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synced 2024-11-26 09:32:01 +00:00
This PR formats all the `*.py` files found under the `tests/integration` folder. It also reorders the imports and cleans up a bunch of unused imports. The formatting also takes care of other things like wrapping lines and fixing spaces and indents such that the tests look more readable.
347 lines
14 KiB
347 lines
14 KiB
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import threading
import helpers.client
import pytest
from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster, ClickHouseInstance
# Creates S3 bucket for tests and allows anonymous read-write access to it.
def prepare_s3_bucket(cluster):
# Allows read-write access for bucket without authorization.
bucket_read_write_policy = {"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
"Action": "s3:GetBucketLocation",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::root"
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
"Action": "s3:ListBucket",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::root"
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::root/*"
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {"AWS": "*"},
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::root/*"
minio_client = cluster.minio_client
minio_client.set_bucket_policy(cluster.minio_bucket, json.dumps(bucket_read_write_policy))
cluster.minio_restricted_bucket = "{}-with-auth".format(cluster.minio_bucket)
if minio_client.bucket_exists(cluster.minio_restricted_bucket):
# Returns content of given S3 file as string.
def get_s3_file_content(cluster, bucket, filename):
# type: (ClickHouseCluster, str) -> str
data = cluster.minio_client.get_object(bucket, filename)
data_str = ""
for chunk in data.stream():
data_str += chunk
return data_str
def cluster():
cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__)
cluster.add_instance("restricted_dummy", main_configs=["configs/config_for_test_remote_host_filter.xml"],
cluster.add_instance("dummy", with_minio=True, main_configs=["configs/defaultS3.xml"])
logging.info("Starting cluster...")
logging.info("Cluster started")
logging.info("S3 bucket created")
yield cluster
def run_query(instance, query, stdin=None, settings=None):
# type: (ClickHouseInstance, str, object, dict) -> str
logging.info("Running query '{}'...".format(query))
result = instance.query(query, stdin=stdin, settings=settings)
logging.info("Query finished")
return result
# Test simple put.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("maybe_auth,positive", [
("", True),
("'minio','minio123',", True),
("'wrongid','wrongkey',", False)
def test_put(cluster, maybe_auth, positive):
# type: (ClickHouseCluster) -> None
bucket = cluster.minio_bucket if not maybe_auth else cluster.minio_restricted_bucket
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
values = "(1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1), (78, 43, 45)"
values_csv = "1,2,3\n3,2,1\n78,43,45\n"
filename = "test.csv"
put_query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', {}'CSV', '{}') values {}".format(
cluster.minio_host, cluster.minio_port, bucket, filename, maybe_auth, table_format, values)
run_query(instance, put_query)
except helpers.client.QueryRuntimeException:
if positive:
assert positive
assert values_csv == get_s3_file_content(cluster, bucket, filename)
# Test put values in CSV format.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("maybe_auth,positive", [
("", True),
("'minio','minio123',", True),
("'wrongid','wrongkey',", False)
def test_put_csv(cluster, maybe_auth, positive):
# type: (ClickHouseCluster) -> None
bucket = cluster.minio_bucket if not maybe_auth else cluster.minio_restricted_bucket
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
filename = "test.csv"
put_query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', {}'CSV', '{}') format CSV".format(
cluster.minio_host, cluster.minio_port, bucket, filename, maybe_auth, table_format)
csv_data = "8,9,16\n11,18,13\n22,14,2\n"
run_query(instance, put_query, stdin=csv_data)
except helpers.client.QueryRuntimeException:
if positive:
assert positive
assert csv_data == get_s3_file_content(cluster, bucket, filename)
# Test put and get with S3 server redirect.
def test_put_get_with_redirect(cluster):
# type: (ClickHouseCluster) -> None
bucket = cluster.minio_bucket
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
values = "(1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (11, 11, 11)"
values_csv = "1,1,1\n1,1,1\n11,11,11\n"
filename = "test.csv"
query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', 'CSV', '{}') values {}".format(
cluster.minio_redirect_host, cluster.minio_redirect_port, bucket, filename, table_format, values)
run_query(instance, query)
assert values_csv == get_s3_file_content(cluster, bucket, filename)
query = "select *, column1*column2*column3 from s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', 'CSV', '{}')".format(
cluster.minio_redirect_host, cluster.minio_redirect_port, bucket, filename, table_format)
stdout = run_query(instance, query)
assert list(map(str.split, stdout.splitlines())) == [
["1", "1", "1", "1"],
["1", "1", "1", "1"],
["11", "11", "11", "1331"],
def test_put_get_with_globs(cluster):
# type: (ClickHouseCluster) -> None
bucket = cluster.minio_bucket
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
max_path = ""
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
path = "{}_{}/{}.csv".format(i, random.choice(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), j)
max_path = max(path, max_path)
values = "({},{},{})".format(i, j, i + j)
query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', 'CSV', '{}') values {}".format(
cluster.minio_host, cluster.minio_port, bucket, path, table_format, values)
run_query(instance, query)
query = "select sum(column1), sum(column2), sum(column3), min(_file), max(_path) from s3('http://{}:{}/{}/*_{{a,b,c,d}}/%3f.csv', 'CSV', '{}')".format(
cluster.minio_redirect_host, cluster.minio_redirect_port, bucket, table_format)
assert run_query(instance, query).splitlines() == [
"450\t450\t900\t0.csv\t{bucket}/{max_path}".format(bucket=bucket, max_path=max_path)]
# Test multipart put.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("maybe_auth,positive", [
("", True),
# ("'minio','minio123',",True), Redirect with credentials not working with nginx.
("'wrongid','wrongkey',", False)
def test_multipart_put(cluster, maybe_auth, positive):
# type: (ClickHouseCluster) -> None
bucket = cluster.minio_bucket if not maybe_auth else cluster.minio_restricted_bucket
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
# Minimum size of part is 5 Mb for Minio.
# See: https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/master/docs/minio-limits.md
min_part_size_bytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024
csv_size_bytes = int(min_part_size_bytes * 1.5) # To have 2 parts.
one_line_length = 6 # 3 digits, 2 commas, 1 line separator.
# Generate data having size more than one part
int_data = [[1, 2, 3] for i in range(csv_size_bytes / one_line_length)]
csv_data = "".join(["{},{},{}\n".format(x, y, z) for x, y, z in int_data])
assert len(csv_data) > min_part_size_bytes
filename = "test_multipart.csv"
put_query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', {}'CSV', '{}') format CSV".format(
cluster.minio_redirect_host, cluster.minio_redirect_port, bucket, filename, maybe_auth, table_format)
run_query(instance, put_query, stdin=csv_data, settings={'s3_min_upload_part_size': min_part_size_bytes})
except helpers.client.QueryRuntimeException:
if positive:
assert positive
# Use proxy access logs to count number of parts uploaded to Minio.
proxy_logs = cluster.get_container_logs("proxy1") # type: str
assert proxy_logs.count("PUT /{}/{}".format(bucket, filename)) >= 2
assert csv_data == get_s3_file_content(cluster, bucket, filename)
def test_remote_host_filter(cluster):
instance = cluster.instances["restricted_dummy"]
format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
query = "select *, column1*column2*column3 from s3('http://{}:{}/{}/test.csv', 'CSV', '{}')".format(
"invalid_host", cluster.minio_port, cluster.minio_bucket, format)
assert "not allowed in config.xml" in instance.query_and_get_error(query)
other_values = "(1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (11, 11, 11)"
query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/test.csv', 'CSV', '{}') values {}".format(
"invalid_host", cluster.minio_port, cluster.minio_bucket, format, other_values)
assert "not allowed in config.xml" in instance.query_and_get_error(query)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("s3_storage_args", [
"''", # 1 arguments
"'','','','','',''" # 6 arguments
def test_wrong_s3_syntax(cluster, s3_storage_args):
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
expected_err_msg = "Code: 42" # NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH
query = "create table test_table_s3_syntax (id UInt32) ENGINE = S3({})".format(s3_storage_args)
assert expected_err_msg in instance.query_and_get_error(query)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Thousand_and_One_Nights
def test_s3_glob_scheherazade(cluster):
bucket = cluster.minio_bucket
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
max_path = ""
values = "(1, 1, 1)"
nights_per_job = 1001 // 30
jobs = []
for night in range(0, 1001, nights_per_job):
def add_tales(start, end):
for i in range(start, end):
path = "night_{}/tale.csv".format(i)
query = "insert into table function s3('http://{}:{}/{}/{}', 'CSV', '{}') values {}".format(
cluster.minio_host, cluster.minio_port, bucket, path, table_format, values)
run_query(instance, query)
jobs.append(threading.Thread(target=add_tales, args=(night, min(night + nights_per_job, 1001))))
for job in jobs:
query = "select count(), sum(column1), sum(column2), sum(column3) from s3('http://{}:{}/{}/night_*/tale.csv', 'CSV', '{}')".format(
cluster.minio_redirect_host, cluster.minio_redirect_port, bucket, table_format)
assert run_query(instance, query).splitlines() == ["1001\t1001\t1001\t1001"]
def run_s3_mock(cluster):
logging.info("Starting s3 mock")
container_id = cluster.get_container_id('resolver')
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
cluster.copy_file_to_container(container_id, os.path.join(current_dir, "s3_mock", "mock_s3.py"), "mock_s3.py")
cluster.exec_in_container(container_id, ["python", "mock_s3.py"], detach=True)
logging.info("S3 mock started")
def test_custom_auth_headers(cluster):
ping_response = cluster.exec_in_container(cluster.get_container_id('resolver'),
["curl", "-s", "http://resolver:8080"])
assert ping_response == 'OK', 'Expected "OK", but got "{}"'.format(ping_response)
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
filename = "test.csv"
get_query = "select * from s3('http://resolver:8080/{bucket}/{file}', 'CSV', '{table_format}')".format(
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
result = run_query(instance, get_query)
assert result == '1\t2\t3\n'
def test_infinite_redirect(cluster):
bucket = "redirected"
table_format = "column1 UInt32, column2 UInt32, column3 UInt32"
filename = "test.csv"
get_query = "select * from s3('http://resolver:8080/{bucket}/{file}', 'CSV', '{table_format}')".format(
instance = cluster.instances["dummy"] # type: ClickHouseInstance
exception_raised = False
run_query(instance, get_query)
except Exception as e:
assert str(e).find("Too many redirects while trying to access") != -1
exception_raised = True
assert exception_raised