2021-05-14 17:15:08 +03:00

7 lines
579 B

# Parallel tests are currently generated manually. All tests except those in parallel.txt will be run sequentially.
# Current list is generated with following commands
# 1. Generate all tests list as in CI run
./runner ' --setup-plan' | grep '::' | sed 's/ (fixtures used:.*//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g' | sort -u > all_tests.txt
# 2. Filter known tests that can be run in parallel
cat all_tests.txt | grep -v 'grpc\|test_adaptive_granularity\|test_adaptive_granularity\|test_adaptive_granularity\|kafka' | awk '{$1=$1;print}' | jq -R -n '[inputs] | .' > parallel.json