Vladimir Smirnov d36f52502e Make it compilable on OS X
It's still hackish and dirty, but server and client compies.

Server starts, but throwes meaningless exception on any query.

Client seems to be working fine.

Linux compilation might (but shouldn't) be broken (not tested).
2016-11-01 17:59:21 +01:00

942 lines
24 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <common/Common.h>
#include <common/DateLUT.h>
#include <common/LocalDate.h>
#include <common/LocalDateTime.h>
#include <DB/Core/Types.h>
#include <DB/Core/StringRef.h>
#include <DB/Common/Exception.h>
#include <DB/Common/StringUtils.h>
#include <DB/Common/Arena.h>
#include <DB/IO/ReadBuffer.h>
#include <DB/IO/VarInt.h>
#include <city.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATE;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME;
/// Helper functions for formatted input.
inline char parseEscapeSequence(char c)
case 'a':
return '\a';
case 'b':
return '\b';
case 'f':
return '\f';
case 'n':
return '\n';
case 'r':
return '\r';
case 't':
return '\t';
case 'v':
return '\v';
case '0':
return '\0';
return c;
inline char unhex(char c)
switch (c)
case '0' ... '9':
return c - '0';
case 'a' ... 'f':
return c - 'a' + 10;
case 'A' ... 'F':
return c - 'A' + 10;
return 0;
/// These functions are located in VarInt.h
/// inline void throwReadAfterEOF()
inline void readChar(char & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
if (!buf.eof())
x = *buf.position();
/// Read POD-type in native format
template <typename T>
inline void readPODBinary(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
buf.readStrict(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&x), sizeof(x));
template <typename T>
inline void readIntBinary(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
readPODBinary(x, buf);
template <typename T>
inline void readFloatBinary(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
readPODBinary(x, buf);
inline void readStringBinary(std::string & s, ReadBuffer & buf, size_t MAX_STRING_SIZE = DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_SIZE)
size_t size = 0;
readVarUInt(size, buf);
if (size > MAX_STRING_SIZE)
throw Poco::Exception("Too large string size.");
buf.readStrict(&s[0], size);
inline StringRef readStringBinaryInto(Arena & arena, ReadBuffer & buf)
size_t size = 0;
readVarUInt(size, buf);
char * data = arena.alloc(size);
buf.readStrict(data, size);
return StringRef(data, size);
template <typename T>
void readVectorBinary(std::vector<T> & v, ReadBuffer & buf, size_t MAX_VECTOR_SIZE = DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_SIZE)
size_t size = 0;
readVarUInt(size, buf);
if (size > MAX_VECTOR_SIZE)
throw Poco::Exception("Too large vector size.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
readBinary(v[i], buf);
void assertString(const char * s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void assertEOF(ReadBuffer & buf);
void assertChar(char symbol, ReadBuffer & buf);
inline void assertString(const String & s, ReadBuffer & buf)
assertString(s.c_str(), buf);
bool checkString(const char * s, ReadBuffer & buf);
inline bool checkString(const String & s, ReadBuffer & buf)
return checkString(s.c_str(), buf);
inline bool checkChar(char c, ReadBuffer & buf)
if (buf.eof() || *buf.position() != c)
return false;
return true;
inline void readBoolText(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
char tmp = '0';
readChar(tmp, buf);
x = tmp != '0';
template <typename T, typename ReturnType = void>
ReturnType readIntTextImpl(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
static constexpr bool throw_exception = std::is_same<ReturnType, void>::value;
bool negative = false;
x = 0;
if (buf.eof())
if (throw_exception)
return ReturnType(false);
while (!buf.eof())
switch (*buf.position())
case '+':
case '-':
if (std::is_signed<T>::value)
negative = true;
return ReturnType(false);
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
x *= 10;
x += *buf.position() - '0';
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(true);
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(true);
template <typename T>
void readIntText(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
readIntTextImpl<T, void>(x, buf);
template <typename T>
bool tryReadIntText(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
return readIntTextImpl<T, bool>(x, buf);
/** More efficient variant (about 1.5 times on real dataset).
* Differs in following:
* - for numbers starting with zero, parsed only zero;
* - symbol '+' before number is not supported;
* - symbols :;<=>? are parsed as some numbers.
template <typename T, bool throw_on_error = true>
void readIntTextUnsafe(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
bool negative = false;
x = 0;
auto on_error = []
if (throw_on_error)
if (unlikely(buf.eof()))
return on_error();
if (std::is_signed<T>::value && *buf.position() == '-')
negative = true;
if (unlikely(buf.eof()))
return on_error();
if (*buf.position() == '0') /// There are many zeros in real datasets.
while (!buf.eof())
if ((*buf.position() & 0xF0) == 0x30) /// It makes sense to have this condition inside loop.
x *= 10;
x += *buf.position() & 0x0F;
if (std::is_signed<T>::value && negative)
x = -x;
template<typename T>
void tryReadIntTextUnsafe(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
return readIntTextUnsafe<T, false>(x, buf);
template <bool throw_exception, class ExcepFun, class NoExcepFun, class... Args>
bool exceptionPolicySelector(ExcepFun && excep_f, NoExcepFun && no_excep_f, Args &&... args)
if (throw_exception)
return true;
return no_excep_f(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Returns true, iff parsed.
bool parseInfinity(ReadBuffer & buf);
bool parseNaN(ReadBuffer & buf);
void assertInfinity(ReadBuffer & buf);
void assertNaN(ReadBuffer & buf);
/// Rough: not exactly nearest machine representable number is returned.
/// Some garbage may be successfully parsed, examples: '.' parsed as 0; 123Inf parsed as inf.
template <typename T, typename ReturnType, char point_symbol = '.'>
ReturnType readFloatTextImpl(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
static constexpr bool throw_exception = std::is_same<ReturnType, void>::value;
bool negative = false;
x = 0;
bool after_point = false;
double power_of_ten = 1;
if (buf.eof())
if (throw_exception)
return ReturnType(false);
while (!buf.eof())
switch (*buf.position())
case '+':
case '-':
negative = true;
case point_symbol:
after_point = true;
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
if (after_point)
power_of_ten /= 10;
x += (*buf.position() - '0') * power_of_ten;
x *= 10;
x += *buf.position() - '0';
case 'e':
case 'E':
Int32 exponent = 0;
bool res = exceptionPolicySelector<throw_exception>(readIntText<Int32>, tryReadIntText<Int32>, exponent, buf);
if (res)
x *= exp10(exponent);
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(res);
case 'i':
case 'I':
bool res = exceptionPolicySelector<throw_exception>(assertInfinity, parseInfinity, buf);
if (res)
x = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(res);
case 'n':
case 'N':
bool res = exceptionPolicySelector<throw_exception>(assertNaN, parseNaN, buf);
if (res)
x = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(res);
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(true);
if (negative)
x = -x;
return ReturnType(true);
template <class T>
inline bool tryReadFloatText(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
return readFloatTextImpl<T, bool>(x, buf);
template <class T>
inline void readFloatText(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
readFloatTextImpl<T, void>(x, buf);
/// rough; all until '\n' or '\t'
void readString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void readEscapedString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void readQuotedString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void readDoubleQuotedString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void readJSONString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void readBackQuotedString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
void readStringUntilEOF(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
/** Read string in CSV format.
* Parsing rules:
* - string could be placed in quotes; quotes could be single: ' or double: ";
* - or string could be unquoted - this is determined by first character;
* - if string is unquoted, then it is read until next delimiter,
* either until end of line (CR or LF),
* or until end of stream;
* but spaces and tabs at begin and end of unquoted string are consumed but ignored (note that this behaviour differs from RFC).
* - if string is in quotes, then it will be read until closing quote,
* but sequences of two consecutive quotes are parsed as single quote inside string;
void readCSVString(String & s, ReadBuffer & buf, const char delimiter = ',');
/// Read and append result to array of characters.
template <typename Vector>
void readStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
template <typename Vector>
void readEscapedStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
template <typename Vector>
void readQuotedStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
template <typename Vector>
void readDoubleQuotedStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
template <typename Vector>
void readBackQuotedStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
template <typename Vector>
void readStringUntilEOFInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
template <typename Vector>
void readCSVStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf, const char delimiter = ',');
template <typename Vector>
void readJSONStringInto(Vector & s, ReadBuffer & buf);
/// This could be used as template parameter for functions above, if you want to just skip data.
struct NullSink
void append(const char *, size_t) {};
void push_back(char) {};
/// In YYYY-MM-DD format
inline void readDateText(DayNum_t & date, ReadBuffer & buf)
char s[10];
size_t size =, 10);
if (10 != size)
s[size] = 0;
throw Exception(std::string("Cannot parse date ") + s, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE);
UInt16 year = (s[0] - '0') * 1000 + (s[1] - '0') * 100 + (s[2] - '0') * 10 + (s[3] - '0');
UInt8 month = (s[5] - '0') * 10 + (s[6] - '0');
UInt8 day = (s[8] - '0') * 10 + (s[9] - '0');
date = DateLUT::instance().makeDayNum(year, month, day);
inline void readDateText(LocalDate & date, ReadBuffer & buf)
char s[10];
size_t size =, 10);
if (10 != size)
s[size] = 0;
throw Exception(std::string("Cannot parse date ") + s, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE);
date.year((s[0] - '0') * 1000 + (s[1] - '0') * 100 + (s[2] - '0') * 10 + (s[3] - '0'));
date.month((s[5] - '0') * 10 + (s[6] - '0'));[8] - '0') * 10 + (s[9] - '0'));
template <typename T>
inline T parse(const char * data, size_t size);
void readDateTimeTextFallback(time_t & datetime, ReadBuffer & buf);
/** In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format, according to current time zone.
* As an exception, also supported parsing of unix timestamp in form of decimal number.
inline void readDateTimeText(time_t & datetime, ReadBuffer & buf)
/** Read 10 characters, that could represent unix timestamp.
* Only unix timestamp of 5-10 characters is supported.
* Then look at 5th charater. If it is a number - treat whole as unix timestamp.
* If it is not a number - then parse datetime in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.
/// Optimistic path, when whole value are in buffer.
const char * s = buf.position();
if (s + 19 < buf.buffer().end())
if (s[4] < '0' || s[4] > '9')
UInt16 year = (s[0] - '0') * 1000 + (s[1] - '0') * 100 + (s[2] - '0') * 10 + (s[3] - '0');
UInt8 month = (s[5] - '0') * 10 + (s[6] - '0');
UInt8 day = (s[8] - '0') * 10 + (s[9] - '0');
UInt8 hour = (s[11] - '0') * 10 + (s[12] - '0');
UInt8 minute = (s[14] - '0') * 10 + (s[15] - '0');
UInt8 second = (s[17] - '0') * 10 + (s[18] - '0');
if (unlikely(year == 0))
datetime = 0;
datetime = DateLUT::instance().makeDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
buf.position() += 19;
/// Why not readIntTextUnsafe? Because for needs of AdFox, parsing of unix timestamp with leading zeros is supported: 000...NNNN.
readIntText(datetime, buf);
readDateTimeTextFallback(datetime, buf);
inline void readDateTimeText(LocalDateTime & datetime, ReadBuffer & buf)
char s[19];
size_t size =, 19);
if (19 != size)
s[size] = 0;
throw Exception(std::string("Cannot parse datetime ") + s, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME);
datetime.year((s[0] - '0') * 1000 + (s[1] - '0') * 100 + (s[2] - '0') * 10 + (s[3] - '0'));
datetime.month((s[5] - '0') * 10 + (s[6] - '0'));[8] - '0') * 10 + (s[9] - '0'));
datetime.hour((s[11] - '0') * 10 + (s[12] - '0'));
datetime.minute((s[14] - '0') * 10 + (s[15] - '0'));
datetime.second((s[17] - '0') * 10 + (s[18] - '0'));
/// Generic methods to read value in native binary format.
inline void readBinary(UInt8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(UInt16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(UInt32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(UInt64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
#ifdef __APPLE__
* On Linux x86_64 'int64_t' maps to "long", but on Apple x86_64 it maps to 'long long'
* But on both platforms Int64 maps to 'long'. This is two different types
* with the same size==8, so we need extra functions here
inline void readBinary(uint64_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(int64_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(Int8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(Int16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(Int32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(Int64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(Float32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(Float64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(String & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readStringBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(uint128 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(VisitID_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(LocalDate & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
inline void readBinary(LocalDateTime & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readPODBinary(x, buf); }
/// Generic methods to read value in text tab-separated format.
inline void readText(UInt8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(UInt16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(UInt32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(UInt64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
#ifdef __APPLE__
inline void readText(uint64_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(int64_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(Int8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(Int16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(Int32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(Int64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(Float32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(Float64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(String & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readEscapedString(x, buf); }
inline void readText(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readBoolText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(VisitID_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(LocalDate & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readDateText(x, buf); }
inline void readText(LocalDateTime & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readDateTimeText(x, buf); }
/// Generic methods to read value in text format,
/// possibly in single quotes (only for data types that use quotes in VALUES format of INSERT statement in SQL).
inline void readQuoted(UInt8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(UInt16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(UInt32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(UInt64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(Int8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(Int16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(Int32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(Int64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(Float32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(Float64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(String & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readQuotedString(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readBoolText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(VisitID_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readQuoted(LocalDate & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
assertChar('\'', buf);
readDateText(x, buf);
assertChar('\'', buf);
inline void readQuoted(LocalDateTime & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
assertChar('\'', buf);
readDateTimeText(x, buf);
assertChar('\'', buf);
/// Same as above, but in double quotes.
inline void readDoubleQuoted(UInt8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(UInt16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(UInt32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(UInt64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(Int8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(Int16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(Int32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(Int64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(Float32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(Float64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readFloatText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(String & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readDoubleQuotedString(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readBoolText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(VisitID_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readIntText(x, buf); }
inline void readDoubleQuoted(LocalDate & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
assertChar('"', buf);
readDateText(x, buf);
assertChar('"', buf);
inline void readDoubleQuoted(LocalDateTime & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
assertChar('"', buf);
readDateTimeText(x, buf);
assertChar('"', buf);
/// CSV, for numbers, dates, datetimes: quotes are optional, no special escaping rules.
template <typename T>
inline void readCSVSimple(T & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
if (buf.eof())
char maybe_quote = *buf.position();
if (maybe_quote == '\'' || maybe_quote == '\"')
readText(x, buf);
if (maybe_quote == '\'' || maybe_quote == '\"')
assertChar(maybe_quote, buf);
inline void readCSV(UInt8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(UInt16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(UInt32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(UInt64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(Int8 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(Int16 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(Int32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(Int64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(Float32 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(Float64 & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(String & x, ReadBuffer & buf, const char delimiter = ',') { readCSVString(x, buf, delimiter); }
inline void readCSV(bool & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(VisitID_t & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(LocalDate & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
inline void readCSV(LocalDateTime & x, ReadBuffer & buf) { readCSVSimple(x, buf); }
template <typename T>
void readBinary(std::vector<T> & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
size_t size = 0;
readVarUInt(size, buf);
throw Poco::Exception("Too large vector size.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
readBinary(x[i], buf);
template <typename T>
void readQuoted(std::vector<T> & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
bool first = true;
assertChar('[', buf);
while (!buf.eof() && *buf.position() != ']')
if (!first)
if (*buf.position() == ',')
throw Exception("Cannot read array from text", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT);
first = false;
readQuoted(x.back(), buf);
assertChar(']', buf);
template <typename T>
void readDoubleQuoted(std::vector<T> & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
bool first = true;
assertChar('[', buf);
while (!buf.eof() && *buf.position() != ']')
if (!first)
if (*buf.position() == ',')
throw Exception("Cannot read array from text", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT);
first = false;
readDoubleQuoted(x.back(), buf);
assertChar(']', buf);
template <typename T>
void readText(std::vector<T> & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
readQuoted(x, buf);
/// Skip whitespace characters.
inline void skipWhitespaceIfAny(ReadBuffer & buf)
while (!buf.eof() && isWhitespaceASCII(*buf.position()))
/// Skips json value. If the value contains objects (i.e. {...} sequence), an exception will be thrown.
void skipJSONFieldPlain(ReadBuffer & buf, const StringRef & name_of_filed);
/** Read serialized exception.
* During serialization/deserialization some information is lost
* (type is cut to base class, 'message' replaced by 'displayText', and stack trace is appended to 'message')
* Some additional message could be appended to exception (example: you could add information about from where it was received).
void readException(Exception & e, ReadBuffer & buf, const String & additional_message = "");
void readAndThrowException(ReadBuffer & buf, const String & additional_message = "");
/** Helper function for implementation.
template <typename T>
static inline const char * tryReadIntText(T & x, const char * pos, const char * end)
bool negative = false;
x = 0;
if (pos >= end)
return pos;
while (pos < end)
switch (*pos)
case '+':
case '-':
if (std::is_signed<T>::value)
negative = true;
return pos;
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
x *= 10;
x += *pos - '0';
if (negative)
x = -x;
return pos;
if (negative)
x = -x;
return pos;
/// Convenient methods for reading something from string in text format.
template <typename T>
inline T parse(const char * data, size_t size)
T res;
ReadBuffer buf(const_cast<char *>(data), size, 0);
readText(res, buf);
return res;
template <typename T>
inline T parse(const char * data)
return parse<T>(data, strlen(data));
template <typename T>
inline T parse(const String & s)
return parse<T>(, s.size());
/** Skip UTF-8 BOM if it is under cursor.
* As BOM is usually located at start of stream, and buffer size is usually larger than three bytes,
* the function expects, that all three bytes of BOM is fully in buffer (otherwise it don't skip anything).
inline void skipBOMIfExists(ReadBuffer & buf)
if (!buf.eof()
&& buf.position() + 3 < buf.buffer().end()
&& buf.position()[0] == '\xEF'
&& buf.position()[1] == '\xBB'
&& buf.position()[2] == '\xBF')
buf.position() += 3;