
626 lines
19 KiB

#include <Access/IAccessStorage.h>
#include <Access/Authentication.h>
#include <Access/Credentials.h>
#include <Access/User.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/quoteString.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Poco/UUIDGenerator.h>
#include <Poco/Logger.h>
#include <base/FnTraits.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ACCESS_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;
extern const int WRONG_PASSWORD;
extern const int IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
String outputID(const UUID & id)
return "ID(" + toString(id) + ")";
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::findAll(AccessEntityType type) const
return findAllImpl(type);
std::optional<UUID> IAccessStorage::find(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
return findImpl(type, name);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::find(AccessEntityType type, const Strings & names) const
std::vector<UUID> ids;
for (const String & name : names)
auto id = findImpl(type, name);
if (id)
return ids;
UUID IAccessStorage::getID(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
auto id = findImpl(type, name);
if (id)
return *id;
throwNotFound(type, name);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::getIDs(AccessEntityType type, const Strings & names) const
std::vector<UUID> ids;
for (const String & name : names)
ids.push_back(getID(type, name));
return ids;
String IAccessStorage::readName(const UUID & id) const
return *readNameImpl(id, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ true);
std::optional<String> IAccessStorage::readName(const UUID & id, bool throw_if_not_exists) const
return readNameImpl(id, throw_if_not_exists);
Strings IAccessStorage::readNames(const std::vector<UUID> & ids, bool throw_if_not_exists) const
Strings res;
for (const auto & id : ids)
if (auto name = readNameImpl(id, throw_if_not_exists))
return res;
std::optional<String> IAccessStorage::tryReadName(const UUID & id) const
return readName(id, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ false);
Strings IAccessStorage::tryReadNames(const std::vector<UUID> & ids) const
return readNames(ids, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ false);
std::optional<String> IAccessStorage::readNameImpl(const UUID & id, bool throw_if_not_exists) const
if (auto entity = read(id, throw_if_not_exists))
return entity->getName();
return std::nullopt;
UUID IAccessStorage::insert(const AccessEntityPtr & entity)
return *insert(entity, /* replace_if_exists = */ false, /* throw_if_exists = */ true);
std::optional<UUID> IAccessStorage::insert(const AccessEntityPtr & entity, bool replace_if_exists, bool throw_if_exists)
return insertImpl(entity, replace_if_exists, throw_if_exists);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::insert(const std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> & multiple_entities, bool replace_if_exists, bool throw_if_exists)
if (multiple_entities.empty())
return {};
if (multiple_entities.size() == 1)
if (auto id = insert(multiple_entities[0], replace_if_exists, throw_if_exists))
return {*id};
return {};
std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> successfully_inserted;
std::vector<UUID> ids;
for (const auto & entity : multiple_entities)
if (auto id = insertImpl(entity, replace_if_exists, throw_if_exists))
return ids;
catch (Exception & e)
/// Try to add more information to the error message.
if (!successfully_inserted.empty())
String successfully_inserted_str;
for (const auto & entity : successfully_inserted)
if (!successfully_inserted_str.empty())
successfully_inserted_str += ", ";
successfully_inserted_str += entity->formatTypeWithName();
e.addMessage("After successfully inserting {}/{}: {}", successfully_inserted.size(), multiple_entities.size(), successfully_inserted_str);
std::optional<UUID> IAccessStorage::tryInsert(const AccessEntityPtr & entity)
return insert(entity, /* replace_if_exists = */ false, /* throw_if_exists = */ false);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::tryInsert(const std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> & multiple_entities)
return insert(multiple_entities, /* replace_if_exists = */ false, /* throw_if_exists = */ false);
UUID IAccessStorage::insertOrReplace(const AccessEntityPtr & entity)
return *insert(entity, /* replace_if_exists = */ true, /* throw_if_exists = */ false);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::insertOrReplace(const std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> & multiple_entities)
return insert(multiple_entities, /* replace_if_exists = */ true, /* throw_if_exists = */ false);
std::optional<UUID> IAccessStorage::insertImpl(const AccessEntityPtr & entity, bool, bool)
if (isReadOnly())
throwReadonlyCannotInsert(entity->getType(), entity->getName());
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "insertImpl() is not implemented in {}", getStorageType());
bool IAccessStorage::remove(const UUID & id, bool throw_if_not_exists)
return removeImpl(id, throw_if_not_exists);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::remove(const std::vector<UUID> & ids, bool throw_if_not_exists)
if (ids.empty())
return {};
if (ids.size() == 1)
return remove(ids[0], throw_if_not_exists) ? ids : std::vector<UUID>{};
Strings removed_names;
std::vector<UUID> removed_ids;
std::vector<UUID> readonly_ids;
/// First we call remove() for non-readonly entities.
for (const auto & id : ids)
if (isReadOnly(id))
auto name = tryReadName(id);
if (remove(id, throw_if_not_exists))
if (name)
/// For readonly entities we're still going to call remove() because
/// isReadOnly(id) could change and even if it's not then a storage-specific
/// implementation of removeImpl() will probably generate a better error message.
for (const auto & id : readonly_ids)
auto name = tryReadName(id);
if (remove(id, throw_if_not_exists))
if (name)
return removed_ids;
catch (Exception & e)
/// Try to add more information to the error message.
if (!removed_names.empty())
String removed_names_str;
for (const auto & name : removed_names)
if (!removed_names_str.empty())
removed_names_str += ", ";
removed_names_str += backQuote(name);
e.addMessage("After successfully removing {}/{}: {}", removed_names.size(), ids.size(), removed_names_str);
bool IAccessStorage::tryRemove(const UUID & id)
return remove(id, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ false);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::tryRemove(const std::vector<UUID> & ids)
return remove(ids, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ false);
bool IAccessStorage::removeImpl(const UUID & id, bool throw_if_not_exists)
if (isReadOnly(id))
auto entity = read(id, throw_if_not_exists);
if (!entity)
return false;
throwReadonlyCannotRemove(entity->getType(), entity->getName());
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "removeImpl() is not implemented in {}", getStorageType());
bool IAccessStorage::update(const UUID & id, const UpdateFunc & update_func, bool throw_if_not_exists)
return updateImpl(id, update_func, throw_if_not_exists);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::update(const std::vector<UUID> & ids, const UpdateFunc & update_func, bool throw_if_not_exists)
if (ids.empty())
return {};
if (ids.size() == 1)
return update(ids[0], update_func, throw_if_not_exists) ? ids : std::vector<UUID>{};
Strings names_of_updated;
std::vector<UUID> ids_of_updated;
std::vector<UUID> readonly_ids;
/// First we call update() for non-readonly entities.
for (const auto & id : ids)
if (isReadOnly(id))
auto name = tryReadName(id);
if (update(id, update_func, throw_if_not_exists))
if (name)
/// For readonly entities we're still going to call update() because
/// isReadOnly(id) could change and even if it's not then a storage-specific
/// implementation of updateImpl() will probably generate a better error message.
for (const auto & id : readonly_ids)
auto name = tryReadName(id);
if (update(id, update_func, throw_if_not_exists))
if (name)
return ids_of_updated;
catch (Exception & e)
/// Try to add more information to the error message.
if (!names_of_updated.empty())
String names_of_updated_str;
for (const auto & name : names_of_updated)
if (!names_of_updated_str.empty())
names_of_updated_str += ", ";
names_of_updated_str += backQuote(name);
e.addMessage("After successfully updating {}/{}: {}", names_of_updated.size(), ids.size(), names_of_updated_str);
bool IAccessStorage::tryUpdate(const UUID & id, const UpdateFunc & update_func)
return update(id, update_func, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ false);
std::vector<UUID> IAccessStorage::tryUpdate(const std::vector<UUID> & ids, const UpdateFunc & update_func)
return update(ids, update_func, /* throw_if_not_exists = */ false);
bool IAccessStorage::updateImpl(const UUID & id, const UpdateFunc &, bool throw_if_not_exists)
if (isReadOnly(id))
auto entity = read(id, throw_if_not_exists);
if (!entity)
return false;
throwReadonlyCannotUpdate(entity->getType(), entity->getName());
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "updateImpl() is not implemented in {}", getStorageType());
scope_guard IAccessStorage::subscribeForChanges(AccessEntityType type, const OnChangedHandler & handler) const
return subscribeForChangesImpl(type, handler);
scope_guard IAccessStorage::subscribeForChanges(const UUID & id, const OnChangedHandler & handler) const
return subscribeForChangesImpl(id, handler);
scope_guard IAccessStorage::subscribeForChanges(const std::vector<UUID> & ids, const OnChangedHandler & handler) const
scope_guard subscriptions;
for (const auto & id : ids)
subscriptions.join(subscribeForChangesImpl(id, handler));
return subscriptions;
void IAccessStorage::notify(const Notifications & notifications)
for (const auto & [fn, id, new_entity] : notifications)
fn(id, new_entity);
UUID IAccessStorage::authenticate(
const Credentials & credentials,
const Poco::Net::IPAddress & address,
const ExternalAuthenticators & external_authenticators,
bool allow_no_password,
bool allow_plaintext_password) const
return *authenticateImpl(credentials, address, external_authenticators, /* throw_if_user_not_exists = */ true, allow_no_password, allow_plaintext_password);
std::optional<UUID> IAccessStorage::authenticate(
const Credentials & credentials,
const Poco::Net::IPAddress & address,
const ExternalAuthenticators & external_authenticators,
bool throw_if_user_not_exists,
bool allow_no_password,
bool allow_plaintext_password) const
return authenticateImpl(credentials, address, external_authenticators, throw_if_user_not_exists, allow_no_password, allow_plaintext_password);
std::optional<UUID> IAccessStorage::authenticateImpl(
const Credentials & credentials,
const Poco::Net::IPAddress & address,
const ExternalAuthenticators & external_authenticators,
bool throw_if_user_not_exists,
bool allow_no_password,
bool allow_plaintext_password) const
if (auto id = find<User>(credentials.getUserName()))
if (auto user = tryRead<User>(*id))
if (!isAddressAllowed(*user, address))
auto auth_type = user->auth_data.getType();
if (((auth_type == AuthenticationType::NO_PASSWORD) && !allow_no_password) ||
((auth_type == AuthenticationType::PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD) && !allow_plaintext_password))
if (!areCredentialsValid(*user, credentials, external_authenticators))
return id;
if (throw_if_user_not_exists)
throwNotFound(AccessEntityType::USER, credentials.getUserName());
return std::nullopt;
bool IAccessStorage::areCredentialsValid(
const User & user,
const Credentials & credentials,
const ExternalAuthenticators & external_authenticators) const
if (!credentials.isReady())
return false;
if (credentials.getUserName() != user.getName())
return false;
return Authentication::areCredentialsValid(credentials, user.auth_data, external_authenticators);
bool IAccessStorage::isAddressAllowed(const User & user, const Poco::Net::IPAddress & address) const
return user.allowed_client_hosts.contains(address);
UUID IAccessStorage::generateRandomID()
static Poco::UUIDGenerator generator;
UUID id;
generator.createRandom().copyTo(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&id));
return id;
Poco::Logger * IAccessStorage::getLogger() const
Poco::Logger * ptr = log.load();
if (!ptr) = &Poco::Logger::get("Access(" + storage_name + ")"), std::memory_order_relaxed);
return ptr;
void IAccessStorage::throwNotFound(const UUID & id) const
throw Exception(outputID(id) + " not found in " + getStorageName(), ErrorCodes::ACCESS_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND);
void IAccessStorage::throwNotFound(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
int error_code = AccessEntityTypeInfo::get(type).not_found_error_code;
throw Exception("There is no " + formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + " in " + getStorageName(), error_code);
void IAccessStorage::throwBadCast(const UUID & id, AccessEntityType type, const String & name, AccessEntityType required_type)
throw Exception(
outputID(id) + ": " + formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + " expected to be of type " + toString(required_type),
void IAccessStorage::throwIDCollisionCannotInsert(const UUID & id, AccessEntityType type, const String & name, AccessEntityType existing_type, const String & existing_name) const
throw Exception(
formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + ": cannot insert because the " + outputID(id) + " is already used by "
+ formatEntityTypeWithName(existing_type, existing_name) + " in " + getStorageName(),
void IAccessStorage::throwNameCollisionCannotInsert(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
throw Exception(
formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + ": cannot insert because " + formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + " already exists in "
+ getStorageName(),
void IAccessStorage::throwNameCollisionCannotRename(AccessEntityType type, const String & old_name, const String & new_name) const
throw Exception(
formatEntityTypeWithName(type, old_name) + ": cannot rename to " + backQuote(new_name) + " because "
+ formatEntityTypeWithName(type, new_name) + " already exists in " + getStorageName(),
void IAccessStorage::throwReadonlyCannotInsert(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
throw Exception(
"Cannot insert " + formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + " to " + getStorageName() + " because this storage is readonly",
void IAccessStorage::throwReadonlyCannotUpdate(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
throw Exception(
"Cannot update " + formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + " in " + getStorageName() + " because this storage is readonly",
void IAccessStorage::throwReadonlyCannotRemove(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
throw Exception(
"Cannot remove " + formatEntityTypeWithName(type, name) + " from " + getStorageName() + " because this storage is readonly",
void IAccessStorage::throwAddressNotAllowed(const Poco::Net::IPAddress & address)
throw Exception("Connections from " + address.toString() + " are not allowed", ErrorCodes::IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED);
void IAccessStorage::throwAuthenticationTypeNotAllowed(AuthenticationType auth_type)
throw Exception(
"Authentication type {} is not allowed, check the setting allow_{} in the server configuration",
toString(auth_type), AuthenticationTypeInfo::get(auth_type).name);
void IAccessStorage::throwInvalidCredentials()
throw Exception("Invalid credentials", ErrorCodes::WRONG_PASSWORD);