Vitaliy Zakaznikov 0b95bfb38e Adding support to run modules in parallel.
Adding fixes to ldap and rbac tests.
Adding user_dn_detection tests in LDAP role mapping.
2021-05-07 09:14:40 -04:00

476 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import importlib
from testflows.core import *
from testflows.asserts import error
from ldap.role_mapping.requirements import *
from ldap.role_mapping.tests.common import *
def check_config(self, entries, valid=True, ldap_server="openldap1", user="user1", password="user1"):
"""Apply LDAP server configuration and check login.
if valid:
exitcode = 0
message = "1"
exitcode = 4
message = "DB::Exception: user1: Authentication failed: password is incorrect or there is no user with such name"
with Given("I add LDAP server configuration"):
config = create_xml_config_content(entries=entries, config_file="ldap_servers.xml")
add_ldap_servers_configuration(servers=None, config=config)
with And("I add LDAP external user directory configuration"):
role_mappings=None, restart=True)
with When(f"I login I try to login as an LDAP user"):
r = self.context.node.query(f"SELECT 1", settings=[
("user", user), ("password", password)], exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
def config_invalid_base_dn(self):
"""Check when invalid `base_dn` is specified in the user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration with invalid base_dn"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=user,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
check_config(entries=entries, valid=False)
def config_empty_base_dn(self):
"""Check when empty `base_dn` is specified in the user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration with invalid base_dn"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
check_config(entries=entries, valid=False)
def config_missing_base_dn(self):
"""Check when missing `base_dn` is specified in the user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration with invalid base_dn"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
check_config(entries=entries, valid=False)
def config_invalid_search_filter(self):
"""Check when invalid `search_filter` is specified in the user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration with invalid search_filter"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPersons)(uid={user_name}))"
check_config(entries=entries, valid=False)
def config_missing_search_filter(self):
"""Check when missing `search_filter` is specified in the user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration with invalid search_filter"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
check_config(entries=entries, valid=False)
def config_empty_search_filter(self):
"""Check when empty `search_filter` is specified in the user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration with invalid search_filter"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": ""
check_config(entries=entries, valid=False)
def config_valid(self):
"""Check valid config with valid user_dn_detection section.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
check_config(entries=entries, valid=True)
def config_valid_tls_connection(self):
"""Check valid config with valid user_dn_detection section when
using LDAP that is configured to use TLS connection.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap2": {
"host": "openldap2",
"port": "636",
"enable_tls": "yes",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"tls_require_cert": "never",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
check_config(entries=entries, valid=True, ldap_server="openldap2", user="user2", password="user2")
@Examples("scope base_dn", [
("base", "cn=user1,ou=users,dc=company,dc=com"),
("subtree","ou=users,dc=company,dc=com") # default value
def check_valid_scope_values(self, scope, base_dn):
"""Check configuration with valid scope values.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": base_dn,
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))",
"scope": scope
check_config(entries=entries, valid=True)
def mapping(self):
"""Run all role mapping tests with both
openldap1 and openldap2 configured to use
user DN detection.
users = [
{"server": "openldap1", "username": "user1", "password": "user1", "login": True,
"dn": "cn=user1,ou=users,dc=company,dc=com"},
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
"openldap2": {
"host": "openldap2",
"port": "636",
"enable_tls": "yes",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"tls_require_cert": "never",
"user_dn_detection": {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))"
with Given("I add LDAP servers configuration"):
config = create_xml_config_content(entries=entries, config_file="ldap_servers.xml")
add_ldap_servers_configuration(servers=None, config=config)
for scenario in loads(importlib.import_module("ldap.role_mapping.tests.mapping"), Scenario):
scenario(ldap_server="openldap1", ldap_user=users[0])
def setup_different_bind_dn_and_user_dn(self, uid, map_by, user_dn_detection):
"""Check that roles get mapped properly when bind_dn and user_dn are different
by creating LDAP users that have switched uid parameter values.
with Given("I define LDAP server configuration"):
entries = {
"ldap_servers": [
"openldap1": {
"host": "openldap1",
"port": "389",
"enable_tls": "no",
"bind_dn": "cn={user_name},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
if user_dn_detection:
with And("I enable user dn detection"):
entries["ldap_servers"][0]["openldap1"]["user_dn_detection"] = {
"base_dn": "ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"search_filter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user_name}))",
"scope": "subtree"
with And("I define role mappings"):
role_mappings = [
"base_dn": "ou=groups,dc=company,dc=com",
"attribute": "cn",
"search_filter": f"(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember={{{map_by}}}))",
with Given("I add LDAP users"):
first_user = add_ldap_users(users=[
{"cn": f"first_user", "userpassword": "user", "uid": "second_user"}
second_user = add_ldap_users(users=[
{"cn": f"second_user", "userpassword": "user", "uid": "first_user"}
with Given("I add LDAP groups"):
groups = add_ldap_groups(groups=({"cn": f"role0_{uid}"}, {"cn": f"role1_{uid}"}))
with And("I add LDAP user to each LDAP group"):
with By("adding first group to first user"):
add_user_to_group_in_ldap(user=first_user, group=groups[0])
with And("adding second group to second user"):
add_user_to_group_in_ldap(user=second_user, group=groups[1])
with And("I add RBAC roles"):
roles = add_rbac_roles(roles=(f"role0_{uid}", f"role1_{uid}"))
with Given("I add LDAP server configuration"):
config = create_xml_config_content(entries=entries, config_file="ldap_servers.xml")
add_ldap_servers_configuration(servers=None, config=config)
with And("I add LDAP external user directory configuration"):
role_mappings=role_mappings, restart=True)
def map_roles_by_user_dn_when_base_dn_and_user_dn_are_different(self):
"""Check the case when we map roles using user_dn then
the first user has uid of second user and second user
has uid of first user and configuring user DN detection to
determine user_dn based on the uid value so that user_dn
for the first user will be bind_dn of the second user and
vice versa.
uid = getuid()
setup_different_bind_dn_and_user_dn(uid=uid, map_by="user_dn", user_dn_detection=True)
with When(f"I login as first LDAP user"):
r = self.context.node.query(f"SHOW GRANTS", settings=[
("user", "first_user"), ("password", "user")])
with Then("I expect the first user to have mapped LDAP roles from second user"):
assert f"GRANT role1_{uid} TO first_user" in r.output, error()
with When(f"I login as second LDAP user"):
r = self.context.node.query(f"SHOW GRANTS", settings=[
("user", "second_user"), ("password", "user")])
with Then("I expect the second user to have mapped LDAP roles from first user"):
assert f"GRANT role0_{uid} TO second_user" in r.output, error()
def map_roles_by_bind_dn_when_base_dn_and_user_dn_are_different(self):
"""Check the case when we map roles by bind_dn when bind_dn and user_dn
are different.
uid = getuid()
setup_different_bind_dn_and_user_dn(uid=uid, map_by="bind_dn", user_dn_detection=True)
with When(f"I login as first LDAP user"):
r = self.context.node.query(f"SHOW GRANTS", settings=[
("user", "first_user"), ("password", "user")])
with Then("I expect the first user to have no mapped LDAP roles"):
assert f"GRANT role0_{uid} TO first_user" == r.output, error()
with When(f"I login as second LDAP user"):
r = self.context.node.query(f"SHOW GRANTS", settings=[
("user", "second_user"), ("password", "user")])
with Then("I expect the second user to have no mapped LDAP roles"):
assert f"GRANT role1_{uid} TO second_user" in r.output, error()
@Name("user dn detection")
def feature(self):
"""Check LDAP user DN detection.
self.context.node = self.context.cluster.node("clickhouse1")
self.context.ldap_node = self.context.cluster.node("openldap1")
with Given("I fix LDAP access permissions"):
for scenario in ordered(loads(current_module(), Scenario)):