2018-08-27 18:01:33 +03:00

1038 lines
28 KiB

#pragma once
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <common/find_first_symbols.h>
#include <common/StringRef.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionsString.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionsStringArray.h>
#include <port/memrchr.h>
namespace DB
/** URL processing functions.
* All functions are not strictly follow RFC, instead they are maximally simplified for performance reasons.
* Functions for extraction parts of URL.
* If URL has nothing like, then empty string is returned.
* domain
* domainWithoutWWW
* topLevelDomain
* protocol
* path
* queryString
* fragment
* queryStringAndFragment
* Functions, removing parts from URL.
* If URL has nothing like, then it is retured unchanged.
* cutWWW
* cutFragment
* cutQueryString
* cutQueryStringAndFragment
* Extract value of parameter in query string or in fragment identifier. Return empty string, if URL has no such parameter.
* If there are many parameters with same name - return value of first one. Value is not %-decoded.
* extractURLParameter(URL, name)
* Extract all parameters from URL in form of array of strings name=value.
* extractURLParameters(URL)
* Extract names of all parameters from URL in form of array of strings.
* extractURLParameterNames(URL)
* Remove specified parameter from URL.
* cutURLParameter(URL, name)
* Get array of URL 'hierarchy' as in Yandex.Metrica tree-like reports. See docs.
* URLHierarchy(URL)
using Pos = const char *;
/// Extracts scheme from given url.
inline StringRef getURLScheme(const char * data, size_t size)
// scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
const char * pos = data;
const char * end = data + size;
if (isAlphaASCII(*pos))
for (++pos; pos < end; ++pos)
if (!(isAlphaNumericASCII(*pos) || *pos == '+' || *pos == '-' || *pos == '.'))
return StringRef(data, pos - data);
return {};
/// Extracts host from given url.
inline StringRef getURLHost(const char * data, size_t size)
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = data + size;
if (nullptr == (pos = strchr(pos, '/')))
return {};
if (pos != data)
StringRef scheme = getURLScheme(data, size);
Pos scheme_end = data + scheme.size;
// Colon must follows after scheme.
if (pos - scheme_end != 1 || *scheme_end != ':')
return {};
if (end - pos < 2 || *(pos) != '/' || *(pos + 1) != '/')
return {};
pos += 2;
const char * start_of_host = pos;
for (; pos < end; ++pos)
if (*pos == '@')
start_of_host = pos + 1;
else if (*pos == ':' || *pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#')
return (pos == start_of_host) ? StringRef{} : StringRef(start_of_host, pos - start_of_host);
struct ExtractProtocol
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement();
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size);
template <bool without_www>
struct ExtractDomain
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 15; }
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
StringRef host = getURLHost(data, size);
if (host.size == 0)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
if (without_www && host.size > 4 && !strncmp(, "www.", 4))
host = { + 4, host.size - 4 };
res_data =;
res_size = host.size;
struct ExtractFirstSignificantSubdomain
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 10; }
static void execute(const Pos data, const size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size, Pos * out_domain_end = nullptr)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos tmp;
size_t domain_length;
ExtractDomain<true>::execute(data, size, tmp, domain_length);
if (domain_length == 0)
if (out_domain_end)
*out_domain_end = tmp + domain_length;
/// cut useless dot
if (tmp[domain_length - 1] == '.')
res_data = tmp;
res_size = domain_length;
auto begin = tmp;
auto end = begin + domain_length;
const char * last_3_periods[3]{};
auto pos = find_first_symbols<'.'>(begin, end);
while (pos < end)
last_3_periods[2] = last_3_periods[1];
last_3_periods[1] = last_3_periods[0];
last_3_periods[0] = pos;
pos = find_first_symbols<'.'>(pos + 1, end);
if (!last_3_periods[0])
if (!last_3_periods[1])
res_size = last_3_periods[0] - begin;
if (!last_3_periods[2])
last_3_periods[2] = begin - 1;
if (!strncmp(last_3_periods[1] + 1, "com.", 4) /// Note that in ColumnString every value has zero byte after it.
|| !strncmp(last_3_periods[1] + 1, "net.", 4)
|| !strncmp(last_3_periods[1] + 1, "org.", 4)
|| !strncmp(last_3_periods[1] + 1, "co.", 3))
res_data += last_3_periods[2] + 1 - begin;
res_size = last_3_periods[1] - last_3_periods[2] - 1;
res_data += last_3_periods[1] + 1 - begin;
res_size = last_3_periods[0] - last_3_periods[1] - 1;
struct CutToFirstSignificantSubdomain
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 15; }
static void execute(const Pos data, const size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos tmp_data;
size_t tmp_length;
Pos domain_end;
ExtractFirstSignificantSubdomain::execute(data, size, tmp_data, tmp_length, &domain_end);
if (tmp_length == 0)
res_data = tmp_data;
res_size = domain_end - tmp_data;
struct ExtractTopLevelDomain
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 5; }
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
StringRef host = getURLHost(data, size);
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
if (host.size != 0)
if ([host.size - 1] == '.')
host.size -= 1;
Pos last_dot = reinterpret_cast<Pos>(memrchr(, '.', host.size));
if (!last_dot)
/// For IPv4 addresses select nothing.
if (last_dot[1] <= '9')
res_data = last_dot + 1;
res_size = ( + host.size) - res_data;
struct ExtractPath
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 25; }
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = pos + size;
if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(data, '/')) && pos[1] == '/' && nullptr != (pos = strchr(pos + 2, '/')))
Pos query_string_or_fragment = strpbrk(pos, "?#");
res_data = pos;
res_size = (query_string_or_fragment ? query_string_or_fragment : end) - res_data;
struct ExtractPathFull
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 30; }
static void execute(const Pos data, const size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = pos + size;
if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(data, '/')) && pos[1] == '/' && nullptr != (pos = strchr(pos + 2, '/')))
res_data = pos;
res_size = end - res_data;
template <bool without_leading_char>
struct ExtractQueryString
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 10; }
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = pos + size;
if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(data, '?')))
Pos fragment = strchr(pos, '#');
res_data = pos + (without_leading_char ? 1 : 0);
res_size = (fragment ? fragment : end) - res_data;
template <bool without_leading_char>
struct ExtractFragment
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 10; }
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = pos + size;
if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(data, '#')))
res_data = pos + (without_leading_char ? 1 : 0);
res_size = end - res_data;
template <bool without_leading_char>
struct ExtractQueryStringAndFragment
static size_t getReserveLengthForElement() { return 20; }
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = pos + size;
if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(data, '?')))
res_data = pos + (without_leading_char ? 1 : 0);
res_size = end - res_data;
else if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(data, '#')))
res_data = pos;
res_size = end - res_data;
/// With dot at the end.
struct ExtractWWW
static void execute(Pos data, size_t size, Pos & res_data, size_t & res_size)
res_data = data;
res_size = 0;
Pos pos = data;
Pos end = pos + size;
if (nullptr != (pos = strchr(pos, '/')))
if (pos != data)
Pos tmp;
size_t protocol_length;
ExtractProtocol::execute(data, size, tmp, protocol_length);
if (pos != data + protocol_length + 1)
if (end - pos < 2 || *(pos) != '/' || *(pos + 1) != '/')
const char *start_of_host = (pos += 2);
for (; pos < end; ++pos)
if (*pos == '@')
start_of_host = pos + 1;
else if (*pos == ':' || *pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#')
if (start_of_host + 4 < end && !strncmp(start_of_host, "www.", 4))
res_data = start_of_host;
res_size = 4;
struct ExtractURLParameterImpl
static void vector(const ColumnString::Chars_t & data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets,
std::string pattern,
ColumnString::Chars_t & res_data, ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
res_data.reserve(data.size() / 5);
pattern += '=';
const char * param_str = pattern.c_str();
size_t param_len = pattern.size();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
size_t res_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size(); ++i)
size_t cur_offset = offsets[i];
const char * str = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data[prev_offset]);
const char * pos = nullptr;
const char * begin = strpbrk(str, "?#");
if (begin)
pos = begin + 1;
while (true)
pos = strstr(pos, param_str);
if (pos == nullptr)
if (pos[-1] != '?' && pos[-1] != '#' && pos[-1] != '&')
pos += param_len;
pos += param_len;
if (pos)
const char * end = strpbrk(pos, "&#");
if (end == nullptr)
end = pos + strlen(pos);
res_data.resize(res_offset + (end - pos) + 1);
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], pos, end - pos);
res_offset += end - pos;
res_data.resize(res_offset + 1);
res_data[res_offset] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
prev_offset = cur_offset;
struct CutURLParameterImpl
static void vector(const ColumnString::Chars_t & data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets,
std::string pattern,
ColumnString::Chars_t & res_data, ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
pattern += '=';
const char * param_str = pattern.c_str();
size_t param_len = pattern.size();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
size_t res_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size(); ++i)
size_t cur_offset = offsets[i];
const char * url_begin = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data[prev_offset]);
const char * url_end = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data[cur_offset]) - 1;
const char * begin_pos = url_begin;
const char * end_pos = begin_pos;
const char * begin = strpbrk(url_begin, "?#");
if (begin == nullptr)
const char * pos = strstr(begin + 1, param_str);
if (pos == nullptr)
if (pos[-1] != '?' && pos[-1] != '#' && pos[-1] != '&')
pos = nullptr;
begin_pos = pos;
end_pos = begin_pos + param_len;
/// Skip the value.
while (*end_pos && *end_pos != '&' && *end_pos != '#')
/// Capture '&' before or after the parameter.
if (*end_pos == '&')
else if (begin_pos[-1] == '&')
} while (false);
size_t cut_length = (url_end - url_begin) - (end_pos - begin_pos);
res_data.resize(res_offset + cut_length + 1);
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], url_begin, begin_pos - url_begin);
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset] + (begin_pos - url_begin), end_pos, url_end - end_pos);
res_offset += cut_length + 1;
res_data[res_offset - 1] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
prev_offset = cur_offset;
class ExtractURLParametersImpl
Pos pos;
Pos end;
bool first;
static constexpr auto name = "extractURLParameters";
static String getName() { return name; }
static size_t getNumberOfArguments() { return 1; }
static void checkArguments(const DataTypes & arguments)
if (!arguments[0]->isString())
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be String.",
void init(Block & /*block*/, const ColumnNumbers & /*arguments*/) {}
/// Returns the position of the argument that is the column of rows
size_t getStringsArgumentPosition()
return 0;
/// Called for each next string.
void set(Pos pos_, Pos end_)
pos = pos_;
end = end_;
first = true;
/// Get the next token, if any, or return false.
bool get(Pos & token_begin, Pos & token_end)
if (pos == nullptr)
return false;
if (first)
first = false;
pos = strpbrk(pos, "?#");
if (pos == nullptr)
return false;
while (true)
token_begin = pos;
pos = strpbrk(pos, "=&#?");
if (pos == nullptr)
return false;
if (*pos == '?')
if (*pos == '&' || *pos == '#')
token_end = pos++;
pos = strpbrk(pos, "&#");
if (pos == nullptr)
token_end = end;
token_end = pos++;
return true;
class ExtractURLParameterNamesImpl
Pos pos;
Pos end;
bool first;
static constexpr auto name = "extractURLParameterNames";
static String getName() { return name; }
static size_t getNumberOfArguments() { return 1; }
static void checkArguments(const DataTypes & arguments)
if (!arguments[0]->isString())
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be String.",
/// Returns the position of the argument that is the column of rows
size_t getStringsArgumentPosition()
return 0;
void init(Block & /*block*/, const ColumnNumbers & /*arguments*/) {}
/// Called for each next string.
void set(Pos pos_, Pos end_)
pos = pos_;
end = end_;
first = true;
/// Get the next token, if any, or return false.
bool get(Pos & token_begin, Pos & token_end)
if (pos == nullptr)
return false;
if (first)
first = false;
pos = strpbrk(pos, "?#");
pos = strpbrk(pos, "&#");
if (pos == nullptr)
return false;
while (true)
token_begin = pos;
pos = strpbrk(pos, "=&#?");
if (pos == nullptr)
return false;
token_end = pos;
if (*pos == '?')
return true;
class URLHierarchyImpl
Pos begin;
Pos pos;
Pos end;
static constexpr auto name = "URLHierarchy";
static String getName() { return name; }
static size_t getNumberOfArguments() { return 1; }
static void checkArguments(const DataTypes & arguments)
if (!arguments[0]->isString())
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be String.",
void init(Block & /*block*/, const ColumnNumbers & /*arguments*/) {}
/// Returns the position of the argument that is the column of rows
size_t getStringsArgumentPosition()
return 0;
/// Called for each next string.
void set(Pos pos_, Pos end_)
begin = pos = pos_;
end = end_;
/// Get the next token, if any, or return false.
bool get(Pos & token_begin, Pos & token_end)
/// Code from URLParser.
if (pos == end)
return false;
if (pos == begin)
/// Let's parse everything that goes before the path
/// Assume that the protocol has already been changed to lowercase.
while (pos < end && ((*pos > 'a' && *pos < 'z') || (*pos > '0' && *pos < '9')))
/** We will calculate the hierarchy only for URLs in which there is a protocol, and after it there are two slashes.
* (http, file - fit, mailto, magnet - do not fit), and after two slashes still at least something is there
* For the rest, simply return the full URL as the only element of the hierarchy.
if (pos == begin || pos == end || !(*pos++ == ':' && pos < end && *pos++ == '/' && pos < end && *pos++ == '/' && pos < end))
pos = end;
token_begin = begin;
token_end = end;
return true;
/// The domain for simplicity is everything that after the protocol and two slashes, until the next slash or `?` or `#`
while (pos < end && !(*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#'))
if (pos != end)
token_begin = begin;
token_end = pos;
return true;
/// We go to the next `/` or `?` or `#`, skipping all those at the beginning.
while (pos < end && (*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#'))
if (pos == end)
return false;
while (pos < end && !(*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#'))
if (pos != end)
token_begin = begin;
token_end = pos;
return true;
class URLPathHierarchyImpl
Pos begin;
Pos pos;
Pos end;
Pos start;
static constexpr auto name = "URLPathHierarchy";
static String getName() { return name; }
static size_t getNumberOfArguments() { return 1; }
static void checkArguments(const DataTypes & arguments)
if (!arguments[0]->isString())
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ". Must be String.",
void init(Block & /*block*/, const ColumnNumbers & /*arguments*/) {}
/// Returns the position of the argument that is the column of rows
size_t getStringsArgumentPosition()
return 0;
/// Called for each next string.
void set(Pos pos_, Pos end_)
begin = pos = pos_;
start = begin;
end = end_;
/// Get the next token, if any, or return false.
bool get(Pos & token_begin, Pos & token_end)
/// Code from URLParser.
if (pos == end)
return false;
if (pos == begin)
/// Let's parse everything that goes before the path
/// Assume that the protocol has already been changed to lowercase.
while (pos < end && ((*pos > 'a' && *pos < 'z') || (*pos > '0' && *pos < '9')))
/** We will calculate the hierarchy only for URLs in which there is a protocol, and after it there are two slashes.
* (http, file - fit, mailto, magnet - do not fit), and after two slashes still at least something is there.
* For the rest, just return an empty array.
if (pos == begin || pos == end || !(*pos++ == ':' && pos < end && *pos++ == '/' && pos < end && *pos++ == '/' && pos < end))
pos = end;
return false;
/// The domain for simplicity is everything that after the protocol and the two slashes, until the next slash or `?` or `#`
while (pos < end && !(*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#'))
start = pos;
if (pos != end)
/// We go to the next `/` or `?` or `#`, skipping all those at the beginning.
while (pos < end && (*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#'))
if (pos == end)
return false;
while (pos < end && !(*pos == '/' || *pos == '?' || *pos == '#'))
if (pos != end)
token_begin = start;
token_end = pos;
return true;
/** Select part of string using the Extractor.
template <typename Extractor>
struct ExtractSubstringImpl
static void vector(const ColumnString::Chars_t & data, const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets,
ColumnString::Chars_t & res_data, ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
size_t size = offsets.size();
res_data.reserve(size * Extractor::getReserveLengthForElement());
size_t prev_offset = 0;
size_t res_offset = 0;
/// Matched part.
Pos start;
size_t length;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
Extractor::execute(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data[prev_offset]), offsets[i] - prev_offset - 1, start, length);
res_data.resize(res_data.size() + length + 1);
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], start, length);
res_offset += length + 1;
res_data[res_offset - 1] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
prev_offset = offsets[i];
static void constant(const std::string & data,
std::string & res_data)
Pos start;
size_t length;
Extractor::execute(, data.size(), start, length);
res_data.assign(start, length);
static void vector_fixed(const ColumnString::Chars_t &, size_t, ColumnString::Chars_t &)
throw Exception("Column of type FixedString is not supported by URL functions", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
/** Delete part of string using the Extractor.
template <typename Extractor>
struct CutSubstringImpl
static void vector(const ColumnString::Chars_t & data, const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets,
ColumnString::Chars_t & res_data, ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
size_t size = offsets.size();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
size_t res_offset = 0;
/// Matched part.
Pos start;
size_t length;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
const char * current = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data[prev_offset]);
Extractor::execute(current, offsets[i] - prev_offset - 1, start, length);
size_t start_index = start - reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&data[0]);
res_data.resize(res_data.size() + offsets[i] - prev_offset - length);
&res_data[res_offset], current, start - current);
&res_data[res_offset + start - current], start + length, offsets[i] - start_index - length);
res_offset += offsets[i] - prev_offset - length;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
prev_offset = offsets[i];
static void constant(const std::string & data,
std::string & res_data)
Pos start;
size_t length;
Extractor::execute(, data.size(), start, length);
res_data.reserve(data.size() - length);
res_data.append(, start);
res_data.append(start + length, + data.size());
static void vector_fixed(const ColumnString::Chars_t &, size_t, ColumnString::Chars_t &)
throw Exception("Column of type FixedString is not supported by URL functions", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
/// Percent decode of url data.
struct DecodeURLComponentImpl
static void vector(const ColumnString::Chars_t & data, const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets,
ColumnString::Chars_t & res_data, ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets);
static void constant(const std::string & data,
std::string & res_data);
static void vector_fixed(const ColumnString::Chars_t & data, size_t n,
ColumnString::Chars_t & res_data);