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#include <Processors/Transforms/AggregatingInOrderTransform.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeLowCardinality.h>
#include <Core/SortCursor.h>
#include <common/range.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
Block header, AggregatingTransformParamsPtr params_,
const SortDescription & group_by_description_, size_t res_block_size_)
: AggregatingInOrderTransform(std::move(header), std::move(params_)
, group_by_description_, res_block_size_, std::make_unique<ManyAggregatedData>(1), 0)
Block header, AggregatingTransformParamsPtr params_,
const SortDescription & group_by_description_, size_t res_block_size_,
ManyAggregatedDataPtr many_data_, size_t current_variant)
: IProcessor({std::move(header)}, {params_->getCustomHeader(false)})
, res_block_size(res_block_size_)
, params(std::move(params_))
, group_by_description(group_by_description_)
, aggregate_columns(params->params.aggregates_size)
, many_data(std::move(many_data_))
, variants(*many_data->variants[current_variant])
/// We won't finalize states in order to merge same states (generated due to multi-thread execution) in AggregatingSortedTransform
res_header = params->getCustomHeader(false);
/// Replace column names to column position in description_sorted.
for (auto & column_description : group_by_description)
if (!column_description.column_name.empty())
column_description.column_number = res_header.getPositionByName(column_description.column_name);
AggregatingInOrderTransform::~AggregatingInOrderTransform() = default;
void AggregatingInOrderTransform::consume(Chunk chunk)
size_t rows = chunk.getNumRows();
if (rows == 0)
if (!is_consume_started)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Aggregating in order");
is_consume_started = true;
src_rows += rows;
src_bytes += chunk.bytes();
Columns materialized_columns;
Columns key_columns(params->params.keys_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->params.keys_size; ++i)
key_columns[i] = materialized_columns.back();
Aggregator::NestedColumnsHolder nested_columns_holder;
Aggregator::AggregateFunctionInstructions aggregate_function_instructions;
params->aggregator.prepareAggregateInstructions(chunk.getColumns(), aggregate_columns, materialized_columns, aggregate_function_instructions, nested_columns_holder);
size_t key_end = 0;
size_t key_begin = 0;
/// If we don't have a block we create it and fill with first key
if (!cur_block_size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->params.keys_size; ++i)
res_key_columns[i] = res_header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->createColumn();
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->params.aggregates_size; ++i)
res_aggregate_columns[i] = res_header.safeGetByPosition(i + params->params.keys_size).type->createColumn();
params->aggregator.createStatesAndFillKeyColumnsWithSingleKey(variants, key_columns, key_begin, res_key_columns);
params->aggregator.addArenasToAggregateColumns(variants, res_aggregate_columns);
/// Will split block into segments with the same key
while (key_end != rows)
/// Find the first position of new (not current) key in current chunk
auto indices = collections::range(key_begin, rows);
auto it = std::upper_bound(indices.begin(), indices.end(), cur_block_size - 1,
[&](size_t lhs_row, size_t rhs_row)
return less(res_key_columns, key_columns, lhs_row, rhs_row, group_by_description);
key_end = (it == indices.end() ? rows : *it);
/// Add data to aggr. state if interval is not empty. Empty when haven't found current key in new block.
if (key_begin != key_end)
params->aggregator.executeOnIntervalWithoutKeyImpl(variants.without_key, key_begin, key_end, aggregate_function_instructions.data(), variants.aggregates_pool);
/// We finalize last key aggregation state if a new key found.
if (key_end != rows)
params->aggregator.addSingleKeyToAggregateColumns(variants, res_aggregate_columns);
/// If res_block_size is reached we have to stop consuming and generate the block. Save the extra rows into new chunk.
if (cur_block_size == res_block_size)
Columns source_columns = chunk.detachColumns();
for (auto & source_column : source_columns)
source_column = source_column->cut(key_end, rows - key_end);
current_chunk = Chunk(source_columns, rows - key_end);
src_rows -= current_chunk.getNumRows();
block_end_reached = true;
need_generate = true;
cur_block_size = 0;
variants.without_key = nullptr;
/// Arenas cannot be destroyed here, since later, in FinalizingSimpleTransform
/// there will be finalizeChunk(), but even after
/// finalizeChunk() we cannot destroy arena, since some memory
/// from Arena still in use, so we attach it to the Chunk to
/// remove it once it will be consumed.
if (params->final)
if (variants.aggregates_pools.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Too much arenas", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
Arenas arenas(1, std::make_shared<Arena>());
std::swap(variants.aggregates_pools, arenas);
variants.aggregates_pool = variants.aggregates_pools.at(0).get();
/// We create a new state for the new key and update res_key_columns
params->aggregator.createStatesAndFillKeyColumnsWithSingleKey(variants, key_columns, key_end, res_key_columns);
key_begin = key_end;
block_end_reached = false;
void AggregatingInOrderTransform::work()
if (is_consume_finished || need_generate)
IProcessor::Status AggregatingInOrderTransform::prepare()
auto & output = outputs.front();
auto & input = inputs.back();
/// Check can output.
if (output.isFinished())
return Status::Finished;
if (!output.canPush())
return Status::PortFull;
if (block_end_reached)
if (need_generate)
return Status::Ready;
return Status::Ready;
if (is_consume_finished)
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Aggregated. {} to {} rows (from {})",
src_rows, res_rows, formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(src_bytes));
return Status::Finished;
if (input.isFinished())
is_consume_finished = true;
return Status::Ready;
if (!input.hasData())
return Status::NeedData;
current_chunk = input.pull(true /* set_not_needed */);
return Status::Ready;
void AggregatingInOrderTransform::generate()
if (cur_block_size && is_consume_finished)
params->aggregator.addSingleKeyToAggregateColumns(variants, res_aggregate_columns);
variants.without_key = nullptr;
Block res = res_header.cloneEmpty();
for (size_t i = 0; i < res_key_columns.size(); ++i)
res.getByPosition(i).column = std::move(res_key_columns[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < res_aggregate_columns.size(); ++i)
res.getByPosition(i + res_key_columns.size()).column = std::move(res_aggregate_columns[i]);
to_push_chunk = convertToChunk(res);
res_rows += to_push_chunk.getNumRows();
need_generate = false;