getDescription(const String & name) { return members().findStrict(name).description; }
/// Searches a setting by its name; returns `npos` if not found.
static size_t findIndex(const StringRef & name) { return members().findIndex(name); }
static constexpr size_t npos = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
/// Searches a setting by its name; throws an exception if not found.
static size_t findIndexStrict(const StringRef & name) { return members().findIndexStrict(name); }
/// Casts a value to a string according to a specified setting without actual changing this settings.
static String valueToString(size_t index, const Field & value) { return members()[index].value_to_string(value); }
static String valueToString(const StringRef & name, const Field & value) { return members().findStrict(name).value_to_string(value); }
/// Casts a value to a type according to a specified setting without actual changing this settings.
/// E.g. for SettingInt64 it casts Field to Field::Types::Int64.
static Field valueToCorrespondingType(size_t index, const Field & value);
static Field valueToCorrespondingType(const StringRef & name, const Field & value);
iterator begin() { return iterator(castToDerived(), members().data()); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(castToDerived(), members().data()); }
iterator end() { const auto & the_members = members(); return iterator(castToDerived(), + the_members.size()); }
const_iterator end() const { const auto & the_members = members(); return const_iterator(castToDerived(), + the_members.size()); }
/// Returns a proxy object for accessing to a setting. Throws an exception if there is not setting with such name.
reference operator[](size_t index) { return reference(castToDerived(), members()[index]); }
reference operator[](const StringRef & name) { return reference(castToDerived(), members().findStrict(name)); }
const_reference operator[](size_t index) const { return const_reference(castToDerived(), members()[index]); }
const_reference operator[](const StringRef & name) const { return const_reference(castToDerived(), members().findStrict(name)); }
/// Searches a setting by its name; returns end() if not found.
iterator find(const StringRef & name);
const_iterator find(const StringRef & name) const;
/// Searches a setting by its name; throws an exception if not found.
iterator findStrict(const StringRef & name);
const_iterator findStrict(const StringRef & name) const;
/// Sets setting's value.
void set(size_t index, const Field & value) { (*this)[index].setValue(value); }
void set(const StringRef & name, const Field & value) { (*this)[name].setValue(value); }
/// Sets setting's value. Read value in text form from string (for example, from configuration file or from URL parameter).
void set(size_t index, const String & value) { (*this)[index].setValue(value); }
void set(const StringRef & name, const String & value) { (*this)[name].setValue(value); }
/// Returns value of a setting.
Field get(size_t index) const;
Field get(const StringRef & name) const;
/// Returns value of a setting converted to string.
String getAsString(size_t index) const { return (*this)[index].getValueAsString(); }
String getAsString(const StringRef & name) const { return (*this)[name].getValueAsString(); }
/// Returns value of a setting; returns false if there is no setting with the specified name.
bool tryGet(const StringRef & name, Field & value) const;
/// Returns value of a setting converted to string; returns false if there is no setting with the specified name.
bool tryGet(const StringRef & name, String & value) const;
/// Compares two collections of settings.
bool operator ==(const Derived & rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const Derived & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
/// Gathers all changed values (e.g. for applying them later to another collection of settings).
SettingsChanges changes() const;
/// Applies change to concrete setting.
void applyChange(const SettingChange & change);
/// Applies changes to the settings.
void applyChanges(const SettingsChanges & changes);
void copyChangesFrom(const Derived & src);
void copyChangesTo(Derived & dest) const;
/// Writes the settings to buffer (e.g. to be sent to remote server).
/// Only changed settings are written. They are written as list of contiguous name-value pairs,
/// finished with empty name.
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format = SettingsBinaryFormat::DEFAULT) const;
/// Reads the settings from buffer.
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf, SettingsBinaryFormat format = SettingsBinaryFormat::DEFAULT);