Ivan 97f2a2213e
Move all folders inside /dbms one level up (#9974)
* Move some code outside dbms/src folder
* Fix paths
2020-04-02 02:51:21 +03:00

465 lines
18 KiB

#include <Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread.h>
#include <Storages/StorageReplicatedMergeTree.h>
#include <Poco/Timestamp.h>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_FOUND_NODE;
extern const int ALL_REPLICAS_LOST;
extern const int REPLICA_STATUS_CHANGED;
ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread(StorageReplicatedMergeTree & storage_)
: storage(storage_)
, log_name(storage.getStorageID().getFullTableName() + " (ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread)")
, log(&Logger::get(log_name))
task = storage.global_context.getSchedulePool().createTask(log_name, [this]{ run(); });
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::run()
auto storage_settings = storage.getSettings();
const auto sleep_ms = storage_settings->cleanup_delay_period * 1000
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<UInt64>(0, storage_settings->cleanup_delay_period_random_add * 1000)(rng);
catch (const Coordination::Exception & e)
tryLogCurrentException(log, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (e.code == Coordination::ZSESSIONEXPIRED)
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(log, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::iterate()
/// TODO: Implement tryLockStructureForShare.
auto lock = storage.lockStructureForShare(false, "");
/// This is loose condition: no problem if we actually had lost leadership at this moment
/// and two replicas will try to do cleanup simultaneously.
if (storage.is_leader)
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::clearOldLogs()
auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
auto storage_settings = storage.getSettings();
Coordination::Stat stat;
if (!zookeeper->exists(storage.zookeeper_path + "/log", &stat))
throw Exception(storage.zookeeper_path + "/log doesn't exist", ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_NODE);
int children_count = stat.numChildren;
/// We will wait for 1.1 times more records to accumulate than necessary.
if (static_cast<double>(children_count) < storage_settings->min_replicated_logs_to_keep * 1.1)
Strings replicas = zookeeper->getChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas", &stat);
/// We will keep logs after and including this threshold.
UInt64 min_saved_log_pointer = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max();
UInt64 min_log_pointer_lost_candidate = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max();
Strings entries = zookeeper->getChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/log");
if (entries.empty())
std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());
String min_saved_record_log_str = entries[
entries.size() > storage_settings->max_replicated_logs_to_keep
? entries.size() - storage_settings->max_replicated_logs_to_keep
: 0];
/// Replicas that were marked is_lost but are active.
std::unordered_set<String> recovering_replicas;
/// Lost replica -> a version of 'host' node.
std::unordered_map<String, UInt32> host_versions_lost_replicas;
/// Replica -> log pointer.
std::unordered_map<String, String> log_pointers_candidate_lost_replicas;
size_t num_replicas_were_marked_is_lost = 0;
for (const String & replica : replicas)
Coordination::Stat host_stat;
zookeeper->get(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/host", &host_stat);
String pointer = zookeeper->get(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/log_pointer");
UInt64 log_pointer = 0;
if (!pointer.empty())
log_pointer = parse<UInt64>(pointer);
/// Check status of replica (active or not).
/// If replica was not active, we could check when its log_pointer locates.
/// There can be three possibilities for "is_lost" node:
/// It doesn't exist: in old version of ClickHouse.
/// It exists and value is 0.
/// It exists and value is 1.
String is_lost_str;
bool has_is_lost_node = zookeeper->tryGet(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/is_lost", is_lost_str);
if (zookeeper->exists(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/is_active"))
if (has_is_lost_node && is_lost_str == "1")
/// Lost and active: recovering.
/// Not lost and active: usual case.
min_saved_log_pointer = std::min(min_saved_log_pointer, log_pointer);
if (!has_is_lost_node)
/// Only to support old versions CH.
/// If replica did not have "/is_lost" we must save it's log_pointer.
/// Because old version CH can not work with recovering.
min_saved_log_pointer = std::min(min_saved_log_pointer, log_pointer);
if (is_lost_str == "0")
/// Not active and not lost: a candidate to be marked as lost.
String log_pointer_str = "log-" + padIndex(log_pointer);
if (log_pointer_str >= min_saved_record_log_str)
/// Its log pointer is fresh enough.
min_saved_log_pointer = std::min(min_saved_log_pointer, log_pointer);
/// Its log pointer is stale: will mark replica as lost.
host_versions_lost_replicas[replica] = host_stat.version;
log_pointers_candidate_lost_replicas[replica] = log_pointer_str;
min_log_pointer_lost_candidate = std::min(min_log_pointer_lost_candidate, log_pointer);
host_versions_lost_replicas[replica] = host_stat.version;
/// We must check log_pointer of recovering replicas at the end.
/// Because log pointer of recovering replicas can move backward.
for (const String & replica : recovering_replicas)
String pointer = zookeeper->get(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/log_pointer");
UInt64 log_pointer = 0;
if (!pointer.empty())
log_pointer = parse<UInt64>(pointer);
min_saved_log_pointer = std::min(min_saved_log_pointer, log_pointer);
if (!recovering_replicas.empty())
min_saved_log_pointer = std::min(min_saved_log_pointer, min_log_pointer_lost_candidate);
/// We will not touch the last `min_replicated_logs_to_keep` records.
entries.erase(entries.end() - std::min<UInt64>(entries.size(), storage_settings->min_replicated_logs_to_keep), entries.end());
/// We will not touch records that are no less than `min_saved_log_pointer`.
entries.erase(std::lower_bound(entries.begin(), entries.end(), "log-" + padIndex(min_saved_log_pointer)), entries.end());
if (entries.empty())
markLostReplicas(host_versions_lost_replicas, log_pointers_candidate_lost_replicas, replicas.size() - num_replicas_were_marked_is_lost, zookeeper);
Coordination::Requests ops;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/log/" + entries[i], -1));
if (ops.size() > 4 * zkutil::MULTI_BATCH_SIZE || i + 1 == entries.size())
/// We need to check this because the replica that was restored from one of the marked replicas does not copy a non-valid log_pointer.
for (const auto & host_version : host_versions_lost_replicas)
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCheckRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + host_version.first + "/host", host_version.second));
/// Simultaneously with clearing the log, we check to see if replica was added since we received replicas list.
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCheckRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas", stat.version));
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removed " << entries.size() << " old log entries: " << entries.front() << " - " << entries.back());
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::markLostReplicas(const std::unordered_map<String, UInt32> & host_versions_lost_replicas,
const std::unordered_map<String, String> & log_pointers_candidate_lost_replicas,
size_t replicas_count, const zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper)
Strings candidate_lost_replicas;
std::vector<Coordination::Requests> requests;
for (const auto & pair : log_pointers_candidate_lost_replicas)
String replica = pair.first;
Coordination::Requests ops;
/// If host changed version we can not mark replicas, because replica started to be active.
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCheckRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/host",;
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/is_lost", "1", -1));
if (candidate_lost_replicas.size() == replicas_count)
throw Exception("All replicas are stale: we won't mark any replica as lost", ErrorCodes::ALL_REPLICAS_LOST);
std::vector<zkutil::ZooKeeper::FutureMulti> futures;
for (size_t i = 0; i < candidate_lost_replicas.size(); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < candidate_lost_replicas.size(); ++i)
auto multi_responses = futures[i].get();
if (multi_responses.responses[0]->error == Coordination::Error::ZBADVERSION)
throw Exception(candidate_lost_replicas[i] + " became active when we marked lost replicas.", DB::ErrorCodes::REPLICA_STATUS_CHANGED);
zkutil::KeeperMultiException::check(multi_responses.error, requests[i], multi_responses.responses);
struct ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::NodeWithStat
String node;
Int64 ctime = 0;
NodeWithStat(String node_, Int64 ctime_) : node(std::move(node_)), ctime(ctime_) {}
static bool greaterByTime(const NodeWithStat & lhs, const NodeWithStat & rhs)
return std::forward_as_tuple(lhs.ctime, lhs.node) > std::forward_as_tuple(rhs.ctime, rhs.node);
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::clearOldBlocks()
auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
auto storage_settings = storage.getSettings();
std::vector<NodeWithStat> timed_blocks;
getBlocksSortedByTime(*zookeeper, timed_blocks);
if (timed_blocks.empty())
/// Use ZooKeeper's first node (last according to time) timestamp as "current" time.
Int64 current_time = timed_blocks.front().ctime;
Int64 time_threshold = std::max(static_cast<Int64>(0), current_time - static_cast<Int64>(1000 * storage_settings->replicated_deduplication_window_seconds));
/// Virtual node, all nodes that are "greater" than this one will be deleted
NodeWithStat block_threshold{{}, time_threshold};
size_t current_deduplication_window = std::min<size_t>(timed_blocks.size(), storage_settings->replicated_deduplication_window);
auto first_outdated_block_fixed_threshold = timed_blocks.begin() + current_deduplication_window;
auto first_outdated_block_time_threshold = std::upper_bound(timed_blocks.begin(), timed_blocks.end(), block_threshold, NodeWithStat::greaterByTime);
auto first_outdated_block = std::min(first_outdated_block_fixed_threshold, first_outdated_block_time_threshold);
zkutil::AsyncResponses<Coordination::RemoveResponse> try_remove_futures;
for (auto it = first_outdated_block; it != timed_blocks.end(); ++it)
String path = storage.zookeeper_path + "/blocks/" + it->node;
try_remove_futures.emplace_back(path, zookeeper->asyncTryRemove(path));
for (auto & pair : try_remove_futures)
const String & path = pair.first;
int32_t rc = pair.second.get().error;
if (rc == Coordination::ZNOTEMPTY)
/// Can happen if there are leftover block nodes with children created by previous server versions.
else if (rc)
"Error while deleting ZooKeeper path `" << path << "`: " + zkutil::ZooKeeper::error2string(rc) << ", ignoring.");
/// Successfully removed blocks have to be removed from cache
auto num_nodes_to_delete = timed_blocks.end() - first_outdated_block;
if (num_nodes_to_delete)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Cleared " << num_nodes_to_delete << " old blocks from ZooKeeper");
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::getBlocksSortedByTime(zkutil::ZooKeeper & zookeeper, std::vector<NodeWithStat> & timed_blocks)
Strings blocks;
Coordination::Stat stat;
if (zookeeper.tryGetChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/blocks", blocks, &stat))
throw Exception(storage.zookeeper_path + "/blocks doesn't exist", ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_NODE);
/// Seems like this code is obsolete, because we delete blocks from cache
/// when they are deleted from zookeeper. But we don't know about all (maybe future) places in code
/// where they can be removed, so just to be sure that cache would not leak we check it here.
NameSet blocks_set(blocks.begin(), blocks.end());
for (auto it = cached_block_stats.begin(); it != cached_block_stats.end();)
if (!blocks_set.count(it->first))
it = cached_block_stats.erase(it);
auto not_cached_blocks = stat.numChildren - cached_block_stats.size();
if (not_cached_blocks)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Checking " << stat.numChildren << " blocks (" << not_cached_blocks << " are not cached)"
<< " to clear old ones from ZooKeeper.");
zkutil::AsyncResponses<Coordination::ExistsResponse> exists_futures;
for (const String & block : blocks)
auto it = cached_block_stats.find(block);
if (it == cached_block_stats.end())
/// New block. Fetch its stat asynchronously.
exists_futures.emplace_back(block, zookeeper.asyncExists(storage.zookeeper_path + "/blocks/" + block));
/// Cached block
timed_blocks.emplace_back(block, it->second);
/// Put fetched stats into the cache
for (auto & elem : exists_futures)
auto status = elem.second.get();
if (status.error != Coordination::ZNONODE)
cached_block_stats.emplace(elem.first, status.stat.ctime);
timed_blocks.emplace_back(elem.first, status.stat.ctime);
std::sort(timed_blocks.begin(), timed_blocks.end(), NodeWithStat::greaterByTime);
void ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread::clearOldMutations()
auto storage_settings = storage.getSettings();
if (!storage_settings->finished_mutations_to_keep)
if (storage.queue.countFinishedMutations() <= storage_settings->finished_mutations_to_keep)
/// Not strictly necessary, but helps to avoid unnecessary ZooKeeper requests.
/// If even this replica hasn't finished enough mutations yet, then we don't need to clean anything.
auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
Coordination::Stat replicas_stat;
Strings replicas = zookeeper->getChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas", &replicas_stat);
UInt64 min_pointer = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max();
for (const String & replica : replicas)
String pointer;
zookeeper->tryGet(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas/" + replica + "/mutation_pointer", pointer);
if (pointer.empty())
return; /// One replica hasn't done anything yet so we can't delete any mutations.
min_pointer = std::min(parse<UInt64>(pointer), min_pointer);
Strings entries = zookeeper->getChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/mutations");
std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());
/// Do not remove entries that are greater than `min_pointer` (they are not done yet).
entries.erase(std::upper_bound(entries.begin(), entries.end(), padIndex(min_pointer)), entries.end());
/// Do not remove last `storage_settings->finished_mutations_to_keep` entries.
if (entries.size() <= storage_settings->finished_mutations_to_keep)
entries.erase(entries.end() - storage_settings->finished_mutations_to_keep, entries.end());
if (entries.empty())
Coordination::Requests ops;
size_t batch_start_i = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/mutations/" + entries[i], -1));
if (ops.size() > 4 * zkutil::MULTI_BATCH_SIZE || i + 1 == entries.size())
/// Simultaneously with clearing the log, we check to see if replica was added since we received replicas list.
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCheckRequest(storage.zookeeper_path + "/replicas", replicas_stat.version));
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removed " << (i + 1 - batch_start_i) << " old mutation entries: " << entries[batch_start_i] << " - " << entries[i]);
batch_start_i = i + 1;