2018-03-28 05:29:36 +03:00

452 lines
18 KiB

#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <common/MultiVersion.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Core/NamesAndTypes.h>
#include <Interpreters/Settings.h>
#include <Interpreters/ClientInfo.h>
#include <IO/CompressionSettings.h>
namespace Poco
namespace Net
class IPAddress;
namespace zkutil
class ZooKeeper;
namespace DB
struct ContextShared;
class IRuntimeComponentsFactory;
class QuotaForIntervals;
class EmbeddedDictionaries;
class ExternalDictionaries;
class ExternalModels;
class InterserverIOHandler;
class BackgroundProcessingPool;
class MergeList;
class Cluster;
class Compiler;
class MarkCache;
class UncompressedCache;
class ProcessList;
class ProcessListElement;
class Macros;
struct Progress;
class Clusters;
class QueryLog;
class PartLog;
struct MergeTreeSettings;
class IDatabase;
class DDLGuard;
class DDLWorker;
class IStorage;
class ITableFunction;
using StoragePtr = std::shared_ptr<IStorage>;
using Tables = std::map<String, StoragePtr>;
class IAST;
using ASTPtr = std::shared_ptr<IAST>;
class IBlockInputStream;
class IBlockOutputStream;
using BlockInputStreamPtr = std::shared_ptr<IBlockInputStream>;
using BlockOutputStreamPtr = std::shared_ptr<IBlockOutputStream>;
class Block;
struct SystemLogs;
using SystemLogsPtr = std::shared_ptr<SystemLogs>;
/// (database name, table name)
using DatabaseAndTableName = std::pair<String, String>;
/// Table -> set of table-views that make SELECT from it.
using ViewDependencies = std::map<DatabaseAndTableName, std::set<DatabaseAndTableName>>;
using Dependencies = std::vector<DatabaseAndTableName>;
using TableAndCreateAST = std::pair<StoragePtr, ASTPtr>;
using TableAndCreateASTs = std::map<String, TableAndCreateAST>;
/** A set of known objects that can be used in the query.
* Consists of a shared part (always common to all sessions and queries)
* and copied part (which can be its own for each session or query).
* Everything is encapsulated for all sorts of checks and locks.
class Context
using Shared = std::shared_ptr<ContextShared>;
Shared shared;
std::shared_ptr<IRuntimeComponentsFactory> runtime_components_factory;
ClientInfo client_info;
std::shared_ptr<QuotaForIntervals> quota; /// Current quota. By default - empty quota, that have no limits.
String current_database;
Settings settings; /// Setting for query execution.
using ProgressCallback = std::function<void(const Progress & progress)>;
ProgressCallback progress_callback; /// Callback for tracking progress of query execution.
ProcessListElement * process_list_elem = nullptr; /// For tracking total resource usage for query.
String default_format; /// Format, used when server formats data by itself and if query does not have FORMAT specification.
/// Thus, used in HTTP interface. If not specified - then some globally default format is used.
TableAndCreateASTs external_tables; /// Temporary tables.
Tables table_function_results; /// Temporary tables obtained by execution of table functions. Keyed by AST tree id.
Context * query_context = nullptr;
Context * session_context = nullptr; /// Session context or nullptr. Could be equal to this.
Context * global_context = nullptr; /// Global context or nullptr. Could be equal to this.
SystemLogsPtr system_logs; /// Used to log queries and operations on parts
UInt64 session_close_cycle = 0;
bool session_is_used = false;
using DatabasePtr = std::shared_ptr<IDatabase>;
using Databases = std::map<String, std::shared_ptr<IDatabase>>;
/// Use copy constructor or createGlobal() instead
/// Create initial Context with ContextShared and etc.
static Context createGlobal(std::shared_ptr<IRuntimeComponentsFactory> runtime_components_factory);
static Context createGlobal();
String getPath() const;
String getTemporaryPath() const;
String getFlagsPath() const;
void setPath(const String & path);
void setTemporaryPath(const String & path);
void setFlagsPath(const String & path);
using ConfigurationPtr = Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration>;
/// Global application configuration settings.
void setConfig(const ConfigurationPtr & config);
ConfigurationPtr getConfig() const;
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & getConfigRef() const;
/** Take the list of users, quotas and configuration profiles from this config.
* The list of users is completely replaced.
* The accumulated quota values are not reset if the quota is not deleted.
void setUsersConfig(const ConfigurationPtr & config);
ConfigurationPtr getUsersConfig();
/// Must be called before getClientInfo.
void setUser(const String & name, const String & password, const Poco::Net::SocketAddress & address, const String & quota_key);
/// Compute and set actual user settings, client_info.current_user should be set
void calculateUserSettings();
ClientInfo & getClientInfo() { return client_info; };
const ClientInfo & getClientInfo() const { return client_info; };
void setQuota(const String & name, const String & quota_key, const String & user_name, const Poco::Net::IPAddress & address);
QuotaForIntervals & getQuota();
void addDependency(const DatabaseAndTableName & from, const DatabaseAndTableName & where);
void removeDependency(const DatabaseAndTableName & from, const DatabaseAndTableName & where);
Dependencies getDependencies(const String & database_name, const String & table_name) const;
/// Checking the existence of the table/database. Database can be empty - in this case the current database is used.
bool isTableExist(const String & database_name, const String & table_name) const;
bool isDatabaseExist(const String & database_name) const;
bool isExternalTableExist(const String & table_name) const;
void assertTableExists(const String & database_name, const String & table_name) const;
/** The parameter check_database_access_rights exists to not check the permissions of the database again,
* when assertTableDoesntExist or assertDatabaseExists is called inside another function that already
* made this check.
void assertTableDoesntExist(const String & database_name, const String & table_name, bool check_database_acccess_rights = true) const;
void assertDatabaseExists(const String & database_name, bool check_database_acccess_rights = true) const;
void assertDatabaseDoesntExist(const String & database_name) const;
Tables getExternalTables() const;
StoragePtr tryGetExternalTable(const String & table_name) const;
StoragePtr getTable(const String & database_name, const String & table_name) const;
StoragePtr tryGetTable(const String & database_name, const String & table_name) const;
void addExternalTable(const String & table_name, const StoragePtr & storage, const ASTPtr & ast = {});
StoragePtr tryRemoveExternalTable(const String & table_name);
StoragePtr executeTableFunction(const ASTPtr & table_expression);
void addDatabase(const String & database_name, const DatabasePtr & database);
DatabasePtr detachDatabase(const String & database_name);
/// Get an object that protects the table from concurrently executing multiple DDL operations.
/// If such an object already exists, an exception is thrown.
std::unique_ptr<DDLGuard> getDDLGuard(const String & database, const String & table, const String & message) const;
/// If the table already exists, it returns nullptr, otherwise guard is created.
std::unique_ptr<DDLGuard> getDDLGuardIfTableDoesntExist(const String & database, const String & table, const String & message) const;
String getCurrentDatabase() const;
String getCurrentQueryId() const;
void setCurrentDatabase(const String & name);
void setCurrentQueryId(const String & query_id);
String getDefaultFormat() const; /// If default_format is not specified, some global default format is returned.
void setDefaultFormat(const String & name);
MultiVersion<Macros>::Version getMacros() const;
void setMacros(std::unique_ptr<Macros> && macros);
Settings getSettings() const;
void setSettings(const Settings & settings_);
/// Set a setting by name.
void setSetting(const String & name, const Field & value);
/// Set a setting by name. Read the value in text form from a string (for example, from a config, or from a URL parameter).
void setSetting(const String & name, const std::string & value);
const EmbeddedDictionaries & getEmbeddedDictionaries() const;
const ExternalDictionaries & getExternalDictionaries() const;
const ExternalModels & getExternalModels() const;
EmbeddedDictionaries & getEmbeddedDictionaries();
ExternalDictionaries & getExternalDictionaries();
ExternalModels & getExternalModels();
void tryCreateEmbeddedDictionaries() const;
void tryCreateExternalDictionaries() const;
void tryCreateExternalModels() const;
/// I/O formats.
BlockInputStreamPtr getInputFormat(const String & name, ReadBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, size_t max_block_size) const;
BlockOutputStreamPtr getOutputFormat(const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & sample) const;
InterserverIOHandler & getInterserverIOHandler();
/// How other servers can access this for downloading replicated data.
void setInterserverIOAddress(const String & host, UInt16 port);
std::pair<String, UInt16> getInterserverIOAddress() const;
/// The port that the server listens for executing SQL queries.
UInt16 getTCPPort() const;
/// Get query for the CREATE table.
ASTPtr getCreateTableQuery(const String & database_name, const String & table_name) const;
ASTPtr getCreateExternalTableQuery(const String & table_name) const;
ASTPtr getCreateDatabaseQuery(const String & database_name) const;
const DatabasePtr getDatabase(const String & database_name) const;
DatabasePtr getDatabase(const String & database_name);
const DatabasePtr tryGetDatabase(const String & database_name) const;
DatabasePtr tryGetDatabase(const String & database_name);
const Databases getDatabases() const;
Databases getDatabases();
std::shared_ptr<Context> acquireSession(const String & session_id, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration timeout, bool session_check) const;
void releaseSession(const String & session_id, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration timeout);
/// Close sessions, that has been expired. Returns how long to wait for next session to be expired, if no new sessions will be added.
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration closeSessions() const;
/// For methods below you may need to acquire a lock by yourself.
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> getLock() const;
const Context & getQueryContext() const;
Context & getQueryContext();
bool hasQueryContext() const { return query_context != nullptr; }
const Context & getSessionContext() const;
Context & getSessionContext();
bool hasSessionContext() const { return session_context != nullptr; }
const Context & getGlobalContext() const;
Context & getGlobalContext();
bool hasGlobalContext() const { return global_context != nullptr; }
void setQueryContext(Context & context_) { query_context = &context_; }
void setSessionContext(Context & context_) { session_context = &context_; }
void setGlobalContext(Context & context_) { global_context = &context_; }
const Settings & getSettingsRef() const { return settings; };
Settings & getSettingsRef() { return settings; };
void setProgressCallback(ProgressCallback callback);
/// Used in InterpreterSelectQuery to pass it to the IProfilingBlockInputStream.
ProgressCallback getProgressCallback() const;
/** Set in executeQuery and InterpreterSelectQuery. Then it is used in IProfilingBlockInputStream,
* to update and monitor information about the total number of resources spent for the query.
void setProcessListElement(ProcessListElement * elem);
/// Can return nullptr if the query was not inserted into the ProcessList.
ProcessListElement * getProcessListElement() const;
/// List all queries.
ProcessList & getProcessList();
const ProcessList & getProcessList() const;
MergeList & getMergeList();
const MergeList & getMergeList() const;
void setZooKeeper(std::shared_ptr<zkutil::ZooKeeper> zookeeper);
/// If the current session is expired at the time of the call, synchronously creates and returns a new session with the startNewSession() call.
std::shared_ptr<zkutil::ZooKeeper> getZooKeeper() const;
/// Has ready or expired ZooKeeper
bool hasZooKeeper() const;
/// Create a cache of uncompressed blocks of specified size. This can be done only once.
void setUncompressedCache(size_t max_size_in_bytes);
std::shared_ptr<UncompressedCache> getUncompressedCache() const;
void dropUncompressedCache() const;
/// Create a cache of marks of specified size. This can be done only once.
void setMarkCache(size_t cache_size_in_bytes);
std::shared_ptr<MarkCache> getMarkCache() const;
void dropMarkCache() const;
/** Clear the caches of the uncompressed blocks and marks.
* This is usually done when renaming tables, changing the type of columns, deleting a table.
* - since caches are linked to file names, and become incorrect.
* (when deleting a table - it is necessary, since in its place another can appear)
* const - because the change in the cache is not considered significant.
void dropCaches() const;
BackgroundProcessingPool & getBackgroundPool();
void setDDLWorker(std::shared_ptr<DDLWorker> ddl_worker);
DDLWorker & getDDLWorker() const;
Clusters & getClusters() const;
std::shared_ptr<Cluster> getCluster(const std::string & cluster_name) const;
std::shared_ptr<Cluster> tryGetCluster(const std::string & cluster_name) const;
void setClustersConfig(const ConfigurationPtr & config, const String & config_name = "remote_servers");
/// Sets custom cluster, but doesn't update configuration
void setCluster(const String & cluster_name, const std::shared_ptr<Cluster> & cluster);
void reloadClusterConfig();
Compiler & getCompiler();
/// Call after initialization before using system logs. Call for global context.
void initializeSystemLogs();
/// Nullptr if the query log is not ready for this moment.
QueryLog * getQueryLog();
/// Returns an object used to log opertaions with parts if it possible.
/// Provide table name to make required cheks.
PartLog * getPartLog(const String & part_database);
const MergeTreeSettings & getMergeTreeSettings();
/// Prevents DROP TABLE if its size is greater than max_size (50GB by default, max_size=0 turn off this check)
void setMaxTableSizeToDrop(size_t max_size);
void checkTableCanBeDropped(const String & database, const String & table, size_t table_size);
/// Lets you select the compression settings according to the conditions described in the configuration file.
CompressionSettings chooseCompressionSettings(size_t part_size, double part_size_ratio) const;
/// Get the server uptime in seconds.
time_t getUptimeSeconds() const;
using ConfigReloadCallback = std::function<void()>;
void setConfigReloadCallback(ConfigReloadCallback && callback);
void reloadConfig() const;
void shutdown();
enum class ApplicationType
SERVER, /// The program is run as clickhouse-server daemon (default behavior)
CLIENT, /// clickhouse-client
LOCAL /// clickhouse-local
ApplicationType getApplicationType() const;
void setApplicationType(ApplicationType type);
/// Sets default_profile and system_profile, must be called once during the initialization
void setDefaultProfiles(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config);
String getDefaultProfileName() const;
String getSystemProfileName() const;
/// Base path for format schemas
String getFormatSchemaPath() const;
void setFormatSchemaPath(const String & path);
/// User name and session identifier. Named sessions are local to users.
using SessionKey = std::pair<String, String>;
/** Check if the current client has access to the specified database.
* If access is denied, throw an exception.
* NOTE: This method should always be called when the `shared->mutex` mutex is acquired.
void checkDatabaseAccessRights(const std::string & database_name) const;
EmbeddedDictionaries & getEmbeddedDictionariesImpl(bool throw_on_error) const;
ExternalDictionaries & getExternalDictionariesImpl(bool throw_on_error) const;
ExternalModels & getExternalModelsImpl(bool throw_on_error) const;
StoragePtr getTableImpl(const String & database_name, const String & table_name, Exception * exception) const;
SessionKey getSessionKey(const String & session_id) const;
/// Session will be closed after specified timeout.
void scheduleCloseSession(const SessionKey & key, std::chrono::steady_clock::duration timeout);
/// Puts an element into the map, erases it in the destructor.
/// If the element already exists in the map, throws an exception containing provided message.
class DDLGuard
/// Element name -> message.
/// NOTE: using std::map here (and not std::unordered_map) to avoid iterator invalidation on insertion.
using Map = std::map<String, String>;
DDLGuard(Map & map_, std::mutex & mutex_, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> && lock, const String & elem, const String & message);
Map & map;
Map::iterator it;
std::mutex & mutex;
class SessionCleaner
SessionCleaner(Context & context_)
: context{context_}
void run();
Context & context;
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cond;
std::atomic<bool> quit{false};
std::thread thread{&SessionCleaner::run, this};