Vladimir Smirnov d36f52502e Make it compilable on OS X
It's still hackish and dirty, but server and client compies.

Server starts, but throwes meaningless exception on any query.

Client seems to be working fine.

Linux compilation might (but shouldn't) be broken (not tested).
2016-11-01 17:59:21 +01:00

103 lines
2.3 KiB

#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <atomic>
#include <DB/Core/Types.h>
/** Allows to count number of simultaneously happening processes or current value of some metric.
* - for high-level profiling.
* See also ProfileEvents.h
* ProfileEvents counts number of happened events - for example, how many times queries was executed.
* CurrentMetrics counts number of simultaneously happening events - for example, number of currently executing queries, right now,
* or just current value of some metric - for example, replica delay in seconds.
* CurrentMetrics are updated instantly and are correct for any point in time.
* For periodically (asynchronously) updated metrics, see AsynchronousMetrics.h
namespace CurrentMetrics
/// Metric identifier (index in array).
using Metric = size_t;
using Value = DB::Int64;
/// Get text description of metric by identifier. Returns statically allocated string.
const char * getDescription(Metric event);
/// Metric identifier -> current value of metric.
extern std::atomic<Value> values[];
/// Get index just after last metric identifier.
Metric end();
/// Set value of specified metric.
inline void set(Metric metric, Value value)
values[metric] = value;
/// Add value for specified metric. You must subtract value later; or see class Increment below.
inline void add(Metric metric, Value value = 1)
values[metric] += value;
inline void sub(Metric metric, Value value = 1)
add(metric, -value);
/// For lifetime of object, add amout for specified metric. Then subtract.
class Increment
std::atomic<Value> * what;
Value amount;
Increment(std::atomic<Value> * what, Value amount)
: what(what), amount(amount)
*what += amount;
Increment(Metric metric, Value amount = 1)
: Increment(&values[metric], amount) {}
if (what)
*what -= amount;
Increment(Increment && old)
*this = std::move(old);
Increment & operator= (Increment && old)
what = old.what;
amount = old.amount;
old.what = nullptr;
return *this;
void changeTo(Value new_amount)
*what += new_amount - amount;
amount = new_amount;
/// Subtract value before destructor.
void destroy()
*what -= amount;
what = nullptr;