
407 lines
15 KiB

#include "CacheDictionary.h"
#include <Columns/ColumnsNumber.h>
#include <Common/ProfilingScopedRWLock.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <common/DateLUT.h>
#include <DataStreams/IBlockInputStream.h>
#include <ext/map.h>
#include <ext/range.h>
#include <ext/size.h>
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event DictCacheKeysRequested;
extern const Event DictCacheKeysRequestedMiss;
extern const Event DictCacheKeysRequestedFound;
extern const Event DictCacheKeysExpired;
extern const Event DictCacheKeysNotFound;
extern const Event DictCacheKeysHit;
extern const Event DictCacheRequestTimeNs;
extern const Event DictCacheRequests;
extern const Event DictCacheLockWriteNs;
extern const Event DictCacheLockReadNs;
namespace CurrentMetrics
extern const Metric DictCacheRequests;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int TYPE_MISMATCH;
template <typename AttributeType, typename OutputType, typename DefaultGetter>
void CacheDictionary::getItemsNumberImpl(
Attribute & attribute, const PaddedPODArray<Key> & ids, ResultArrayType<OutputType> & out, DefaultGetter && get_default) const
/// Mapping: <id> -> { all indices `i` of `ids` such that `ids[i]` = <id> }
std::unordered_map<Key, std::vector<size_t>> outdated_ids;
auto & attribute_array = std::get<ContainerPtrType<AttributeType>>(attribute.arrays);
const auto rows = ext::size(ids);
size_t cache_expired = 0, cache_not_found = 0, cache_hit = 0;
const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs};
const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// fetch up-to-date values, decide which ones require update
for (const auto row : ext::range(0, rows))
const auto id = ids[row];
/** cell should be updated if either:
* 1. ids do not match,
* 2. cell has expired,
* 3. explicit defaults were specified and cell was set default. */
const auto find_result = findCellIdx(id, now);
if (!find_result.valid)
if (find_result.outdated)
const auto & cell_idx = find_result.cell_idx;
const auto & cell = cells[cell_idx];
out[row] = cell.isDefault() ? get_default(row) : static_cast<OutputType>(attribute_array[cell_idx]);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysExpired, cache_expired);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysNotFound, cache_not_found);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysHit, cache_hit);
query_count.fetch_add(rows, std::memory_order_relaxed);
hit_count.fetch_add(rows - outdated_ids.size(), std::memory_order_release);
if (outdated_ids.empty())
std::vector<Key> required_ids(outdated_ids.size());
std::transform(std::begin(outdated_ids), std::end(outdated_ids), std::begin(required_ids), [](auto & pair) { return pair.first; });
/// request new values
[&](const auto id, const auto cell_idx)
const auto attribute_value = attribute_array[cell_idx];
for (const size_t row : outdated_ids[id])
out[row] = static_cast<OutputType>(attribute_value);
[&](const auto id, const auto)
for (const size_t row : outdated_ids[id])
out[row] = get_default(row);
template <typename DefaultGetter>
void CacheDictionary::getItemsString(
Attribute & attribute, const PaddedPODArray<Key> & ids, ColumnString * out, DefaultGetter && get_default) const
const auto rows = ext::size(ids);
/// save on some allocations
auto & attribute_array = std::get<ContainerPtrType<StringRef>>(attribute.arrays);
auto found_outdated_values = false;
/// perform optimistic version, fallback to pessimistic if failed
const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs};
const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// fetch up-to-date values, discard on fail
for (const auto row : ext::range(0, rows))
const auto id = ids[row];
const auto find_result = findCellIdx(id, now);
if (!find_result.valid)
found_outdated_values = true;
const auto & cell_idx = find_result.cell_idx;
const auto & cell = cells[cell_idx];
const auto string_ref = cell.isDefault() ? get_default(row) : attribute_array[cell_idx];
out->insertData(, string_ref.size);
/// optimistic code completed successfully
if (!found_outdated_values)
query_count.fetch_add(rows, std::memory_order_relaxed);
hit_count.fetch_add(rows, std::memory_order_release);
/// now onto the pessimistic one, discard possible partial results from the optimistic path
/// Mapping: <id> -> { all indices `i` of `ids` such that `ids[i]` = <id> }
std::unordered_map<Key, std::vector<size_t>> outdated_ids;
/// we are going to store every string separately
std::unordered_map<Key, String> map;
size_t total_length = 0;
size_t cache_expired = 0, cache_not_found = 0, cache_hit = 0;
const ProfilingScopedReadRWLock read_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockReadNs};
const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (const auto row : ext::range(0, ids.size()))
const auto id = ids[row];
const auto find_result = findCellIdx(id, now);
if (!find_result.valid)
if (find_result.outdated)
const auto & cell_idx = find_result.cell_idx;
const auto & cell = cells[cell_idx];
const auto string_ref = cell.isDefault() ? get_default(row) : attribute_array[cell_idx];
if (!cell.isDefault())
map[id] = String{string_ref};
total_length += string_ref.size + 1;
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysExpired, cache_expired);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysNotFound, cache_not_found);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysHit, cache_hit);
query_count.fetch_add(rows, std::memory_order_relaxed);
hit_count.fetch_add(rows - outdated_ids.size(), std::memory_order_release);
/// request new values
if (!outdated_ids.empty())
std::vector<Key> required_ids(outdated_ids.size());
std::transform(std::begin(outdated_ids), std::end(outdated_ids), std::begin(required_ids), [](auto & pair) { return pair.first; });
[&](const auto id, const auto cell_idx)
const auto attribute_value = attribute_array[cell_idx];
map[id] = String{attribute_value};
total_length += (attribute_value.size + 1) * outdated_ids[id].size();
[&](const auto id, const auto)
for (const auto row : outdated_ids[id])
total_length += get_default(row).size + 1;
for (const auto row : ext::range(0, ext::size(ids)))
const auto id = ids[row];
const auto it = map.find(id);
const auto string_ref = it != std::end(map) ? StringRef{it->second} : get_default(row);
out->insertData(, string_ref.size);
template <typename PresentIdHandler, typename AbsentIdHandler>
void CacheDictionary::update(
const std::vector<Key> & requested_ids, PresentIdHandler && on_cell_updated, AbsentIdHandler && on_id_not_found) const
CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::DictCacheRequests};
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysRequested, requested_ids.size());
std::unordered_map<Key, UInt8> remaining_ids{requested_ids.size()};
for (const auto id : requested_ids)
remaining_ids.insert({id, 0});
const auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
const ProfilingScopedWriteRWLock write_lock{rw_lock, ProfileEvents::DictCacheLockWriteNs};
if (now > backoff_end_time)
if (error_count)
/// Recover after error: we have to clone the source here because
/// it could keep connections which should be reset after error.
source_ptr = source_ptr->clone();
Stopwatch watch;
auto stream = source_ptr->loadIds(requested_ids);
while (const auto block = stream->read())
const auto id_column = typeid_cast<const ColumnUInt64 *>(block.safeGetByPosition(0).column.get());
if (!id_column)
throw Exception{name + ": id column has type different from UInt64.", ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH};
const auto & ids = id_column->getData();
/// cache column pointers
const auto column_ptrs = ext::map<std::vector>(
ext::range(0, attributes.size()), [&block](size_t i) { return block.safeGetByPosition(i + 1).column.get(); });
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, ids.size()))
const auto id = ids[i];
const auto find_result = findCellIdx(id, now);
const auto & cell_idx = find_result.cell_idx;
auto & cell = cells[cell_idx];
for (const auto attribute_idx : ext::range(0, attributes.size()))
const auto & attribute_column = *column_ptrs[attribute_idx];
auto & attribute = attributes[attribute_idx];
setAttributeValue(attribute, cell_idx, attribute_column[i]);
/// if cell id is zero and zero does not map to this cell, then the cell is unused
if ( == 0 && cell_idx != zero_cell_idx)
element_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); = id;
if (dict_lifetime.min_sec != 0 && dict_lifetime.max_sec != 0)
std::uniform_int_distribution<UInt64> distribution{dict_lifetime.min_sec, dict_lifetime.max_sec};
cell.setExpiresAt(now + std::chrono::seconds{distribution(rnd_engine)});
/// inform caller
on_cell_updated(id, cell_idx);
/// mark corresponding id as found
remaining_ids[id] = 1;
error_count = 0;
last_exception = std::exception_ptr{};
backoff_end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point{};
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheRequestTimeNs, watch.elapsed());
catch (...)
last_exception = std::current_exception();
backoff_end_time = now + std::chrono::seconds(calculateDurationWithBackoff(rnd_engine, error_count));
tryLogException(last_exception, log, "Could not update cache dictionary '" + getName() +
"', next update is scheduled at " + DateLUT::instance().timeToString(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(backoff_end_time)));
size_t not_found_num = 0, found_num = 0;
/// Check which ids have not been found and require setting null_value
for (const auto & id_found_pair : remaining_ids)
if (id_found_pair.second)
const auto id = id_found_pair.first;
const auto find_result = findCellIdx(id, now);
const auto & cell_idx = find_result.cell_idx;
auto & cell = cells[cell_idx];
if (error_count)
if (find_result.outdated)
/// We have expired data for that `id` so we can continue using it.
bool was_default = cell.isDefault();
if (was_default)
if (was_default)
on_id_not_found(id, cell_idx);
on_cell_updated(id, cell_idx);
/// We don't have expired data for that `id` so all we can do is to rethrow `last_exception`.
/// Check if cell had not been occupied before and increment element counter if it hadn't
if ( == 0 && cell_idx != zero_cell_idx)
element_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); = id;
if (dict_lifetime.min_sec != 0 && dict_lifetime.max_sec != 0)
std::uniform_int_distribution<UInt64> distribution{dict_lifetime.min_sec, dict_lifetime.max_sec};
cell.setExpiresAt(now + std::chrono::seconds{distribution(rnd_engine)});
/// Set null_value for each attribute
for (auto & attribute : attributes)
setDefaultAttributeValue(attribute, cell_idx);
/// inform caller that the cell has not been found
on_id_not_found(id, cell_idx);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysRequestedMiss, not_found_num);
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DictCacheKeysRequestedFound, found_num);