2019-08-09 23:58:16 +03:00

396 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
/** Generic interface for ZooKeeper-like services.
* Possible examples are:
* - ZooKeeper client itself;
* - fake ZooKeeper client for testing;
* - ZooKeeper emulation layer on top of Etcd, FoundationDB, whatever.
namespace Coordination
using namespace DB;
struct ACL
static constexpr int32_t Read = 1;
static constexpr int32_t Write = 2;
static constexpr int32_t Create = 4;
static constexpr int32_t Delete = 8;
static constexpr int32_t Admin = 16;
static constexpr int32_t All = 0x1F;
int32_t permissions;
String scheme;
String id;
using ACLs = std::vector<ACL>;
struct Stat
int64_t czxid;
int64_t mzxid;
int64_t ctime;
int64_t mtime;
int32_t version;
int32_t cversion;
int32_t aversion;
int64_t ephemeralOwner;
int32_t dataLength;
int32_t numChildren;
int64_t pzxid;
struct Request;
using RequestPtr = std::shared_ptr<Request>;
using Requests = std::vector<RequestPtr>;
struct Request
Request() = default;
Request(const Request &) = default;
Request & operator=(const Request &) = default;
virtual ~Request() = default;
virtual String getPath() const = 0;
virtual void addRootPath(const String & /* root_path */) {}
struct Response;
using ResponsePtr = std::shared_ptr<Response>;
using Responses = std::vector<ResponsePtr>;
using ResponseCallback = std::function<void(const Response &)>;
struct Response
int32_t error = 0;
Response() = default;
Response(const Response &) = default;
Response & operator=(const Response &) = default;
virtual ~Response() = default;
virtual void removeRootPath(const String & /* root_path */) {}
struct WatchResponse : virtual Response
int32_t type = 0;
int32_t state = 0;
String path;
void removeRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
using WatchCallback = std::function<void(const WatchResponse &)>;
struct CreateRequest : virtual Request
String path;
String data;
bool is_ephemeral = false;
bool is_sequential = false;
ACLs acls;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct CreateResponse : virtual Response
String path_created;
void removeRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
struct RemoveRequest : virtual Request
String path;
int32_t version = -1;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct RemoveResponse : virtual Response
struct ExistsRequest : virtual Request
String path;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct ExistsResponse : virtual Response
Stat stat;
struct GetRequest : virtual Request
String path;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct GetResponse : virtual Response
String data;
Stat stat;
struct SetRequest : virtual Request
String path;
String data;
int32_t version = -1;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct SetResponse : virtual Response
Stat stat;
struct ListRequest : virtual Request
String path;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct ListResponse : virtual Response
std::vector<String> names;
Stat stat;
struct CheckRequest : virtual Request
String path;
int32_t version = -1;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return path; }
struct CheckResponse : virtual Response
struct MultiRequest : virtual Request
Requests requests;
void addRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
String getPath() const override { return {}; }
struct MultiResponse : virtual Response
Responses responses;
void removeRootPath(const String & root_path) override;
/// This response may be received only as an element of responses in MultiResponse.
struct ErrorResponse : virtual Response
using CreateCallback = std::function<void(const CreateResponse &)>;
using RemoveCallback = std::function<void(const RemoveResponse &)>;
using ExistsCallback = std::function<void(const ExistsResponse &)>;
using GetCallback = std::function<void(const GetResponse &)>;
using SetCallback = std::function<void(const SetResponse &)>;
using ListCallback = std::function<void(const ListResponse &)>;
using CheckCallback = std::function<void(const CheckResponse &)>;
using MultiCallback = std::function<void(const MultiResponse &)>;
enum Error
ZOK = 0,
/** System and server-side errors.
* This is never thrown by the server, it shouldn't be used other than
* to indicate a range. Specifically error codes greater than this
* value, but lesser than ZAPIERROR, are system errors.
ZRUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY = -2, /// A runtime inconsistency was found
ZDATAINCONSISTENCY = -3, /// A data inconsistency was found
ZCONNECTIONLOSS = -4, /// Connection to the server has been lost
ZMARSHALLINGERROR = -5, /// Error while marshalling or unmarshalling data
ZUNIMPLEMENTED = -6, /// Operation is unimplemented
ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT = -7, /// Operation timeout
ZBADARGUMENTS = -8, /// Invalid arguments
ZINVALIDSTATE = -9, /// Invliad zhandle state
/** API errors.
* This is never thrown by the server, it shouldn't be used other than
* to indicate a range. Specifically error codes greater than this
* value are API errors.
ZNONODE = -101, /// Node does not exist
ZNOAUTH = -102, /// Not authenticated
ZBADVERSION = -103, /// Version conflict
ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS = -108, /// Ephemeral nodes may not have children
ZNODEEXISTS = -110, /// The node already exists
ZNOTEMPTY = -111, /// The node has children
ZSESSIONEXPIRED = -112, /// The session has been expired by the server
ZINVALIDCALLBACK = -113, /// Invalid callback specified
ZINVALIDACL = -114, /// Invalid ACL specified
ZAUTHFAILED = -115, /// Client authentication failed
ZCLOSING = -116, /// ZooKeeper is closing
ZNOTHING = -117, /// (not error) no server responses to process
ZSESSIONMOVED = -118 /// Session moved to another server, so operation is ignored
/// Network errors and similar. You should reinitialize ZooKeeper session in case of these errors
bool isHardwareError(int32_t code);
/// Valid errors sent from the server about database state (like "no node"). Logical and authentication errors (like "bad arguments") are not here.
bool isUserError(int32_t code);
const char * errorMessage(int32_t code);
/// For watches.
enum State
enum Event
CHILD = 4,
class Exception : public DB::Exception
/// Delegate constructor, used to minimize repetition; last parameter used for overload resolution.
Exception(const std::string & msg, const int32_t code_, int);
explicit Exception(const int32_t code_);
Exception(const std::string & msg, const int32_t code_);
Exception(const int32_t code_, const std::string & path);
Exception(const Exception & exc);
const char * name() const throw() override { return "Coordination::Exception"; }
const char * className() const throw() override { return "Coordination::Exception"; }
Exception * clone() const override { return new Exception(*this); }
const int32_t code;
/** Usage scenario:
* - create an object and issue commands;
* - you provide callbacks for your commands; callbacks are invoked in internal thread and must be cheap:
* for example, just signal a condvar / fulfull a promise.
* - you also may provide callbacks for watches; they are also invoked in internal thread and must be cheap.
* - whenever you receive exception with ZSESSIONEXPIRED code or method isExpired returns true,
* the ZooKeeper instance is no longer usable - you may only destroy it and probably create another.
* - whenever session is expired or ZooKeeper instance is destroying, all callbacks are notified with special event.
* - data for callbacks must be alive when ZooKeeper instance is alive.
class IKeeper
virtual ~IKeeper() {}
/// If expired, you can only destroy the object. All other methods will throw exception.
virtual bool isExpired() const = 0;
/// Useful to check owner of ephemeral node.
virtual int64_t getSessionID() const = 0;
/// If the method will throw an exception, callbacks won't be called.
/// After the method is executed successfully, you must wait for callbacks
/// (don't destroy callback data before it will be called).
/// All callbacks are executed sequentially (the execution of callbacks is serialized).
/// If an exception is thrown inside the callback, the session will expire,
/// and all other callbacks will be called with "Session expired" error.
virtual void create(
const String & path,
const String & data,
bool is_ephemeral,
bool is_sequential,
const ACLs & acls,
CreateCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void remove(
const String & path,
int32_t version,
RemoveCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void exists(
const String & path,
ExistsCallback callback,
WatchCallback watch) = 0;
virtual void get(
const String & path,
GetCallback callback,
WatchCallback watch) = 0;
virtual void set(
const String & path,
const String & data,
int32_t version,
SetCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void list(
const String & path,
ListCallback callback,
WatchCallback watch) = 0;
virtual void check(
const String & path,
int32_t version,
CheckCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void multi(
const Requests & requests,
MultiCallback callback) = 0;