2017-02-07 23:43:31 +04:00

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#pragma once
#include <ext/enumerate.hpp>
#include <ext/collection_cast.hpp>
#include <ext/range.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <DB/IO/WriteBufferFromVector.h>
#include <DB/IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <DB/IO/Operators.h>
#include <DB/IO/ReadBufferFromMemory.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeFactory.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeFixedString.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDate.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeEnum.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeTuple.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnNullable.h>
#include <DB/Core/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <DB/Interpreters/ExpressionActions.h>
#include <DB/Functions/IFunction.h>
#include <DB/Functions/FunctionsMiscellaneous.h>
#include <DB/Functions/FunctionsDateTime.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ATTEMPT_TO_READ_AFTER_EOF;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATE;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_TEXT;
/** Type conversion functions.
* toType - conversion in "natural way";
/** Conversion of number types to each other, enums to numbers, dates and datetimes to numbers and back: done by straight assignment.
* (Date is represented internally as number of days from some day; DateTime - as unix timestamp)
template <typename FromDataType, typename ToDataType, typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl
using FromFieldType = typename FromDataType::FieldType;
using ToFieldType = typename ToDataType::FieldType;
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
if (const ColumnVector<FromFieldType> * col_from
= typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<FromFieldType> *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnVector<ToFieldType>>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
const typename ColumnVector<FromFieldType>::Container_t & vec_from = col_from->getData();
typename ColumnVector<ToFieldType>::Container_t & vec_to = col_to->getData();
size_t size = vec_from.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
vec_to[i] = vec_from[i];
else if (const ColumnConst<FromFieldType> * col_from
= typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<FromFieldType> *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConst<ToFieldType>>(col_from->size(), col_from->getData());
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::name,
/** Conversion of Date to DateTime: adding 00:00:00 time component.
struct ToDateTimeImpl
static inline UInt32 execute(UInt16 d, const DateLUTImpl & time_zone)
return time_zone.fromDayNum(DayNum_t(d));
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeDate, DataTypeDateTime, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<UInt16, UInt32, ToDateTimeImpl, Name> {};
/// Implementation of toDate function.
template <typename FromType, typename ToType>
struct ToDateTransform32Or64
static inline ToType execute(const FromType & from, const DateLUTImpl & time_zone)
return (from < 0xFFFF) ? from : time_zone.toDayNum(from);
/** Conversion of DateTime to Date: throw off time component.
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeDateTime, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<UInt32, UInt16, ToDateImpl, Name> {};
/** Special case of converting (U)Int32 or (U)Int64 (and also, for convenience, Float32, Float64) to Date.
* If number is less than 65536, then it is treated as DayNum, and if greater or equals, then as unix timestamp.
* It's a bit illogical, as we actually have two functions in one.
* But allows to support frequent case,
* when user write toDate(UInt32), expecting conversion of unix timestamp to Date.
* (otherwise such usage would be frequent mistake).
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeUInt32, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<UInt32, UInt16, ToDateTransform32Or64<UInt32, UInt16>, Name> {};
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeUInt64, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<UInt64, UInt16, ToDateTransform32Or64<UInt64, UInt16>, Name> {};
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeInt32, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<Int32, UInt16, ToDateTransform32Or64<Int32, UInt16>, Name> {};
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeInt64, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<Int64, UInt16, ToDateTransform32Or64<Int64, UInt16>, Name> {};
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeFloat32, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<Float32, UInt16, ToDateTransform32Or64<Float32, UInt16>, Name> {};
template <typename Name> struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeFloat64, DataTypeDate, Name>
: DateTimeTransformImpl<Float64, UInt16, ToDateTransform32Or64<Float64, UInt16>, Name> {};
/** Transformation of numbers, dates, datetimes to strings: through formatting.
template <typename DataType>
struct FormatImpl
static void execute(const typename DataType::FieldType x, WriteBuffer & wb, const DataType * type, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
writeText(x, wb);
template <>
struct FormatImpl<DataTypeDate>
static void execute(const DataTypeDate::FieldType x, WriteBuffer & wb, const DataTypeDate * type, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
writeDateText(DayNum_t(x), wb);
template <>
struct FormatImpl<DataTypeDateTime>
static void execute(const DataTypeDateTime::FieldType x, WriteBuffer & wb, const DataTypeDateTime * type, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
writeDateTimeText(x, wb, *time_zone);
template <typename FieldType>
struct FormatImpl<DataTypeEnum<FieldType>>
static void execute(const FieldType x, WriteBuffer & wb, const DataTypeEnum<FieldType> * type, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
writeString(type->getNameForValue(x), wb);
/// DataTypeEnum<T> to DataType<T> free conversion
template <typename FieldType, typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeEnum<FieldType>, typename DataTypeFromFieldType<FieldType>::Type, Name>
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
/// For functions toDateTime, toUnixTimestamp and toString from DateTime type, second argument with time zone could be specified.
const DateLUTImpl * extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments);
template <typename FromDataType, typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl<FromDataType, DataTypeString, Name>
using FromFieldType = typename FromDataType::FieldType;
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const auto & col_with_type_and_name = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]);
const auto & type = static_cast<const FromDataType &>(*col_with_type_and_name.type);
const DateLUTImpl * time_zone = nullptr;
/// For argument of DateTime type, second argument with time zone could be specified.
if (std::is_same<FromDataType, DataTypeDateTime>::value)
time_zone = extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments(block, arguments);
if (const auto col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<FromFieldType> *>(col_with_type_and_name.column.get()))
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnString>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
const typename ColumnVector<FromFieldType>::Container_t & vec_from = col_from->getData();
ColumnString::Chars_t & data_to = col_to->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_to = col_to->getOffsets();
size_t size = vec_from.size();
data_to.resize(size * 2);
WriteBufferFromVector<ColumnString::Chars_t> write_buffer(data_to);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
FormatImpl<FromDataType>::execute(vec_from[i], write_buffer, &type, time_zone);
writeChar(0, write_buffer);
offsets_to[i] = write_buffer.count();
else if (const auto col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<FromFieldType> *>(col_with_type_and_name.column.get()))
std::vector<char> buf;
WriteBufferFromVector<std::vector<char> > write_buffer(buf);
FormatImpl<FromDataType>::execute(col_from->getData(), write_buffer, &type, time_zone);
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConstString>(col_from->size(), std::string(&buf[0], write_buffer.count()));
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::name,
/// Generic conversion of any type to String.
struct ConvertImplGenericToString
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const auto & col_with_type_and_name = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]);
const IDataType & type = *col_with_type_and_name.type;
const IColumn & col_from = *col_with_type_and_name.column;
size_t size = col_from.size();
if (!col_from.isConst())
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnString>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
ColumnString::Chars_t & data_to = col_to->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_to = col_to->getOffsets();
data_to.resize(size * 2); /// Using coefficient 2 for initial size is arbitary.
WriteBufferFromVector<ColumnString::Chars_t> write_buffer(data_to);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
type.serializeText(col_from, i, write_buffer);
writeChar(0, write_buffer);
offsets_to[i] = write_buffer.count();
String res;
if (size)
WriteBufferFromString write_buffer(res);
type.serializeText(*col_from.cut(0, 1)->convertToFullColumnIfConst(), 0, write_buffer);
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConstString>(size, res);
/** Conversion of strings to numbers, dates, datetimes: through parsing.
template <typename DataType> void parseImpl(typename DataType::FieldType & x, ReadBuffer & rb, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
readText(x, rb);
template <> inline void parseImpl<DataTypeDate>(DataTypeDate::FieldType & x, ReadBuffer & rb, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
DayNum_t tmp(0);
readDateText(tmp, rb);
x = tmp;
template <> inline void parseImpl<DataTypeDateTime>(DataTypeDateTime::FieldType & x, ReadBuffer & rb, const DateLUTImpl * time_zone)
time_t tmp = 0;
readDateTimeText(tmp, rb, *time_zone);
x = tmp;
/** Throw exception with verbose message when string value is not parsed completely.
void throwExceptionForIncompletelyParsedValue(
ReadBuffer & read_buffer, Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result);
template <typename ToDataType, typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeString, ToDataType, Name>
using ToFieldType = typename ToDataType::FieldType;
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const DateLUTImpl * time_zone = nullptr;
/// For conversion to DateTime type, second argument with time zone could be specified.
if (std::is_same<ToDataType, DataTypeDateTime>::value)
time_zone = extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments(block, arguments);
if (const ColumnString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnVector<ToFieldType>>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
typename ColumnVector<ToFieldType>::Container_t & vec_to = col_to->getData();
size_t size = col_from->size();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & chars = col_from->getChars();
const IColumn::Offsets_t & offsets = col_from->getOffsets();
size_t current_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
ReadBufferFromMemory read_buffer(&chars[current_offset], offsets[i] - current_offset - 1);
parseImpl<ToDataType>(vec_to[i], read_buffer, time_zone);
if (!read_buffer.eof()
&& !(std::is_same<ToDataType, DataTypeDate>::value /// Special exception, that allows to parse string with DateTime as Date.
&& offsets[i] - current_offset - 1 == strlen("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss")))
throwExceptionForIncompletelyParsedValue(read_buffer, block, arguments, result);
current_offset = offsets[i];
else if (const ColumnConstString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
const String & s = col_from->getData();
ReadBufferFromString read_buffer(s);
ToFieldType x = 0;
parseImpl<ToDataType>(x, read_buffer, time_zone);
if (!read_buffer.eof()
&& !(std::is_same<ToDataType, DataTypeDate>::value /// Special exception, that allows to parse string with DateTime as Date.
&& s.size() == strlen("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss")))
throwExceptionForIncompletelyParsedValue(read_buffer, block, arguments, result);
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConst<ToFieldType>>(col_from->size(), x);
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::name,
template <typename DataType>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<typename DataType::FieldType>::value, bool>::type
tryParseImpl(typename DataType::FieldType & x, ReadBuffer & rb)
return tryReadIntText(x, rb);
template <typename DataType>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<typename DataType::FieldType>::value, bool>::type
tryParseImpl(typename DataType::FieldType & x, ReadBuffer & rb)
return tryReadFloatText(x, rb);
/** Conversion from String through parsing, which returns default value instead of throwing an exception.
template <typename ToDataType, typename Name>
struct ConvertOrZeroImpl
using ToFieldType = typename ToDataType::FieldType;
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
if (const ColumnString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnVector<ToFieldType>>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
typename ColumnVector<ToFieldType>::Container_t & vec_to = col_to->getData();
size_t size = col_from->size();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & chars = col_from->getChars();
const IColumn::Offsets_t & offsets = col_from->getOffsets();
size_t current_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
ReadBufferFromMemory read_buffer(&chars[current_offset], offsets[i] - current_offset - 1);
/// NOTE Need to implement for Date and DateTime too.
if (!tryParseImpl<ToDataType>(vec_to[i], read_buffer) || !read_buffer.eof())
vec_to[i] = 0;
current_offset = offsets[i];
else if (const ColumnConstString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
const String & s = col_from->getData();
ReadBufferFromString read_buffer(s);
ToFieldType x = 0;
if (!tryParseImpl<ToDataType>(x, read_buffer) || !read_buffer.eof())
x = 0;
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConst<ToFieldType>>(col_from->size(), x);
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::name,
/// Generic conversion of any type from String. Used for complex types: Array and Tuple.
struct ConvertImplGenericFromString
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const IColumn & col_from = *block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
size_t size = col_from.size();
ColumnWithTypeAndName & column_type_name_to = block.safeGetByPosition(result);
const IDataType & data_type_to = *column_type_name_to.type;
if (const ColumnString * col_from_string = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(&col_from))
column_type_name_to.column = data_type_to.createColumn();
if (!size)
IColumn & column_to = *column_type_name_to.column;
const ColumnString::Chars_t & chars = col_from_string->getChars();
const IColumn::Offsets_t & offsets = col_from_string->getOffsets();
size_t current_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
ReadBufferFromMemory read_buffer(&chars[current_offset], offsets[i] - current_offset - 1);
data_type_to.deserializeTextEscaped(column_to, read_buffer);
if (!read_buffer.eof())
throwExceptionForIncompletelyParsedValue(read_buffer, block, arguments, result);
current_offset = offsets[i];
else if (const ColumnConstString * col_from_const_string = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(&col_from))
const String & s = col_from_const_string->getData();
ReadBufferFromString read_buffer(s);
auto tmp_col = data_type_to.createColumn();
data_type_to.deserializeTextEscaped(*tmp_col, read_buffer);
if (!read_buffer.eof())
throwExceptionForIncompletelyParsedValue(read_buffer, block, arguments, result);
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = data_type_to.createConstColumn(size, (*tmp_col)[0]);
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of conversion function from string",
/// Function toUnixTimestamp has exactly the same implementation as toDateTime of String type.
/// Note that time zone argument could be passed only for toUnixTimestamp function.
struct NameToUnixTimestamp { static constexpr auto name = "toUnixTimestamp"; };
template <>
struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeString, DataTypeUInt32, NameToUnixTimestamp>
: ConvertImpl<DataTypeString, DataTypeDateTime, NameToUnixTimestamp> {};
/** If types are identical, just take reference to column.
template <typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeString, DataTypeString, Name>
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
/** Conversion from FixedString through parsing.
template <typename ToDataType, typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeFixedString, ToDataType, Name>
using ToFieldType = typename ToDataType::FieldType;
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
if (const ColumnFixedString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnFixedString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
const DateLUTImpl * time_zone = nullptr;
/// For conversion to DateTime type, second argument with time zone could be specified.
if (std::is_same<ToDataType, DataTypeDateTime>::value)
time_zone = extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments(block, arguments);
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnVector<ToFieldType>>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
const ColumnFixedString::Chars_t & data_from = col_from->getChars();
size_t n = col_from->getN();
typename ColumnVector<ToFieldType>::Container_t & vec_to = col_to->getData();
size_t size = col_from->size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
ReadBufferFromMemory read_buffer(&data_from[i * n], n);
const char * end = read_buffer.buffer().end();
parseImpl<ToDataType>(vec_to[i], read_buffer, time_zone);
if (!read_buffer.eof())
while (read_buffer.position() < end && *read_buffer.position() == 0)
if (read_buffer.position() < end)
throwExceptionForIncompletelyParsedValue(read_buffer, block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
ConvertImpl<DataTypeString, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::name,
/** Conversion from FixedString to String.
* Cutting sequences of zero bytes from end of strings.
template <typename Name>
struct ConvertImpl<DataTypeFixedString, DataTypeString, Name>
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
if (const ColumnFixedString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnFixedString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
auto col_to = std::make_shared<ColumnString>();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = col_to;
const ColumnFixedString::Chars_t & data_from = col_from->getChars();
ColumnString::Chars_t & data_to = col_to->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_to = col_to->getOffsets();
size_t size = col_from->size();
size_t n = col_from->getN();
data_to.resize(size * (n + 1)); /// + 1 - zero terminator
size_t offset_from = 0;
size_t offset_to = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t bytes_to_copy = n;
while (bytes_to_copy > 0 && data_from[offset_from + bytes_to_copy - 1] == 0)
memcpy(&data_to[offset_to], &data_from[offset_from], bytes_to_copy);
offset_from += n;
offset_to += bytes_to_copy;
data_to[offset_to] = 0;
offsets_to[i] = offset_to;
else if (const ColumnConstString * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
const String & s = col_from->getData();
size_t bytes_to_copy = s.size();
while (bytes_to_copy > 0 && s[bytes_to_copy - 1] == 0)
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConstString>(col_from->size(), s.substr(0, bytes_to_copy));
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + Name::name,
/// Declared early because used below.
struct NameToDate { static constexpr auto name = "toDate"; };
struct NameToString { static constexpr auto name = "toString"; };
template <typename ToDataType, typename Name, typename MonotonicityImpl>
class FunctionConvert : public IFunction
using Monotonic = MonotonicityImpl;
static constexpr auto name = Name::name;
static FunctionPtr create(const Context & context) { return std::make_shared<FunctionConvert>(); }
String getName() const override
return name;
bool isVariadic() const override { return true; }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 0; }
bool isInjective(const Block &) override { return std::is_same<Name, NameToString>::value; }
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override
return getReturnTypeInternal(arguments);
void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result) override
executeInternal(block, arguments, result);
catch (Exception & e)
/// More convenient error message.
if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::ATTEMPT_TO_READ_AFTER_EOF)
e.addMessage("Cannot parse "
+ block.getByPosition(result).type->getName() + " from "
+ block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).type->getName()
+ ", because value is too short");
else if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_QUOTED_STRING
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME)
e.addMessage("Cannot parse "
+ block.getByPosition(result).type->getName() + " from "
+ block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).type->getName());
bool hasInformationAboutMonotonicity() const override
return Monotonic::has();
Monotonicity getMonotonicityForRange(const IDataType & type, const Field & left, const Field & right) const override
return Monotonic::get(type, left, right);
void executeInternal(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
IDataType * from_type = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).type.get();
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt8 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeUInt8, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt16 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeUInt16, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeUInt32, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt64 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeUInt64, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt8 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeInt8, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt16 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeInt16, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt32 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeInt32, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt64 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeInt64, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat32 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeFloat32, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat64 * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeFloat64, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeDate, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeDateTime, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString * >(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeString, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeFixedString, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum8 *>(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeEnum8, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum16 *>(from_type)) ConvertImpl<DataTypeEnum16, ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
/// Generic conversion of any type to String.
if (std::is_same<ToDataType, DataTypeString>::value)
ConvertImplGenericToString::execute(block, arguments, result);
throw Exception("Illegal type " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).type->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
template<typename ToDataType2 = ToDataType, typename Name2 = Name>
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeInternal(const DataTypes & arguments,
typename std::enable_if<!(std::is_same<ToDataType2, DataTypeString>::value ||
std::is_same<Name2, NameToUnixTimestamp>::value ||
std::is_same<Name2, NameToDate>::value)>::type * = nullptr) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
return std::make_shared<ToDataType>();
/** Conversion of anything to String. For DateTime, it allows second optional argument - time zone.
template<typename ToDataType2 = ToDataType, typename Name2 = Name>
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeInternal(const DataTypes & arguments,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<ToDataType2, DataTypeString>::value>::type * = nullptr) const
if ((arguments.size() < 1) || (arguments.size() > 2))
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1 or 2.",
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(arguments[0].get()) == nullptr)
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
else if ((arguments.size() == 2) && (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(arguments[1].get()) == nullptr))
throw Exception{
"Illegal type " + arguments[1]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return std::make_shared<ToDataType2>();
template<typename ToDataType2 = ToDataType, typename Name2 = Name>
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeInternal(const DataTypes & arguments,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Name2, NameToUnixTimestamp>::value, void>::type * = nullptr) const
if ((arguments.size() < 1) || (arguments.size() > 2))
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1 or 2.",
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(arguments[0].get()) == nullptr)
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
else if ((arguments.size() == 2) && (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(arguments[1].get()) == nullptr))
throw Exception{
"Illegal type " + arguments[1]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return std::make_shared<ToDataType2>();
template<typename ToDataType2 = ToDataType, typename Name2 = Name>
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeInternal(const DataTypes & arguments,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Name2, NameToDate>::value>::type * = nullptr) const
if ((arguments.size() < 1) || (arguments.size() > 2))
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1 or 2.",
if ((arguments.size() == 2) && (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(arguments[1].get()) == nullptr))
throw Exception{
"Illegal type " + arguments[1]->getName() + " of 2nd argument of function " + getName(),
return std::make_shared<ToDataType2>();
/** Functions tryToT (where T is number of date or datetime type):
* try to convert from String to type T through parsing,
* if cannot parse, return default value instead of throwing exception.
* NOTE Also need implement tryToUnixTimestamp with timezone.
template <typename ToDataType, typename Name>
class FunctionConvertOrZero : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = Name::name;
static FunctionPtr create(const Context & context) { return std::make_shared<FunctionConvertOrZero>(); }
String getName() const override
return name;
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 1; }
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override
return std::make_shared<ToDataType>();
void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result) override
IDataType * from_type = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).type.get();
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(from_type))
ConvertOrZeroImpl<ToDataType, Name>::execute(block, arguments, result);
throw Exception("Illegal type " + block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).type->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName()
+ ". Only String argument is accepted for try-conversion function. For other arguments, use function without 'try'.",
/** Conversion to fixed string is implemented only for strings.
class FunctionToFixedString : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "toFixedString";
static FunctionPtr create(const Context & context) { return std::make_shared<FunctionToFixedString>(); };
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const override
return name;
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 2; }
bool isInjective(const Block &) override { return true; }
/** Получить тип результата по типам аргументов и значениям константных аргументов.
* Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
* Для неконстантных столбцов arguments[i].column = nullptr.
void getReturnTypeAndPrerequisitesImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments,
DataTypePtr & out_return_type,
std::vector<ExpressionAction> & out_prerequisites) override
if (!arguments[1].column)
throw Exception("Second argument for function " + getName() + " must be constant", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(arguments[0].type.get()) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(arguments[0].type.get()))
throw Exception(getName() + " is only implemented for types String and FixedString", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
const size_t n = getSize(arguments[1]);
out_return_type = std::make_shared<DataTypeFixedString>(n);
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result) override
const auto n = getSize(block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[1]));
return execute(block, arguments, result, n);
static void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result, const size_t n)
const auto & column = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
if (const auto column_const = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(column.get()))
if (column_const->getData().size() > n)
throw Exception("String too long for type FixedString(" + toString(n) + ")",
auto resized_string = column_const->getData();
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = std::make_shared<ColumnConst<String>>(
column_const->size(), std::move(resized_string), std::make_shared<DataTypeFixedString>(n));
else if (const auto column_string = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(column.get()))
const auto column_fixed = std::make_shared<ColumnFixedString>(n);
ColumnPtr result_ptr = column_fixed;
auto & out_chars = column_fixed->getChars();
const auto & in_chars = column_string->getChars();
const auto & in_offsets = column_string->getOffsets();
out_chars.resize_fill(in_offsets.size() * n);
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_offsets.size(); ++i)
const size_t off = i ? in_offsets[i - 1] : 0;
const size_t len = in_offsets[i] - off - 1;
if (len > n)
throw Exception("String too long for type FixedString(" + toString(n) + ")",
memcpy(&out_chars[i * n], &in_chars[off], len);
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = result_ptr;
else if (const auto column_fixed_string = typeid_cast<const ColumnFixedString *>(column.get()))
const auto src_n = column_fixed_string->getN();
if (src_n > n)
throw Exception{
"String too long for type FixedString(" + toString(n) + ")",
const auto column_fixed = std::make_shared<ColumnFixedString>(n);
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = column_fixed;
auto & out_chars = column_fixed->getChars();
const auto & in_chars = column_fixed_string->getChars();
const auto size = column_fixed_string->size();
out_chars.resize_fill(size * n);
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size))
memcpy(&out_chars[i * n], &in_chars[i * src_n], src_n);
throw Exception("Unexpected column: " + column->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
template <typename T>
bool getSizeTyped(const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column, size_t & out_size)
if (!typeid_cast<const typename DataTypeFromFieldType<T>::Type *>(column.type.get()))
return false;
const ColumnConst<T> * column_const = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<T> *>(column.column.get());
if (!column_const)
throw Exception("Unexpected type of column for FixedString length: " + column.column->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
T s = column_const->getData();
if (s <= 0)
throw Exception("FixedString length must be positive (unlike " + toString(s) + ")", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
out_size = static_cast<size_t>(s);
return true;
size_t getSize(const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column)
size_t res;
if (getSizeTyped<UInt8>(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped<UInt16>(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped<UInt32>(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped<UInt64>(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped< Int8 >(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped< Int16>(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped< Int32>(column, res) ||
getSizeTyped< Int64>(column, res))
return res;
throw Exception("Length of FixedString must be integer; got " + column.type->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT);
/// Monotonicity.
struct PositiveMonotonicity
static bool has() { return true; }
static IFunction::Monotonicity get(const IDataType & type, const Field & left, const Field & right)
return { true };
template <typename T>
struct ToIntMonotonicity
static bool has() { return true; }
template <typename T2 = T>
static UInt64 divideByRangeOfType(typename std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T2) != sizeof(UInt64), UInt64> x) { return x >> (sizeof(T) * 8); };
template <typename T2 = T>
static UInt64 divideByRangeOfType(typename std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T2) == sizeof(UInt64), UInt64> x) { return 0; };
static IFunction::Monotonicity get(const IDataType & type, const Field & left, const Field & right)
size_t size_of_type = type.getSizeOfField();
/// If type is expanding, then function is monotonic.
if (sizeof(T) > size_of_type)
return { true };
/// If type is same, too. (Enum has separate case, because it is different data type)
if (typeid_cast<const typename DataTypeFromFieldType<T>::Type *>(&type) ||
typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum<T> *>(&type))
return { true };
/// In other cases, if range is unbounded, we don't know, whether function is monotonic or not.
if (left.isNull() || right.isNull())
return {};
/// If converting from float, for monotonicity, arguments must fit in range of result type.
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat32 *>(&type)
|| typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat64 *>(&type))
Float64 left_float = left.get<Float64>();
Float64 right_float = right.get<Float64>();
if (left_float >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() && left_float <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
&& right_float >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() && right_float <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
return { true };
return {};
/// If signedness of type is changing, or converting from Date, DateTime, then arguments must be from same half,
/// and after conversion, resulting values must be from same half.
/// Just in case, it is required in rest of cases too.
if ((left.get<Int64>() >= 0) != (right.get<Int64>() >= 0)
|| (T(left.get<Int64>()) >= 0) != (T(right.get<Int64>()) >= 0))
return {};
/// If type is shrinked, then for monotonicity, all bits other than that fits, must be same.
if (divideByRangeOfType(left.get<UInt64>()) != divideByRangeOfType(right.get<UInt64>()))
return {};
return { true };
/** Монотонность для функции toString определяем, в основном, для тестовых целей.
* Всерьёз вряд ли кто-нибудь рассчитывает на оптимизацию запросов с условиями toString(CounterID) = 34.
struct ToStringMonotonicity
static bool has() { return true; }
static IFunction::Monotonicity get(const IDataType & type, const Field & left, const Field & right)
IFunction::Monotonicity positive(true, true);
IFunction::Monotonicity not_monotonic;
/// Функция toString монотонна, если аргумент - Date или DateTime, или неотрицательные числа с одинаковым количеством знаков.
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(&type)
|| typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(&type))
return positive;
if (left.isNull() || right.isNull())
return {};
if (left.getType() == Field::Types::UInt64
&& right.getType() == Field::Types::UInt64)
return (left.get<Int64>() == 0 && right.get<Int64>() == 0)
|| (floor(log10(left.get<UInt64>())) == floor(log10(right.get<UInt64>())))
? positive : not_monotonic;
if (left.getType() == Field::Types::Int64
&& right.getType() == Field::Types::Int64)
return (left.get<Int64>() == 0 && right.get<Int64>() == 0)
|| (left.get<Int64>() > 0 && right.get<Int64>() > 0 && floor(log10(left.get<Int64>())) == floor(log10(right.get<Int64>())))
? positive : not_monotonic;
return not_monotonic;
struct NameToUInt8 { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt8"; };
struct NameToUInt16 { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt16"; };
struct NameToUInt32 { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt32"; };
struct NameToUInt64 { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt64"; };
struct NameToInt8 { static constexpr auto name = "toInt8"; };
struct NameToInt16 { static constexpr auto name = "toInt16"; };
struct NameToInt32 { static constexpr auto name = "toInt32"; };
struct NameToInt64 { static constexpr auto name = "toInt64"; };
struct NameToFloat32 { static constexpr auto name = "toFloat32"; };
struct NameToFloat64 { static constexpr auto name = "toFloat64"; };
struct NameToDateTime { static constexpr auto name = "toDateTime"; };
using FunctionToUInt8 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeUInt8, NameToUInt8, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt8>>;
using FunctionToUInt16 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeUInt16, NameToUInt16, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt16>>;
using FunctionToUInt32 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeUInt32, NameToUInt32, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt32>>;
using FunctionToUInt64 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeUInt64, NameToUInt64, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt64>>;
using FunctionToInt8 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeInt8, NameToInt8, ToIntMonotonicity<Int8>>;
using FunctionToInt16 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeInt16, NameToInt16, ToIntMonotonicity<Int16>>;
using FunctionToInt32 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeInt32, NameToInt32, ToIntMonotonicity<Int32>>;
using FunctionToInt64 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeInt64, NameToInt64, ToIntMonotonicity<Int64>>;
using FunctionToFloat32 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeFloat32, NameToFloat32, PositiveMonotonicity>;
using FunctionToFloat64 = FunctionConvert<DataTypeFloat64, NameToFloat64, PositiveMonotonicity>;
using FunctionToDate = FunctionConvert<DataTypeDate, NameToDate, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt16>>;
using FunctionToDateTime = FunctionConvert<DataTypeDateTime, NameToDateTime, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt32>>;
using FunctionToString = FunctionConvert<DataTypeString, NameToString, ToStringMonotonicity>;
using FunctionToUnixTimestamp = FunctionConvert<DataTypeUInt32, NameToUnixTimestamp, ToIntMonotonicity<UInt32>>;
template <typename DataType> struct FunctionTo;
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeUInt8> { using Type = FunctionToUInt8; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeUInt16> { using Type = FunctionToUInt16; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeUInt32> { using Type = FunctionToUInt32; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeUInt64> { using Type = FunctionToUInt64; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeInt8> { using Type = FunctionToInt8; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeInt16> { using Type = FunctionToInt16; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeInt32> { using Type = FunctionToInt32; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeInt64> { using Type = FunctionToInt64; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeFloat32> { using Type = FunctionToFloat32; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeFloat64> { using Type = FunctionToFloat64; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeDate> { using Type = FunctionToDate; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeDateTime> { using Type = FunctionToDateTime; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeString> { using Type = FunctionToString; };
template <> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeFixedString> { using Type = FunctionToFixedString; };
template <typename FieldType> struct FunctionTo<DataTypeEnum<FieldType>>
: FunctionTo<typename DataTypeFromFieldType<FieldType>::Type>
struct NameToUInt8OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt8OrZero"; };
struct NameToUInt16OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt16OrZero"; };
struct NameToUInt32OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt32OrZero"; };
struct NameToUInt64OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toUInt64OrZero"; };
struct NameToInt8OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toInt8OrZero"; };
struct NameToInt16OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toInt16OrZero"; };
struct NameToInt32OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toInt32OrZero"; };
struct NameToInt64OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toInt64OrZero"; };
struct NameToFloat32OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toFloat32OrZero"; };
struct NameToFloat64OrZero { static constexpr auto name = "toFloat64OrZero"; };
using FunctionToUInt8OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeUInt8, NameToUInt8OrZero>;
using FunctionToUInt16OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeUInt16, NameToUInt16OrZero>;
using FunctionToUInt32OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeUInt32, NameToUInt32OrZero>;
using FunctionToUInt64OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeUInt64, NameToUInt64OrZero>;
using FunctionToInt8OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeInt8, NameToInt8OrZero>;
using FunctionToInt16OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeInt16, NameToInt16OrZero>;
using FunctionToInt32OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeInt32, NameToInt32OrZero>;
using FunctionToInt64OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeInt64, NameToInt64OrZero>;
using FunctionToFloat32OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeFloat32, NameToFloat32OrZero>;
using FunctionToFloat64OrZero = FunctionConvertOrZero<DataTypeFloat64, NameToFloat64OrZero>;
class FunctionCast final : public IFunction
using WrapperType = std::function<void(Block &, const ColumnNumbers &, size_t)>;
const Context & context;
WrapperType wrapper_function;
std::function<Monotonicity(const IDataType &, const Field &, const Field &)> monotonicity_for_range;
FunctionCast(const Context & context) : context(context) {}
template <typename DataType>
WrapperType createWrapper(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const DataType * const)
using FunctionType = typename FunctionTo<DataType>::Type;
auto function = FunctionType::create(context);
/// Check conversion using underlying function
(void) function->getReturnType({ from_type });
return [function] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result) {
function->execute(block, arguments, result);
static WrapperType createFixedStringWrapper(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const size_t N)
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(from_type.get()) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(from_type.get()))
throw Exception{
"CAST AS FixedString is only implemented for types String and FixedString",
return [N] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
FunctionToFixedString::execute(block, arguments, result, N);
WrapperType createArrayWrapper(const DataTypePtr & from_type_untyped, const DataTypeArray * to_type)
/// Conversion from String through parsing.
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(from_type_untyped.get()))
return [] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
ConvertImplGenericFromString::execute(block, arguments, result);
DataTypePtr from_nested_type, to_nested_type;
auto from_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(from_type_untyped.get());
/// get the most nested type
while (from_type && to_type)
from_nested_type = from_type->getNestedType();
to_nested_type = to_type->getNestedType();
from_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(from_nested_type.get());
to_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(to_nested_type.get());
/// both from_type and to_type should be nullptr now is array types had same dimensions
if (from_type || to_type)
throw Exception{
"CAST AS Array can only be performed between same-dimensional array types or from String",
/// Prepare nested type conversion
const auto nested_function = prepareImpl(from_nested_type, to_nested_type.get());
return [nested_function, from_nested_type, to_nested_type] (
Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
auto array_arg = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments.front());
/// @todo add const variant which retains array constness
if (const auto col_const_array = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstArray *>(array_arg.column.get()))
array_arg.column = col_const_array->convertToFullColumn();
if (auto col_array = typeid_cast<const ColumnArray *>(array_arg.column.get()))
auto res = new ColumnArray(nullptr, col_array->getOffsetsColumn());
/// get the most nested column
while (const auto nested_col_array = typeid_cast<const ColumnArray *>(col_array->getDataPtr().get()))
/// create new level of array, copy offsets
res->getDataPtr() = std::make_shared<ColumnArray>(nullptr, nested_col_array->getOffsetsColumn());
res = static_cast<ColumnArray *>(res->getDataPtr().get());
col_array = nested_col_array;
/// create block for converting nested column containing original and result columns
Block nested_block{
{ col_array->getDataPtr(), from_nested_type, "" },
{ nullptr, to_nested_type, "" }
const auto nested_result = 1;
/// convert nested column
nested_function(nested_block, {0 }, nested_result);
/// set converted nested column to result
res->getDataPtr() = nested_block.safeGetByPosition(nested_result).column;
throw Exception{
"Illegal column " + array_arg.column->getName() + " for function CAST AS Array",
WrapperType createTupleWrapper(const DataTypePtr & from_type_untyped, const DataTypeTuple * to_type)
/// Conversion from String through parsing.
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(from_type_untyped.get()))
return [] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
ConvertImplGenericFromString::execute(block, arguments, result);
const auto from_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeTuple *>(from_type_untyped.get());
if (!from_type)
throw Exception{
"CAST AS Tuple can only be performed between tuple types or from String.\nLeft type: " + from_type_untyped->getName() +
", right type: " + to_type->getName(),
if (from_type->getElements().size() != to_type->getElements().size())
throw Exception{
"CAST AS Tuple can only be performed between tuple types with the same number of elements or from String.\n"
"Left type: " + from_type->getName() + ", right type: " + to_type->getName(),
const auto & from_element_types = from_type->getElements();
const auto & to_element_types = to_type->getElements();
std::vector<WrapperType> element_wrappers;
/// Create conversion wrapper for each element in tuple
for (const auto & idx_type : ext::enumerate(from_type->getElements()))
element_wrappers.push_back(prepareImpl(idx_type.second, to_element_types[idx_type.first].get()));
auto function_tuple = FunctionTuple::create(context);
return [element_wrappers, function_tuple, from_element_types, to_element_types]
(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
const auto col = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments.front()).column.get();
/// copy tuple elements to a separate block
Block element_block;
/// @todo retain constness
if (const auto column_tuple = typeid_cast<const ColumnTuple *>(col))
element_block = column_tuple->getData();
else if (const auto column_const_tuple = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstTuple *>(col))
element_block = static_cast<const ColumnTuple &>(*column_const_tuple->convertToTupleOfConstants()).getData();
/// create columns for converted elements
for (const auto & to_element_type : to_element_types)
element_block.insert({ nullptr, to_element_type, "" });
/// store position for converted tuple
const auto converted_tuple_pos = element_block.columns();
/// insert column for converted tuple
element_block.insert({ nullptr, std::make_shared<DataTypeTuple>(to_element_types), "" });
const auto converted_element_offset = from_element_types.size();
/// invoke conversion for each element
for (const auto & idx_element_wrapper : ext::enumerate(element_wrappers))
idx_element_wrapper.second(element_block, { idx_element_wrapper.first },
converted_element_offset + idx_element_wrapper.first);
/// form tuple from converted elements using FunctionTuple
ext::collection_cast<ColumnNumbers>(ext::range(converted_element_offset, 2 * converted_element_offset)),
/// copy FunctionTuple's result from element_block to resulting block
block.safeGetByPosition(result).column = element_block.safeGetByPosition(converted_tuple_pos).column;
template <typename FieldType>
WrapperType createEnumWrapper(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const DataTypeEnum<FieldType> * to_type)
using EnumType = DataTypeEnum<FieldType>;
using Function = typename FunctionTo<EnumType>::Type;
if (const auto from_enum8 = typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum8 *>(from_type.get()))
checkEnumToEnumConversion(from_enum8, to_type);
else if (const auto from_enum16 = typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum16 *>(from_type.get()))
checkEnumToEnumConversion(from_enum16, to_type);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(from_type.get()))
return createStringToEnumWrapper<ColumnString, EnumType>();
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(from_type.get()))
return createStringToEnumWrapper<ColumnFixedString, EnumType>();
else if (from_type->behavesAsNumber())
auto function = Function::create(context);
/// Check conversion using underlying function
(void) function->getReturnType({ from_type });
return [function] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result) {
function->execute(block, arguments, result);
throw Exception{
"Conversion from " + from_type->getName() + " to " + to_type->getName() +
" is not supported",
template <typename EnumTypeFrom, typename EnumTypeTo>
void checkEnumToEnumConversion(const EnumTypeFrom * const from_type, const EnumTypeTo * const to_type)
const auto & from_values = from_type->getValues();
const auto & to_values = to_type->getValues();
using ValueType = std::common_type_t<typename EnumTypeFrom::FieldType, typename EnumTypeTo::FieldType>;
using NameValuePair = std::pair<std::string, ValueType>;
using EnumValues = std::vector<NameValuePair>;
EnumValues name_intersection;
std::set_intersection(std::begin(from_values), std::end(from_values),
std::begin(to_values), std::end(to_values), std::back_inserter(name_intersection),
[] (auto && from, auto && to) { return from.first < to.first; });
for (const auto & name_value : name_intersection)
const auto & old_value = name_value.second;
const auto & new_value = to_type->getValue(name_value.first);
if (old_value != new_value)
throw Exception{
"Enum conversion changes value for element '" + name_value.first +
"' from " + toString(old_value) + " to " + toString(new_value),
template <typename ColumnStringType, typename EnumType>
WrapperType createStringToEnumWrapper()
return [] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
const auto first_col = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments.front()).column.get();
auto & col_with_type_and_name = block.safeGetByPosition(result);
auto & result_col = col_with_type_and_name.column;
const auto & result_type = typeid_cast<EnumType &>(*col_with_type_and_name.type);
if (const auto col = typeid_cast<const ColumnStringType *>(first_col))
const auto size = col->size();
auto res = result_type.createColumn();
auto & out_data = static_cast<typename EnumType::ColumnType &>(*res).getData();
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size))
out_data[i] = result_type.getValue(col->getDataAt(i));
result_col = res;
else if (const auto const_col = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(first_col))
result_col = result_type.createConstColumn(const_col->size(),
throw Exception{
"Unexpected column " + first_col->getName() + " as first argument of function " +
/// Only trivial NULL -> NULL case
WrapperType createNullWrapper(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const DataTypeNull * to_type)
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeNull *>(from_type.get()))
throw Exception("Conversion from " + from_type->getName() + " to " + to_type->getName() + " is not supported",
return [] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
// just copy pointer to Null column
ColumnWithTypeAndName & res_col = block.safeGetByPosition(result);
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & src_col = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments.front());
res_col.column = src_col.column;
/// Actions to be taken when performing a conversion.
struct Action
/// If neither the input type nor the output type is nullable or null,
/// we perform the conversion without any pre and/or processing.
static constexpr auto NONE = UInt64(0);
/// The input has a nullable type. We must extract its nested type
/// before performing any conversion.
static constexpr auto UNWRAP_NULLABLE_INPUT = UInt64(1) << 0;
/// The output has a nullable type. We must wrap the result from the
/// conversion into a ColumnNullable.
static constexpr auto WRAP_RESULT_INTO_NULLABLE = UInt64(1) << 1;
/// The input is the NULL value. Before performing any conversion,
/// we will turn it into a single UInt8 zero value.
static constexpr auto CONVERT_NULL = UInt64(1) << 2;
WrapperType prepare(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const IDataType * const to_type, const uint64_t action)
auto wrapper = prepareImpl((action & Action::CONVERT_NULL) ?
std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>() :
if (action & Action::WRAP_RESULT_INTO_NULLABLE)
return [wrapper, action] (Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
/// Create a temporary block on which to perform the operation.
auto & res = block.safeGetByPosition(result);
const auto & ret_type = res.type;
const auto & nullable_type = static_cast<const DataTypeNullable &>(*ret_type);
const auto & nested_type = nullable_type.getNestedType();
Block tmp_block;
if (action & Action::UNWRAP_NULLABLE_INPUT)
tmp_block = createBlockWithNestedColumns(block, arguments);
else if (action & Action::CONVERT_NULL)
/// The input is replaced by a trivial UInt8 column
/// which contains only one row whose value is 0.
tmp_block = block;
auto & elem = tmp_block.getByPosition(arguments[0]);
elem.column = std::make_shared<ColumnUInt8>(1, 0);
elem.type = std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>();
tmp_block = block;
size_t tmp_res_index = block.columns();
tmp_block.insert({nullptr, nested_type, ""});
/// Perform the requested conversion.
wrapper(tmp_block, arguments, tmp_res_index);
/// Wrap the result into a nullable column.
ColumnPtr null_map;
if (action & Action::UNWRAP_NULLABLE_INPUT)
/// This is a conversion from a nullable to a nullable type.
/// So we just keep the null map of the input argument.
const auto & col = block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
const auto & nullable_col = static_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(*col);
null_map = nullable_col.getNullMapColumn();
else if (action & Action::CONVERT_NULL)
/// A NULL value has been converted to a nullable type.
null_map = std::make_shared<ColumnUInt8>(block.rows(), 1);
/// This is a conversion from an ordinary type to a nullable type.
/// So we create a trivial null map.
null_map = std::make_shared<ColumnUInt8>(block.rows(), 0);
const auto & tmp_res = tmp_block.safeGetByPosition(tmp_res_index);
res.column = std::make_shared<ColumnNullable>(tmp_res.column, null_map);
return wrapper;
WrapperType prepareImpl(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const IDataType * const to_type)
if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt8 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt16 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt64 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt8 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt16 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt32 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt64 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat32 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat64 *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto to_actual_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(to_type))
return createWrapper(from_type, to_actual_type);
else if (const auto type_fixed_string = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(to_type))
return createFixedStringWrapper(from_type, type_fixed_string->getN());
else if (const auto type_array = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(to_type))
return createArrayWrapper(from_type, type_array);
else if (const auto type_tuple = typeid_cast<const DataTypeTuple *>(to_type))
return createTupleWrapper(from_type, type_tuple);
else if (const auto type_enum = typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum8 *>(to_type))
return createEnumWrapper(from_type, type_enum);
else if (const auto type_enum = typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum16 *>(to_type))
return createEnumWrapper(from_type, type_enum);
else if (const auto type_null = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNull *>(to_type))
return createNullWrapper(from_type, type_null);
/// It's possible to use ConvertImplGenericFromString to convert from String to AggregateFunction,
/// but it is disabled because deserializing aggregate functions state might be unsafe.
throw Exception{
"Conversion from " + from_type->getName() + " to " + to_type->getName() +
" is not supported",
template <typename DataType> static auto monotonicityForType(const DataType * const)
return FunctionTo<DataType>::Type::Monotonic::get;
void prepareMonotonicityInformation(const DataTypePtr & from_type, const IDataType * to_type)
if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt8 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt16 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt64 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt8 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt16 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt32 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt64 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat32 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat64 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (from_type->isNumeric())
if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum8 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
else if (const auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeEnum16 *>(to_type))
monotonicity_for_range = monotonicityForType(type);
/// other types like FixedString, Array and Tuple have no monotonicity defined
static constexpr auto name = "CAST";
static FunctionPtr create(const Context & context) { return std::make_shared<FunctionCast>(context); }
String getName() const override { return name; }
bool hasSpecialSupportForNulls() const override { return true; }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 2; }
void getReturnTypeAndPrerequisitesImpl(
const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, DataTypePtr & out_return_type,
std::vector<ExpressionAction> & out_prerequisites) override
const auto type_col = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(arguments.back().column.get());
if (!type_col)
throw Exception("Second argument to " + getName() + " must be a constant string describing type",
out_return_type = DataTypeFactory::instance().get(type_col->getData());
/// Determine whether pre-processing and/or post-processing must take
/// place during conversion.
uint64_t action = Action::NONE;
const auto & from_type = arguments.front().type;
if (from_type->isNullable())
action |= Action::UNWRAP_NULLABLE_INPUT;
else if (from_type->isNull() && !out_return_type->isNull())
action |= Action::CONVERT_NULL;
if (out_return_type->isNullable())
/// Check that the requested conversion is allowed.
if (!(action & Action::WRAP_RESULT_INTO_NULLABLE))
if (action & Action::CONVERT_NULL)
throw Exception{"Cannot convert NULL into a non-nullable type",
else if (action & Action::UNWRAP_NULLABLE_INPUT)
throw Exception{"Cannot convert data from a nullable type to a non-nullable type",
DataTypePtr from_inner_type;
const IDataType * to_inner_type;
/// Create the requested conversion.
if (action & Action::WRAP_RESULT_INTO_NULLABLE)
if (action & Action::UNWRAP_NULLABLE_INPUT)
const auto & nullable_type = static_cast<const DataTypeNullable &>(*from_type);
from_inner_type = nullable_type.getNestedType();
from_inner_type = from_type;
const auto & nullable_type = static_cast<const DataTypeNullable &>(*out_return_type);
to_inner_type = nullable_type.getNestedType().get();
from_inner_type = from_type;
to_inner_type = out_return_type.get();
wrapper_function = prepare(from_inner_type, to_inner_type, action);
prepareMonotonicityInformation(from_inner_type, to_inner_type);
void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result) override
/// drop second argument, pass others
ColumnNumbers new_arguments{arguments.front()};
if (arguments.size() > 2)
new_arguments.insert(std::end(new_arguments), std::next(std::begin(arguments), 2), std::end(arguments));
wrapper_function(block, new_arguments, result);
bool hasInformationAboutMonotonicity() const override
return static_cast<bool>(monotonicity_for_range);
Monotonicity getMonotonicityForRange(const IDataType & type, const Field & left, const Field & right) const override
return monotonicity_for_range(type, left, right);