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#include "MergeTreeDataMergerMutator.h"
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeSequentialSource.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergedBlockOutputStream.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergedColumnOnlyOutputStream.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/SimpleMergeSelector.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/AllMergeSelector.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/TTLMergeSelector.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeList.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataWriter.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/StorageFromMergeTreeDataPart.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/FutureMergedMutatedPart.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/IMergeTreeDataPart.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeData.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeProgress.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTask.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/TTLTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/TTLCalcTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/DistinctSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/MergingSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/CollapsingSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/SummingSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/ReplacingSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/GraphiteRollupSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/AggregatingSortedTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Merges/VersionedCollapsingTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Sources/SourceFromSingleChunk.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/ExpressionTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/MaterializingTransform.h>
#include <Interpreters/MutationsInterpreter.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Common/interpolate.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Common/escapeForFileName.h>
#include <Parsers/queryToString.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <numeric>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
namespace CurrentMetrics
extern const Metric BackgroundMergesAndMutationsPoolTask;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
/// Do not start to merge parts, if free space is less than sum size of parts times specified coefficient.
/// This value is chosen to not allow big merges to eat all free space. Thus allowing small merges to proceed.
static const double DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_SELECT = 2;
/// To do merge, reserve amount of space equals to sum size of parts times specified coefficient.
/// Must be strictly less than DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_SELECT,
/// because between selecting parts to merge and doing merge, amount of free space could have decreased.
static const double DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_RESERVE = 1.1;
MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::MergeTreeDataMergerMutator(MergeTreeData & data_, size_t max_tasks_count_)
: data(data_), max_tasks_count(max_tasks_count_), log(&Poco::Logger::get(data.getLogName() + " (MergerMutator)"))
UInt64 MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::getMaxSourcePartsSizeForMerge() const
size_t scheduled_tasks_count = CurrentMetrics::values[CurrentMetrics::BackgroundMergesAndMutationsPoolTask].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return getMaxSourcePartsSizeForMerge(max_tasks_count, scheduled_tasks_count);
UInt64 MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::getMaxSourcePartsSizeForMerge(size_t max_count, size_t scheduled_tasks_count) const
if (scheduled_tasks_count > max_count)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Logical error: invalid argument passed to \
getMaxSourcePartsSize: scheduled_tasks_count = {} > max_count = {}", scheduled_tasks_count, max_count);
size_t free_entries = max_count - scheduled_tasks_count;
const auto data_settings = data.getSettings();
/// Always allow maximum size if one or less pool entries is busy.
/// One entry is probably the entry where this function is executed.
/// This will protect from bad settings.
UInt64 max_size = 0;
if (scheduled_tasks_count <= 1 || free_entries >= data_settings->number_of_free_entries_in_pool_to_lower_max_size_of_merge)
max_size = data_settings->max_bytes_to_merge_at_max_space_in_pool;
max_size = interpolateExponential(
static_cast<double>(free_entries) / data_settings->number_of_free_entries_in_pool_to_lower_max_size_of_merge);
return std::min(max_size, static_cast<UInt64>(data.getStoragePolicy()->getMaxUnreservedFreeSpace() / DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_SELECT));
UInt64 MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::getMaxSourcePartSizeForMutation() const
const auto data_settings = data.getSettings();
size_t occupied = CurrentMetrics::values[CurrentMetrics::BackgroundMergesAndMutationsPoolTask].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
/// DataPart can be store only at one disk. Get maximum reservable free space at all disks.
UInt64 disk_space = data.getStoragePolicy()->getMaxUnreservedFreeSpace();
/// Allow mutations only if there are enough threads, leave free threads for merges else
if (occupied <= 1
|| max_tasks_count - occupied >= data_settings->number_of_free_entries_in_pool_to_execute_mutation)
return static_cast<UInt64>(disk_space / DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_RESERVE);
return 0;
SelectPartsDecision MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::selectPartsToMerge(
FutureMergedMutatedPartPtr future_part,
bool aggressive,
size_t max_total_size_to_merge,
const AllowedMergingPredicate & can_merge_callback,
bool merge_with_ttl_allowed,
String * out_disable_reason)
MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector data_parts = data.getDataPartsVector();
const auto data_settings = data.getSettings();
auto metadata_snapshot = data.getInMemoryMetadataPtr();
if (data_parts.empty())
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "There are no parts in the table";
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
time_t current_time = std::time(nullptr);
IMergeSelector::PartsRanges parts_ranges;
StoragePolicyPtr storage_policy = data.getStoragePolicy();
/// Volumes with stopped merges are extremely rare situation.
/// Check it once and don't check each part (this is bad for performance).
bool has_volumes_with_disabled_merges = storage_policy->hasAnyVolumeWithDisabledMerges();
const String * prev_partition_id = nullptr;
/// Previous part only in boundaries of partition frame
const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr * prev_part = nullptr;
size_t parts_selected_precondition = 0;
for (const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part : data_parts)
const String & partition_id = part->info.partition_id;
if (!prev_partition_id || partition_id != *prev_partition_id)
if (parts_ranges.empty() || !parts_ranges.back().empty())
/// New partition frame.
prev_partition_id = &partition_id;
prev_part = nullptr;
/// Check predicate only for the first part in each range.
if (!prev_part)
/* Parts can be merged with themselves for TTL needs for example.
* So we have to check if this part is currently being inserted with quorum and so on and so forth.
* Obviously we have to check it manually only for the first part
* of each partition because it will be automatically checked for a pair of parts. */
if (!can_merge_callback(nullptr, part, nullptr))
/// This part can be merged only with next parts (no prev part exists), so start
/// new interval if previous was not empty.
if (!parts_ranges.back().empty())
/// If we cannot merge with previous part we had to start new parts
/// interval (in the same partition)
if (!can_merge_callback(*prev_part, part, nullptr))
/// Now we have no previous part
prev_part = nullptr;
/// Mustn't be empty
/// Some parts cannot be merged with previous parts and also cannot be merged with themselves,
/// for example, merge is already assigned for such parts, or they participate in quorum inserts
/// and so on.
/// Also we don't start new interval here (maybe all next parts cannot be merged and we don't want to have empty interval)
if (!can_merge_callback(nullptr, part, nullptr))
/// Starting new interval in the same partition
IMergeSelector::Part part_info;
part_info.size = part->getBytesOnDisk();
part_info.age = current_time - part->modification_time;
part_info.level = part->info.level;
part_info.data = ∂
part_info.ttl_infos = &part->ttl_infos;
part_info.compression_codec_desc = part->default_codec->getFullCodecDesc();
part_info.shall_participate_in_merges = has_volumes_with_disabled_merges ? part->shallParticipateInMerges(storage_policy) : true;
/// Check for consistency of data parts. If assertion is failed, it requires immediate investigation.
if (prev_part && part->info.partition_id == (*prev_part)->info.partition_id
&& part->info.min_block <= (*prev_part)->info.max_block)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Part {} intersects previous part {}", part->name, (*prev_part)->name);
prev_part = ∂
if (parts_selected_precondition == 0)
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "No parts satisfy preconditions for merge";
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
IMergeSelector::PartsRange parts_to_merge;
if (metadata_snapshot->hasAnyTTL() && merge_with_ttl_allowed && !ttl_merges_blocker.isCancelled())
/// TTL delete is preferred to recompression
TTLDeleteMergeSelector delete_ttl_selector(
parts_to_merge = delete_ttl_selector.select(parts_ranges, max_total_size_to_merge);
if (!parts_to_merge.empty())
future_part->merge_type = MergeType::TTL_DELETE;
else if (metadata_snapshot->hasAnyRecompressionTTL())
TTLRecompressMergeSelector recompress_ttl_selector(
parts_to_merge = recompress_ttl_selector.select(parts_ranges, max_total_size_to_merge);
if (!parts_to_merge.empty())
future_part->merge_type = MergeType::TTL_RECOMPRESS;
if (parts_to_merge.empty())
SimpleMergeSelector::Settings merge_settings;
/// Override value from table settings
merge_settings.max_parts_to_merge_at_once = data_settings->max_parts_to_merge_at_once;
if (aggressive)
merge_settings.base = 1;
parts_to_merge = SimpleMergeSelector(merge_settings)
.select(parts_ranges, max_total_size_to_merge);
/// Do not allow to "merge" part with itself for regular merges, unless it is a TTL-merge where it is ok to remove some values with expired ttl
if (parts_to_merge.size() == 1)
throw Exception("Logical error: merge selector returned only one part to merge", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (parts_to_merge.empty())
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "There is no need to merge parts according to merge selector algorithm";
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector parts;
for (IMergeSelector::Part & part_info : parts_to_merge)
const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part = *static_cast<const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr *>(part_info.data);
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Selected {} parts from {} to {}", parts.size(), parts.front()->name, parts.back()->name);
return SelectPartsDecision::SELECTED;
SelectPartsDecision MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::selectAllPartsToMergeWithinPartition(
FutureMergedMutatedPartPtr future_part,
UInt64 & available_disk_space,
const AllowedMergingPredicate & can_merge,
const String & partition_id,
bool final,
const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot,
String * out_disable_reason,
bool optimize_skip_merged_partitions)
MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector parts = selectAllPartsFromPartition(partition_id);
if (parts.empty())
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "There are no parts inside partition";
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
if (!final && parts.size() == 1)
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "There is only one part inside partition";
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
/// If final, optimize_skip_merged_partitions is true and we have only one part in partition with level > 0
/// than we don't select it to merge. But if there are some expired TTL then merge is needed
if (final && optimize_skip_merged_partitions && parts.size() == 1 && parts[0]->info.level > 0 &&
(!metadata_snapshot->hasAnyTTL() || parts[0]->checkAllTTLCalculated(metadata_snapshot)))
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "Partition skipped due to optimize_skip_merged_partitions";
return SelectPartsDecision::NOTHING_TO_MERGE;
auto it = parts.begin();
auto prev_it = it;
UInt64 sum_bytes = 0;
while (it != parts.end())
/// For the case of one part, we check that it can be merged "with itself".
if ((it != parts.begin() || parts.size() == 1) && !can_merge(*prev_it, *it, out_disable_reason))
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
sum_bytes += (*it)->getBytesOnDisk();
prev_it = it;
/// Enough disk space to cover the new merge with a margin.
auto required_disk_space = sum_bytes * DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_SELECT;
if (available_disk_space <= required_disk_space)
time_t now = time(nullptr);
if (now - disk_space_warning_time > 3600)
disk_space_warning_time = now;
"Won't merge parts from {} to {} because not enough free space: {} free and unreserved"
", {} required now (+{}% on overhead); suppressing similar warnings for the next hour",
static_cast<int>((DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_SELECT - 1.0) * 100));
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = fmt::format("Insufficient available disk space, required {}", ReadableSize(required_disk_space));
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Selected {} parts from {} to {}", parts.size(), parts.front()->name, parts.back()->name);
available_disk_space -= required_disk_space;
return SelectPartsDecision::SELECTED;
MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::selectAllPartsFromPartition(const String & partition_id)
MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector parts_from_partition;
MergeTreeData::DataParts data_parts = data.getDataParts();
for (const auto & current_part : data_parts)
if (current_part->info.partition_id != partition_id)
return parts_from_partition;
/// parts should be sorted.
MergeTaskPtr MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::mergePartsToTemporaryPart(
FutureMergedMutatedPartPtr future_part,
const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot,
MergeList::Entry * merge_entry,
std::unique_ptr<MergeListElement> projection_merge_list_element,
time_t time_of_merge,
ContextPtr context,
ReservationSharedPtr space_reservation,
bool deduplicate,
const Names & deduplicate_by_columns,
const MergeTreeData::MergingParams & merging_params,
const IMergeTreeDataPart * parent_part,
const String & suffix)
return std::make_shared<MergeTask>(
const_cast<StorageMetadataPtr &>(metadata_snapshot),
MutateTaskPtr MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::mutatePartToTemporaryPart(
FutureMergedMutatedPartPtr future_part,
StorageMetadataPtr metadata_snapshot,
MutationCommandsConstPtr commands,
MergeListEntry * merge_entry,
time_t time_of_mutation,
ContextPtr context,
ReservationSharedPtr space_reservation,
TableLockHolder & holder)
return std::make_shared<MutateTask>(
MergeAlgorithm MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::chooseMergeAlgorithm(
const MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector & parts,
size_t sum_rows_upper_bound,
const NamesAndTypesList & gathering_columns,
bool deduplicate,
bool need_remove_expired_values,
const MergeTreeData::MergingParams & merging_params) const
const auto data_settings = data.getSettings();
if (deduplicate)
return MergeAlgorithm::Horizontal;
if (data_settings->enable_vertical_merge_algorithm == 0)
return MergeAlgorithm::Horizontal;
if (need_remove_expired_values)
return MergeAlgorithm::Horizontal;
for (const auto & part : parts)
if (!part->supportsVerticalMerge())
return MergeAlgorithm::Horizontal;
bool is_supported_storage =
merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Ordinary ||
merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Collapsing ||
merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Replacing ||
merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::VersionedCollapsing;
bool enough_ordinary_cols = gathering_columns.size() >= data_settings->vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate;
bool enough_total_rows = sum_rows_upper_bound >= data_settings->vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate;
bool no_parts_overflow = parts.size() <= RowSourcePart::MAX_PARTS;
auto merge_alg = (is_supported_storage && enough_total_rows && enough_ordinary_cols && no_parts_overflow) ?
MergeAlgorithm::Vertical : MergeAlgorithm::Horizontal;
return merge_alg;
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::renameMergedTemporaryPart(
MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr & new_data_part,
const MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector & parts,
MergeTreeData::Transaction * out_transaction)
/// Rename new part, add to the set and remove original parts.
auto replaced_parts = data.renameTempPartAndReplace(new_data_part, nullptr, out_transaction);
/// Let's check that all original parts have been deleted and only them.
if (replaced_parts.size() != parts.size())
/** This is normal, although this happens rarely.
* The situation - was replaced 0 parts instead of N can be, for example, in the following case
* - we had A part, but there was no B and C parts;
* - A, B -> AB was in the queue, but it has not been done, because there is no B part;
* - AB, C -> ABC was in the queue, but it has not been done, because there are no AB and C parts;
* - we have completed the task of downloading a B part;
* - we started to make A, B -> AB merge, since all parts appeared;
* - we decided to download ABC part from another replica, since it was impossible to make merge AB, C -> ABC;
* - ABC part appeared. When it was added, old A, B, C parts were deleted;
* - AB merge finished. AB part was added. But this is an obsolete part. The log will contain the message `Obsolete part added`,
* then we get here.
* When M > N parts could be replaced?
* - new block was added in ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream;
* - it was added to working dataset in memory and renamed on filesystem;
* - but ZooKeeper transaction that adds it to reference dataset in ZK failed;
* - and it is failed due to connection loss, so we don't rollback working dataset in memory,
* because we don't know if the part was added to ZK or not
* (see ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream)
* - then method selectPartsToMerge selects a range and sees, that EphemeralLock for the block in this part is unlocked,
* and so it is possible to merge a range skipping this part.
* (NOTE: Merging with part that is not in ZK is not possible, see checks in 'createLogEntryToMergeParts'.)
* - and after merge, this part will be removed in addition to parts that was merged.
LOG_WARNING(log, "Unexpected number of parts removed when adding {}: {} instead of {}", new_data_part->name, replaced_parts.size(), parts.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
if (parts[i]->name != replaced_parts[i]->name)
throw Exception("Unexpected part removed when adding " + new_data_part->name + ": " + replaced_parts[i]->name
+ " instead of " + parts[i]->name, ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
LOG_TRACE(log, "Merged {} parts: from {} to {}", parts.size(), parts.front()->name, parts.back()->name);
return new_data_part;
size_t MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::estimateNeededDiskSpace(const MergeTreeData::DataPartsVector & source_parts)
size_t res = 0;
for (const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part : source_parts)
res += part->getBytesOnDisk();
return static_cast<size_t>(res * DISK_USAGE_COEFFICIENT_TO_RESERVE);
void MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::splitMutationCommands(
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr part,
const MutationCommands & commands,
MutationCommands & for_interpreter,
MutationCommands & for_file_renames)
ColumnsDescription part_columns(part->getColumns());
if (!isWidePart(part))
NameSet mutated_columns;
for (const auto & command : commands)
if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_INDEX
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_COLUMN
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_PROJECTION
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_TTL
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DELETE
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::UPDATE)
for (const auto & [column_name, expr] : command.column_to_update_expression)
if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_COLUMN)
else if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DROP_INDEX || command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DROP_PROJECTION)
else if (part_columns.has(command.column_name))
if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DROP_COLUMN)
else if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::RENAME_COLUMN)
.type = MutationCommand::Type::READ_COLUMN,
.column_name = command.rename_to,
part_columns.rename(command.column_name, command.rename_to);
/// If it's compact part, then we don't need to actually remove files
/// from disk we just don't read dropped columns
for (const auto & column : part->getColumns())
if (!mutated_columns.count(column.name))
MutationCommand{.type = MutationCommand::Type::READ_COLUMN, .column_name = column.name, .data_type = column.type});
for (const auto & command : commands)
if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_INDEX
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_COLUMN
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_PROJECTION
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::MATERIALIZE_TTL
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DELETE
|| command.type == MutationCommand::Type::UPDATE)
else if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DROP_INDEX || command.type == MutationCommand::Type::DROP_PROJECTION)
/// If we don't have this column in source part, than we don't need
/// to materialize it
else if (part_columns.has(command.column_name))
if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::READ_COLUMN)
else if (command.type == MutationCommand::Type::RENAME_COLUMN)
part_columns.rename(command.column_name, command.rename_to);
NamesAndTypesList MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::getColumnsForNewDataPart(
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr source_part,
const Block & updated_header,
NamesAndTypesList storage_columns,
const MutationCommands & commands_for_removes)
/// In compact parts we read all columns, because they all stored in a
/// single file
if (!isWidePart(source_part))
return updated_header.getNamesAndTypesList();
NameSet removed_columns;
NameToNameMap renamed_columns_to_from;
/// All commands are validated in AlterCommand so we don't care about order
for (const auto & command : commands_for_removes)
if (command.type == MutationCommand::DROP_COLUMN)
if (command.type == MutationCommand::RENAME_COLUMN)
renamed_columns_to_from.emplace(command.rename_to, command.column_name);
Names source_column_names = source_part->getColumns().getNames();
NameSet source_columns_name_set(source_column_names.begin(), source_column_names.end());
for (auto it = storage_columns.begin(); it != storage_columns.end();)
if (updated_header.has(it->name))
auto updated_type = updated_header.getByName(it->name).type;
if (updated_type != it->type)
it->type = updated_type;
if (!source_columns_name_set.count(it->name))
/// Source part doesn't have column but some other column
/// was renamed to it's name.
auto renamed_it = renamed_columns_to_from.find(it->name);
if (renamed_it != renamed_columns_to_from.end()
&& source_columns_name_set.count(renamed_it->second))
it = storage_columns.erase(it);
bool was_renamed = false;
bool was_removed = removed_columns.count(it->name);
/// Check that this column was renamed to some other name
for (const auto & [rename_to, rename_from] : renamed_columns_to_from)
if (rename_from == it->name)
was_renamed = true;
/// If we want to rename this column to some other name, than it
/// should it's previous version should be dropped or removed
if (renamed_columns_to_from.count(it->name) && !was_renamed && !was_removed)
throw Exception(
"Incorrect mutation commands, trying to rename column {} to {}, but part {} already has column {}", renamed_columns_to_from[it->name], it->name, source_part->name, it->name);
/// Column was renamed and no other column renamed to it's name
/// or column is dropped.
if (!renamed_columns_to_from.count(it->name) && (was_renamed || was_removed))
it = storage_columns.erase(it);
return storage_columns;
ExecuteTTLType MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::shouldExecuteTTL(const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, const ColumnDependencies & dependencies)
if (!metadata_snapshot->hasAnyTTL())
return ExecuteTTLType::NONE;
bool has_ttl_expression = false;
for (const auto & dependency : dependencies)
if (dependency.kind == ColumnDependency::TTL_EXPRESSION)
has_ttl_expression = true;
if (dependency.kind == ColumnDependency::TTL_TARGET)
return ExecuteTTLType::NORMAL;
return has_ttl_expression ? ExecuteTTLType::RECALCULATE : ExecuteTTLType::NONE;
bool MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::hasTemporaryPart(const std::string & basename) const
std::lock_guard lock(tmp_parts_lock);
return tmp_parts.contains(basename);