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#pragma once
#include "Aliases.h"
#include "Internals.h"
#include "ClusterPartition.h"
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
struct TaskShard;
struct TaskTable
TaskTable(TaskCluster & parent, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & prefix,
const String & table_key);
TaskCluster & task_cluster;
String getPartitionPath(const String & partition_name) const;
String getPartitionIsDirtyPath(const String & partition_name) const;
String getPartitionIsCleanedPath(const String & partition_name) const;
String getPartitionTaskStatusPath(const String & partition_name) const;
String name_in_config;
/// Used as task ID
String table_id;
/// Source cluster and table
String cluster_pull_name;
DatabaseAndTableName table_pull;
/// Destination cluster and table
String cluster_push_name;
DatabaseAndTableName table_push;
/// Storage of destination table
String engine_push_str;
ASTPtr engine_push_ast;
ASTPtr engine_push_partition_key_ast;
/// A Distributed table definition used to split data
String sharding_key_str;
ASTPtr sharding_key_ast;
ASTPtr engine_split_ast;
/// Additional WHERE expression to filter input data
String where_condition_str;
ASTPtr where_condition_ast;
/// Resolved clusters
ClusterPtr cluster_pull;
ClusterPtr cluster_push;
/// Filter partitions that should be copied
bool has_enabled_partitions = false;
Strings enabled_partitions;
NameSet enabled_partitions_set;
/// Prioritized list of shards
TasksShard all_shards;
TasksShard local_shards;
ClusterPartitions cluster_partitions;
NameSet finished_cluster_partitions;
/// Parition names to process in user-specified order
Strings ordered_partition_names;
ClusterPartition & getClusterPartition(const String & partition_name)
auto it = cluster_partitions.find(partition_name);
if (it == cluster_partitions.end())
throw Exception("There are no cluster partition " + partition_name + " in " + table_id, ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return it->second;
Stopwatch watch;
UInt64 bytes_copied = 0;
UInt64 rows_copied = 0;
template <typename RandomEngine>
void initShards(RandomEngine && random_engine);
struct TaskShard
TaskShard(TaskTable &parent, const ShardInfo &info_) : task_table(parent), info(info_) {}
TaskTable & task_table;
ShardInfo info;
UInt32 numberInCluster() const { return info.shard_num; }
UInt32 indexInCluster() const { return info.shard_num - 1; }
String getDescription() const;
String getHostNameExample() const;
/// Used to sort clusters by their proximity
ShardPriority priority;
/// Column with unique destination partitions (computed from engine_push_partition_key expr.) in the shard
ColumnWithTypeAndName partition_key_column;
/// There is a task for each destination partition
TasksPartition partition_tasks;
/// Which partitions have been checked for existence
/// If some partition from this lists is exists, it is in partition_tasks
std::set<String> checked_partitions;
/// Last CREATE TABLE query of the table of the shard
ASTPtr current_pull_table_create_query;
/// Internal distributed tables
DatabaseAndTableName table_read_shard;
DatabaseAndTableName table_split_shard;
inline String TaskTable::getPartitionPath(const String & partition_name) const
return task_cluster.task_zookeeper_path // root
+ "/tables/" + table_id // tables/dst_cluster.merge.hits
+ "/" + escapeForFileName(partition_name); // 201701
inline String TaskTable::getPartitionIsDirtyPath(const String & partition_name) const
return getPartitionPath(partition_name) + "/is_dirty";
inline String TaskTable::getPartitionIsCleanedPath(const String & partition_name) const
return getPartitionIsDirtyPath(partition_name) + "/cleaned";
inline String TaskTable::getPartitionTaskStatusPath(const String & partition_name) const
return getPartitionPath(partition_name) + "/shards";
inline TaskTable::TaskTable(TaskCluster & parent, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & prefix_,
const String & table_key)
: task_cluster(parent)
String table_prefix = prefix_ + "." + table_key + ".";
name_in_config = table_key;
cluster_pull_name = config.getString(table_prefix + "cluster_pull");
cluster_push_name = config.getString(table_prefix + "cluster_push");
table_pull.first = config.getString(table_prefix + "database_pull");
table_pull.second = config.getString(table_prefix + "table_pull");
table_push.first = config.getString(table_prefix + "database_push");
table_push.second = config.getString(table_prefix + "table_push");
/// Used as node name in ZooKeeper
table_id = escapeForFileName(cluster_push_name)
+ "." + escapeForFileName(table_push.first)
+ "." + escapeForFileName(table_push.second);
engine_push_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "engine");
ParserStorage parser_storage;
engine_push_ast = parseQuery(parser_storage, engine_push_str, 0);
engine_push_partition_key_ast = extractPartitionKey(engine_push_ast);
sharding_key_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "sharding_key");
ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias parser_expression(false);
sharding_key_ast = parseQuery(parser_expression, sharding_key_str, 0);
engine_split_ast = createASTStorageDistributed(cluster_push_name, table_push.first, table_push.second, sharding_key_ast);
where_condition_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "where_condition", "");
if (!where_condition_str.empty())
ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias parser_expression(false);
where_condition_ast = parseQuery(parser_expression, where_condition_str, 0);
// Will use canonical expression form
where_condition_str = queryToString(where_condition_ast);
String enabled_partitions_prefix = table_prefix + "enabled_partitions";
has_enabled_partitions = config.has(enabled_partitions_prefix);
if (has_enabled_partitions)
Strings keys;
config.keys(enabled_partitions_prefix, keys);
if (keys.empty())
/// Parse list of partition from space-separated string
String partitions_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "enabled_partitions");
boost::trim_if(partitions_str, isWhitespaceASCII);
boost::split(enabled_partitions, partitions_str, isWhitespaceASCII, boost::token_compress_on);
/// Parse sequence of <partition>...</partition>
for (const String & key : keys)
if (!startsWith(key, "partition"))
throw Exception("Unknown key " + key + " in " + enabled_partitions_prefix, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG);
enabled_partitions.emplace_back(config.getString(enabled_partitions_prefix + "." + key));
std::copy(enabled_partitions.begin(), enabled_partitions.end(), std::inserter(enabled_partitions_set, enabled_partitions_set.begin()));
template<typename RandomEngine>
inline void TaskTable::initShards(RandomEngine && random_engine)
const String & fqdn_name = getFQDNOrHostName();
std::uniform_int_distribution<UInt8> get_urand(0, std::numeric_limits<UInt8>::max());
// Compute the priority
for (auto & shard_info : cluster_pull->getShardsInfo())
TaskShardPtr task_shard = std::make_shared<TaskShard>(*this, shard_info);
const auto & replicas = cluster_pull->getShardsAddresses().at(task_shard->indexInCluster());
task_shard->priority = getReplicasPriority(replicas, fqdn_name, get_urand(random_engine));
// Sort by priority
std::sort(all_shards.begin(), all_shards.end(),
[](const TaskShardPtr & lhs, const TaskShardPtr & rhs)
return ShardPriority::greaterPriority(lhs->priority, rhs->priority);
// Cut local shards
auto it_first_remote = std::lower_bound(all_shards.begin(), all_shards.end(), 1,
[](const TaskShardPtr & lhs, UInt8 is_remote)
return lhs->priority.is_remote < is_remote;
local_shards.assign(all_shards.begin(), it_first_remote);
inline String DB::TaskShard::getDescription() const
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "N" << numberInCluster()
<< " (having a replica " << getHostNameExample()
<< ", pull table " + getQuotedTable(task_table.table_pull)
<< " of cluster " + task_table.cluster_pull_name << ")";
return ss.str();
inline String DB::TaskShard::getHostNameExample() const
auto &replicas = task_table.cluster_pull->getShardsAddresses().at(indexInCluster());
return replicas.at(0).readableString();