2020-08-31 15:12:51 +03:00

226 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Parsers/IAST_fwd.h>
#include <Storages/ColumnDependency.h>
#include <Storages/ColumnsDescription.h>
#include <Storages/ConstraintsDescription.h>
#include <Storages/IndicesDescription.h>
#include <Storages/KeyDescription.h>
#include <Storages/SelectQueryDescription.h>
#include <Storages/TTLDescription.h>
#include <Common/MultiVersion.h>
namespace DB
/// Common metadata for all storages. Contains all possible parts of CREATE
/// query from all storages, but only some subset used.
struct StorageInMemoryMetadata
/// Columns of table with their names, types,
/// defaults, comments, etc. All table engines have columns.
ColumnsDescription columns;
/// Table indices. Currently supported for MergeTree only.
IndicesDescription secondary_indices;
/// Table constraints. Currently supported for MergeTree only.
ConstraintsDescription constraints;
/// PARTITION BY expression. Currently supported for MergeTree only.
KeyDescription partition_key;
/// PRIMARY KEY expression. If absent, than equal to order_by_ast.
KeyDescription primary_key;
/// ORDER BY expression. Required field for all MergeTree tables
/// even in old syntax MergeTree(partition_key, order_by, ...)
KeyDescription sorting_key;
/// SAMPLE BY expression. Supported for MergeTree only.
KeyDescription sampling_key;
/// Separate ttl expressions for columns
TTLColumnsDescription column_ttls_by_name;
/// TTL expressions for table (Move and Rows)
TTLTableDescription table_ttl;
/// SETTINGS expression. Supported for MergeTree, Buffer and Kafka.
ASTPtr settings_changes;
/// SELECT QUERY. Supported for MaterializedView and View (have to support LiveView).
SelectQueryDescription select;
StorageInMemoryMetadata() = default;
StorageInMemoryMetadata(const StorageInMemoryMetadata & other);
StorageInMemoryMetadata & operator=(const StorageInMemoryMetadata & other);
/// NOTE: Thread unsafe part. You should modify same StorageInMemoryMetadata
/// structure from different threads. It should be used as MultiVersion
/// object. See example in IStorage.
/// Sets only real columns, possibly overwrites virtual ones.
void setColumns(ColumnsDescription columns_);
/// Sets secondary indices
void setSecondaryIndices(IndicesDescription secondary_indices_);
/// Sets constraints
void setConstraints(ConstraintsDescription constraints_);
/// Set partition key for storage (methods bellow, are just wrappers for this struct).
void setPartitionKey(const KeyDescription & partition_key_);
/// Set sorting key for storage (methods bellow, are just wrappers for this struct).
void setSortingKey(const KeyDescription & sorting_key_);
/// Set primary key for storage (methods bellow, are just wrappers for this struct).
void setPrimaryKey(const KeyDescription & primary_key_);
/// Set sampling key for storage (methods bellow, are just wrappers for this struct).
void setSamplingKey(const KeyDescription & sampling_key_);
/// Set common table TTLs
void setTableTTLs(const TTLTableDescription & table_ttl_);
/// TTLs for separate columns
void setColumnTTLs(const TTLColumnsDescription & column_ttls_by_name_);
/// Set settings changes in metadata (some settings exlicetely specified in
/// CREATE query)
void setSettingsChanges(const ASTPtr & settings_changes_);
/// Set SELECT query for (Materialized)View
void setSelectQuery(const SelectQueryDescription & select_);
/// Returns combined set of columns
const ColumnsDescription & getColumns() const;
/// Returns secondary indices
const IndicesDescription & getSecondaryIndices() const;
/// Has at least one non primary index
bool hasSecondaryIndices() const;
/// Return table constraints
const ConstraintsDescription & getConstraints() const;
/// Returns true if there is set table TTL, any column TTL or any move TTL.
bool hasAnyTTL() const { return hasAnyColumnTTL() || hasAnyTableTTL(); }
/// Common tables TTLs (for rows and moves).
TTLTableDescription getTableTTLs() const;
bool hasAnyTableTTL() const;
/// Separate TTLs for columns.
TTLColumnsDescription getColumnTTLs() const;
bool hasAnyColumnTTL() const;
/// Just wrapper for table TTLs, return rows part of table TTLs.
TTLDescription getRowsTTL() const;
bool hasRowsTTL() const;
/// Just wrapper for table TTLs, return moves (to disks or volumes) parts of
/// table TTL.
TTLDescriptions getMoveTTLs() const;
bool hasAnyMoveTTL() const;
// Just wrapper for table TTLs, return info about recompression ttl
TTLDescriptions getRecompressionTTLs() const;
bool hasAnyRecompressionTTL() const;
/// Returns columns, which will be needed to calculate dependencies (skip
/// indices, TTL expressions) if we update @updated_columns set of columns.
ColumnDependencies getColumnDependencies(const NameSet & updated_columns) const;
/// Block with ordinary + materialized columns.
Block getSampleBlock() const;
/// Block with ordinary columns.
Block getSampleBlockNonMaterialized() const;
/// Block with ordinary + materialized + virtuals. Virtuals have to be
/// explicitly specified, because they are part of Storage type, not
/// Storage metadata.
Block getSampleBlockWithVirtuals(const NamesAndTypesList & virtuals) const;
/// Block with ordinary + materialized + aliases + virtuals. Virtuals have
/// to be explicitly specified, because they are part of Storage type, not
/// Storage metadata. StorageID required only for more clear exception
/// message.
Block getSampleBlockForColumns(
const Names & column_names, const NamesAndTypesList & virtuals, const StorageID & storage_id) const;
/// Returns structure with partition key.
const KeyDescription & getPartitionKey() const;
/// Returns ASTExpressionList of partition key expression for storage or nullptr if there is none.
ASTPtr getPartitionKeyAST() const { return partition_key.definition_ast; }
/// Storage has user-defined (in CREATE query) partition key.
bool isPartitionKeyDefined() const;
/// Storage has partition key.
bool hasPartitionKey() const;
/// Returns column names that need to be read to calculate partition key.
Names getColumnsRequiredForPartitionKey() const;
/// Returns structure with sorting key.
const KeyDescription & getSortingKey() const;
/// Returns ASTExpressionList of sorting key expression for storage or nullptr if there is none.
ASTPtr getSortingKeyAST() const { return sorting_key.definition_ast; }
/// Storage has user-defined (in CREATE query) sorting key.
bool isSortingKeyDefined() const;
/// Storage has sorting key. It means, that it contains at least one column.
bool hasSortingKey() const;
/// Returns column names that need to be read to calculate sorting key.
Names getColumnsRequiredForSortingKey() const;
/// Returns columns names in sorting key specified by user in ORDER BY
/// expression. For example: 'a', 'x * y', 'toStartOfMonth(date)', etc.
Names getSortingKeyColumns() const;
/// Returns column names that need to be read for FINAL to work.
Names getColumnsRequiredForFinal() const { return getColumnsRequiredForSortingKey(); }
/// Returns structure with sampling key.
const KeyDescription & getSamplingKey() const;
/// Returns sampling expression AST for storage or nullptr if there is none.
ASTPtr getSamplingKeyAST() const { return sampling_key.definition_ast; }
/// Storage has user-defined (in CREATE query) sampling key.
bool isSamplingKeyDefined() const;
/// Storage has sampling key.
bool hasSamplingKey() const;
/// Returns column names that need to be read to calculate sampling key.
Names getColumnsRequiredForSampling() const;
/// Returns structure with primary key.
const KeyDescription & getPrimaryKey() const;
/// Returns ASTExpressionList of primary key expression for storage or nullptr if there is none.
ASTPtr getPrimaryKeyAST() const { return primary_key.definition_ast; }
/// Storage has user-defined (in CREATE query) sorting key.
bool isPrimaryKeyDefined() const;
/// Storage has primary key (maybe part of some other key). It means, that
/// it contains at least one column.
bool hasPrimaryKey() const;
/// Returns column names that need to be read to calculate primary key.
Names getColumnsRequiredForPrimaryKey() const;
/// Returns columns names in sorting key specified by. For example: 'a', 'x
/// * y', 'toStartOfMonth(date)', etc.
Names getPrimaryKeyColumns() const;
/// Storage settings
ASTPtr getSettingsChanges() const;
bool hasSettingsChanges() const { return settings_changes != nullptr; }
/// Select query for *View storages.
const SelectQueryDescription & getSelectQuery() const;
bool hasSelectQuery() const;
/// Verify that all the requested names are in the table and are set correctly:
/// list of names is not empty and the names do not repeat.
void check(const Names & column_names, const NamesAndTypesList & virtuals, const StorageID & storage_id) const;
/// Check that all the requested names are in the table and have the correct types.
void check(const NamesAndTypesList & columns) const;
/// Check that all names from the intersection of `names` and `columns` are in the table and have the same types.
void check(const NamesAndTypesList & columns, const Names & column_names) const;
/// Check that the data block contains all the columns of the table with the correct types,
/// contains only the columns of the table, and all the columns are different.
/// If |need_all| is set, then checks that all the columns of the table are in the block.
void check(const Block & block, bool need_all = false) const;
using StorageMetadataPtr = std::shared_ptr<const StorageInMemoryMetadata>;
using MultiVersionStorageMetadataPtr = MultiVersion<StorageInMemoryMetadata>;