2014-02-17 23:56:45 +00:00

604 lines
18 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <Yandex/Common.h>
#include <Yandex/DateLUT.h>
#include <mysqlxx/Row.h>
#include <DB/Core/Types.h>
#include <DB/Core/Exception.h>
#include <DB/Core/ErrorCodes.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteIntText.h>
#include <DB/IO/VarInt.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
namespace DB
/// Функции-помошники для форматированной записи
inline void writeChar(char x, WriteBuffer & buf)
*buf.position() = x;
/// Запись POD-типа в native формате
template <typename T>
inline void writePODBinary(const T & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
buf.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&x), sizeof(x));
template <typename T>
inline void writeIntBinary(const T & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writePODBinary(x, buf);
template <typename T>
inline void writeFloatBinary(const T & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writePODBinary(x, buf);
inline void writeStringBinary(const std::string & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeVarUInt(s.size(), buf);
buf.write(, s.size());
inline void writeStringBinary(const char * s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeVarUInt(strlen(s), buf);
buf.write(s, strlen(s));
template <typename T>
void writeVectorBinary(const std::vector<T> & v, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeVarUInt(v.size(), buf);
for (typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
writeBinary(*it, buf);
inline void writeBoolText(bool x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar(x ? '1' : '0', buf);
template <typename T>
void writeFloatText(T x, WriteBuffer & buf, unsigned precision = WRITE_HELPERS_DEFAULT_FLOAT_PRECISION)
char tmp[24];
int res = std::snprintf(tmp, 24, "%.*g", precision, x);
if (res >= 24 || res <= 0)
throw Exception("Cannot print float or double number", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PRINT_FLOAT_OR_DOUBLE_NUMBER);
buf.write(tmp, res);
inline void writeString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
buf.write(, s.size());
inline void writeString(const char * data, size_t size, WriteBuffer & buf)
buf.write(data, size);
/** Пишет С-строку без создания временного объекта. Если строка - литерал, то strlen выполняется на этапе компиляции.
* Используйте, когда строка - литерал.
#define writeCString(s, buf) \
(buf).write((s), strlen(s))
/** Пишет строку для использования в формате JSON:
* - строка выводится в двойных кавычках
* - эскейпится символ прямого слеша '/'
* - байты из диапазона 0x00-0x1F кроме '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' эскейпятся как \u00XX
* - кодовые точки U+2028 и U+2029 (последовательности байт в UTF-8: e2 80 a8, e2 80 a9) эскейпятся как \u2028 и \u2029
* - предполагается, что строка в кодировке UTF-8, невалидный UTF-8 не обрабатывается
* - не-ASCII символы остаются как есть
inline void writeJSONString(const char * begin, const char * end, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('"', buf);
for (const char * it = begin; it != end; ++it)
switch (*it)
case '\b':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('b', buf);
case '\f':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('f', buf);
case '\n':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('n', buf);
case '\r':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('r', buf);
case '\t':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('t', buf);
case '\\':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('\\', buf);
case '/':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('/', buf);
case '"':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('"', buf);
if (0x00 <= *it && *it <= 0x1F)
char higher_half = (*it) >> 4;
char lower_half = (*it) & 0xF;
writeCString("\\u00", buf);
writeChar('0' + higher_half, buf);
if (0 <= lower_half && lower_half <= 9)
writeChar('0' + lower_half, buf);
writeChar('A' + lower_half - 10, buf);
else if (end - it >= 3 && it[0] == '\xE2' && it[1] == '\x80' && (it[2] == '\xA8' || it[2] == '\xA9'))
if (it[2] == '\xA8')
writeCString("\\u2028", buf);
if (it[2] == '\xA9')
writeCString("\\u2029", buf);
writeChar(*it, buf);
writeChar('"', buf);
template <char c>
void writeAnyEscapedString(const char * begin, const char * end, WriteBuffer & buf)
for (const char * it = begin; it != end; ++it)
switch (*it)
case '\b':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('b', buf);
case '\f':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('f', buf);
case '\n':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('n', buf);
case '\r':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('r', buf);
case '\t':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('t', buf);
case '\0':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('0', buf);
case '\\':
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar('\\', buf);
case c:
writeChar('\\', buf);
writeChar(c, buf);
writeChar(*it, buf);
inline void writeJSONString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeJSONString(, + s.size(), buf);
template <char c>
void writeAnyEscapedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeAnyEscapedString<c>(, + s.size(), buf);
inline void writeEscapedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
/// strpbrk в libc под Linux на процессорах с SSE 4.2 хорошо оптимизирована (этот if ускоряет код в 1.5 раза)
if (NULL == strpbrk(, "\b\f\n\r\t\'\\") && strlen( == s.size())
writeString(s, buf);
writeAnyEscapedString<'\''>(s, buf);
template <char c>
void writeAnyQuotedString(const char * begin, const char * end, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar(c, buf);
writeAnyEscapedString<c>(begin, end, buf);
writeChar(c, buf);
template <char c>
void writeAnyQuotedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeAnyQuotedString<c>(, + s.size(), buf);
inline void writeQuotedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeAnyQuotedString<'\''>(s, buf);
/// Совместимо с JSON.
inline void writeDoubleQuotedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeAnyQuotedString<'"'>(s, buf);
/// Выводит строку в обратных кавычках, как идентификатор в MySQL.
inline void writeBackQuotedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeAnyQuotedString<'`'>(s, buf);
/// То же самое, но обратные кавычки применяются только при наличии символов, не подходящих для идентификатора без обратных кавычек.
inline void writeProbablyBackQuotedString(const String & s, WriteBuffer & buf)
if (s.empty() || !((s[0] >= 'a' && s[0] <= 'z') || (s[0] >= 'A' && s[0] <= 'Z') || s[0] == '_'))
writeBackQuotedString(s, buf);
const char * pos = + 1;
const char * end = + s.size();
for (; pos < end; ++pos)
if (!((*pos >= 'a' && *pos <= 'z') || (*pos >= 'A' && *pos <= 'Z') || (*pos >= '0' && *pos <= '9') || *pos == '_'))
if (pos != end)
writeBackQuotedString(s, buf);
writeString(s, buf);
/// в формате YYYY-MM-DD
inline void writeDateText(DayNum_t date, WriteBuffer & buf)
char s[10] = {'0', '0', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0'};
if (unlikely(date > DATE_LUT_MAX_DAY_NUM || date == 0))
buf.write(s, 10);
const DateLUT::Values & values = DateLUTSingleton::instance().getValues(date);
s[0] += values.year / 1000;
s[1] += (values.year / 100) % 10;
s[2] += (values.year / 10) % 10;
s[3] += values.year % 10;
s[5] += values.month / 10;
s[6] += values.month % 10;
s[8] += values.day_of_month / 10;
s[9] += values.day_of_month % 10;
buf.write(s, 10);
inline void writeDateText(mysqlxx::Date date, WriteBuffer & buf)
char s[10] = {'0', '0', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0'};
s[0] += date.year() / 1000;
s[1] += (date.year() / 100) % 10;
s[2] += (date.year() / 10) % 10;
s[3] += date.year() % 10;
s[5] += date.month() / 10;
s[6] += date.month() % 10;
s[8] += / 10;
s[9] += % 10;
buf.write(s, 10);
/// в формате YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, согласно текущему часовому поясу
inline void writeDateTimeText(time_t datetime, WriteBuffer & buf)
char s[19] = {'0', '0', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0', ' ', '0', '0', ':', '0', '0', ':', '0', '0'};
if (unlikely(datetime > DATE_LUT_MAX || datetime == 0))
buf.write(s, 19);
DateLUTSingleton & date_lut = DateLUTSingleton::instance();
const DateLUT::Values & values = date_lut.getValues(datetime);
s[0] += values.year / 1000;
s[1] += (values.year / 100) % 10;
s[2] += (values.year / 10) % 10;
s[3] += values.year % 10;
s[5] += values.month / 10;
s[6] += values.month % 10;
s[8] += values.day_of_month / 10;
s[9] += values.day_of_month % 10;
UInt8 hour = date_lut.toHourInaccurate(datetime);
UInt8 minute = date_lut.toMinuteInaccurate(datetime);
UInt8 second = date_lut.toSecondInaccurate(datetime);
s[11] += hour / 10;
s[12] += hour % 10;
s[14] += minute / 10;
s[15] += minute % 10;
s[17] += second / 10;
s[18] += second % 10;
buf.write(s, 19);
inline void writeDateTimeText(mysqlxx::DateTime datetime, WriteBuffer & buf)
char s[19] = {'0', '0', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0', '-', '0', '0', ' ', '0', '0', ':', '0', '0', ':', '0', '0'};
s[0] += datetime.year() / 1000;
s[1] += (datetime.year() / 100) % 10;
s[2] += (datetime.year() / 10) % 10;
s[3] += datetime.year() % 10;
s[5] += datetime.month() / 10;
s[6] += datetime.month() % 10;
s[8] += / 10;
s[9] += % 10;
s[11] += datetime.hour() / 10;
s[12] += datetime.hour() % 10;
s[14] += datetime.minute() / 10;
s[15] += datetime.minute() % 10;
s[17] += datetime.second() / 10;
s[18] += datetime.second() % 10;
buf.write(s, 19);
/// Вывести mysqlxx::Row в tab-separated виде
inline void writeEscapedRow(const mysqlxx::Row & row, WriteBuffer & buf)
for (size_t i = 0; i < row.size(); ++i)
if (i != 0)
if (unlikely(row[i].isNull()))
buf.write("\\N", 2);
writeAnyEscapedString<'\''>(row[i].data(), row[i].data() + row[i].length(), buf);
/// Методы вывода в бинарном виде
inline void writeBinary(const UInt8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const UInt16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const UInt32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const UInt64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const Int8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const Int16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const Int32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const Int64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const Float32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const Float64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const String & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeStringBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const bool & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const VisitID_t & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(static_cast<const UInt64 &>(x), buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const mysqlxx::Date & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void writeBinary(const mysqlxx::DateTime & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePODBinary(x, buf); }
/// Методы для вывода значения в текстовом виде для tab-separated формата.
inline void writeText(const UInt8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const UInt16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const UInt32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const UInt64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const Int8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const Int16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const Int32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const Int64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const Float32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const Float64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const String & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeEscapedString(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const bool & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeBoolText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const VisitID_t & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(static_cast<const UInt64 &>(x), buf); }
inline void writeText(const mysqlxx::Date & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeDateText(x, buf); }
inline void writeText(const mysqlxx::DateTime & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeDateTimeText(x, buf); }
/// Методы для вывода в текстовом виде в кавычках
inline void writeQuoted(const UInt8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const UInt16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const UInt32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const UInt64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const Int8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const Int16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const Int32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const Int64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const Float32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const Float64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const String & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeQuotedString(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const bool & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeBoolText(x, buf); }
inline void writeQuoted(const VisitID_t & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeIntText(static_cast<const UInt64 &>(x), buf);
inline void writeQuoted(const mysqlxx::Date & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('\'', buf);
writeDateText(x, buf);
writeChar('\'', buf);
inline void writeQuoted(const mysqlxx::DateTime & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('\'', buf);
writeDateTimeText(x, buf);
writeChar('\'', buf);
/// В двойных кавычках
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const UInt8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const UInt16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const UInt32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const UInt64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const Int8 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const Int16 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const Int32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const Int64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeIntText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const Float32 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const Float64 & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const String & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeDoubleQuotedString(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const bool & x, WriteBuffer & buf) { writeBoolText(x, buf); }
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const VisitID_t & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeIntText(static_cast<const UInt64 &>(x), buf);
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const mysqlxx::Date & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('"', buf);
writeDateText(x, buf);
writeChar('"', buf);
inline void writeDoubleQuoted(const mysqlxx::DateTime & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('"', buf);
writeDateTimeText(x, buf);
writeChar('"', buf);
template <typename T>
void writeBinary(const std::vector<T> & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
size_t size = x.size();
writeVarUInt(size, buf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
writeBinary(x[i], buf);
template <typename T>
void writeQuoted(const std::vector<T> & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('[', buf);
for (size_t i = 0, size = x.size(); i < size; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeChar(',', buf);
writeQuoted(x[i], buf);
writeChar(']', buf);
template <typename T>
void writeDoubleQuoted(const std::vector<T> & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeChar('[', buf);
for (size_t i = 0, size = x.size(); i < size; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeChar(',', buf);
writeDoubleQuoted(x[i], buf);
writeChar(']', buf);
template <typename T>
void writeText(const std::vector<T> & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeQuoted(x, buf);
/// Сериализация эксепшена (чтобы его можно было передать по сети)
void writeException(const Exception & e, WriteBuffer & buf);
/// Простой для использования метод преобразования чего-либо в строку в текстовом виде.
template <typename T>
inline String toString(const T & x)
String res;
WriteBufferFromString buf(res);
writeText(x, buf);
return res;