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528 lines
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528 lines
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#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/BSONEachRowRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Formats/BSONTypes.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnNullable.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnLowCardinality.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnTuple.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnMap.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnDecimal.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeLowCardinality.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeTuple.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeMap.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferValidUTF8.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int INCORRECT_DATA;
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
/// In BSON all names should be valid UTF8 sequences
static String toValidUTF8String(const String & name)
WriteBufferFromOwnString buf;
WriteBufferValidUTF8 validating_buf(buf);
writeString(name, validating_buf);
return buf.str();
WriteBuffer & out_, const Block & header_, const RowOutputFormatParams & params_, const FormatSettings & settings_)
: IRowOutputFormat(header_, out_, params_), settings(settings_)
const auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
for (const auto & field : sample.getNamesAndTypes())
fields.emplace_back(toValidUTF8String(field.name), field.type);
static void writeBSONSize(size_t size, WriteBuffer & buf)
if (size > MAX_BSON_SIZE)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA, "Too large document/value size: {}. Maximum allowed size: {}.", size, MAX_BSON_SIZE);
writePODBinary<BSONSizeT>(BSONSizeT(size), buf);
template <typename Type>
static void writeBSONType(Type type, WriteBuffer & buf)
UInt8 value = UInt8(type);
writeBinary(value, buf);
static void writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType type, const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeBSONType(type, buf);
writeString(name, buf);
writeChar(0x00, buf);
template <typename ColumnType, typename ValueType>
static void writeBSONNumber(BSONType type, const IColumn & column, size_t row_num, const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(type, name, buf);
writePODBinary<ValueType>(assert_cast<const ColumnType &>(column).getElement(row_num), buf);
template <typename StringColumnType>
static void writeBSONString(const IColumn & column, size_t row_num, const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf, bool as_bson_string)
const auto & string_column = assert_cast<const StringColumnType &>(column);
StringRef data = string_column.getDataAt(row_num);
if (as_bson_string)
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::STRING, name, buf);
writeBSONSize(data.size + 1, buf);
writeString(data, buf);
writeChar(0x00, buf);
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::BINARY, name, buf);
writeBSONSize(data.size, buf);
writeBSONType(BSONBinarySubtype::BINARY, buf);
writeString(data, buf);
template <class ColumnType>
static void writeBSONBigInteger(const IColumn & column, size_t row_num, const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::BINARY, name, buf);
writeBSONSize(sizeof(typename ColumnType::ValueType), buf);
writeBSONType(BSONBinarySubtype::BINARY, buf);
auto data = assert_cast<const ColumnType &>(column).getDataAt(row_num);
buf.write(data.data, data.size);
size_t BSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::countBSONFieldSize(const IColumn & column, const DataTypePtr & data_type, size_t row_num, const String & name)
size_t size = 1; // Field type
size += name.size() + 1; // Field name and \0
switch (column.getDataType())
case TypeIndex::Int8: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Int16: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt16: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Date: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Date32: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Decimal32: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Int32:
return size + sizeof(Int32);
case TypeIndex::UInt8:
if (isBool(data_type))
return size + 1;
return size + sizeof(Int32);
case TypeIndex::Float32: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Float64: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt32: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Int64: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt64: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::DateTime: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Decimal64: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::DateTime64:
return size + sizeof(UInt64);
case TypeIndex::Int128: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt128: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Decimal128:
return size + sizeof(BSONSizeT) + 1 + sizeof(UInt128); // Size of a binary + binary subtype + 16 bytes of value
case TypeIndex::Int256: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt256: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Decimal256:
return size + sizeof(BSONSizeT) + 1 + sizeof(UInt256); // Size of a binary + binary subtype + 32 bytes of value
case TypeIndex::String:
const auto & string_column = assert_cast<const ColumnString &>(column);
return size + sizeof(BSONSizeT) + string_column.getDataAt(row_num).size + 1; // Size of data + data + \0 or BSON subtype (in case of BSON binary)
case TypeIndex::FixedString:
const auto & string_column = assert_cast<const ColumnFixedString &>(column);
return size + sizeof(BSONSizeT) + string_column.getN() + 1; // Size of data + data + \0 or BSON subtype (in case of BSON binary)
case TypeIndex::UUID:
return size + sizeof(BSONSizeT) + 1 + sizeof(UUID); // Size of data + BSON binary subtype + 16 bytes of value
case TypeIndex::LowCardinality:
const auto & lc_column = assert_cast<const ColumnLowCardinality &>(column);
auto dict_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeLowCardinality *>(data_type.get())->getDictionaryType();
auto dict_column = lc_column.getDictionary().getNestedColumn();
size_t index = lc_column.getIndexAt(row_num);
return countBSONFieldSize(*dict_column, dict_type, index, name);
case TypeIndex::Nullable:
auto nested_type = removeNullable(data_type);
const ColumnNullable & column_nullable = assert_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(column);
if (column_nullable.isNullAt(row_num))
return size; /// Null has no value, just type
return countBSONFieldSize(column_nullable.getNestedColumn(), nested_type, row_num, name);
case TypeIndex::Array:
size += sizeof(BSONSizeT); // Size of a document
const auto & nested_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(data_type.get())->getNestedType();
const ColumnArray & column_array = assert_cast<const ColumnArray &>(column);
const IColumn & nested_column = column_array.getData();
const ColumnArray::Offsets & offsets = column_array.getOffsets();
size_t offset = offsets[row_num - 1];
size_t array_size = offsets[row_num] - offset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
size += countBSONFieldSize(nested_column, nested_type, offset + i, std::to_string(i)); // Add size of each value from array
return size + sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END); // Add final \0
case TypeIndex::Tuple:
size += sizeof(BSONSizeT); // Size of a document
const auto * tuple_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeTuple *>(data_type.get());
const auto & nested_types = tuple_type->getElements();
bool have_explicit_names = tuple_type->haveExplicitNames();
const auto & nested_names = tuple_type->getElementNames();
const auto & tuple_column = assert_cast<const ColumnTuple &>(column);
const auto & nested_columns = tuple_column.getColumns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nested_columns.size(); ++i)
String key_name = have_explicit_names ? toValidUTF8String(nested_names[i]) : std::to_string(i);
size += countBSONFieldSize(*nested_columns[i], nested_types[i], row_num, key_name); // Add size of each value from tuple
return size + sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END); // Add final \0
case TypeIndex::Map:
size += sizeof(BSONSizeT); // Size of a document
const auto & map_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeMap &>(*data_type);
if (!isStringOrFixedString(map_type.getKeyType()))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Only maps with String key type are supported in BSON, got key type: {}", map_type.getKeyType()->getName());
const auto & value_type = map_type.getValueType();
const auto & map_column = assert_cast<const ColumnMap &>(column);
const auto & nested_column = map_column.getNestedColumn();
const auto & key_value_columns = map_column.getNestedData().getColumns();
const auto & key_column = key_value_columns[0];
const auto & value_column = key_value_columns[1];
const auto & offsets = nested_column.getOffsets();
size_t offset = offsets[row_num - 1];
size_t map_size = offsets[row_num] - offset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < map_size; ++i)
String key = toValidUTF8String(key_column->getDataAt(offset + i).toString());
size += countBSONFieldSize(*value_column, value_type, offset + i, key);
return size + sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END); // Add final \0
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Type {} is not supported in BSON output format", data_type->getName());
void BSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::serializeField(const IColumn & column, const DataTypePtr & data_type, size_t row_num, const String & name)
switch (column.getDataType())
case TypeIndex::Float32:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnFloat32, double>(BSONType::DOUBLE, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Float64:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnFloat64, double>(BSONType::DOUBLE, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Int8:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnInt8, Int32>(BSONType::INT32, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::UInt8:
if (isBool(data_type))
writeBSONNumber<ColumnUInt8, bool>(BSONType::BOOL, column, row_num, name, out);
writeBSONNumber<ColumnUInt8, Int32>(BSONType::INT32, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Int16:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnInt16, Int32>(BSONType::INT32, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Date: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt16:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnUInt16, Int32>(BSONType::INT32, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Date32: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::Int32:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnInt32, Int32>(BSONType::INT32, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::DateTime: [[fallthrough]];
case TypeIndex::UInt32:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnUInt32, Int64>(BSONType::INT64, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Int64:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnInt64, Int64>(BSONType::INT64, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::UInt64:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnUInt64, UInt64>(BSONType::INT64, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Int128:
writeBSONBigInteger<ColumnInt128>(column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::UInt128:
writeBSONBigInteger<ColumnUInt128>(column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Int256:
writeBSONBigInteger<ColumnInt256>(column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::UInt256:
writeBSONBigInteger<ColumnUInt256>(column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Decimal32:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnDecimal<Decimal32>, Decimal32>(BSONType::INT32, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::DateTime64:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnDecimal<DateTime64>, Decimal64>(BSONType::DATETIME, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Decimal64:
writeBSONNumber<ColumnDecimal<Decimal64>, Decimal64>(BSONType::INT64, column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Decimal128:
writeBSONBigInteger<ColumnDecimal<Decimal128>>(column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Decimal256:
writeBSONBigInteger<ColumnDecimal<Decimal256>>(column, row_num, name, out);
case TypeIndex::String:
writeBSONString<ColumnString>(column, row_num, name, out, settings.bson.output_string_as_string);
case TypeIndex::FixedString:
writeBSONString<ColumnFixedString>(column, row_num, name, out, settings.bson.output_string_as_string);
case TypeIndex::UUID:
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::BINARY, name, out);
writeBSONSize(sizeof(UUID), out);
writeBSONType(BSONBinarySubtype::UUID, out);
writeBinary(assert_cast<const ColumnUUID &>(column).getElement(row_num), out);
case TypeIndex::LowCardinality:
const auto & lc_column = assert_cast<const ColumnLowCardinality &>(column);
auto dict_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeLowCardinality *>(data_type.get())->getDictionaryType();
auto dict_column = lc_column.getDictionary().getNestedColumn();
size_t index = lc_column.getIndexAt(row_num);
serializeField(*dict_column, dict_type, index, name);
case TypeIndex::Nullable:
auto nested_type = removeNullable(data_type);
const ColumnNullable & column_nullable = assert_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(column);
if (!column_nullable.isNullAt(row_num))
serializeField(column_nullable.getNestedColumn(), nested_type, row_num, name);
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::NULL_VALUE, name, out);
case TypeIndex::Array:
const auto & nested_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(data_type.get())->getNestedType();
const ColumnArray & column_array = assert_cast<const ColumnArray &>(column);
const IColumn & nested_column = column_array.getData();
const ColumnArray::Offsets & offsets = column_array.getOffsets();
size_t offset = offsets[row_num - 1];
size_t array_size = offsets[row_num] - offset;
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::ARRAY, name, out);
size_t document_size = sizeof(BSONSizeT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
document_size += countBSONFieldSize(nested_column, nested_type, offset + i, std::to_string(i)); // Add size of each value from array
document_size += sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END); // Add final \0
writeBSONSize(document_size, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
serializeField(nested_column, nested_type, offset + i, std::to_string(i));
writeChar(BSON_DOCUMENT_END, out);
case TypeIndex::Tuple:
const auto * tuple_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeTuple *>(data_type.get());
const auto & nested_types = tuple_type->getElements();
bool have_explicit_names = tuple_type->haveExplicitNames();
const auto & nested_names = tuple_type->getElementNames();
const auto & tuple_column = assert_cast<const ColumnTuple &>(column);
const auto & nested_columns = tuple_column.getColumns();
BSONType bson_type = have_explicit_names ? BSONType::DOCUMENT : BSONType::ARRAY;
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(bson_type, name, out);
size_t document_size = sizeof(BSONSizeT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nested_columns.size(); ++i)
String key_name = have_explicit_names ? toValidUTF8String(nested_names[i]) : std::to_string(i);
document_size += countBSONFieldSize(*nested_columns[i], nested_types[i], row_num, key_name); // Add size of each value from tuple
document_size += sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END); // Add final \0
writeBSONSize(document_size, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nested_columns.size(); ++i)
serializeField(*nested_columns[i], nested_types[i], row_num, toValidUTF8String(nested_names[i]));
writeChar(BSON_DOCUMENT_END, out);
case TypeIndex::Map:
const auto & map_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeMap &>(*data_type);
if (!isStringOrFixedString(map_type.getKeyType()))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Only maps with String key type are supported in BSON, got key type: {}", map_type.getKeyType()->getName());
const auto & value_type = map_type.getValueType();
const auto & map_column = assert_cast<const ColumnMap &>(column);
const auto & nested_column = map_column.getNestedColumn();
const auto & key_value_columns = map_column.getNestedData().getColumns();
const auto & key_column = key_value_columns[0];
const auto & value_column = key_value_columns[1];
const auto & offsets = nested_column.getOffsets();
size_t offset = offsets[row_num - 1];
size_t map_size = offsets[row_num] - offset;
writeBSONTypeAndKeyName(BSONType::DOCUMENT, name, out);
size_t document_size = sizeof(BSONSizeT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < map_size; ++i)
String key = toValidUTF8String(key_column->getDataAt(offset + i).toString());
document_size += countBSONFieldSize(*value_column, value_type, offset + i, key);
document_size += sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END);
writeBSONSize(document_size, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < map_size; ++i)
String key = toValidUTF8String(key_column->getDataAt(offset + i).toString());
serializeField(*value_column, value_type, offset + i, key);
writeChar(BSON_DOCUMENT_END, out);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN, "Type {} is not supported in BSON output format", data_type->getName());
void BSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::write(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
/// We should calculate and write document size before its content
size_t document_size = sizeof(BSONSizeT);
for (size_t i = 0; i != columns.size(); ++i)
document_size += countBSONFieldSize(*columns[i], fields[i].type, row_num, fields[i].name);
document_size += sizeof(BSON_DOCUMENT_END);
size_t document_start = out.count();
writeBSONSize(document_size, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i != columns.size(); ++i)
serializeField(*columns[i], fields[i].type, row_num, fields[i].name);
writeChar(BSON_DOCUMENT_END, out);
size_t actual_document_size = out.count() - document_start;
if (actual_document_size != document_size)
throw Exception(
"The actual size of the BSON document does not match the estimated size: {} != {}",
void registerOutputFormatBSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory)
[](WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const RowOutputFormatParams & params, const FormatSettings & _format_settings)
{ return std::make_shared<BSONEachRowRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, params, _format_settings); });