Vladimir Smirnov d36f52502e Make it compilable on OS X
It's still hackish and dirty, but server and client compies.

Server starts, but throwes meaningless exception on any query.

Client seems to be working fine.

Linux compilation might (but shouldn't) be broken (not tested).
2016-11-01 17:59:21 +01:00

193 lines
5.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <DB/Dictionaries/IDictionarySource.h>
#include <DB/Dictionaries/MongoDBBlockInputStream.h>
#include <Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h>
#include <mongo/client/dbclient.h>
#include <ext/collection_cast.hpp>
#include <ext/enumerate.hpp>
#include <ext/size.hpp>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int UNSUPPORTED_METHOD;
extern const int WRONG_PASSWORD;
extern const int MONGODB_INIT_FAILED;
/// Allows loading dictionaries from a MongoDB collection
class MongoDBDictionarySource final : public IDictionarySource
enum { max_block_size = 8192 };
const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct, const std::string & host, const std::string & port,
const std::string & user, const std::string & password,
const std::string & db, const std::string & collection,
const Block & sample_block)
: dict_struct{dict_struct}, host{host}, port{port}, user{user}, password{password},
db{db}, collection{collection}, sample_block{sample_block},
connection.connect(host + ':' + port);
/// @todo: should connection.auth be called after or before .connect ?
if (!user.empty())
std::string error;
if (!connection.auth(db, user, password, error))
throw DB::Exception{
"Could not authenticate to a MongoDB database " + db + " with provided credentials: " + error,
/// compose BSONObj containing all requested fields
mongo::BSONObjBuilder builder;
builder << "_id" << 0;
for (const auto & column : sample_block.getColumns())
builder << << 1;
fields_to_query = builder.obj();
/// mongo-cxx driver requires global initialization before using any functionality
static void init()
static const auto mongo_init_status = mongo::client::initialize();
if (!mongo_init_status.isOK())
throw DB::Exception{
"mongo::client::initialize() failed: " + mongo_init_status.toString(),
LOG_TRACE(&Logger::get("MongoDBDictionarySource"), "mongo::client::initialize() ok");
const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const std::string & config_prefix, Block & sample_block)
: MongoDBDictionarySource{
config.getString(config_prefix + ".host"),
config.getString(config_prefix + ".port"),
config.getString(config_prefix + ".user", ""),
config.getString(config_prefix + ".password", ""),
config.getString(config_prefix + ".db", ""),
config.getString(config_prefix + ".collection"),
MongoDBDictionarySource(const MongoDBDictionarySource & other)
: MongoDBDictionarySource{
other.dict_struct,, other.port, other.user, other.password,
other.db, other.collection, other.sample_block}
BlockInputStreamPtr loadAll() override
return std::make_shared<MongoDBBlockInputStream>(
connection.query(db + '.' + collection, {}, 0, 0, &fields_to_query),
sample_block, max_block_size);
bool supportsSelectiveLoad() const override { return true; }
BlockInputStreamPtr loadIds(const std::vector<UInt64> & ids) override
if (!
throw Exception{"'id' is required for selective loading", ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_METHOD};
/// mongo::BSONObj has shitty design and does not use fixed width integral types
const auto query = BSON( << BSON("$in" << ext::collection_cast<std::vector<long long int>>(ids)));
return std::make_shared<MongoDBBlockInputStream>(
connection.query(db + '.' + collection, query, 0, 0, &fields_to_query),
sample_block, max_block_size);
BlockInputStreamPtr loadKeys(
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns, const std::vector<std::size_t> & requested_rows) override
if (!dict_struct.key)
throw Exception{"'key' is required for selective loading", ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_METHOD};
std::string query_string;
WriteBufferFromString out{query_string};
writeString("{$or:[", out);
auto first = true;
for (const auto row : requested_rows)
if (!first)
writeChar(',', out);
first = false;
writeChar('{', out);
for (const auto idx_key : ext::enumerate(*dict_struct.key))
if (idx_key.first != 0)
writeChar(',', out);
writeString(, out);
writeChar(':', out);
idx_key.second.type->serializeTextQuoted(*key_columns[idx_key.first], row, out);
writeChar('}', out);
writeString("]}", out);
return std::make_shared<MongoDBBlockInputStream>(
connection.query(db + '.' + collection, query_string, 0, 0, &fields_to_query),
sample_block, max_block_size);
/// @todo: for MongoDB, modification date can somehow be determined from the `_id` object field
bool isModified() const override { return false; }
DictionarySourcePtr clone() const override { return std::make_unique<MongoDBDictionarySource>(*this); }
std::string toString() const override
return "MongoDB: " + db + '.' + collection + ',' + (user.empty() ? " " : " " + user + '@') + host + ':' + port;
const DictionaryStructure dict_struct;
const std::string host;
const std::string port;
const std::string user;
const std::string password;
const std::string db;
const std::string collection;
Block sample_block;
mongo::DBClientConnection connection;
mongo::BSONObj fields_to_query;