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#pragma once
#include <Common/SimpleIncrement.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Interpreters/ExpressionActions.h>
#include <Storages/ITableDeclaration.h>
#include <Storages/AlterCommands.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreePartInfo.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeSettings.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <DataStreams/GraphiteRollupSortedBlockInputStream.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataPart.h>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/global_fun.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range_core.hpp>
#include "../../Core/Types.h"
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int INVALID_PARTITION_NAME;
extern const int NO_SUCH_DATA_PART;
extern const int DUPLICATE_DATA_PART;
extern const int NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE;
extern const int TABLE_DIFFERS_TOO_MUCH;
/// Data structure for *MergeTree engines.
/// Merge tree is used for incremental sorting of data.
/// The table consists of several sorted parts.
/// During insertion new data is sorted according to the primary key and is written to the new part.
/// Parts are merged in the background according to a heuristic algorithm.
/// For each part the index file is created containing primary key values for every n-th row.
/// This allows efficient selection by primary key range predicate.
/// Additionally:
/// The date column is specified. For each part min and max dates are remembered.
/// Essentially it is an index too.
/// Data is partitioned by the value of the partitioning expression.
/// Parts belonging to different partitions are not merged - for the ease of administration (data sync and backup).
/// File structure of old-style month-partitioned tables (format_version = 0):
/// Part directory - / min-date _ max-date _ min-id _ max-id _ level /
/// Inside the part directory:
/// checksums.txt - contains the list of all files along with their sizes and checksums.
/// columns.txt - contains the list of all columns and their types.
/// primary.idx - contains the primary index.
/// [Column].bin - contains compressed column data.
/// [Column].mrk - marks, pointing to seek positions allowing to skip n * k rows.
/// File structure of tables with custom partitioning (format_version >= 1):
/// Part directory - / partiiton-id _ min-id _ max-id _ level /
/// Inside the part directory:
/// The same files as for month-partitioned tables, plus
/// count.txt - contains total number of rows in this part.
/// partition.dat - contains the value of the partitioning expression.
/// minmax_[Column].idx - MinMax indexes (see MergeTreeDataPart::MinMaxIndex class) for the columns required by the partitioning expression.
/// Several modes are implemented. Modes determine additional actions during merge:
/// - Ordinary - don't do anything special
/// - Collapsing - collapse pairs of rows with the opposite values of sign_columns for the same values
/// of primary key (cf. CollapsingSortedBlockInputStream.h)
/// - Replacing - for all rows with the same primary key keep only the latest one. Or, if the version
/// column is set, keep the latest row with the maximal version.
/// - Summing - sum all numeric columns not contained in the primary key for all rows with the same primary key.
/// - Aggregating - merge columns containing aggregate function states for all rows with the same primary key.
/// - Graphite - performs coarsening of historical data for Graphite (a system for quantitative monitoring).
/// The MergeTreeData class contains a list of parts and the data structure parameters.
/// To read and modify the data use other classes:
/// - MergeTreeDataSelectExecutor
/// - MergeTreeDataWriter
/// - MergeTreeDataMergerMutator
class MergeTreeData : public ITableDeclaration
/// Function to call if the part is suspected to contain corrupt data.
using BrokenPartCallback = std::function<void (const String &)>;
using DataPart = MergeTreeDataPart;
using MutableDataPartPtr = std::shared_ptr<DataPart>;
using MutableDataPartsVector = std::vector<MutableDataPartPtr>;
/// After the DataPart is added to the working set, it cannot be changed.
using DataPartPtr = std::shared_ptr<const DataPart>;
using DataPartState = MergeTreeDataPart::State;
using DataPartStates = std::initializer_list<DataPartState>;
using DataPartStateVector = std::vector<DataPartState>;
/// Auxiliary structure for index comparison. Keep in mind lifetime of MergeTreePartInfo.
struct DataPartStateAndInfo
DataPartState state;
const MergeTreePartInfo & info;
/// Auxiliary structure for index comparison
struct DataPartStateAndPartitionID
DataPartState state;
String partition_id;
STRONG_TYPEDEF(String, PartitionID)
struct LessDataPart
using is_transparent = void;
bool operator()(const DataPartPtr & lhs, const MergeTreePartInfo & rhs) const { return lhs->info < rhs; }
bool operator()(const MergeTreePartInfo & lhs, const DataPartPtr & rhs) const { return lhs < rhs->info; }
bool operator()(const DataPartPtr & lhs, const DataPartPtr & rhs) const { return lhs->info < rhs->info; }
bool operator()(const MergeTreePartInfo & lhs, const PartitionID & rhs) const { return lhs.partition_id < rhs.toUnderType(); }
bool operator()(const PartitionID & lhs, const MergeTreePartInfo & rhs) const { return lhs.toUnderType() < rhs.partition_id; }
struct LessStateDataPart
using is_transparent = void;
bool operator() (const DataPartStateAndInfo & lhs, const DataPartStateAndInfo & rhs) const
return std::forward_as_tuple(static_cast<UInt8>(lhs.state),
< std::forward_as_tuple(static_cast<UInt8>(rhs.state),;
bool operator() (DataPartStateAndInfo info, const DataPartState & state) const
return static_cast<size_t>(info.state) < static_cast<size_t>(state);
bool operator() (const DataPartState & state, DataPartStateAndInfo info) const
return static_cast<size_t>(state) < static_cast<size_t>(info.state);
bool operator() (const DataPartStateAndInfo & lhs, const DataPartStateAndPartitionID & rhs) const
return std::forward_as_tuple(static_cast<UInt8>(lhs.state),
< std::forward_as_tuple(static_cast<UInt8>(rhs.state), rhs.partition_id);
bool operator() (const DataPartStateAndPartitionID & lhs, const DataPartStateAndInfo & rhs) const
return std::forward_as_tuple(static_cast<UInt8>(lhs.state), lhs.partition_id)
< std::forward_as_tuple(static_cast<UInt8>(rhs.state),;
using DataParts = std::set<DataPartPtr, LessDataPart>;
using DataPartsVector = std::vector<DataPartPtr>;
using DataPartsLock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
DataPartsLock lockParts() const { return DataPartsLock(data_parts_mutex); }
/// Auxiliary object to add a set of parts into the working set in two steps:
/// * First, as PreCommitted parts (the parts are ready, but not yet in the active set).
/// * Next, if commit() is called, the parts are added to the active set and the parts that are
/// covered by them are marked Outdated.
/// If neither commit() nor rollback() was called, the destructor rollbacks the operation.
class Transaction : private boost::noncopyable
Transaction() {}
DataPartsVector commit(MergeTreeData::DataPartsLock * acquired_parts_lock = nullptr);
void rollback();
size_t size() const { return precommitted_parts.size(); }
bool isEmpty() const { return precommitted_parts.empty(); }
friend class MergeTreeData;
MergeTreeData * data = nullptr;
DataParts precommitted_parts;
void clear()
data = nullptr;
/// An object that stores the names of temporary files created in the part directory during ALTER of its
/// columns.
class AlterDataPartTransaction : private boost::noncopyable
/// Renames temporary files, finishing the ALTER of the part.
void commit();
/// If commit() was not called, deletes temporary files, canceling the ALTER.
/// Review the changes before the commit.
const NamesAndTypesList & getNewColumns() const { return new_columns; }
const DataPart::Checksums & getNewChecksums() const { return new_checksums; }
friend class MergeTreeData;
AlterDataPartTransaction(DataPartPtr data_part_) : data_part(data_part_), alter_lock(data_part->alter_mutex) {}
void clear()
data_part = nullptr;
DataPartPtr data_part;
DataPartsLock alter_lock;
DataPart::Checksums new_checksums;
NamesAndTypesList new_columns;
/// If the value is an empty string, the file is not temporary, and it must be deleted.
NameToNameMap rename_map;
using AlterDataPartTransactionPtr = std::unique_ptr<AlterDataPartTransaction>;
/// Parameters for various modes.
struct MergingParams
/// Merging mode. See above.
enum Mode
Ordinary = 0, /// Enum values are saved. Do not change them.
Collapsing = 1,
Summing = 2,
Aggregating = 3,
Replacing = 5,
Graphite = 6,
VersionedCollapsing = 7,
Mode mode;
/// For Collapsing and VersionedCollapsing mode.
String sign_column;
/// For Summing mode. If empty - columns_to_sum is determined automatically.
Names columns_to_sum;
/// For Replacing and VersionedCollapsing mode. Can be empty for Replacing.
String version_column;
/// For Graphite mode.
Graphite::Params graphite_params;
/// Check that needed columns are present and have correct types.
void check(const NamesAndTypesList & columns) const;
String getModeName() const;
/// Attach the table corresponding to the directory in full_path (must end with /), with the given columns.
/// Correctness of names and paths is not checked.
/// primary_expr_ast - expression used for sorting;
/// date_column_name - if not empty, the name of the Date column used for partitioning by month.
/// Otherwise, partition_expr_ast is used for partitioning.
/// require_part_metadata - should checksums.txt and columns.txt exist in the part directory.
/// attach - whether the existing table is attached or the new table is created.
MergeTreeData(const String & database_, const String & table_,
const String & full_path_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
Context & context_,
const ASTPtr & primary_expr_ast_,
const ASTPtr & secondary_sort_expr_ast_,
const String & date_column_name,
const ASTPtr & partition_expr_ast_,
const ASTPtr & sampling_expression_, /// nullptr, if sampling is not supported.
const MergingParams & merging_params_,
const MergeTreeSettings & settings_,
bool require_part_metadata_,
bool attach,
BrokenPartCallback broken_part_callback_ = [](const String &){});
/// Load the set of data parts from disk. Call once - immediately after the object is created.
void loadDataParts(bool skip_sanity_checks);
bool supportsSampling() const { return sampling_expression != nullptr; }
bool supportsPrewhere() const { return true; }
bool supportsFinal() const
return merging_params.mode == MergingParams::Collapsing
|| merging_params.mode == MergingParams::Summing
|| merging_params.mode == MergingParams::Aggregating
|| merging_params.mode == MergingParams::Replacing
|| merging_params.mode == MergingParams::VersionedCollapsing;
bool mayBenefitFromIndexForIn(const ASTPtr & left_in_operand) const;
Int64 getMaxBlockNumber();
NameAndTypePair getColumn(const String & column_name) const override
if (column_name == "_part")
return NameAndTypePair("_part", std::make_shared<DataTypeString>());
if (column_name == "_part_index")
return NameAndTypePair("_part_index", std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt64>());
if (column_name == "_sample_factor")
return NameAndTypePair("_sample_factor", std::make_shared<DataTypeFloat64>());
return getColumns().getPhysical(column_name);
bool hasColumn(const String & column_name) const override
return getColumns().hasPhysical(column_name)
|| column_name == "_part"
|| column_name == "_part_index"
|| column_name == "_sample_factor";
String getDatabaseName() const { return database_name; }
String getTableName() const { return table_name; }
String getFullPath() const { return full_path; }
String getLogName() const { return log_name; }
/// Returns a copy of the list so that the caller shouldn't worry about locks.
DataParts getDataParts(const DataPartStates & affordable_states) const;
/// Returns sorted list of the parts with specified states
/// out_states will contain snapshot of each part state
DataPartsVector getDataPartsVector(const DataPartStates & affordable_states, DataPartStateVector * out_states = nullptr) const;
/// Returns absolutely all parts (and snapshot of their states)
DataPartsVector getAllDataPartsVector(DataPartStateVector * out_states = nullptr) const;
/// Returns Committed parts
DataParts getDataParts() const;
DataPartsVector getDataPartsVector() const;
/// Returns a committed part with the given name or a part containing it. If there is no such part, returns nullptr.
DataPartPtr getActiveContainingPart(const String & part_name);
DataPartPtr getActiveContainingPart(const MergeTreePartInfo & part_info, DataPartState state, DataPartsLock &lock);
/// Returns all parts in specified partition
DataPartsVector getDataPartsVectorInPartition(DataPartState state, const String & partition_id);
/// Returns the part with the given name and state or nullptr if no such part.
DataPartPtr getPartIfExists(const String & part_name, const DataPartStates & valid_states);
DataPartPtr getPartIfExists(const MergeTreePartInfo & part_info, const DataPartStates & valid_states);
/// Total size of active parts in bytes.
size_t getTotalActiveSizeInBytes() const;
size_t getMaxPartsCountForPartition() const;
/// Get min value of part->info.getDataVersion() for all active parts.
/// Makes sense only for ordinary MergeTree engines because for them block numbering doesn't depend on partition.
std::optional<Int64> getMinPartDataVersion() const;
/// If the table contains too many active parts, sleep for a while to give them time to merge.
/// If until is non-null, wake up from the sleep earlier if the event happened.
void delayInsertOrThrowIfNeeded(Poco::Event * until = nullptr) const;
void throwInsertIfNeeded() const;
/// Renames temporary part to a permanent part and adds it to the parts set.
/// It is assumed that the part does not intersect with existing parts.
/// If increment != nullptr, part index is determing using increment. Otherwise part index remains unchanged.
/// If out_transaction != nullptr, adds the part in the PreCommitted state (the part will be added to the
/// active set later with out_transaction->commit()).
/// Else, commits the part immediately.
void renameTempPartAndAdd(MutableDataPartPtr & part, SimpleIncrement * increment = nullptr, Transaction * out_transaction = nullptr);
/// The same as renameTempPartAndAdd but the block range of the part can contain existing parts.
/// Returns all parts covered by the added part (in ascending order).
/// If out_transaction == nullptr, marks covered parts as Outdated.
DataPartsVector renameTempPartAndReplace(
MutableDataPartPtr & part, SimpleIncrement * increment = nullptr, Transaction * out_transaction = nullptr);
/// Low-level version of previous one, doesn't lock mutex
void renameTempPartAndReplace(
MutableDataPartPtr & part, SimpleIncrement * increment, Transaction * out_transaction, DataPartsLock & lock,
DataPartsVector * out_covered_parts = nullptr);
/// Removes parts from the working set parts.
/// Parts in add must already be in data_parts with PreCommitted, Committed, or Outdated states.
/// If clear_without_timeout is true, the parts will be deleted at once, or during the next call to
/// clearOldParts (ignoring old_parts_lifetime).
void removePartsFromWorkingSet(const DataPartsVector & remove, bool clear_without_timeout, DataPartsLock * acquired_lock = nullptr);
void removePartsFromWorkingSet(const DataPartsVector & remove, bool clear_without_timeout, DataPartsLock & acquired_lock);
/// Removes all parts from the working set parts
/// for which (partition_id = drop_range.partition_id && min_block >= drop_range.min_block && max_block <= drop_range.max_block).
/// If a part intersecting drop_range.max_block is found, an exception will be thrown.
/// Used in REPLACE PARTITION command;
DataPartsVector removePartsInRangeFromWorkingSet(const MergeTreePartInfo & drop_range, bool clear_without_timeout,
bool skip_intersecting_parts, DataPartsLock & lock);
/// Renames the part to detached/<prefix>_<part> and removes it from working set.
void removePartsFromWorkingSetAndCloneToDetached(const DataPartsVector & parts, bool clear_without_timeout, const String & prefix = "");
/// Renames the part to detached/<prefix>_<part> and removes it from data_parts,
//// so it will not be deleted in clearOldParts.
/// If restore_covered is true, adds to the working set inactive parts, which were merged into the deleted part.
void forgetPartAndMoveToDetached(const DataPartPtr & part, const String & prefix = "", bool restore_covered = false);
/// Returns old inactive parts that can be deleted. At the same time removes them from the list of parts
/// but not from the disk.
DataPartsVector grabOldParts();
/// Reverts the changes made by grabOldParts(), parts should be in Deleting state.
void rollbackDeletingParts(const DataPartsVector & parts);
/// Removes parts from data_parts, they should be in Deleting state
void removePartsFinally(const DataPartsVector & parts);
/// Delete irrelevant parts from memory and disk.
void clearOldPartsFromFilesystem();
/// Deleate all directories which names begin with "tmp"
/// Set non-negative parameter value to override MergeTreeSettings temporary_directories_lifetime
void clearOldTemporaryDirectories(ssize_t custom_directories_lifetime_seconds = -1);
/// After the call to dropAllData() no method can be called.
/// Deletes the data directory and flushes the uncompressed blocks cache and the marks cache.
void dropAllData();
/// Moves the entire data directory.
/// Flushes the uncompressed blocks cache and the marks cache.
/// Must be called with locked lockStructureForAlter().
void setPath(const String & full_path);
/// Check if the ALTER can be performed:
/// - all needed columns are present.
/// - all type conversions can be done.
/// - columns corresponding to primary key, sign, sampling expression and date are not affected.
/// If something is wrong, throws an exception.
void checkAlter(const AlterCommands & commands);
/// Performs ALTER of the data part, writes the result to temporary files.
/// Returns an object allowing to rename temporary files to permanent files.
/// If the number of affected columns is suspiciously high and skip_sanity_checks is false, throws an exception.
/// If no data transformations are necessary, returns nullptr.
AlterDataPartTransactionPtr alterDataPart(
const DataPartPtr & part,
const NamesAndTypesList & new_columns,
const ASTPtr & new_primary_key,
bool skip_sanity_checks);
/// Should be called if part data is suspected to be corrupted.
void reportBrokenPart(const String & name)
bool hasPrimaryKey() const { return !primary_sort_columns.empty(); }
ExpressionActionsPtr getPrimaryExpression() const { return primary_expr; }
ExpressionActionsPtr getSecondarySortExpression() const { return secondary_sort_expr; } /// may return nullptr
Names getPrimarySortColumns() const { return primary_sort_columns; }
Names getSortColumns() const { return sort_columns; }
/// Check that the part is not broken and calculate the checksums for it if they are not present.
MutableDataPartPtr loadPartAndFixMetadata(const String & relative_path);
/** Create local backup (snapshot) for parts with specified prefix.
* Backup is created in directory clickhouse_dir/shadow/i/, where i - incremental number,
* or if 'with_name' is specified - backup is created in directory with specified name.
void freezePartition(const ASTPtr & partition, const String & with_name, const Context & context);
/// Returns the size of partition in bytes.
size_t getPartitionSize(const std::string & partition_id) const;
size_t getColumnCompressedSize(const std::string & name) const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{data_parts_mutex};
const auto it = column_sizes.find(name);
return it == std::end(column_sizes) ? 0 : it->second.data_compressed;
using ColumnSizeByName = std::unordered_map<std::string, DataPart::ColumnSize>;
ColumnSizeByName getColumnSizes() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{data_parts_mutex};
return column_sizes;
/// Calculates column sizes in compressed form for the current state of data_parts.
void recalculateColumnSizes()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{data_parts_mutex};
String getPartitionIDFromQuery(const ASTPtr & partition, const Context & context);
/// Extracts MergeTreeData of other *MergeTree* storage
/// and checks that their structure suitable for ALTER TABLE ATTACH PARTITION FROM
/// Tables structure should be locked.
MergeTreeData * checkStructureAndGetMergeTreeData(const StoragePtr & source_table) const;
MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr cloneAndLoadDataPart(const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & src_part, const String & tmp_part_prefix,
const MergeTreePartInfo & dst_part_info);
MergeTreeDataFormatVersion format_version;
Context & context;
const ASTPtr sampling_expression;
const size_t index_granularity;
/// Merging params - what additional actions to perform during merge.
const MergingParams merging_params;
const MergeTreeSettings settings;
ASTPtr primary_expr_ast;
ASTPtr secondary_sort_expr_ast;
Block primary_key_sample;
DataTypes primary_key_data_types;
ASTPtr partition_expr_ast;
ExpressionActionsPtr partition_expr;
Block partition_key_sample;
ExpressionActionsPtr minmax_idx_expr;
Names minmax_idx_columns;
DataTypes minmax_idx_column_types;
Int64 minmax_idx_date_column_pos = -1; /// In a common case minmax index includes a date column.
/// Limiting parallel sends per one table, used in DataPartsExchange
std::atomic_uint current_table_sends {0};
/// For generating names of temporary parts during insertion.
SimpleIncrement insert_increment;
friend struct MergeTreeDataPart;
friend class StorageMergeTree;
friend class ReplicatedMergeTreeAlterThread;
friend class MergeTreeDataMergerMutator;
friend class StorageMergeTree;
friend class StorageReplicatedMergeTree;
bool require_part_metadata;
ExpressionActionsPtr primary_expr;
/// Additional expression for sorting (of rows with the same primary keys).
ExpressionActionsPtr secondary_sort_expr;
/// Names of columns for primary key. Is the prefix of sort_columns.
Names primary_sort_columns;
/// Names of columns for primary key + secondary sorting columns.
Names sort_columns;
String database_name;
String table_name;
String full_path;
/// Current column sizes in compressed and uncompressed form.
ColumnSizeByName column_sizes;
/// Engine-specific methods
BrokenPartCallback broken_part_callback;
String log_name;
Logger * log;
/// Work with data parts
struct TagByInfo{};
struct TagByStateAndInfo{};
static const MergeTreePartInfo & dataPartPtrToInfo(const DataPartPtr & part)
return part->info;
static DataPartStateAndInfo dataPartPtrToStateAndInfo(const DataPartPtr & part)
return {part->state, part->info};
using DataPartsIndexes = boost::multi_index_container<DataPartPtr,
/// Index by Info
boost::multi_index::global_fun<const DataPartPtr &, const MergeTreePartInfo &, dataPartPtrToInfo>
/// Index by (State, Info), is used to obtain ordered slices of parts with the same state
boost::multi_index::global_fun<const DataPartPtr &, DataPartStateAndInfo, dataPartPtrToStateAndInfo>,
/// Current set of data parts.
mutable std::mutex data_parts_mutex;
DataPartsIndexes data_parts_indexes;
DataPartsIndexes::index<TagByInfo>::type & data_parts_by_info;
DataPartsIndexes::index<TagByStateAndInfo>::type & data_parts_by_state_and_info;
using DataPartIteratorByInfo = DataPartsIndexes::index<TagByInfo>::type::iterator;
using DataPartIteratorByStateAndInfo = DataPartsIndexes::index<TagByStateAndInfo>::type::iterator;
boost::iterator_range<DataPartIteratorByStateAndInfo> getDataPartsStateRange(DataPartState state) const
auto begin = data_parts_by_state_and_info.lower_bound(state, LessStateDataPart());
auto end = data_parts_by_state_and_info.upper_bound(state, LessStateDataPart());
return {begin, end};
boost::iterator_range<DataPartIteratorByInfo> getDataPartsPartitionRange(const String & partition_id) const
auto begin = data_parts_by_info.lower_bound(PartitionID(partition_id), LessDataPart());
auto end = data_parts_by_info.upper_bound(PartitionID(partition_id), LessDataPart());
return {begin, end};
static decltype(auto) getStateModifier(DataPartState state)
return [state] (const DataPartPtr & part) { part->state = state; };
void modifyPartState(DataPartIteratorByStateAndInfo it, DataPartState state)
if (!data_parts_by_state_and_info.modify(it, getStateModifier(state)))
throw Exception("Can't modify " + (*it)->getNameWithState(), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
void modifyPartState(DataPartIteratorByInfo it, DataPartState state)
if (!data_parts_by_state_and_info.modify(data_parts_indexes.project<TagByStateAndInfo>(it), getStateModifier(state)))
throw Exception("Can't modify " + (*it)->getNameWithState(), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
void modifyPartState(const DataPartPtr & part, DataPartState state)
auto it = data_parts_by_info.find(part->info);
if (it == data_parts_by_info.end() || (*it).get() != part.get())
throw Exception("Part " + part->name + " doesn't exist", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (!data_parts_by_state_and_info.modify(data_parts_indexes.project<TagByStateAndInfo>(it), getStateModifier(state)))
throw Exception("Can't modify " + (*it)->getNameWithState(), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
/// Used to serialize calls to grabOldParts.
std::mutex grab_old_parts_mutex;
/// The same for clearOldTemporaryDirectories.
std::mutex clear_old_temporary_directories_mutex;
void initPrimaryKey();
void initPartitionKey();
/// Expression for column type conversion.
/// If no conversions are needed, out_expression=nullptr.
/// out_rename_map maps column files for the out_expression onto new table files.
/// out_force_update_metadata denotes if metadata must be changed even if out_rename_map is empty (used
/// for transformation-free changing of Enum values list).
/// Files to be deleted are mapped to an empty string in out_rename_map.
/// If part == nullptr, just checks that all type conversions are possible.
void createConvertExpression(const DataPartPtr & part, const NamesAndTypesList & old_columns, const NamesAndTypesList & new_columns,
ExpressionActionsPtr & out_expression, NameToNameMap & out_rename_map, bool & out_force_update_metadata) const;
/// Calculates column sizes in compressed form for the current state of data_parts. Call with data_parts mutex locked.
void calculateColumnSizesImpl();
/// Adds or subtracts the contribution of the part to compressed column sizes.
void addPartContributionToColumnSizes(const DataPartPtr & part);
void removePartContributionToColumnSizes(const DataPartPtr & part);
/// If there is no part in the partition with ID `partition_id`, returns empty ptr. Should be called under the lock.
DataPartPtr getAnyPartInPartition(const String & partition_id, DataPartsLock & data_parts_lock);
/// Return parts in the Committed set that are covered by the new_part_info or the part that covers it.
/// Will check that the new part doesn't already exist and that it doesn't intersect existing part.
DataPartsVector getActivePartsToReplace(
const MergeTreePartInfo & new_part_info,
const String & new_part_name,
DataPartPtr & out_covering_part,
DataPartsLock & data_parts_lock) const;
/// Checks whether the column is in the primary key, possibly wrapped in a chain of functions with single argument.
bool isPrimaryOrMinMaxKeyColumnPossiblyWrappedInFunctions(const ASTPtr & node) const;