2021-01-04 00:07:26 +03:00

154 lines
4.1 KiB

#include <common/JSON.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <Common/escapeForFileName.h>
#include <Common/FileChecker.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE;
FileChecker::FileChecker(DiskPtr disk_, const String & file_info_path_) : disk(std::move(disk_))
void FileChecker::setPath(const String & file_info_path_)
files_info_path = file_info_path_;
void FileChecker::update(const String & full_file_path)
map[fileName(full_file_path)] = disk->getFileSize(full_file_path);
void FileChecker::setEmpty(const String & full_file_path)
map[fileName(full_file_path)] = 0;
FileChecker::Map FileChecker::getFileSizes() const
return map;
CheckResults FileChecker::check() const
if (map.empty())
return {};
CheckResults results;
for (const auto & name_size : map)
const String & name = name_size.first;
String path = parentPath(files_info_path) + name;
if (!disk->exists(path))
results.emplace_back(name, false, "File " + path + " doesn't exist");
auto real_size = disk->getFileSize(path);
if (real_size != name_size.second)
results.emplace_back(name, false, "Size of " + path + " is wrong. Size is " + toString(real_size) + " but should be " + toString(name_size.second));
results.emplace_back(name, true, "");
return results;
void FileChecker::repair()
for (const auto & name_size : map)
const String & name = name_size.first;
size_t expected_size = name_size.second;
String path = parentPath(files_info_path) + name;
bool exists = disk->exists(path);
auto real_size = exists ? disk->getFileSize(path) : 0; /// No race condition assuming no one else is working with these files.
if (real_size < expected_size)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE, "Size of {} is less than expected. Size is {} but should be {}.",
path, real_size, expected_size);
if (real_size > expected_size)
LOG_WARNING(&Poco::Logger::get("FileChecker"), "Will truncate file {} that has size {} to size {}", path, real_size, expected_size);
disk->truncateFile(path, expected_size);
void FileChecker::save() const
std::string tmp_files_info_path = parentPath(files_info_path) + "tmp_" + fileName(files_info_path);
std::unique_ptr<WriteBuffer> out = disk->writeFile(tmp_files_info_path);
/// So complex JSON structure - for compatibility with the old format.
writeCString("{\"yandex\":{", *out);
auto settings = FormatSettings();
for (auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
if (it != map.begin())
writeString(",", *out);
/// `escapeForFileName` is not really needed. But it is left for compatibility with the old code.
writeJSONString(escapeForFileName(it->first), *out, settings);
writeString(R"(:{"size":")", *out);
writeIntText(it->second, *out);
writeString("\"}", *out);
writeCString("}}", *out);
disk->replaceFile(tmp_files_info_path, files_info_path);
void FileChecker::load()
if (!disk->exists(files_info_path))
std::unique_ptr<ReadBuffer> in = disk->readFile(files_info_path);
WriteBufferFromOwnString out;
/// The JSON library does not support whitespace. We delete them. Inefficient.
while (!in->eof())
char c;
readChar(c, *in);
if (!isspace(c))
writeChar(c, out);
JSON json(out.str());
JSON files = json["yandex"];
for (const JSON file : files) // NOLINT
map[unescapeForFileName(file.getName())] = file.getValue()["size"].toUInt();