mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 10:52:30 +00:00
* save format string for NetException * format exceptions * format exceptions 2 * format exceptions 3 * format exceptions 4 * format exceptions 5 * format exceptions 6 * fix * format exceptions 7 * format exceptions 8 * Update MergeTreeIndexGin.cpp * Update AggregateFunctionMap.cpp * Update AggregateFunctionMap.cpp * fix
269 lines
9.2 KiB
269 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Poco/UTF8Encoding.h>
#include <Common/UTF8Helpers.h>
#include <base/defines.h>
#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
/// xor or do nothing
template <bool>
UInt8 xor_or_identity(const UInt8 c, const int mask)
return c ^ mask;
template <>
inline UInt8 xor_or_identity<false>(const UInt8 c, const int)
return c;
/// It is caller's responsibility to ensure the presence of a valid cyrillic sequence in array
template <bool to_lower>
inline void UTF8CyrillicToCase(const UInt8 *& src, UInt8 *& dst)
if (src[0] == 0xD0u && (src[1] >= 0x80u && src[1] <= 0x8Fu))
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<to_lower>(*src++, 0x1);
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<to_lower>(*src++, 0x10);
else if (src[0] == 0xD1u && (src[1] >= 0x90u && src[1] <= 0x9Fu))
/// ѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџ
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<!to_lower>(*src++, 0x1);
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<!to_lower>(*src++, 0x10);
else if (src[0] == 0xD0u && (src[1] >= 0x90u && src[1] <= 0x9Fu))
/// А-П
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<to_lower>(*src++, 0x20);
else if (src[0] == 0xD0u && (src[1] >= 0xB0u && src[1] <= 0xBFu))
/// а-п
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<!to_lower>(*src++, 0x20);
else if (src[0] == 0xD0u && (src[1] >= 0xA0u && src[1] <= 0xAFu))
/// Р-Я
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<to_lower>(*src++, 0x1);
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<to_lower>(*src++, 0x20);
else if (src[0] == 0xD1u && (src[1] >= 0x80u && src[1] <= 0x8Fu))
/// р-я
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<!to_lower>(*src++, 0x1);
*dst++ = xor_or_identity<!to_lower>(*src++, 0x20);
/** If the string contains UTF-8 encoded text, convert it to the lower (upper) case.
* Note: It is assumed that after the character is converted to another case,
* the length of its multibyte sequence in UTF-8 does not change.
* Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
template <char not_case_lower_bound,
char not_case_upper_bound,
int to_case(int),
void cyrillic_to_case(const UInt8 *&, UInt8 *&)>
struct LowerUpperUTF8Impl
static void vector(
const ColumnString::Chars & data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets,
ColumnString::Chars & res_data,
ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
if (data.empty())
array(data.data(), data.data() + data.size(), offsets, res_data.data());
static void vectorFixed(const ColumnString::Chars &, size_t, ColumnString::Chars &)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Functions lowerUTF8 and upperUTF8 cannot work with FixedString argument");
/** Converts a single code point starting at `src` to desired case, storing result starting at `dst`.
* `src` and `dst` are incremented by corresponding sequence lengths. */
static bool toCase(const UInt8 *& src, const UInt8 * src_end, UInt8 *& dst, bool partial)
if (src[0] <= ascii_upper_bound)
if (*src >= not_case_lower_bound && *src <= not_case_upper_bound)
*dst++ = *src++ ^ flip_case_mask;
*dst++ = *src++;
else if (src + 1 < src_end
&& ((src[0] == 0xD0u && (src[1] >= 0x80u && src[1] <= 0xBFu)) || (src[0] == 0xD1u && (src[1] >= 0x80u && src[1] <= 0x9Fu))))
cyrillic_to_case(src, dst);
else if (src + 1 < src_end && src[0] == 0xC2u)
/// Punctuation U+0080 - U+00BF, UTF-8: C2 80 - C2 BF
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = *src++;
else if (src + 2 < src_end && src[0] == 0xE2u)
/// Characters U+2000 - U+2FFF, UTF-8: E2 80 80 - E2 BF BF
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = *src++;
static const Poco::UTF8Encoding utf8;
size_t src_sequence_length = UTF8::seqLength(*src);
/// In case partial buffer was passed (due to SSE optimization)
/// we cannot convert it with current src_end, but we may have more
/// bytes to convert and eventually got correct symbol.
if (partial && src_sequence_length > static_cast<size_t>(src_end-src))
return false;
auto src_code_point = UTF8::convertUTF8ToCodePoint(src, src_end - src);
if (src_code_point)
int dst_code_point = to_case(*src_code_point);
if (dst_code_point > 0)
size_t dst_sequence_length = UTF8::convertCodePointToUTF8(dst_code_point, dst, src_end - src);
assert(dst_sequence_length <= 4);
/// We don't support cases when lowercase and uppercase characters occupy different number of bytes in UTF-8.
/// As an example, this happens for ß and ẞ.
if (dst_sequence_length == src_sequence_length)
src += dst_sequence_length;
dst += dst_sequence_length;
return true;
*dst = *src;
return true;
static constexpr auto ascii_upper_bound = '\x7f';
static constexpr auto flip_case_mask = 'A' ^ 'a';
static void array(const UInt8 * src, const UInt8 * src_end, const ColumnString::Offsets & offsets, UInt8 * dst)
auto offset_it = offsets.begin();
const UInt8 * begin = src;
#ifdef __SSE2__
static constexpr auto bytes_sse = sizeof(__m128i);
const auto * src_end_sse = src + (src_end - src) / bytes_sse * bytes_sse;
/// SSE2 packed comparison operate on signed types, hence compare (c < 0) instead of (c > 0x7f)
const auto v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
const auto v_not_case_lower_bound = _mm_set1_epi8(not_case_lower_bound - 1);
const auto v_not_case_upper_bound = _mm_set1_epi8(not_case_upper_bound + 1);
const auto v_flip_case_mask = _mm_set1_epi8(flip_case_mask);
while (src < src_end_sse)
const auto chars = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(src));
/// check for ASCII
const auto is_not_ascii = _mm_cmplt_epi8(chars, v_zero);
const auto mask_is_not_ascii = _mm_movemask_epi8(is_not_ascii);
if (mask_is_not_ascii == 0)
const auto is_not_case
= _mm_and_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi8(chars, v_not_case_lower_bound), _mm_cmplt_epi8(chars, v_not_case_upper_bound));
const auto mask_is_not_case = _mm_movemask_epi8(is_not_case);
/// everything in correct case ASCII
if (mask_is_not_case == 0)
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(dst), chars);
/// ASCII in mixed case
/// keep `flip_case_mask` only where necessary, zero out elsewhere
const auto xor_mask = _mm_and_si128(v_flip_case_mask, is_not_case);
/// flip case by applying calculated mask
const auto cased_chars = _mm_xor_si128(chars, xor_mask);
/// store result back to destination
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(dst), cased_chars);
src += bytes_sse;
dst += bytes_sse;
/// UTF-8
size_t offset_from_begin = src - begin;
while (offset_from_begin >= *offset_it)
/// Do not allow one row influence another (since row may have invalid sequence, and break the next)
const UInt8 * row_end = begin + *offset_it;
chassert(row_end >= src);
const UInt8 * expected_end = std::min(src + bytes_sse, row_end);
while (src < expected_end)
if (!toCase(src, expected_end, dst, /* partial= */ true))
/// Fallback to handling byte by byte.
src_end_sse = src;
/// Find which offset src has now
while (offset_it != offsets.end() && static_cast<size_t>(src - begin) >= *offset_it)
/// handle remaining symbols, row by row (to avoid influence of bad UTF8 symbols from one row, to another)
while (src < src_end)
const UInt8 * row_end = begin + *offset_it;
chassert(row_end >= src);
while (src < row_end)
toCase(src, row_end, dst, /* partial= */ false);