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#include <Access/DiskAccessStorage.h>
#include <Access/AccessEntityIO.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromFile.h>
#include <Interpreters/Access/InterpreterCreateUserQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/Access/InterpreterShowGrantsQuery.h>
#include <base/logger_useful.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/JSON.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/Object.h>
#include <Poco/JSON/Stringifier.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int DIRECTORY_DOESNT_EXIST;
extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST;
/// Reads a file containing ATTACH queries and then parses it to build an access entity.
AccessEntityPtr readEntityFile(const String & file_path)
/// Read the file.
ReadBufferFromFile in{file_path};
String file_contents;
readStringUntilEOF(file_contents, in);
/// Parse the file contents.
return deserializeAccessEntity(file_contents, file_path);
AccessEntityPtr tryReadEntityFile(const String & file_path, Poco::Logger & log)
return readEntityFile(file_path);
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(&log, "Could not parse " + file_path);
return nullptr;
/// Writes ATTACH queries for building a specified access entity to a file.
void writeEntityFile(const String & file_path, const IAccessEntity & entity)
String file_contents = serializeAccessEntity(entity);
/// First we save *.tmp file and then we rename if everything's ok.
auto tmp_file_path = std::filesystem::path{file_path}.replace_extension(".tmp");
bool succeeded = false;
if (!succeeded)
/// Write the file.
WriteBufferFromFile out{tmp_file_path.string()};
out.write(file_contents.data(), file_contents.size());
/// Rename.
std::filesystem::rename(tmp_file_path, file_path);
succeeded = true;
/// Converts a path to an absolute path and append it with a separator.
String makeDirectoryPathCanonical(const String & directory_path)
auto canonical_directory_path = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(directory_path);
if (canonical_directory_path.has_filename())
canonical_directory_path += std::filesystem::path::preferred_separator;
return canonical_directory_path;
/// Calculates the path to a file named <id>.sql for saving an access entity.
String getEntityFilePath(const String & directory_path, const UUID & id)
return directory_path + toString(id) + ".sql";
/// Reads a map of name of access entity to UUID for access entities of some type from a file.
std::vector<std::pair<UUID, String>> readListFile(const String & file_path)
ReadBufferFromFile in(file_path);
size_t num;
readVarUInt(num, in);
std::vector<std::pair<UUID, String>> id_name_pairs;
for (size_t i = 0; i != num; ++i)
String name;
readStringBinary(name, in);
UUID id;
readUUIDText(id, in);
id_name_pairs.emplace_back(id, std::move(name));
return id_name_pairs;
/// Writes a map of name of access entity to UUID for access entities of some type to a file.
void writeListFile(const String & file_path, const std::vector<std::pair<UUID, std::string_view>> & id_name_pairs)
WriteBufferFromFile out(file_path);
writeVarUInt(id_name_pairs.size(), out);
for (const auto & [id, name] : id_name_pairs)
writeStringBinary(name, out);
writeUUIDText(id, out);
/// Calculates the path for storing a map of name of access entity to UUID for access entities of some type.
String getListFilePath(const String & directory_path, AccessEntityType type)
String file_name = AccessEntityTypeInfo::get(type).plural_raw_name;
return directory_path + file_name + ".list";
/// Calculates the path to a temporary file which existence means that list files are corrupted
/// and need to be rebuild.
String getNeedRebuildListsMarkFilePath(const String & directory_path)
return directory_path + "need_rebuild_lists.mark";
bool tryParseUUID(const String & str, UUID & id)
id = parseFromString<UUID>(str);
return true;
catch (...)
return false;
DiskAccessStorage::DiskAccessStorage(const String & directory_path_, bool readonly_)
: DiskAccessStorage(STORAGE_TYPE, directory_path_, readonly_)
DiskAccessStorage::DiskAccessStorage(const String & storage_name_, const String & directory_path_, bool readonly_)
: IAccessStorage(storage_name_)
directory_path = makeDirectoryPathCanonical(directory_path_);
readonly = readonly_;
std::error_code create_dir_error_code;
std::filesystem::create_directories(directory_path, create_dir_error_code);
if (!std::filesystem::exists(directory_path) || !std::filesystem::is_directory(directory_path) || create_dir_error_code)
throw Exception("Couldn't create directory " + directory_path + " reason: '" + create_dir_error_code.message() + "'", ErrorCodes::DIRECTORY_DOESNT_EXIST);
bool should_rebuild_lists = std::filesystem::exists(getNeedRebuildListsMarkFilePath(directory_path));
if (!should_rebuild_lists)
if (!readLists())
should_rebuild_lists = true;
if (should_rebuild_lists)
String DiskAccessStorage::getStorageParamsJSON() const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
Poco::JSON::Object json;
json.set("path", directory_path);
bool readonly_loaded = readonly;
if (readonly_loaded)
json.set("readonly", Poco::Dynamic::Var{true});
std::ostringstream oss; // STYLE_CHECK_ALLOW_STD_STRING_STREAM
Poco::JSON::Stringifier::stringify(json, oss);
return oss.str();
bool DiskAccessStorage::isPathEqual(const String & directory_path_) const
return getPath() == makeDirectoryPathCanonical(directory_path_);
void DiskAccessStorage::clear()
for (auto type : collections::range(AccessEntityType::MAX))
bool DiskAccessStorage::readLists()
bool ok = true;
for (auto type : collections::range(AccessEntityType::MAX))
auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
auto file_path = getListFilePath(directory_path, type);
if (!std::filesystem::exists(file_path))
LOG_WARNING(getLogger(), "File {} doesn't exist", file_path);
ok = false;
for (const auto & [id, name] : readListFile(file_path))
auto & entry = entries_by_id[id];
entry.id = id;
entry.type = type;
entry.name = name;
entries_by_name[entry.name] = &entry;
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(getLogger(), "Could not read " + file_path);
ok = false;
if (!ok)
return ok;
bool DiskAccessStorage::writeLists()
if (failed_to_write_lists)
return false; /// We don't try to write list files after the first fail.
/// The next restart of the server will invoke rebuilding of the list files.
if (types_of_lists_to_write.empty())
return true;
for (const auto & type : types_of_lists_to_write)
auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
auto file_path = getListFilePath(directory_path, type);
std::vector<std::pair<UUID, std::string_view>> id_name_pairs;
for (const auto * entry : entries_by_name | boost::adaptors::map_values)
id_name_pairs.emplace_back(entry->id, entry->name);
writeListFile(file_path, id_name_pairs);
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(getLogger(), "Could not write " + file_path);
failed_to_write_lists = true;
return false;
/// The list files was successfully written, we don't need the 'need_rebuild_lists.mark' file any longer.
return true;
void DiskAccessStorage::scheduleWriteLists(AccessEntityType type)
if (failed_to_write_lists)
return; /// We don't try to write list files after the first fail.
/// The next restart of the server will invoke rebuilding of the list files.
if (lists_writing_thread_is_waiting)
return; /// If the lists' writing thread is still waiting we can update `types_of_lists_to_write` easily,
/// without restarting that thread.
if (lists_writing_thread.joinable())
/// Create the 'need_rebuild_lists.mark' file.
/// This file will be used later to find out if writing lists is successful or not.
lists_writing_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool{&DiskAccessStorage::listsWritingThreadFunc, this};
lists_writing_thread_is_waiting = true;
void DiskAccessStorage::listsWritingThreadFunc()
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
/// It's better not to write the lists files too often, that's why we need
/// the following timeout.
const auto timeout = std::chrono::minutes(1);
SCOPE_EXIT({ lists_writing_thread_is_waiting = false; });
if (lists_writing_thread_should_exit.wait_for(lock, timeout) != std::cv_status::timeout)
return; /// The destructor requires us to exit.
void DiskAccessStorage::stopListsWritingThread()
if (lists_writing_thread.joinable())
/// Reads and parses all the "<id>.sql" files from a specified directory
/// and then saves the files "users.list", "roles.list", etc. to the same directory.
bool DiskAccessStorage::rebuildLists()
LOG_WARNING(getLogger(), "Recovering lists in directory {}", directory_path);
for (const auto & directory_entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(directory_path))
if (!directory_entry.is_regular_file())
const auto & path = directory_entry.path();
if (path.extension() != ".sql")
UUID id;
if (!tryParseUUID(path.stem(), id))
const auto access_entity_file_path = getEntityFilePath(directory_path, id);
auto entity = tryReadEntityFile(access_entity_file_path, *getLogger());
if (!entity)
const String & name = entity->getName();
auto type = entity->getType();
auto & entry = entries_by_id[id];
entry.id = id;
entry.type = type;
entry.name = name;
entry.entity = entity;
auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
entries_by_name[entry.name] = &entry;
for (auto type : collections::range(AccessEntityType::MAX))
return true;
std::optional<UUID> DiskAccessStorage::findImpl(AccessEntityType type, const String & name) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
const auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
auto it = entries_by_name.find(name);
if (it == entries_by_name.end())
return {};
return it->second->id;
std::vector<UUID> DiskAccessStorage::findAllImpl(AccessEntityType type) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
const auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
std::vector<UUID> res;
for (const auto * entry : entries_by_name | boost::adaptors::map_values)
return res;
bool DiskAccessStorage::existsImpl(const UUID & id) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
return entries_by_id.count(id);
AccessEntityPtr DiskAccessStorage::readImpl(const UUID & id) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it == entries_by_id.end())
const auto & entry = it->second;
if (!entry.entity)
entry.entity = readAccessEntityFromDisk(id);
return entry.entity;
String DiskAccessStorage::readNameImpl(const UUID & id) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it == entries_by_id.end())
return String{it->second.name};
bool DiskAccessStorage::canInsertImpl(const AccessEntityPtr &) const
return !readonly;
UUID DiskAccessStorage::insertImpl(const AccessEntityPtr & new_entity, bool replace_if_exists)
Notifications notifications;
SCOPE_EXIT({ notify(notifications); });
UUID id = generateRandomID();
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
insertNoLock(id, new_entity, replace_if_exists, notifications);
return id;
void DiskAccessStorage::insertNoLock(const UUID & id, const AccessEntityPtr & new_entity, bool replace_if_exists, Notifications & notifications)
const String & name = new_entity->getName();
AccessEntityType type = new_entity->getType();
if (readonly)
throwReadonlyCannotInsert(type, name);
/// Check that we can insert.
auto it_by_id = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it_by_id != entries_by_id.end())
const auto & existing_entry = it_by_id->second;
throwIDCollisionCannotInsert(id, type, name, existing_entry.entity->getType(), existing_entry.entity->getName());
auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
auto it_by_name = entries_by_name.find(name);
bool name_collision = (it_by_name != entries_by_name.end());
if (name_collision && !replace_if_exists)
throwNameCollisionCannotInsert(type, name);
writeAccessEntityToDisk(id, *new_entity);
if (name_collision && replace_if_exists)
removeNoLock(it_by_name->second->id, notifications);
/// Do insertion.
auto & entry = entries_by_id[id];
entry.id = id;
entry.type = type;
entry.name = name;
entry.entity = new_entity;
entries_by_name[entry.name] = &entry;
prepareNotifications(id, entry, false, notifications);
void DiskAccessStorage::removeImpl(const UUID & id)
Notifications notifications;
SCOPE_EXIT({ notify(notifications); });
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
removeNoLock(id, notifications);
void DiskAccessStorage::removeNoLock(const UUID & id, Notifications & notifications)
auto it = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it == entries_by_id.end())
Entry & entry = it->second;
AccessEntityType type = entry.type;
if (readonly)
throwReadonlyCannotRemove(type, entry.name);
/// Do removing.
prepareNotifications(id, entry, true, notifications);
auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
void DiskAccessStorage::updateImpl(const UUID & id, const UpdateFunc & update_func)
Notifications notifications;
SCOPE_EXIT({ notify(notifications); });
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
updateNoLock(id, update_func, notifications);
void DiskAccessStorage::updateNoLock(const UUID & id, const UpdateFunc & update_func, Notifications & notifications)
auto it = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it == entries_by_id.end())
Entry & entry = it->second;
if (readonly)
throwReadonlyCannotUpdate(entry.type, entry.name);
if (!entry.entity)
entry.entity = readAccessEntityFromDisk(id);
auto old_entity = entry.entity;
auto new_entity = update_func(old_entity);
if (!new_entity->isTypeOf(old_entity->getType()))
throwBadCast(id, new_entity->getType(), new_entity->getName(), old_entity->getType());
if (*new_entity == *old_entity)
const String & new_name = new_entity->getName();
const String & old_name = old_entity->getName();
const AccessEntityType type = entry.type;
auto & entries_by_name = entries_by_name_and_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
bool name_changed = (new_name != old_name);
if (name_changed)
if (entries_by_name.count(new_name))
throwNameCollisionCannotRename(type, old_name, new_name);
writeAccessEntityToDisk(id, *new_entity);
entry.entity = new_entity;
if (name_changed)
entry.name = new_name;
entries_by_name[entry.name] = &entry;
prepareNotifications(id, entry, false, notifications);
AccessEntityPtr DiskAccessStorage::readAccessEntityFromDisk(const UUID & id) const
return readEntityFile(getEntityFilePath(directory_path, id));
void DiskAccessStorage::writeAccessEntityToDisk(const UUID & id, const IAccessEntity & entity) const
writeEntityFile(getEntityFilePath(directory_path, id), entity);
void DiskAccessStorage::deleteAccessEntityOnDisk(const UUID & id) const
auto file_path = getEntityFilePath(directory_path, id);
if (!std::filesystem::remove(file_path))
throw Exception("Couldn't delete " + file_path, ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST);
void DiskAccessStorage::prepareNotifications(const UUID & id, const Entry & entry, bool remove, Notifications & notifications) const
if (!remove && !entry.entity)
const AccessEntityPtr entity = remove ? nullptr : entry.entity;
for (const auto & handler : entry.handlers_by_id)
notifications.push_back({handler, id, entity});
for (const auto & handler : handlers_by_type[static_cast<size_t>(entry.type)])
notifications.push_back({handler, id, entity});
scope_guard DiskAccessStorage::subscribeForChangesImpl(const UUID & id, const OnChangedHandler & handler) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it == entries_by_id.end())
return {};
const Entry & entry = it->second;
auto handler_it = entry.handlers_by_id.insert(entry.handlers_by_id.end(), handler);
return [this, id, handler_it]
std::lock_guard lock2{mutex};
auto it2 = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it2 != entries_by_id.end())
const Entry & entry2 = it2->second;
scope_guard DiskAccessStorage::subscribeForChangesImpl(AccessEntityType type, const OnChangedHandler & handler) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto & handlers = handlers_by_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
auto handler_it = std::prev(handlers.end());
return [this, type, handler_it]
std::lock_guard lock2{mutex};
auto & handlers2 = handlers_by_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
bool DiskAccessStorage::hasSubscriptionImpl(const UUID & id) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = entries_by_id.find(id);
if (it != entries_by_id.end())
const Entry & entry = it->second;
return !entry.handlers_by_id.empty();
return false;
bool DiskAccessStorage::hasSubscriptionImpl(AccessEntityType type) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
const auto & handlers = handlers_by_type[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
return !handlers.empty();