
113 lines
3.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Parsers/IAST.h>
#include <Interpreters/PreparedSets.h>
#include <Interpreters/ExpressionActions.h>
namespace DB
class Context;
class ASTFunction;
class Join;
using JoinPtr = std::shared_ptr<Join>;
/// Information on what to do when executing a subquery in the [GLOBAL] IN/JOIN section.
struct SubqueryForSet
/// The source is obtained using the InterpreterSelectQuery subquery.
BlockInputStreamPtr source;
/// If set, build it from result.
SetPtr set;
JoinPtr join;
/// Apply this actions to joined block.
ExpressionActionsPtr joined_block_actions;
/// Rename column from joined block from this list.
NamesWithAliases joined_block_aliases;
/// If set, put the result into the table.
/// This is a temporary table for transferring to remote servers for distributed query processing.
StoragePtr table;
/// ID of subquery -> what to do with it.
using SubqueriesForSets = std::unordered_map<String, SubqueryForSet>;
/// The case of an explicit enumeration of values.
SetPtr makeExplicitSet(
const ASTFunction * node, const Block & sample_block, bool create_ordered_set,
const Context & context, const SizeLimits & limits, PreparedSets & prepared_sets);
/** For ActionsVisitor
* A stack of ExpressionActions corresponding to nested lambda expressions.
* The new action should be added to the highest possible level.
* For example, in the expression "select arrayMap(x -> x + column1 * column2, array1)"
* calculation of the product must be done outside the lambda expression (it does not depend on x),
* and the calculation of the sum is inside (depends on x).
struct ScopeStack
struct Level
ExpressionActionsPtr actions;
NameSet new_columns;
using Levels = std::vector<Level>;
Levels stack;
const Context & context;
ScopeStack(const ExpressionActionsPtr & actions, const Context & context_);
void pushLevel(const NamesAndTypesList & input_columns);
size_t getColumnLevel(const std::string & name);
void addAction(const ExpressionAction & action);
ExpressionActionsPtr popLevel();
const Block & getSampleBlock() const;
/// Collect ExpressionAction from AST. Returns PreparedSets and SubqueriesForSets too.
/// After AST is visited source ExpressionActions should be updated with popActionsLevel() method.
class ActionsVisitor
ActionsVisitor(const Context & context_, SizeLimits set_size_limit_, size_t subquery_depth_,
const NamesAndTypesList & source_columns_, const ExpressionActionsPtr & actions,
PreparedSets & prepared_sets_, SubqueriesForSets & subqueries_for_sets_,
bool no_subqueries_, bool only_consts_, bool no_storage_or_local_, std::ostream * ostr_ = nullptr);
void visit(const ASTPtr & ast);
ExpressionActionsPtr popActionsLevel() { return actions_stack.popLevel(); }
const Context & context;
SizeLimits set_size_limit;
size_t subquery_depth;
const NamesAndTypesList & source_columns;
PreparedSets & prepared_sets;
SubqueriesForSets & subqueries_for_sets;
const bool no_subqueries;
const bool only_consts;
const bool no_storage_or_local;
mutable size_t visit_depth;
std::ostream * ostr;
ScopeStack actions_stack;
SetPtr makeSet(const ASTFunction * node, const Block & sample_block);