Azat Khuzhin dbe45800d9 Do not account memory for Buffer engine in max_memory_usage limit
Since background flush will not be accounted there, and it can be too
tricky to calclulate this limit, in case you have multiple materialized
views with Buffer engine.

v2: test adjustment
2019-10-31 22:26:50 +03:00

765 lines
28 KiB

#include <boost/range/algorithm_ext/erase.hpp>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterSelectQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterInsertQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterAlterQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/castColumn.h>
#include <Interpreters/evaluateConstantExpression.h>
#include <DataStreams/AddingMissedBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/ConvertingBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/IBlockInputStream.h>
#include <Databases/IDatabase.h>
#include <Storages/StorageBuffer.h>
#include <Storages/StorageFactory.h>
#include <Storages/AlterCommands.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTInsertQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTExpressionList.h>
#include <Common/setThreadName.h>
#include <Common/CurrentMetrics.h>
#include <Common/MemoryTracker.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <Common/quoteString.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Common/ProfileEvents.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <common/getThreadNumber.h>
#include <ext/range.h>
#include <DataStreams/FilterBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/ExpressionBlockInputStream.h>
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event StorageBufferFlush;
extern const Event StorageBufferErrorOnFlush;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedAllMinThresholds;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedTimeMaxThreshold;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedRowsMaxThreshold;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedBytesMaxThreshold;
namespace CurrentMetrics
extern const Metric StorageBufferRows;
extern const Metric StorageBufferBytes;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int INFINITE_LOOP;
StorageBuffer::StorageBuffer(const std::string & database_name_, const std::string & table_name_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_, const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
Context & context_,
size_t num_shards_, const Thresholds & min_thresholds_, const Thresholds & max_thresholds_,
const String & destination_database_, const String & destination_table_, bool allow_materialized_)
table_name(table_name_), database_name(database_name_), global_context(context_),
num_shards(num_shards_), buffers(num_shards_),
min_thresholds(min_thresholds_), max_thresholds(max_thresholds_),
destination_database(destination_database_), destination_table(destination_table_),
no_destination(destination_database.empty() && destination_table.empty()),
allow_materialized(allow_materialized_), log(&Logger::get("StorageBuffer (" + table_name + ")"))
// Should not happen if shutdown was called
if (flush_thread.joinable())
/// Reads from one buffer (from one block) under its mutex.
class BufferBlockInputStream : public IBlockInputStream
BufferBlockInputStream(const Names & column_names_, StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer_, const StorageBuffer & storage_)
: column_names(column_names_.begin(), column_names_.end()), buffer(buffer_), storage(storage_) {}
String getName() const override { return "Buffer"; }
Block getHeader() const override { return storage.getSampleBlockForColumns(column_names); }
Block readImpl() override
Block res;
if (has_been_read)
return res;
has_been_read = true;
std::lock_guard lock(buffer.mutex);
if (!
return res;
for (const auto & name : column_names)
return res;
Names column_names;
StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer;
const StorageBuffer & storage;
bool has_been_read = false;
QueryProcessingStage::Enum StorageBuffer::getQueryProcessingStage(const Context & context) const
if (!no_destination)
auto destination = context.getTable(destination_database, destination_table);
if (destination.get() == this)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
return destination->getQueryProcessingStage(context);
return QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns;
BlockInputStreams StorageBuffer::read(
const Names & column_names,
const SelectQueryInfo & query_info,
const Context & context,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size,
unsigned num_streams)
BlockInputStreams streams_from_dst;
if (!no_destination)
auto destination = context.getTable(destination_database, destination_table);
if (destination.get() == this)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
auto destination_lock = destination->lockStructureForShare(false, context.getCurrentQueryId());
const bool dst_has_same_structure = std::all_of(column_names.begin(), column_names.end(), [this, destination](const String& column_name)
return destination->hasColumn(column_name) &&
if (dst_has_same_structure)
/// The destination table has the same structure of the requested columns and we can simply read blocks from there.
streams_from_dst = destination->read(column_names, query_info, context, processed_stage, max_block_size, num_streams);
/// There is a struct mismatch and we need to convert read blocks from the destination table.
const Block header = getSampleBlock();
Names columns_intersection = column_names;
Block header_after_adding_defaults = header;
for (const String & column_name : column_names)
if (!destination->hasColumn(column_name))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table)
<< " doesn't have column " << backQuoteIfNeed(column_name) << ". The default values are used.");
boost::range::remove_erase(columns_intersection, column_name);
const auto & dst_col = destination->getColumn(column_name);
const auto & col = getColumn(column_name);
if (!dst_col.type->equals(*col.type))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table)
<< " has different type of column " << backQuoteIfNeed(column_name) << " ("
<< dst_col.type->getName() << " != " << col.type->getName() << "). Data from destination table are converted.");
header_after_adding_defaults.getByName(column_name) = ColumnWithTypeAndName(dst_col.type, column_name);
if (columns_intersection.empty())
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table)
<< " has no common columns with block in buffer. Block of data is skipped.");
streams_from_dst = destination->read(columns_intersection, query_info, context, processed_stage, max_block_size, num_streams);
for (auto & stream : streams_from_dst)
stream = std::make_shared<AddingMissedBlockInputStream>(
stream, header_after_adding_defaults, getColumns().getDefaults(), context);
stream = std::make_shared<ConvertingBlockInputStream>(
context, stream, header, ConvertingBlockInputStream::MatchColumnsMode::Name);
for (auto & stream : streams_from_dst)
BlockInputStreams streams_from_buffers;
for (auto & buf : buffers)
streams_from_buffers.push_back(std::make_shared<BufferBlockInputStream>(column_names, buf, *this));
/** If the sources from the table were processed before some non-initial stage of query execution,
* then sources from the buffers must also be wrapped in the processing pipeline before the same stage.
if (processed_stage > QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns)
for (auto & stream : streams_from_buffers)
stream = InterpreterSelectQuery(query_info.query, context, stream, SelectQueryOptions(processed_stage)).execute().in;
if (query_info.prewhere_info)
for (auto & stream : streams_from_buffers)
stream = std::make_shared<FilterBlockInputStream>(stream, query_info.prewhere_info->prewhere_actions,
query_info.prewhere_info->prewhere_column_name, query_info.prewhere_info->remove_prewhere_column);
if (query_info.prewhere_info->alias_actions)
for (auto & stream : streams_from_buffers)
stream = std::make_shared<ExpressionBlockInputStream>(stream, query_info.prewhere_info->alias_actions);
streams_from_dst.insert(streams_from_dst.end(), streams_from_buffers.begin(), streams_from_buffers.end());
return streams_from_dst;
static void appendBlock(const Block & from, Block & to)
if (!to)
throw Exception("Cannot append to empty block", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
assertBlocksHaveEqualStructure(from, to, "Buffer");
size_t rows = from.rows();
size_t bytes = from.bytes();
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, rows);
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, bytes);
size_t old_rows = to.rows();
auto temporarily_disable_memory_tracker = getCurrentMemoryTrackerActionLock();
for (size_t column_no = 0, columns = to.columns(); column_no < columns; ++column_no)
const IColumn & col_from = *from.getByPosition(column_no).column.get();
MutableColumnPtr col_to = (*std::move(to.getByPosition(column_no).column)).mutate();
col_to->insertRangeFrom(col_from, 0, rows);
to.getByPosition(column_no).column = std::move(col_to);
catch (...)
/// Rollback changes.
for (size_t column_no = 0, columns = to.columns(); column_no < columns; ++column_no)
ColumnPtr & col_to = to.getByPosition(column_no).column;
if (col_to->size() != old_rows)
col_to = (*std::move(col_to)).mutate()->cut(0, old_rows);
catch (...)
/// In case when we cannot rollback, do not leave incorrect state in memory.
class BufferBlockOutputStream : public IBlockOutputStream
explicit BufferBlockOutputStream(StorageBuffer & storage_) : storage(storage_) {}
Block getHeader() const override { return storage.getSampleBlock(); }
void write(const Block & block) override
if (!block)
// Check table structure.
storage.check(block, true);
size_t rows = block.rows();
if (!rows)
StoragePtr destination;
if (!storage.no_destination)
destination = storage.global_context.tryGetTable(storage.destination_database, storage.destination_table);
if (destination.get() == &storage)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Write will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
size_t bytes = block.bytes();
/// If the block already exceeds the maximum limit, then we skip the buffer.
if (rows > storage.max_thresholds.rows || bytes > storage.max_thresholds.bytes)
if (!storage.no_destination)
LOG_TRACE(storage.log, "Writing block with " << rows << " rows, " << bytes << " bytes directly.");
storage.writeBlockToDestination(block, destination);
/// We distribute the load on the shards by the stream number.
const auto start_shard_num = getThreadNumber() % storage.num_shards;
/// We loop through the buffers, trying to lock mutex. No more than one lap.
auto shard_num = start_shard_num;
StorageBuffer::Buffer * least_busy_buffer = nullptr;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> least_busy_lock;
size_t least_busy_shard_rows = 0;
for (size_t try_no = 0; try_no < storage.num_shards; ++try_no)
std::unique_lock lock(storage.buffers[shard_num].mutex, std::try_to_lock);
if (lock.owns_lock())
size_t num_rows = storage.buffers[shard_num].data.rows();
if (!least_busy_buffer || num_rows < least_busy_shard_rows)
least_busy_buffer = &storage.buffers[shard_num];
least_busy_lock = std::move(lock);
least_busy_shard_rows = num_rows;
shard_num = (shard_num + 1) % storage.num_shards;
/// If you still can not lock anything at once, then we'll wait on mutex.
if (!least_busy_buffer)
least_busy_buffer = &storage.buffers[start_shard_num];
least_busy_lock = std::unique_lock(least_busy_buffer->mutex);
insertIntoBuffer(block, *least_busy_buffer);
StorageBuffer & storage;
void insertIntoBuffer(const Block & block, StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer)
time_t current_time = time(nullptr);
/// Sort the columns in the block. This is necessary to make it easier to concatenate the blocks later.
Block sorted_block = block.sortColumns();
if (!
{ = sorted_block.cloneEmpty();
else if (storage.checkThresholds(buffer, current_time, sorted_block.rows(), sorted_block.bytes()))
/** If, after inserting the buffer, the constraints are exceeded, then we will reset the buffer.
* This also protects against unlimited consumption of RAM, since if it is impossible to write to the table,
* an exception will be thrown, and new data will not be added to the buffer.
storage.flushBuffer(buffer, true, true /* locked */);
if (!buffer.first_write_time)
buffer.first_write_time = current_time;
BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageBuffer::write(const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const Context & /*context*/)
return std::make_shared<BufferBlockOutputStream>(*this);
bool StorageBuffer::mayBenefitFromIndexForIn(const ASTPtr & left_in_operand, const Context & query_context) const
if (no_destination)
return false;
auto destination = global_context.getTable(destination_database, destination_table);
if (destination.get() == this)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
return destination->mayBenefitFromIndexForIn(left_in_operand, query_context);
void StorageBuffer::startup()
if (global_context.getSettingsRef().readonly)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Storage " << getName() << " is run with readonly settings, it will not be able to insert data."
<< " Set apropriate system_profile to fix this.");
flush_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool(&StorageBuffer::flushThread, this);
void StorageBuffer::shutdown()
if (flush_thread.joinable())
optimize(nullptr /*query*/, {} /*partition*/, false /*final*/, false /*deduplicate*/, global_context);
catch (...)
/** NOTE If you do OPTIMIZE after insertion,
* it does not guarantee, that all data will be in destination table at the time of next SELECT just after OPTIMIZE.
* Because in case if there was already running flushBuffer method,
* then call to flushBuffer inside OPTIMIZE will see empty buffer and return quickly,
* but at the same time, the already running flushBuffer method possibly is not finished,
* so next SELECT will observe missing data.
* This kind of race condition make very hard to implement proper tests.
bool StorageBuffer::optimize(const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const ASTPtr & partition, bool final, bool deduplicate, const Context & /*context*/)
if (partition)
throw Exception("Partition cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (final)
throw Exception("FINAL cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (deduplicate)
throw Exception("DEDUPLICATE cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return true;
bool StorageBuffer::checkThresholds(const Buffer & buffer, time_t current_time, size_t additional_rows, size_t additional_bytes) const
time_t time_passed = 0;
if (buffer.first_write_time)
time_passed = current_time - buffer.first_write_time;
size_t rows = + additional_rows;
size_t bytes = + additional_bytes;
return checkThresholdsImpl(rows, bytes, time_passed);
bool StorageBuffer::checkThresholdsImpl(size_t rows, size_t bytes, time_t time_passed) const
if (time_passed > min_thresholds.time && rows > min_thresholds.rows && bytes > min_thresholds.bytes)
return true;
if (time_passed > max_thresholds.time)
return true;
if (rows > max_thresholds.rows)
return true;
if (bytes > max_thresholds.bytes)
return true;
return false;
void StorageBuffer::flushAllBuffers(const bool check_thresholds)
for (auto & buf : buffers)
flushBuffer(buf, check_thresholds);
void StorageBuffer::flushBuffer(Buffer & buffer, bool check_thresholds, bool locked)
Block block_to_write;
time_t current_time = time(nullptr);
size_t rows = 0;
size_t bytes = 0;
time_t time_passed = 0;
std::unique_lock lock(buffer.mutex, std::defer_lock);
if (!locked)
block_to_write =;
rows =;
bytes =;
if (buffer.first_write_time)
time_passed = current_time - buffer.first_write_time;
if (check_thresholds)
if (!checkThresholdsImpl(rows, bytes, time_passed))
if (rows == 0)
buffer.first_write_time = 0;
CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, block_to_write.rows());
CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, block_to_write.bytes());
LOG_TRACE(log, "Flushing buffer with " << rows << " rows, " << bytes << " bytes, age " << time_passed << " seconds.");
if (no_destination)
/** For simplicity, buffer is locked during write.
* We could unlock buffer temporary, but it would lead to too many difficulties:
* - data, that is written, will not be visible for SELECTs;
* - new data could be appended to buffer, and in case of exception, we must merge it with old data, that has not been written;
* - this could lead to infinite memory growth.
writeBlockToDestination(block_to_write, global_context.tryGetTable(destination_database, destination_table));
catch (...)
/// Return the block to its place in the buffer.
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, block_to_write.rows());
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, block_to_write.bytes());;
if (!buffer.first_write_time)
buffer.first_write_time = current_time;
/// After a while, the next write attempt will happen.
void StorageBuffer::writeBlockToDestination(const Block & block, StoragePtr table)
if (no_destination || !block)
if (!table)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table) << " doesn't exist. Block of data is discarded.");
auto temporarily_disable_memory_tracker = getCurrentMemoryTrackerActionLock();
auto insert = std::make_shared<ASTInsertQuery>();
insert->database = destination_database;
insert->table = destination_table;
/** We will insert columns that are the intersection set of columns of the buffer table and the subordinate table.
* This will support some of the cases (but not all) when the table structure does not match.
Block structure_of_destination_table = allow_materialized ? table->getSampleBlock() : table->getSampleBlockNonMaterialized();
Block block_to_write;
for (size_t i : ext::range(0, structure_of_destination_table.columns()))
auto dst_col = structure_of_destination_table.getByPosition(i);
if (block.has(
auto column = block.getByName(;
if (!column.type->equals(*dst_col.type))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table)
<< " have different type of column " << backQuoteIfNeed( << " ("
<< dst_col.type->getName() << " != " << column.type->getName()
<< "). Block of data is converted.");
column.column = castColumn(column, dst_col.type, global_context);
column.type = dst_col.type;
if (block_to_write.columns() == 0)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table)
<< " have no common columns with block in buffer. Block of data is discarded.");
if (block_to_write.columns() != block.columns())
LOG_WARNING(log, "Not all columns from block in buffer exist in destination table "
<< backQuoteIfNeed(destination_database) << "." << backQuoteIfNeed(destination_table) << ". Some columns are discarded.");
auto list_of_columns = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
insert->columns = list_of_columns;
for (const auto & column : block_to_write)
InterpreterInsertQuery interpreter{insert, global_context, allow_materialized};
auto block_io = interpreter.execute();
void StorageBuffer::flushThread()
catch (...)
} while (!shutdown_event.tryWait(1000));
void StorageBuffer::alter(const AlterCommands & params, const Context & context, TableStructureWriteLockHolder & table_lock_holder)
lockStructureExclusively(table_lock_holder, context.getCurrentQueryId());
const String database_name_ = getDatabaseName();
const String table_name_ = getTableName();
/// So that no blocks of the old structure remain.
optimize({} /*query*/, {} /*partition_id*/, false /*final*/, false /*deduplicate*/, context);
auto new_columns = getColumns();
auto new_indices = getIndices();
auto new_constraints = getConstraints();
context.getDatabase(database_name_)->alterTable(context, table_name_, new_columns, new_indices, new_constraints, {});
void registerStorageBuffer(StorageFactory & factory)
/** Buffer(db, table, num_buckets, min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes)
* db, table - in which table to put data from buffer.
* num_buckets - level of parallelism.
* min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes - conditions for flushing the buffer.
factory.registerStorage("Buffer", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args)
ASTs & engine_args = args.engine_args;
if (engine_args.size() != 9)
throw Exception("Storage Buffer requires 9 parameters: "
" destination_database, destination_table, num_buckets, min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes.",
engine_args[0] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[0], args.local_context);
engine_args[1] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[1], args.local_context);
String destination_database = engine_args[0]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.safeGet<String>();
String destination_table = engine_args[1]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.safeGet<String>();
UInt64 num_buckets = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[2]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
Int64 min_time = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<Int64>(), engine_args[3]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
Int64 max_time = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<Int64>(), engine_args[4]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 min_rows = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[5]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 max_rows = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[6]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 min_bytes = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[7]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 max_bytes = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[8]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
return StorageBuffer::create(
args.table_name, args.columns, args.constraints,
StorageBuffer::Thresholds{min_time, min_rows, min_bytes},
StorageBuffer::Thresholds{max_time, max_rows, max_bytes},
destination_database, destination_table,