.. | ||
result | ||
create.sql | ||
queries.sql | ||
README.md | ||
run.sh |
This benchmark is not automated.
Go to AWS Redshift service. Create a cluster. Note: this is a classic Redshift, not "serverless".
Choose the node type and cluster size. I've selected 4 nodes of ra3.xplus 4vCPU to get 16vCPU in total.
Set up some password for the admin user. The cluster will take a few minutes to start.
We need to perform two modifications:
- Allow inbound access. Go to VPC and edit the security group. Modify inbound rules. Allow connections from any IPv4 to port 5439.
- Add IAM role. Just create something by default.
To create a table, you can go to the Query Editor v2.
Open the "dev" database.
Run the CREATE TABLE statement you find in create.sql
Note: Redshift prefers VARCHAR(MAX) instead of TEXT.
Then press on the "Load data". This will generate a statement:
COPY dev.public.hits FROM 's3://clickhouse-public-datasets/hits_compatible/hits.csv.gz' GZIP
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::...:role/service-role/AmazonRedshift-CommandsAccessRole-...'
REGION AS 'eu-central-1'
Elapsed time: 35m 35.9s
We will run the queries from another server with psql
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client
echo "*:*:*:*:your_password" > .pgpass
chmod 400 .pgpass
psql -h redshift-cluster-1.chedgchbam32.eu-central-1.redshift.amazonaws.com -U awsuser -d dev -p 5439
Then run the benchmark:
export HOST=...
./run.sh 2>&1 | tee log.txt
cat log.txt | grep -oP 'Time: \d+\.\d+ ms|ERROR' | sed -r -e 's/Time: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) ms/\1/' |
awk '{ if ($1 == "ERROR") { skip = 1 } else { if (i % 3 == 0) { printf "[" }; printf skip ? "null" : ($1 / 1000); if (i % 3 != 2) { printf "," } else { print "]," }; ++i; skip = 0; } }'
SELECT sum(used * 1048576) FROM stv_node_storage_capacity
30 794 579 968