Ivan 97f2a2213e
Move all folders inside /dbms one level up (#9974)
* Move some code outside dbms/src folder
* Fix paths
2020-04-02 02:51:21 +03:00

282 lines
8.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Processors/IProcessor.h>
#include <Processors/Executors/ThreadsQueue.h>
#include <Common/ThreadPool.h>
#include <Common/EventCounter.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <mutex>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
class QueryStatus;
/// Executes query pipeline.
class PipelineExecutor
/// Get pipeline as a set of processors.
/// Processors should represent full graph. All ports must be connected, all connected nodes are mentioned in set.
/// Executor doesn't own processors, just stores reference.
/// During pipeline execution new processors can appear. They will be added to existing set.
/// Explicit graph representation is built in constructor. Throws if graph is not correct.
explicit PipelineExecutor(Processors & processors_, QueryStatus * elem = nullptr);
/// Execute pipeline in multiple threads. Must be called once.
/// In case of exception during execution throws any occurred.
void execute(size_t num_threads);
String getName() const { return "PipelineExecutor"; }
const Processors & getProcessors() const { return processors; }
/// Cancel execution. May be called from another thread.
void cancel();
Processors & processors;
std::mutex processors_mutex;
struct Edge
Edge(UInt64 to_, bool backward_,
UInt64 input_port_number_, UInt64 output_port_number_, std::vector<void *> * update_list)
: to(to_), backward(backward_)
, input_port_number(input_port_number_), output_port_number(output_port_number_)
update_info.update_list = update_list; = this;
UInt64 to = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max();
bool backward;
UInt64 input_port_number;
UInt64 output_port_number;
/// Edge version is increased when port's state is changed (e.g. when data is pushed). See Port.h for details.
/// To compare version with prev_version we can decide if neighbour processor need to be prepared.
Port::UpdateInfo update_info;
/// Use std::list because new ports can be added to processor during execution.
using Edges = std::list<Edge>;
/// Status for processor.
/// Can be owning or not. Owning means that executor who set this status can change node's data and nobody else can.
enum class ExecStatus
Idle, /// prepare returned NeedData or PortFull. Non-owning.
Preparing, /// some executor is preparing processor, or processor is in task_queue. Owning.
Executing, /// prepare returned Ready and task is executing. Owning.
Finished, /// prepare returned Finished. Non-owning.
Async /// prepare returned Async. Owning.
/// Small structure with context of executing job.
struct ExecutionState
std::exception_ptr exception;
std::function<void()> job;
IProcessor * processor = nullptr;
UInt64 processors_id = 0;
bool has_quota = false;
/// Counters for profiling.
size_t num_executed_jobs = 0;
UInt64 execution_time_ns = 0;
UInt64 preparation_time_ns = 0;
struct Node
IProcessor * processor = nullptr;
Edges directEdges;
Edges backEdges;
ExecStatus status;
std::mutex status_mutex;
std::vector<void *> post_updated_input_ports;
std::vector<void *> post_updated_output_ports;
/// Last state for profiling.
IProcessor::Status last_processor_status = IProcessor::Status::NeedData;
std::unique_ptr<ExecutionState> execution_state;
IProcessor::PortNumbers updated_input_ports;
IProcessor::PortNumbers updated_output_ports;
Node(IProcessor * processor_, UInt64 processor_id)
: processor(processor_), status(ExecStatus::Idle)
execution_state = std::make_unique<ExecutionState>();
execution_state->processor = processor;
execution_state->processors_id = processor_id;
execution_state->has_quota = processor->hasQuota();
Node(Node && other) noexcept
: processor(other.processor), status(other.status)
, execution_state(std::move(other.execution_state))
using Nodes = std::vector<Node>;
Nodes graph;
using Stack = std::stack<UInt64>;
class TaskQueue
void init(size_t num_threads) { queues.resize(num_threads); }
void push(ExecutionState * state, size_t thread_num)
if (state->has_quota)
size_t getAnyThreadWithTasks(size_t from_thread = 0)
if (size_ == 0)
throw Exception("TaskQueue is empty.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
for (size_t i = 0; i < queues.size(); ++i)
if (!queues[from_thread].empty())
return from_thread;
if (from_thread >= queues.size())
from_thread = 0;
throw Exception("TaskQueue is empty.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
ExecutionState * pop(size_t thread_num)
auto thread_with_tasks = getAnyThreadWithTasks(thread_num);
ExecutionState * state = queues[thread_with_tasks].front();
if (state->has_quota)
return state;
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
size_t quota() const { return quota_; }
using Queue = std::queue<ExecutionState *>;
std::vector<Queue> queues;
size_t size_ = 0;
size_t quota_ = 0;
/// Queue with pointers to tasks. Each thread will concurrently read from it until finished flag is set.
/// Stores processors need to be prepared. Preparing status is already set for them.
TaskQueue task_queue;
ThreadsQueue threads_queue;
std::mutex task_queue_mutex;
std::atomic_bool cancelled;
std::atomic_bool finished;
Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("PipelineExecutor");
/// Things to stop execution to expand pipeline.
struct ExpandPipelineTask
ExecutionState * node_to_expand;
Stack * stack;
size_t num_waiting_processing_threads = 0;
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable condvar;
ExpandPipelineTask(ExecutionState * node_to_expand_, Stack * stack_)
: node_to_expand(node_to_expand_), stack(stack_) {}
std::atomic<size_t> num_processing_executors;
std::atomic<ExpandPipelineTask *> expand_pipeline_task;
/// Context for each thread.
struct ExecutorContext
/// Will store context for all expand pipeline tasks (it's easy and we don't expect many).
/// This can be solved by using atomic shard ptr.
std::list<ExpandPipelineTask> task_list;
std::condition_variable condvar;
std::mutex mutex;
bool wake_flag = false;
/// std::queue<ExecutionState *> pinned_tasks;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ExecutorContext>> executor_contexts;
std::mutex executor_contexts_mutex;
/// Processor ptr -> node number
using ProcessorsMap = std::unordered_map<const IProcessor *, UInt64>;
ProcessorsMap processors_map;
/// Now it's used to check if query was killed.
QueryStatus * process_list_element = nullptr;
/// Graph related methods.
bool addEdges(UInt64 node);
void buildGraph();
bool expandPipeline(Stack & stack, UInt64 pid);
using Queue = std::queue<ExecutionState *>;
/// Pipeline execution related methods.
void addChildlessProcessorsToStack(Stack & stack);
bool tryAddProcessorToStackIfUpdated(Edge & edge, Queue & queue, size_t thread_number);
static void addJob(ExecutionState * execution_state);
// TODO: void addAsyncJob(UInt64 pid);
/// Prepare processor with pid number.
/// Check parents and children of current processor and push them to stacks if they also need to be prepared.
/// If processor wants to be expanded, ExpandPipelineTask from thread_number's execution context will be used.
bool prepareProcessor(UInt64 pid, size_t thread_number, Queue & queue, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> node_lock);
bool doExpandPipeline(ExpandPipelineTask * task, bool processing);
void executeImpl(size_t num_threads);
void executeSingleThread(size_t thread_num, size_t num_threads);
void finish();
String dumpPipeline() const;
using PipelineExecutorPtr = std::shared_ptr<PipelineExecutor>;