2016-12-08 08:12:49 +03:00

371 lines
12 KiB

import os
import json
import subprocess
import time
from itertools import chain
from os import system
wait_for_loading_sleep_time_sec = 3
continue_on_error = False
clickhouse_binary = 'clickhouse-client'
prefix = base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
generated_prefix = prefix + '/generated/'
# [ name, key_type, has_parent ]
dictionaries = [
# Simple key dictionaries
[ 'file_flat', 0, True ],
[ 'clickhouse_flat', 0, True ],
[ 'mysql_flat', 0, True ],
[ 'mongodb_flat', 0, True ],
[ 'file_hashed', 0, True ],
[ 'clickhouse_hashed', 0, True ],
[ 'mysql_hashed', 0, True ],
[ 'mongodb_hashed', 0, True ],
[ 'clickhouse_cache', 0, True ],
[ 'mysql_cache', 0, True ],
[ 'mongodb_cache', 0, True ],
# Complex key dictionaries with (UInt8, UInt8) key
[ 'file_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ],
[ 'clickhouse_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ],
[ 'mysql_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ],
[ 'mongodb_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ],
[ 'clickhouse_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ],
[ 'mysql_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ],
[ 'mongodb_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ],
# Complex key dictionaries with (String, UInt8) key
[ 'file_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ],
[ 'clickhouse_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ],
[ 'mysql_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ],
[ 'mongodb_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ],
[ 'clickhouse_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ],
[ 'mysql_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ],
[ 'mongodb_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ],
files = [ 'key_simple.tsv', 'key_complex_integers.tsv', 'key_complex_mixed.tsv' ]
types = [
'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'UInt32', 'UInt64',
'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64',
'Float32', 'Float64',
'Date', 'DateTime'
explicit_defaults = [
'42', '42', '42', '42',
'-42', '-42', '-42', '-42',
'1.5', '1.6',
"'2015-01-01'", "'2015-01-01 00:00:00'"
implicit_defaults = [
'1', '1', '1', '1',
'-1', '-1', '-1', '-1',
'2.71828', '2.71828',
'2015-11-25', '2015-11-25 00:00:00'
def call(args, out_filename):
with open(out_filename, 'w') as file:
subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=file)
def generate_data():
def comma_separated(iterable):
return ', '.join(iterable)
def columns():
return map(lambda t: t + '_', types)
key_columns = [
[ 'id' ],
[ 'key0', 'key1' ],
[ 'key0_str', 'key1' ]
print 'Creating ClickHouse table'
# create ClickHouse table via insert select
system('cat source.tsv | {ch} --port 9001 -m -n --query "'
'create database if not exists test;'
'drop table if exists test.dictionary_source;'
'create table test.dictionary_source ('
'id UInt64, key0 UInt8, key0_str String, key1 UInt8,'
'UInt8_ UInt8, UInt16_ UInt16, UInt32_ UInt32, UInt64_ UInt64,'
'Int8_ Int8, Int16_ Int16, Int32_ Int32, Int64_ Int64,'
'Float32_ Float32, Float64_ Float64,'
'String_ String,'
'Date_ Date, DateTime_ DateTime, Parent UInt64'
') engine=Log; insert into test.dictionary_source format TabSeparated'
# generate 3 files with different key types
print 'Creating .tsv files'
file_source_query = 'select %s from test.dictionary_source format TabSeparated;'
for file, keys in zip(files, key_columns):
query = file_source_query % comma_separated(chain(keys, columns(), [ 'Parent' ] if 1 == len(keys) else []))
call([ clickhouse_binary, '--port', '9001', '--query', query ], 'generated/' + file)
# create MySQL table from complete_query
print 'Creating MySQL table'
subprocess.check_call('echo "'
'create database if not exists test;'
'drop table if exists test.dictionary_source;'
'create table test.dictionary_source ('
'id tinyint unsigned, key0 tinyint unsigned, key0_str text, key1 tinyint unsigned, '
'UInt8_ tinyint unsigned, UInt16_ smallint unsigned, UInt32_ int unsigned, UInt64_ bigint unsigned, '
'Int8_ tinyint, Int16_ smallint, Int32_ int, Int64_ bigint, '
'Float32_ float, Float64_ double, '
'String_ text, Date_ date, DateTime_ datetime, Parent bigint unsigned'
'load data local infile \'{0}/source.tsv\' into table test.dictionary_source;" | mysql $MYSQL_OPTIONS --local-infile=1'
.format(prefix), shell=True)
# create MongoDB collection from complete_query via JSON file
print 'Creating MongoDB collection'
table_rows = json.loads(subprocess.check_output([
clickhouse_binary, '--port', '9001',
"select * from test.dictionary_source where not ignore(" \
"concat('new Date(\\'', toString(Date_), '\\')') as Date_, " \
"concat('new Date(\\'', toString(DateTime_), '\\')') as DateTime_" \
") format JSON"
# ClickHouse outputs 64-bit wide integers in double-quotes, convert them
for row in table_rows:
for column in [u'id', u'UInt64_', u'Int64_', u'Parent']:
row[column] = int(row[column])
source_for_mongo = json.dumps(table_rows).replace(')"', ')').replace('"new', 'new')
open('generated/full.json', 'w').write('db.dictionary_source.drop(); db.dictionary_source.insert(%s);' % source_for_mongo)
result = system('cat generated/full.json | mongo --quiet > /dev/null')
if result != 0:
print 'Could not create MongoDB collection'
def generate_dictionaries():
dictionary_skeleton = '''
attribute_skeleton = '''
dictionary_skeleton =\
dictionary_skeleton % reduce(lambda xml, (type, default): xml + attribute_skeleton % (type, type, default),
zip(types, implicit_defaults), '')
source_file = '''
source_clickhouse = '''
source_mysql = '''
source_mongodb = '''
layout_flat = '<flat />'
layout_hashed = '<hashed />'
layout_cache = '<cache><size_in_cells>128</size_in_cells></cache>'
layout_complex_key_hashed = '<complex_key_hashed />'
layout_complex_key_cache = '<complex_key_cache><size_in_cells>128</size_in_cells></complex_key_cache>'
key_simple = '''
key_complex_integers = '''
key_complex_mixed = '''
keys = [ key_simple, key_complex_integers, key_complex_mixed ]
parent_attribute = '''
sources_and_layouts = [
# Simple key dictionaries
[ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_flat],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_flat ],
[ source_mysql, layout_flat ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_flat ],
[ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_hashed],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_hashed ],
[ source_mysql, layout_hashed ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_hashed ],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_cache ],
[ source_mysql, layout_cache ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_cache ],
# Complex key dictionaries with (UInt8, UInt8) key
[ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[1]), layout_complex_key_hashed],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_hashed ],
[ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_hashed ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_hashed ],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_cache ],
[ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_cache ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_cache ],
# Complex key dictionaries with (String, UInt8) key
[ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[2]), layout_complex_key_hashed],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_hashed ],
[ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_hashed ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_hashed ],
[ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_cache ],
[ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_cache ],
[ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_cache ],
for (name, key_idx, has_parent), (source, layout) in zip(dictionaries, sources_and_layouts):
filename = 'generated/dictionary_%s.xml' % name
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
dictionary_xml = dictionary_skeleton.format(
key = keys[key_idx], parent = parent_attribute if has_parent else '', **locals())
def run_tests():
keys = [ 'toUInt64(n)', '(n, n)', '(toString(n), n)' ]
dict_get_query_skeleton = "select dictGet{type}('{name}', '{type}_', {key}) from array join range(8) as n;"
dict_has_query_skeleton = "select dictHas('{name}', {key}) from array join range(8) as n;"
dict_get_or_default_query_skeleton = "select dictGet{type}OrDefault('{name}', '{type}_', {key}, to{type}({default})) from array join range(8) as n;"
dict_hierarchy_query_skeleton = "select dictGetHierarchy('{name}' as d, key), dictIsIn(d, key, toUInt64(1)), dictIsIn(d, key, key) from array join range(toUInt64(8)) as key;"
def test_query(dict, query, reference, name):
result = system('{ch} --port 9001 --query "{query}" | diff - reference/{reference}.reference'.format(ch=clickhouse_binary, **locals()))
if result != 0:
print 'Dictionary ' + dict + ' has failed test ' + name + '\n'
if not continue_on_error:
print 'Waiting for dictionaries to load...'
# the actual tests
for (name, key_idx, has_parent) in dictionaries:
key = keys[key_idx]
print 'Testing dictionary', name
# query dictHas
test_query(name, dict_has_query_skeleton.format(**locals()), 'has', 'dictHas')
# query dictGet*
for type, default in zip(types, explicit_defaults):
type, 'dictGet' + type)
type + 'OrDefault', 'dictGet' + type + 'OrDefault')
# query dictGetHierarchy, dictIsIn
if has_parent:
'hierarchy', ' for dictGetHierarchy, dictIsIn')
print 'Done'