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#include <Compression/ICompressionCodec.h>
#include <Compression/CompressionInfo.h>
#include <Compression/CompressionFactory.h>
#include <Parsers/IAST.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <span>
#include <bit>
#include <concepts>
namespace DB
/// An implementation of the FPC codec for floating-point values described in the paper
/// M. Burtscher, P. Ratanaworabhan: "FPC: A high-speed compressor for double-precision floating-point data" (2008).
/// Note: The paper only describes compression of 64-bit doubles and leaves 32-bit floats to future work. The code
/// implements them anyways. Your mileage with respect to performance and compression may vary.
class CompressionCodecFPC : public ICompressionCodec
CompressionCodecFPC(UInt8 float_size, UInt8 compression_level);
uint8_t getMethodByte() const override;
void updateHash(SipHash & hash) const override;
static constexpr UInt8 MAX_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 28;
static constexpr UInt8 DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 12;
UInt32 doCompressData(const char * source, UInt32 source_size, char * dest) const override;
void doDecompressData(const char * source, UInt32 source_size, char * dest, UInt32 uncompressed_size) const override;
UInt32 getMaxCompressedDataSize(UInt32 uncompressed_size) const override;
bool isCompression() const override { return true; }
bool isGenericCompression() const override { return false; }
static constexpr UInt32 HEADER_SIZE = 2;
// below members are used by compression, decompression ignores them:
const UInt8 float_width; // size of uncompressed float in bytes
const UInt8 level; // compression level, 2^level * float_width is the size of predictors table in bytes
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int CANNOT_COMPRESS;
extern const int CANNOT_DECOMPRESS;
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
uint8_t CompressionCodecFPC::getMethodByte() const
return static_cast<uint8_t>(CompressionMethodByte::FPC);
void CompressionCodecFPC::updateHash(SipHash & hash) const
CompressionCodecFPC::CompressionCodecFPC(UInt8 float_size, UInt8 compression_level)
: float_width{float_size}, level{compression_level}
setCodecDescription("FPC", {std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(static_cast<UInt64>(level))});
UInt32 CompressionCodecFPC::getMaxCompressedDataSize(UInt32 uncompressed_size) const
auto float_count = (uncompressed_size + float_width - 1) / float_width;
if (float_count % 2 != 0)
return HEADER_SIZE + float_count * float_width + float_count / 2;
UInt8 getFloatBytesSize(const IDataType & column_type)
if (!WhichDataType(column_type).isFloat())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "FPC codec is not applicable for {} because the data type is not float",
if (auto float_size = column_type.getSizeOfValueInMemory(); float_size >= 4)
return static_cast<UInt8>(float_size);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "FPC codec is not applicable for floats of size less than 4 bytes. Given type {}",
void registerCodecFPC(CompressionCodecFactory & factory)
auto method_code = static_cast<UInt8>(CompressionMethodByte::FPC);
auto codec_builder = [&](const ASTPtr & arguments, const IDataType * column_type) -> CompressionCodecPtr
UInt8 float_width = 0;
if (column_type != nullptr)
float_width = getFloatBytesSize(*column_type);
UInt8 level = CompressionCodecFPC::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL;
if (arguments && !arguments->children.empty())
if (arguments->children.size() > 1)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_SYNTAX_FOR_CODEC_TYPE,
"FPC codec must have 1 parameter, given {}", arguments->children.size());
const auto * literal = arguments->children.front()->as<ASTLiteral>();
if (!literal)
throw Exception("FPC codec argument must be integer", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_CODEC_PARAMETER);
level = literal->value.safeGet<UInt8>();
if (level < 1 || level > CompressionCodecFPC::MAX_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_CODEC_PARAMETER, "FPC codec level must be between {} and {}", 1, static_cast<int>(CompressionCodecFPC::MAX_COMPRESSION_LEVEL));
return std::make_shared<CompressionCodecFPC>(float_width, level);
factory.registerCompressionCodecWithType("FPC", method_code, codec_builder);
template <std::unsigned_integral TUint>
requires (sizeof(TUint) >= 4)
class DfcmPredictor
explicit DfcmPredictor(std::size_t table_size)
: table(table_size, 0), prev_value{0}, hash{0}
TUint predict() const noexcept
return table[hash] + prev_value;
void add(TUint value) noexcept
table[hash] = value - prev_value;
prev_value = value;
void recalculateHash() noexcept
auto value = table[hash];
if constexpr (sizeof(TUint) >= 8)
hash = ((hash << 2) ^ static_cast<std::size_t>(value >> 40)) & (table.size() - 1);
hash = ((hash << 4) ^ static_cast<std::size_t>(value >> 23)) & (table.size() - 1);
std::vector<TUint> table;
TUint prev_value;
std::size_t hash;
template <std::unsigned_integral TUint>
requires (sizeof(TUint) >= 4)
class FcmPredictor
explicit FcmPredictor(std::size_t table_size)
: table(table_size, 0), hash{0}
TUint predict() const noexcept
return table[hash];
void add(TUint value) noexcept
table[hash] = value;
void recalculateHash() noexcept
auto value = table[hash];
if constexpr (sizeof(TUint) >= 8)
hash = ((hash << 6) ^ static_cast<std::size_t>(value >> 48)) & (table.size() - 1);
hash = ((hash << 1) ^ static_cast<std::size_t>(value >> 22)) & (table.size() - 1);
std::vector<TUint> table;
std::size_t hash;
template <std::unsigned_integral TUint>
class FPCOperation
static constexpr auto VALUE_SIZE = sizeof(TUint);
static constexpr std::byte FCM_BIT{0};
static constexpr std::byte DFCM_BIT{1u << 3};
static constexpr auto DFCM_BIT_1 = DFCM_BIT << 4;
static constexpr auto DFCM_BIT_2 = DFCM_BIT;
static constexpr unsigned MAX_ZERO_BYTE_COUNT = 0b111u;
static constexpr std::endian ENDIAN = std::endian::little;
static constexpr std::size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 64;
FPCOperation(std::span<std::byte> destination, UInt8 compression_level)
: dfcm_predictor(1u << compression_level), fcm_predictor(1u << compression_level), chunk{}, result{destination}
std::size_t encode(std::span<const std::byte> data) &&
auto initial_size = result.size();
std::span chunk_view(chunk);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i += chunk_view.size_bytes())
auto written_values_count = importChunk(data.subspan(i), chunk_view);
encodeChunk(chunk_view.subspan(0, written_values_count));
return initial_size - result.size();
void decode(std::span<const std::byte> values, std::size_t decoded_size) &&
std::size_t read_bytes = 0;
std::span<TUint> chunk_view(chunk);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < decoded_size; i += chunk_view.size_bytes())
if (i + chunk_view.size_bytes() > decoded_size)
chunk_view = chunk_view.first(ceilBytesToEvenValues(decoded_size - i));
read_bytes += decodeChunk(values.subspan(read_bytes), chunk_view);
static std::size_t ceilBytesToEvenValues(std::size_t bytes_count)
auto values_count = (bytes_count + VALUE_SIZE - 1) / VALUE_SIZE;
return values_count % 2 == 0 ? values_count : values_count + 1;
std::size_t importChunk(std::span<const std::byte> values, std::span<TUint> chnk)
if (auto chunk_view = std::as_writable_bytes(chnk); chunk_view.size() <= values.size())
std::memcpy(chunk_view.data(), values.data(), chunk_view.size());
return chunk_view.size() / VALUE_SIZE;
std::memset(chunk_view.data(), 0, chunk_view.size());
std::memcpy(chunk_view.data(), values.data(), values.size());
return ceilBytesToEvenValues(values.size());
void exportChunk(std::span<const TUint> chnk)
auto chunk_view = std::as_bytes(chnk).first(std::min(result.size(), chnk.size_bytes()));
std::memcpy(result.data(), chunk_view.data(), chunk_view.size());
result = result.subspan(chunk_view.size());
void encodeChunk(std::span<const TUint> seq)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < seq.size(); i += 2)
encodePair(seq[i], seq[i + 1]);
struct CompressedValue
TUint value;
unsigned compressed_size;
std::byte predictor;
unsigned encodeCompressedZeroByteCount(unsigned compressed)
if constexpr (VALUE_SIZE == MAX_ZERO_BYTE_COUNT + 1)
if (compressed >= 4)
return std::min(compressed, MAX_ZERO_BYTE_COUNT);
unsigned decodeCompressedZeroByteCount(unsigned encoded_size)
if constexpr (VALUE_SIZE == MAX_ZERO_BYTE_COUNT + 1)
if (encoded_size > 3)
return encoded_size;
CompressedValue compressValue(TUint value) noexcept
static constexpr auto BITS_PER_BYTE = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::digits;
TUint compressed_dfcm = dfcm_predictor.predict() ^ value;
TUint compressed_fcm = fcm_predictor.predict() ^ value;
auto zeroes_dfcm = std::countl_zero(compressed_dfcm);
auto zeroes_fcm = std::countl_zero(compressed_fcm);
if (zeroes_dfcm > zeroes_fcm)
return {compressed_dfcm, encodeCompressedZeroByteCount(static_cast<unsigned>(zeroes_dfcm) / BITS_PER_BYTE), DFCM_BIT};
return {compressed_fcm, encodeCompressedZeroByteCount(static_cast<unsigned>(zeroes_fcm) / BITS_PER_BYTE), FCM_BIT};
void encodePair(TUint first, TUint second)
auto [compressed_value1, zero_byte_count1, predictor1] = compressValue(first);
auto [compressed_value2, zero_byte_count2, predictor2] = compressValue(second);
std::byte header{0x0};
header |= (predictor1 << 4) | predictor2;
header |= static_cast<std::byte>((zero_byte_count1 << 4) | zero_byte_count2);
result.front() = header;
zero_byte_count1 = decodeCompressedZeroByteCount(zero_byte_count1);
zero_byte_count2 = decodeCompressedZeroByteCount(zero_byte_count2);
auto tail_size1 = VALUE_SIZE - zero_byte_count1;
auto tail_size2 = VALUE_SIZE - zero_byte_count2;
std::memcpy(result.data() + 1, valueTail(compressed_value1, zero_byte_count1), tail_size1);
std::memcpy(result.data() + 1 + tail_size1, valueTail(compressed_value2, zero_byte_count2), tail_size2);
result = result.subspan(1 + tail_size1 + tail_size2);
std::size_t decodeChunk(std::span<const std::byte> values, std::span<TUint> seq)
std::size_t read_bytes = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < seq.size(); i += 2)
read_bytes += decodePair(values.subspan(read_bytes), seq[i], seq[i + 1]);
return read_bytes;
TUint decompressValue(TUint value, bool isDfcmPredictor)
TUint decompressed;
if (isDfcmPredictor)
decompressed = dfcm_predictor.predict() ^ value;
decompressed = fcm_predictor.predict() ^ value;
return decompressed;
std::size_t decodePair(std::span<const std::byte> bytes, TUint& first, TUint& second)
if (bytes.empty()) [[unlikely]]
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DECOMPRESS, "Unexpected end of encoded sequence");
auto zero_byte_count1 = decodeCompressedZeroByteCount(
std::to_integer<unsigned>(bytes.front() >> 4) & MAX_ZERO_BYTE_COUNT);
auto zero_byte_count2 = decodeCompressedZeroByteCount(
std::to_integer<unsigned>(bytes.front()) & MAX_ZERO_BYTE_COUNT);
auto tail_size1 = VALUE_SIZE - zero_byte_count1;
auto tail_size2 = VALUE_SIZE - zero_byte_count2;
if (bytes.size() < 1 + tail_size1 + tail_size2) [[unlikely]]
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DECOMPRESS, "Unexpected end of encoded sequence");
TUint value1 = 0;
TUint value2 = 0;
std::memcpy(valueTail(value1, zero_byte_count1), bytes.data() + 1, tail_size1);
std::memcpy(valueTail(value2, zero_byte_count2), bytes.data() + 1 + tail_size1, tail_size2);
auto is_dfcm_predictor1 = std::to_integer<unsigned char>(bytes.front() & DFCM_BIT_1) != 0;
auto is_dfcm_predictor2 = std::to_integer<unsigned char>(bytes.front() & DFCM_BIT_2) != 0;
first = decompressValue(value1, is_dfcm_predictor1);
second = decompressValue(value2, is_dfcm_predictor2);
return 1 + tail_size1 + tail_size2;
static void* valueTail(TUint& value, unsigned compressed_size)
if constexpr (ENDIAN == std::endian::little)
return &value;
return reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(&value) + compressed_size;
DfcmPredictor<TUint> dfcm_predictor;
FcmPredictor<TUint> fcm_predictor;
// memcpy the input into this buffer to align reads, this improves performance compared to unaligned reads (bit_cast) by ~10%
std::array<TUint, CHUNK_SIZE> chunk{};
std::span<std::byte> result{};
UInt32 CompressionCodecFPC::doCompressData(const char * source, UInt32 source_size, char * dest) const
dest[0] = static_cast<char>(float_width);
dest[1] = static_cast<char>(level);
auto dest_size = getMaxCompressedDataSize(source_size);
auto destination = std::as_writable_bytes(std::span(dest, dest_size).subspan(HEADER_SIZE));
auto src = std::as_bytes(std::span(source, source_size));
switch (float_width)
case sizeof(Float64):
return HEADER_SIZE + FPCOperation<UInt64>(destination, level).encode(src);
case sizeof(Float32):
return HEADER_SIZE + FPCOperation<UInt32>(destination, level).encode(src);
throw Exception("Cannot compress. File has incorrect float width", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_COMPRESS);
void CompressionCodecFPC::doDecompressData(const char * source, UInt32 source_size, char * dest, UInt32 uncompressed_size) const
if (source_size < HEADER_SIZE)
throw Exception("Cannot decompress. File has wrong header", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DECOMPRESS);
auto compressed_data = std::as_bytes(std::span(source, source_size));
auto compressed_float_width = std::to_integer<UInt8>(compressed_data[0]);
auto compressed_level = std::to_integer<UInt8>(compressed_data[1]);
if (compressed_level == 0 || compressed_level > MAX_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
throw Exception("Cannot decompress. File has incorrect level", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DECOMPRESS);
auto destination = std::as_writable_bytes(std::span(dest, uncompressed_size));
auto src = compressed_data.subspan(HEADER_SIZE);
switch (compressed_float_width)
case sizeof(Float64):
FPCOperation<UInt64>(destination, compressed_level).decode(src, uncompressed_size);
case sizeof(Float32):
FPCOperation<UInt32>(destination, compressed_level).decode(src, uncompressed_size);
throw Exception("Cannot decompress. File has incorrect float width", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DECOMPRESS);