Robert Schulze df889351ad
feat: replace unbounded vectorscan cache by bounded cache
VectorScan patterns can grow large (up to multiple MBs) and queries
involving different VectorScan patterns lead to an ever increasing
pattern cache size.

With this commit, the unbounded cache for vectorscan patterns is
replaced by a bounded cache with "CacheTable" eviction strategy, similar
to what we have for re2 patterns. The cache size is currently hard-coded
to 500 entries.

Fixes #19869
2022-08-16 21:09:47 +00:00

348 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <Functions/likePatternToRegexp.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/OptimizedRegularExpression.h>
#include <Common/ProfileEvents.h>
#include <Common/config.h>
#include <base/defines.h>
#include <base/StringRef.h>
#include <boost/container_hash/hash.hpp>
#include "config_functions.h"
# include <hs.h>
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event RegexpCreated;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
namespace Regexps
using Regexp = OptimizedRegularExpressionSingleThreaded;
using RegexpPtr = std::shared_ptr<Regexp>;
template <bool like, bool no_capture, bool case_insensitive>
inline Regexp createRegexp(const String & pattern)
int flags = OptimizedRegularExpression::RE_DOT_NL;
if constexpr (no_capture)
flags |= OptimizedRegularExpression::RE_NO_CAPTURE;
if constexpr (case_insensitive)
flags |= OptimizedRegularExpression::RE_CASELESS;
if constexpr (like)
return {likePatternToRegexp(pattern), flags};
return {pattern, flags};
/// Caches compiled re2 objects for given string patterns. Intended to support the common situation of a small set of patterns which are
/// evaluated over and over within the same query. In these situations, usage of the cache will save unnecessary pattern re-compilation.
/// However, we must be careful that caching does not add too much static overhead to overall pattern evaluation. Therefore, the cache is
/// intentionally very lightweight: a) no thread-safety/mutexes, b) small & fixed capacity, c) no collision list, d) but also no open
/// addressing, instead collisions simply replace the existing element.
class LocalCacheTable
using RegexpPtr = std::shared_ptr<Regexp>;
template <bool like, bool no_capture, bool case_insensitive>
RegexpPtr getOrSet(const String & pattern)
Bucket & bucket = known_regexps[hasher(pattern) % CACHE_SIZE];
if (bucket.regexp == nullptr) [[unlikely]]
/// insert new entry
bucket = {pattern, std::make_shared<Regexp>(createRegexp<like, no_capture, case_insensitive>(pattern))};
if (pattern != bucket.pattern)
/// replace existing entry
bucket = {pattern, std::make_shared<Regexp>(createRegexp<like, no_capture, case_insensitive>(pattern))};
return bucket.regexp;
constexpr static size_t CACHE_SIZE = 100; /// collision probability
std::hash<String> hasher;
struct Bucket
String pattern; /// key
RegexpPtr regexp; /// value
using CacheTable = std::array<Bucket, CACHE_SIZE>;
CacheTable known_regexps;
namespace MultiRegexps
template <typename Deleter, Deleter deleter>
struct HyperscanDeleter
template <typename T>
void operator()(T * ptr) const
/// Helper unique pointers to correctly delete the allocated space when hyperscan cannot compile something and we throw an exception.
using CompilerError = std::unique_ptr<hs_compile_error_t, HyperscanDeleter<decltype(&hs_free_compile_error), &hs_free_compile_error>>;
using ScratchPtr = std::unique_ptr<hs_scratch_t, HyperscanDeleter<decltype(&hs_free_scratch), &hs_free_scratch>>;
using DataBasePtr = std::unique_ptr<hs_database_t, HyperscanDeleter<decltype(&hs_free_database), &hs_free_database>>;
/// Database is thread safe across multiple threads and Scratch is not but we can copy it whenever we use it in the searcher.
class Regexps
Regexps(hs_database_t * db_, hs_scratch_t * scratch_) : db{db_}, scratch{scratch_} { }
hs_database_t * getDB() const { return db.get(); }
hs_scratch_t * getScratch() const { return scratch.get(); }
DataBasePtr db;
ScratchPtr scratch;
class DeferredConstructedRegexps
explicit DeferredConstructedRegexps(std::function<Regexps()> constructor_)
: constructor(std::move(constructor_))
Regexps * get()
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
if (regexps)
return &*regexps;
regexps = constructor();
return &*regexps;
std::function<Regexps()> constructor TSA_GUARDED_BY(mutex);
std::optional<Regexps> regexps TSA_GUARDED_BY(mutex);
std::mutex mutex;
using DeferredConstructedRegexpsPtr = std::shared_ptr<DeferredConstructedRegexps>;
template <bool save_indices, bool WithEditDistance>
inline Regexps constructRegexps(const std::vector<String> & str_patterns, [[maybe_unused]] std::optional<UInt32> edit_distance)
/// Common pointers
std::vector<const char *> patterns;
std::vector<unsigned int> flags;
/// Pointer for external edit distance compilation
std::vector<hs_expr_ext> ext_exprs;
std::vector<const hs_expr_ext *> ext_exprs_ptrs;
if constexpr (WithEditDistance)
for (std::string_view ref : str_patterns)
/* Flags below are the pattern matching flags.
* HS_FLAG_DOTALL is a compile flag where matching a . will not exclude newlines. This is a good
* performance practice according to Hyperscan API.
* HS_FLAG_ALLOWEMPTY is a compile flag where empty strings are allowed to match.
* HS_FLAG_UTF8 is a flag where UTF8 literals are matched.
* HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH is a compile flag where each pattern match will be returned only once. it is a good performance practice
* as it is said in the Hyperscan documentation.
if constexpr (WithEditDistance)
/// Hyperscan currently does not support UTF8 matching with edit distance.
flags.back() &= ~HS_FLAG_UTF8;
/// HS_EXT_FLAG_EDIT_DISTANCE is a compile flag responsible for Levenstein distance.
ext_exprs.back().flags = HS_EXT_FLAG_EDIT_DISTANCE;
ext_exprs.back().edit_distance = edit_distance.value();
hs_database_t * db = nullptr;
hs_compile_error_t * compile_error;
std::unique_ptr<unsigned int[]> ids;
/// We mark the patterns to provide the callback results.
if constexpr (save_indices)
ids.reset(new unsigned int[patterns.size()]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < patterns.size(); ++i)
ids[i] = i + 1;
hs_error_t err;
if constexpr (!WithEditDistance)
err = hs_compile_multi(,,
err = hs_compile_ext_multi(,,
if (err != HS_SUCCESS)
/// CompilerError is a unique_ptr, so correct memory free after the exception is thrown.
CompilerError error(compile_error);
if (error->expression < 0)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, String(error->message));
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Pattern '{}' failed with error '{}'", str_patterns[error->expression], String(error->message));
/// We allocate the scratch space only once, then copy it across multiple threads with hs_clone_scratch
/// function which is faster than allocating scratch space each time in each thread.
hs_scratch_t * scratch = nullptr;
err = hs_alloc_scratch(db, &scratch);
/// If not HS_SUCCESS, it is guaranteed that the memory would not be allocated for scratch.
if (err != HS_SUCCESS)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY, "Could not allocate scratch space for hyperscan");
return {db, scratch};
/// Maps string pattern vectors + edit distance to compiled vectorscan regexps. Uses the same eviction mechanism as the LocalCacheTable for
/// re2 patterns. Because vectorscan regexes are overall more heavy-weight (more expensive compilation, regexes can grow up to multiple
/// MBs, usage of scratch space), 1. GlobalCacheTable is a global singleton and, as a result, needs locking 2. the pattern compilation is
/// done outside GlobalCacheTable's lock, at the cost of another level of locking.
struct GlobalCacheTable
constexpr static size_t CACHE_SIZE = 500; /// collision probability
struct Bucket
std::vector<String> patterns; /// key
std::optional<UInt32> edit_distance; /// key
/// The compiled patterns and their state (vectorscan 'database' + scratch space) are wrapped in a shared_ptr. Refcounting guarantees
/// that eviction of a pattern does not affect parallel threads still using the pattern.
DeferredConstructedRegexpsPtr regexps; /// value
std::array<Bucket, CACHE_SIZE> known_regexps TSA_GUARDED_BY(mutex);
std::mutex mutex;
static size_t getBucketIndexFor(const std::vector<String> patterns, std::optional<UInt32> edit_distance)
size_t hash = 0;
for (const auto & pattern : patterns)
boost::hash_combine(hash, pattern);
boost::hash_combine(hash, edit_distance);
return hash % CACHE_SIZE;
/// If WithEditDistance is False, edit_distance must be nullopt. Also, we use templates here because each instantiation of function template
/// has its own copy of local static variables which must not be the same for different hyperscan compilations.
template <bool save_indices, bool WithEditDistance>
inline DeferredConstructedRegexpsPtr getOrSet(const std::vector<std::string_view> & patterns, std::optional<UInt32> edit_distance)
static GlobalCacheTable pool; /// Different variables for different pattern parameters, thread-safe in C++11
std::vector<String> str_patterns;
for (const auto & pattern : patterns)
size_t bucket_idx = GlobalCacheTable::getBucketIndexFor(str_patterns, edit_distance);
/// Lock cache to find compiled regexp for given pattern vector + edit distance.
std::lock_guard lock(pool.mutex);
GlobalCacheTable::Bucket & bucket = pool.known_regexps[bucket_idx];
/// Pattern compilation is expensive and we don't want to block other threads reading from / inserting into the cache while we hold the
/// cache lock during pattern compilation. Therefore, when a cache entry is created or replaced, only set the regexp constructor method
/// and compile outside the cache lock.
/// Note that the string patterns and the edit distance is passed into the constructor lambda by value, i.e. copied - it is not an
/// option to reference the corresponding string patterns / edit distance key in the cache table bucket because the cache entry may
/// already be evicted at the time the compilation starts.
if (bucket.regexps == nullptr) [[unlikely]]
/// insert new entry
auto deferred_constructed_regexps = std::make_shared<DeferredConstructedRegexps>(
[str_patterns, edit_distance]()
return constructRegexps<save_indices, WithEditDistance>(str_patterns, edit_distance);
bucket = {std::move(str_patterns), edit_distance, deferred_constructed_regexps};
if (bucket.patterns != str_patterns || bucket.edit_distance != edit_distance)
/// replace existing entry
auto deferred_constructed_regexps = std::make_shared<DeferredConstructedRegexps>(
[str_patterns, edit_distance]()
return constructRegexps<save_indices, WithEditDistance>(str_patterns, edit_distance);
bucket = {std::move(str_patterns), edit_distance, deferred_constructed_regexps};
return bucket.regexps;