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#include <Interpreters/maskSensitiveInfoInQueryForLogging.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Interpreters/InDepthNodeVisitor.h>
#include <Interpreters/evaluateConstantExpression.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTBackupQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTCreateQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTFunction.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <Parsers/Access/ASTCreateUserQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/formatAST.h>
#include <TableFunctions/TableFunctionFactory.h>
#include <Common/ProfileEvents.h>
#include <Common/SensitiveDataMasker.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event QueryMaskingRulesMatch;
namespace DB
template <bool check_only>
class PasswordWipingVisitor
struct Data
bool can_contain_password = false;
bool is_create_table_query = false;
bool is_create_database_query = false;
bool is_create_dictionary_query = false;
ContextPtr context;
using Visitor = std::conditional_t<
ConstInDepthNodeVisitor<PasswordWipingVisitor, /* top_to_bottom= */ true, /* need_child_accept_data= */ true>,
InDepthNodeVisitor<PasswordWipingVisitor, /* top_to_bottom= */ true, /* need_child_accept_data= */ true>>;
static bool needChildVisit(const ASTPtr & /* ast */, const ASTPtr & /* child */, Data & data)
if constexpr (check_only)
return !data.can_contain_password;
return true;
static void visit(ASTPtr ast, Data & data)
if (auto * create_user_query = ast->as<ASTCreateUserQuery>())
visitCreateUserQuery(*create_user_query, data);
else if (auto * create_query = ast->as<ASTCreateQuery>())
visitCreateQuery(*create_query, data);
else if (auto * backup_query = ast->as<ASTBackupQuery>())
visitBackupQuery(*backup_query, data);
else if (auto * storage = ast->as<ASTStorage>())
if (data.is_create_table_query)
visitTableEngine(*storage, data);
else if (data.is_create_database_query)
visitDatabaseEngine(*storage, data);
else if (auto * dictionary = ast->as<ASTDictionary>())
if (data.is_create_dictionary_query)
visitDictionaryDef(*dictionary, data);
else if (auto * function = ast->as<ASTFunction>())
visitFunction(*function, data);
static void visitCreateUserQuery(ASTCreateUserQuery & query, Data & data)
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
query.show_password = false;
static void visitCreateQuery(ASTCreateQuery & query, Data & data)
if (query.is_dictionary)
data.is_create_dictionary_query = true;
else if (query.table)
data.is_create_table_query = true;
data.is_create_database_query = true;
static void visitTableEngine(ASTStorage & storage, Data & data)
if (!storage.engine)
const String & engine_name = storage.engine->name;
if (engine_name == "ExternalDistributed")
/// ExternalDistributed('engine', 'host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password')
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 5);
else if (engine_name == "MySQL")
/// MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 4);
else if (engine_name == "PostgreSQL")
/// PostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 4);
else if (engine_name == "MaterializedPostgreSQL")
/// MaterializedPostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 4);
else if (engine_name == "MongoDB")
/// MongoDB('host:port', 'database', 'collection', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 4);
else if (engine_name == "S3" || engine_name == "COSN")
/// S3('url', ['aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key',] ...)
wipePasswordFromS3TableEngineArguments(*storage.engine, data);
static void wipePasswordFromS3TableEngineArguments(ASTFunction & engine, Data & data)
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
/// We replace 'aws_secret_access_key' with '[HIDDEN'] for the following signatures:
/// S3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format')
/// S3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format', 'compression')
/// But we should check the number of arguments first because we don't need to do that replacements in case of
/// S3('url' [, 'format' [, 'compression']])
size_t num_arguments;
if (!tryGetNumArguments(engine, &num_arguments) || (num_arguments < 4))
wipePasswordFromArgument(engine, data, 2);
static void visitDatabaseEngine(ASTStorage & storage, Data & data)
if (!storage.engine)
const String & engine_name = storage.engine->name;
if (engine_name == "MySQL" || engine_name == "MaterializeMySQL" || engine_name == "MaterializedMySQL")
/// MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'user', 'password')
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 3);
else if (engine_name == "PostgreSQL" || engine_name == "MaterializedPostgreSQL")
/// PostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(*storage.engine, data, 3);
static void visitFunction(ASTFunction & function, Data & data)
if (function.name == "mysql")
/// mysql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, 4);
else if (function.name == "postgresql")
/// postgresql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, 4);
else if (function.name == "mongodb")
/// mongodb('host:port', 'database', 'collection', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, 4);
else if (function.name == "s3" || function.name == "cosn")
/// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...)
wipePasswordFromS3FunctionArguments(function, data, /* is_cluster_function= */ false);
else if (function.name == "s3Cluster")
/// s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...)
wipePasswordFromS3FunctionArguments(function, data, /* is_cluster_function= */ true);
else if (function.name == "remote" || function.name == "remoteSecure")
/// remote('addresses_expr', 'db', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...)
wipePasswordFromRemoteFunctionArguments(function, data);
else if (
function.name == "encrypt" || function.name == "decrypt" || function.name == "aes_encrypt_mysql"
|| function.name == "aes_decrypt_mysql" || function.name == "tryDecrypt")
/// encrypt('mode', 'plaintext', 'key' [, iv, aad])
wipePasswordFromEncryptionFunctionArguments(function, data);
static void wipePasswordFromS3FunctionArguments(ASTFunction & function, Data & data, bool is_cluster_function)
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
/// s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url', ...) has 'url' as its second argument.
size_t url_arg_idx = is_cluster_function ? 1 : 0;
/// We're going to replace 'aws_secret_access_key' with '[HIDDEN'] for the following signatures:
/// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...)
/// s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format', 'compression')
/// But we should check the number of arguments first because we don't need to do any replacements in case of
/// s3('url' [, 'format']) or s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url' [, 'format'])
size_t num_arguments;
if (!tryGetNumArguments(function, &num_arguments) || (num_arguments < url_arg_idx + 3))
if (num_arguments >= url_arg_idx + 5)
/// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format', 'structure', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, url_arg_idx + 2);
/// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...)
/// We need to distinguish that from s3('url', 'format', 'structure' [, 'compression_method']).
/// So we will check whether the argument after 'url' is a format.
String format;
if (!tryGetEvaluatedConstStringFromArgument(function, url_arg_idx + 1, data.context, &format))
if (FormatFactory::instance().getAllFormats().contains(format))
return; /// The argument after 'url' is a format: s3('url', 'format', ...)
/// The argument after 'url' is not a format so we do our replacement:
/// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...) -> s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', '[HIDDEN]', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, url_arg_idx + 2);
static void wipePasswordFromRemoteFunctionArguments(ASTFunction & function, Data & data)
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
/// We're going to replace 'password' with '[HIDDEN'] for the following signatures:
/// remote('addresses_expr', db.table, 'user' [, 'password'] [, sharding_key])
/// remote('addresses_expr', 'db', 'table', 'user' [, 'password'] [, sharding_key])
/// remote('addresses_expr', table_function(), 'user' [, 'password'] [, sharding_key])
/// But we should check the number of arguments first because we don't need to do any replacements in case of
/// remote('addresses_expr', db.table)
size_t num_arguments;
if (!tryGetNumArguments(function, &num_arguments) || (num_arguments < 3))
auto & arguments = function.arguments->as<ASTExpressionList>()->children;
size_t arg_num = 1;
/// Skip 1 or 2 arguments with table_function() or db.table or 'db', 'table'.
const auto * table_function = arguments[arg_num]->as<ASTFunction>();
if (table_function && TableFunctionFactory::instance().isTableFunctionName(table_function->name))
String database;
if (!tryGetEvaluatedConstDatabaseNameFromArgument(function, arg_num, data.context, &database))
auto qualified_name = QualifiedTableName::parseFromString(database);
if (qualified_name.database.empty())
++arg_num; /// skip 'table' argument
/// Check if username and password are specified
/// (sharding_key can be of any type so while we're getting string literals they're username & password).
String username, password;
bool username_specified = tryGetStringFromArgument(function, arg_num, &username);
bool password_specified = username_specified && tryGetStringFromArgument(function, arg_num + 1, &password);
if (password_specified)
/// Password is specified so we do our replacement:
/// remote('addresses_expr', db.table, 'user', 'password', ...) -> remote('addresses_expr', db.table, 'user', '[HIDDEN]', ...)
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, arg_num + 1);
static void wipePasswordFromEncryptionFunctionArguments(ASTFunction & function, Data & data)
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
/// We replace all arguments after 'mode' with '[HIDDEN]':
/// encrypt('mode', 'plaintext', 'key' [, iv, aad]) -> encrypt('mode', '[HIDDEN]')
size_t num_arguments;
if (!tryGetNumArguments(function, &num_arguments) || (num_arguments < 2))
wipePasswordFromArgument(function, data, 1);
static void visitBackupQuery(ASTBackupQuery & query, Data & data)
if (query.backup_name)
if (auto * backup_engine = query.backup_name->as<ASTFunction>())
wipePasswordFromBackupEngineArguments(*backup_engine, data);
if (query.base_backup_name)
if (auto * backup_engine = query.base_backup_name->as<ASTFunction>())
wipePasswordFromBackupEngineArguments(*backup_engine, data);
static void wipePasswordFromBackupEngineArguments(ASTFunction & engine, Data & data)
if (engine.name == "S3")
/// BACKUP ... TO S3(url, [aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key])
wipePasswordFromArgument(engine, data, 2);
static void wipePasswordFromArgument(ASTFunction & function, Data & data, size_t arg_idx)
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
if (!function.arguments)
auto * expr_list = function.arguments->as<ASTExpressionList>();
if (!expr_list)
auto & arguments = expr_list->children;
if (arg_idx < arguments.size())
arguments[arg_idx] = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("[HIDDEN]");
static bool tryGetNumArguments(const ASTFunction & function, size_t * num_arguments)
if (!function.arguments)
return false;
auto * expr_list = function.arguments->as<ASTExpressionList>();
if (!expr_list)
return false;
*num_arguments = expr_list->children.size();
return true;
static bool tryGetStringFromArgument(const ASTFunction & function, size_t arg_idx, String * value)
if (!function.arguments)
return false;
const auto * expr_list = function.arguments->as<ASTExpressionList>();
if (!expr_list)
return false;
const auto & arguments = expr_list->children;
if (arg_idx >= arguments.size())
return false;
const auto * literal = arguments[arg_idx]->as<ASTLiteral>();
if (!literal || literal->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
return false;
*value = literal->value.safeGet<String>();
return true;
static bool
tryGetEvaluatedConstStringFromArgument(const ASTFunction & function, size_t arg_idx, const ContextPtr & context, String * value)
if (!function.arguments)
return false;
const auto * expr_list = function.arguments->as<ASTExpressionList>();
if (!expr_list)
return false;
const auto & arguments = expr_list->children;
if (arg_idx >= arguments.size())
return false;
ASTPtr argument = arguments[arg_idx];
argument = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(argument, context);
catch (...)
return false;
const auto * literal = argument->as<ASTLiteral>();
if (!literal || literal->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
return false;
*value = literal->value.safeGet<String>();
return true;
static bool tryGetEvaluatedConstDatabaseNameFromArgument(
const ASTFunction & function, size_t arg_idx, const ContextPtr & context, String * value)
if (!function.arguments)
return false;
const auto * expr_list = function.arguments->as<ASTExpressionList>();
if (!expr_list)
return false;
const auto & arguments = expr_list->children;
if (arg_idx >= arguments.size())
return false;
ASTPtr argument = arguments[arg_idx];
argument = evaluateConstantExpressionForDatabaseName(argument, context);
catch (...)
return false;
const auto * literal = argument->as<ASTLiteral>();
if (!literal || literal->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
return false;
*value = literal->value.safeGet<String>();
return true;
static void visitDictionaryDef(ASTDictionary & dictionary, Data & data)
if (!dictionary.source || !dictionary.source->elements)
const auto * elements = dictionary.source->elements->as<ASTExpressionList>();
if (!elements)
/// We replace password in the dictionary's definition:
/// SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(host 'example01-01-1' port 9000 user 'default' password 'qwe123' db 'default' table 'ids')) ->
/// SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(host 'example01-01-1' port 9000 user 'default' password '[HIDDEN]' db 'default' table 'ids'))
for (const auto & element : elements->children)
auto * pair = element->as<ASTPair>();
if (!pair)
if (pair->first == "password")
if constexpr (check_only)
data.can_contain_password = true;
pair->set(pair->second, std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("[HIDDEN]"));
/// Checks the type of a specified AST and returns true if it can contain a password.
bool canContainPassword(const IAST & ast)
using WipingVisitor = PasswordWipingVisitor</*check_only= */ true>;
WipingVisitor::Data data;
WipingVisitor::Visitor visitor{data};
ASTPtr ast_ptr = std::const_pointer_cast<IAST>(ast.shared_from_this());
return data.can_contain_password;
/// Removes a password or its hash from a query if it's specified there or replaces it with some placeholder.
/// This function is used to prepare a query for storing in logs (we don't want logs to contain sensitive information).
void wipePasswordFromQuery(ASTPtr ast, const ContextPtr & context)
using WipingVisitor = PasswordWipingVisitor</*check_only= */ false>;
WipingVisitor::Data data;
data.context = context;
WipingVisitor::Visitor visitor{data};
String maskSensitiveInfoInQueryForLogging(const String & query, const ASTPtr & parsed_query, const ContextPtr & context)
String res = query;
// Wiping a password or hash from CREATE/ALTER USER query because we don't want it to go to logs.
if (parsed_query && canContainPassword(*parsed_query))
ASTPtr ast_without_password = parsed_query->clone();
wipePasswordFromQuery(ast_without_password, context);
res = serializeAST(*ast_without_password);
// Wiping sensitive data before cropping query by log_queries_cut_to_length,
// otherwise something like credit card without last digit can go to log.
if (auto * masker = SensitiveDataMasker::getInstance())
auto matches = masker->wipeSensitiveData(res);
if (matches > 0)
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::QueryMaskingRulesMatch, matches);
res = res.substr(0, context->getSettingsRef().log_queries_cut_to_length);
return res;