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#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <mutex>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <pcg_random.hpp>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Common/randomSeed.h>
#include <Common/ThreadPool.h>
#include <Common/ConcurrentBoundedQueue.h>
#include <Common/CurrentMetrics.h>
#include <Dictionaries/IDictionary.h>
#include <Dictionaries/ICacheDictionaryStorage.h>
#include <Dictionaries/DictionaryStructure.h>
#include <Dictionaries/IDictionarySource.h>
#include <Dictionaries/DictionaryHelpers.h>
#include <Dictionaries/CacheDictionaryUpdateQueue.h>
namespace DB
/** CacheDictionary store keys in cache storage and can asynchronous and synchronous updates during keys fetch.
If keys are not found in storage during fetch, dictionary start update operation with update queue.
During update operation necessary keys are fetched from source and inserted into storage.
After that data from storage and source are aggregated and returned to the client.
Typical flow:
1. Client request data during for example getColumn function call.
2. CacheDictionary request data from storage and if all data is found in storage it returns result to client.
3. If some data is not in storage cache dictionary try to perform update.
If all keys are just expired and allow_read_expired_keys option is set dictionary starts asynchronous update and
return result to client.
If there are not found keys dictionary start synchronous update and wait for result.
4. After getting result from synchronous update dictionary aggregates data that was previously fetched from
storage and data that was fetched during update and return result to client.
template <DictionaryKeyType dictionary_key_type>
class CacheDictionary final : public IDictionary
using KeyType = std::conditional_t<dictionary_key_type == DictionaryKeyType::simple, UInt64, StringRef>;
static_assert(dictionary_key_type != DictionaryKeyType::range, "Range key type is not supported by cache dictionary");
const StorageID & dict_id_,
const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct_,
DictionarySourcePtr source_ptr_,
CacheDictionaryStoragePtr cache_storage_ptr_,
CacheDictionaryUpdateQueueConfiguration update_queue_configuration_,
DictionaryLifetime dict_lifetime_,
bool allow_read_expired_keys_);
~CacheDictionary() override;
std::string getTypeName() const override { return "Cache"; }
size_t getElementCount() const override;
size_t getBytesAllocated() const override;
double getLoadFactor() const override;
size_t getQueryCount() const override { return query_count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
double getHitRate() const override
return static_cast<double>(hit_count.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) / query_count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool supportUpdates() const override { return false; }
std::shared_ptr<const IExternalLoadable> clone() const override
return std::make_shared<CacheDictionary>(
const IDictionarySource * getSource() const override;
const DictionaryLifetime & getLifetime() const override { return dict_lifetime; }
const DictionaryStructure & getStructure() const override { return dict_struct; }
bool isInjective(const std::string & attribute_name) const override
return dict_struct.getAttribute(attribute_name).injective;
DictionaryKeyType getKeyType() const override
return dictionary_key_type == DictionaryKeyType::simple ? DictionaryKeyType::simple : DictionaryKeyType::complex;
ColumnPtr getColumn(
const std::string& attribute_name,
const DataTypePtr & result_type,
const Columns & key_columns,
const DataTypes & key_types,
const ColumnPtr & default_values_column) const override;
Columns getColumns(
const Strings & attribute_names,
const DataTypes & result_types,
const Columns & key_columns,
const DataTypes & key_types,
const Columns & default_values_columns) const;
ColumnUInt8::Ptr hasKeys(const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types) const override;
BlockInputStreamPtr getBlockInputStream(const Names & column_names, size_t max_block_size) const override;
std::exception_ptr getLastException() const override;
bool hasHierarchy() const override { return dictionary_key_type == DictionaryKeyType::simple && hierarchical_attribute; }
void toParent(const PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & ids, PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & out) const override;
void isInVectorVector(
const PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & child_ids,
const PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & ancestor_ids,
PaddedPODArray<UInt8> & out) const override;
void isInVectorConstant(
const PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & child_ids,
const UInt64 ancestor_id, PaddedPODArray<UInt8> & out) const override;
void isInConstantVector(
const UInt64 child_id,
const PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & ancestor_ids,
PaddedPODArray<UInt8> & out) const override;
using FetchResult = std::conditional_t<dictionary_key_type == DictionaryKeyType::simple, SimpleKeysStorageFetchResult, ComplexKeysStorageFetchResult>;
Columns getColumnsImpl(
const Strings & attribute_names,
const Columns & key_columns,
const PaddedPODArray<KeyType> & keys,
const Columns & default_values_columns) const;
static MutableColumns aggregateColumnsInOrderOfKeys(
const PaddedPODArray<KeyType> & keys,
const DictionaryStorageFetchRequest & request,
const MutableColumns & fetched_columns,
const HashMap<KeyType, size_t> & found_keys_to_fetched_columns_index,
const HashMap<KeyType, size_t> & expired_keys_to_fetched_columns_index);
static MutableColumns aggregateColumns(
const PaddedPODArray<KeyType> & keys,
const DictionaryStorageFetchRequest & request,
const MutableColumns & fetched_columns_from_storage,
const HashMap<KeyType, size_t> & found_keys_to_fetched_columns_from_storage_index,
const MutableColumns & fetched_columns_during_update,
const HashMap<KeyType, size_t> & found_keys_to_fetched_columns_during_update_index,
const std::vector<DefaultValueProvider> & default_value_providers);
void setupHierarchicalAttribute();
void update(CacheDictionaryUpdateUnitPtr<dictionary_key_type> & update_unit_ptr);
/// Update dictionary source pointer if required and return it. Thread safe.
/// MultiVersion is not used here because it works with constant pointers.
/// For some reason almost all methods in IDictionarySource interface are
/// not constant.
SharedDictionarySourcePtr getSourceAndUpdateIfNeeded() const
std::lock_guard lock(source_mutex);
if (error_count)
/// Recover after error: we have to clone the source here because
/// it could keep connections which should be reset after error.
auto new_source_ptr = source_ptr->clone();
source_ptr = std::move(new_source_ptr);
return source_ptr;
template <typename AncestorType>
void isInImpl(const PaddedPODArray<Key> & child_ids, const AncestorType & ancestor_ids, PaddedPODArray<UInt8> & out) const;
const DictionaryStructure dict_struct;
/// Dictionary source should be used with mutex
mutable std::mutex source_mutex;
mutable SharedDictionarySourcePtr source_ptr;
CacheDictionaryStoragePtr cache_storage_ptr;
mutable CacheDictionaryUpdateQueue<dictionary_key_type> update_queue;
const DictionaryLifetime dict_lifetime;
Poco::Logger * log;
const bool allow_read_expired_keys;
mutable pcg64 rnd_engine;
/// This lock is used for the inner cache state update function lock it for
/// write, when it need to update cache state all other functions just
/// readers. Surprisingly this lock is also used for last_exception pointer.
mutable std::shared_mutex rw_lock;
const DictionaryAttribute * hierarchical_attribute = nullptr;
mutable std::exception_ptr last_exception;
mutable std::atomic<size_t> error_count {0};
mutable std::atomic<std::chrono::system_clock::time_point> backoff_end_time{std::chrono::system_clock::time_point{}};
mutable std::atomic<size_t> hit_count{0};
mutable std::atomic<size_t> query_count{0};
extern template class CacheDictionary<DictionaryKeyType::simple>;
extern template class CacheDictionary<DictionaryKeyType::complex>;