Azat Khuzhin 435e1de7b0 Remove Exception's ctor to create it from a simple string-like object
This may cause troubles, like forgetting to pass arguments, and there
are few places in the code (see the upcomming patch).

I doubt that this will make any performance changes, since the check
should be compile time.

And anyway Exception is an exceptional situation which should be rare
(there is no such code with single argument for logging, while logging
is more common).

Signed-off-by: Azat Khuzhin <>
2023-12-24 21:26:31 +01:00

352 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cerrno>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
#include <base/defines.h>
#include <base/errnoToString.h>
#include <base/scope_guard.h>
#include <Common/LoggingFormatStringHelpers.h>
#include <Common/StackTrace.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
namespace Poco { class Logger; }
namespace DB
[[noreturn]] void abortOnFailedAssertion(const String & description);
/// This flag can be set for testing purposes - to check that no exceptions are thrown.
extern bool terminate_on_any_exception;
/// This flag controls if error statistics should be updated when an exception is thrown. These
/// statistics are shown for example in system.errors. Defaults to true. If the error is internal,
/// non-critical, and handled otherwise it is useful to disable the statistics update and not
/// alarm the user needlessly.
extern thread_local bool update_error_statistics;
/// Disable the update of error statistics
update_error_statistics = false; \
SCOPE_EXIT({ update_error_statistics = true; })
class Exception : public Poco::Exception
using FramePointers = std::vector<void *>;
if (terminate_on_any_exception)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
Exception(const PreformattedMessage & msg, int code): Exception(msg.text, code)
if (terminate_on_any_exception)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
message_format_string = msg.format_string;
Exception(PreformattedMessage && msg, int code): Exception(std::move(msg.text), code)
if (terminate_on_any_exception)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
message_format_string = msg.format_string;
/// Collect call stacks of all previous jobs' schedulings leading to this thread job's execution
static thread_local bool enable_job_stack_trace;
static thread_local std::vector<StackTrace::FramePointers> thread_frame_pointers;
// used to remove the sensitive information from exceptions if query_masking_rules is configured
struct MessageMasked
std::string msg;
explicit MessageMasked(const std::string & msg_);
explicit MessageMasked(std::string && msg_);
Exception(const MessageMasked & msg_masked, int code, bool remote_);
Exception(MessageMasked && msg_masked, int code, bool remote_);
// delegating constructor to mask sensitive information from the message
Exception(const std::string & msg, int code, bool remote_ = false): Exception(MessageMasked(msg), code, remote_) {}
Exception(std::string && msg, int code, bool remote_ = false): Exception(MessageMasked(std::move(msg)), code, remote_) {}
/// This creator is for exceptions that should format a message using fmt::format from the variadic ctor Exception(code, fmt, ...),
/// but were not rewritten yet. It will be removed.
static Exception createDeprecated(const std::string & msg, int code, bool remote_ = false)
return Exception(msg, code, remote_);
/// These creators are for messages that were received by network or generated by a third-party library in runtime.
/// Please use a constructor for all other cases.
static Exception createRuntime(int code, const String & message) { return Exception(message, code); }
static Exception createRuntime(int code, String & message) { return Exception(message, code); }
static Exception createRuntime(int code, String && message) { return Exception(std::move(message), code); }
// Format message with fmt::format, like the logging functions.
template <typename... Args>
Exception(int code, FormatStringHelper<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args)
: Exception(fmt::format(fmt.fmt_str, std::forward<Args>(args)...), code)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
message_format_string = fmt.message_format_string;
struct CreateFromPocoTag {};
struct CreateFromSTDTag {};
Exception(CreateFromPocoTag, const Poco::Exception & exc);
Exception(CreateFromSTDTag, const std::exception & exc);
Exception * clone() const override { return new Exception(*this); }
void rethrow() const override { throw *this; } // NOLINT
const char * name() const noexcept override { return "DB::Exception"; }
const char * what() const noexcept override { return message().data(); }
/// Add something to the existing message.
template <typename... Args>
void addMessage(fmt::format_string<Args...> format, Args &&... args)
addMessage(fmt::format(format, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
void addMessage(const std::string& message)
void addMessage(const MessageMasked & msg_masked)
/// Used to distinguish local exceptions from the one that was received from remote node.
void setRemoteException(bool remote_ = true) { remote = remote_; }
bool isRemoteException() const { return remote; }
std::string getStackTraceString() const;
/// Used for system.errors
FramePointers getStackFramePointers() const;
std::string_view tryGetMessageFormatString() const { return message_format_string; }
StackTrace trace;
bool remote = false;
const char * className() const noexcept override { return "DB::Exception"; }
std::string_view message_format_string;
/// Local copy of static per-thread thread_frame_pointers, should be mutable to be unpoisoned on printout
mutable std::vector<StackTrace::FramePointers> capture_thread_frame_pointers;
std::string getExceptionStackTraceString(const std::exception & e);
std::string getExceptionStackTraceString(std::exception_ptr e);
/// Contains an additional member `saved_errno`
class ErrnoException : public Exception
ErrnoException(std::string && msg, int code, int with_errno) : Exception(msg, code), saved_errno(with_errno)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
addMessage(", {}", errnoToString(saved_errno));
/// Message must be a compile-time constant
template <typename T>
requires std::is_convertible_v<T, String>
ErrnoException(int code, T && message) : Exception(message, code), saved_errno(errno)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
addMessage(", {}", errnoToString(saved_errno));
// Format message with fmt::format, like the logging functions.
template <typename... Args>
ErrnoException(int code, FormatStringHelper<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args)
: Exception(fmt::format(fmt.fmt_str, std::forward<Args>(args)...), code), saved_errno(errno)
capture_thread_frame_pointers = thread_frame_pointers;
message_format_string = fmt.message_format_string;
addMessage(", {}", errnoToString(saved_errno));
template <typename... Args>
[[noreturn]] static void throwWithErrno(int code, int with_errno, FormatStringHelper<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args)
auto e = ErrnoException(fmt::format(fmt.fmt_str, std::forward<Args>(args)...), code, with_errno);
e.message_format_string = fmt.message_format_string;
throw e;
template <typename... Args>
[[noreturn]] static void throwFromPath(int code, const std::string & path, FormatStringHelper<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args)
auto e = ErrnoException(fmt::format(fmt.fmt_str, std::forward<Args>(args)...), code, errno);
e.message_format_string = fmt.message_format_string;
e.path = path;
throw e;
template <typename... Args>
[[noreturn]] static void
throwFromPathWithErrno(int code, const std::string & path, int with_errno, FormatStringHelper<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args)
auto e = ErrnoException(fmt::format(fmt.fmt_str, std::forward<Args>(args)...), code, with_errno);
e.message_format_string = fmt.message_format_string;
e.path = path;
throw e;
ErrnoException * clone() const override { return new ErrnoException(*this); }
void rethrow() const override { throw *this; } // NOLINT
int getErrno() const { return saved_errno; }
std::optional<std::string> getPath() const { return path; }
int saved_errno;
std::optional<std::string> path{};
const char * name() const noexcept override { return "DB::ErrnoException"; }
const char * className() const noexcept override { return "DB::ErrnoException"; }
/// Special class of exceptions, used mostly in ParallelParsingInputFormat for
/// more convenient calculation of problem line number.
class ParsingException : public Exception
ParsingException(const std::string & msg, int code);
// Format message with fmt::format, like the logging functions.
template <typename... Args>
ParsingException(int code, FormatStringHelper<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args) : Exception(fmt::format(fmt.fmt_str, std::forward<Args>(args)...), code)
message_format_string = fmt.message_format_string;
std::string displayText() const override;
ssize_t getLineNumber() const { return line_number; }
void setLineNumber(int line_number_) { line_number = line_number_;}
String getFileName() const { return file_name; }
void setFileName(const String & file_name_) { file_name = file_name_; }
Exception * clone() const override { return new ParsingException(*this); }
void rethrow() const override { throw *this; } // NOLINT
ssize_t line_number{-1};
String file_name;
mutable std::string formatted_message;
const char * name() const noexcept override { return "DB::ParsingException"; }
const char * className() const noexcept override { return "DB::ParsingException"; }
using Exceptions = std::vector<std::exception_ptr>;
/** Try to write an exception to the log (and forget about it).
* Can be used in destructors in the catch-all block.
void tryLogCurrentException(const char * log_name, const std::string & start_of_message = "");
void tryLogCurrentException(Poco::Logger * logger, const std::string & start_of_message = "");
/** Prints current exception in canonical format.
* with_stacktrace - prints stack trace for DB::Exception.
* check_embedded_stacktrace - if DB::Exception has embedded stacktrace then
* only this stack trace will be printed.
* with_extra_info - add information about the filesystem in case of "No space left on device" and similar.
std::string getCurrentExceptionMessage(bool with_stacktrace, bool check_embedded_stacktrace = false,
bool with_extra_info = true);
PreformattedMessage getCurrentExceptionMessageAndPattern(bool with_stacktrace, bool check_embedded_stacktrace = false,
bool with_extra_info = true);
/// Returns error code from ErrorCodes
int getCurrentExceptionCode();
int getExceptionErrorCode(std::exception_ptr e);
/// Returns string containing extra diagnostic info for specific exceptions (like "no space left on device" and "memory limit exceeded")
std::string getExtraExceptionInfo(const std::exception & e);
/// An execution status of any piece of code, contains return code and optional error
struct ExecutionStatus
int code = 0;
std::string message;
ExecutionStatus() = default;
explicit ExecutionStatus(int return_code, const std::string & exception_message = "")
: code(return_code), message(exception_message) {}
static ExecutionStatus fromCurrentException(const std::string & start_of_message = "", bool with_stacktrace = false);
static ExecutionStatus fromText(const std::string & data);
std::string serializeText() const;
void deserializeText(const std::string & data);
bool tryDeserializeText(const std::string & data);
void tryLogException(std::exception_ptr e, const char * log_name, const std::string & start_of_message = "");
void tryLogException(std::exception_ptr e, Poco::Logger * logger, const std::string & start_of_message = "");
std::string getExceptionMessage(const Exception & e, bool with_stacktrace, bool check_embedded_stacktrace = false);
PreformattedMessage getExceptionMessageAndPattern(const Exception & e, bool with_stacktrace, bool check_embedded_stacktrace = false);
std::string getExceptionMessage(std::exception_ptr e, bool with_stacktrace);
template <typename T>
requires std::is_pointer_v<T>
T exception_cast(std::exception_ptr e)
catch (std::remove_pointer_t<T> & concrete)
return &concrete;
catch (...)
return nullptr;