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// DeflatingStream.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Streams
// Module: ZLibStream
// Definition of the DeflatingStream class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_DeflatingStream_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_DeflatingStream_INCLUDED
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include "Poco/BufferedStreamBuf.h"
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
# include <zlib.h>
# include "Poco/zlib.h"
namespace Poco
class Foundation_API DeflatingStreamBuf : public BufferedStreamBuf
/// This is the streambuf class used by DeflatingInputStream and DeflatingOutputStream.
/// The actual work is delegated to zlib (see
/// Both zlib (deflate) streams and gzip streams are supported.
/// Output streams should always call close() to ensure
/// proper completion of compression.
/// A compression level (0 to 9) can be specified in the constructor.
enum StreamType
STREAM_ZLIB, /// Create a zlib header, use Adler-32 checksum.
STREAM_GZIP /// Create a gzip header, use CRC-32 checksum.
DeflatingStreamBuf(std::istream & istr, StreamType type, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingStreamBuf for compressing data read
/// from the given input stream.
DeflatingStreamBuf(std::istream & istr, int windowBits, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingStreamBuf for compressing data read
/// from the given input stream.
/// Please refer to the zlib documentation of deflateInit2() for a description
/// of the windowBits parameter.
DeflatingStreamBuf(std::ostream & ostr, StreamType type, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingStreamBuf for compressing data passed
/// through and forwarding it to the given output stream.
DeflatingStreamBuf(std::ostream & ostr, int windowBits, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingStreamBuf for compressing data passed
/// through and forwarding it to the given output stream.
/// Please refer to the zlib documentation of deflateInit2() for a description
/// of the windowBits parameter.
/// Destroys the DeflatingStreamBuf.
int close();
/// Finishes up the stream.
/// Must be called when deflating to an output stream.
int readFromDevice(char * buffer, std::streamsize length);
int writeToDevice(const char * buffer, std::streamsize length);
virtual int sync();
std::istream * _pIstr;
std::ostream * _pOstr;
char * _buffer;
z_stream _zstr;
bool _eof;
class Foundation_API DeflatingIOS : public virtual std::ios
/// The base class for DeflatingOutputStream and DeflatingInputStream.
/// This class is needed to ensure the correct initialization
/// order of the stream buffer and base classes.
std::ostream & ostr, DeflatingStreamBuf::StreamType type = DeflatingStreamBuf::STREAM_ZLIB, int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
/// Creates a DeflatingIOS for compressing data passed
/// through and forwarding it to the given output stream.
DeflatingIOS(std::ostream & ostr, int windowBits, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingIOS for compressing data passed
/// through and forwarding it to the given output stream.
/// Please refer to the zlib documentation of deflateInit2() for a description
/// of the windowBits parameter.
std::istream & istr, DeflatingStreamBuf::StreamType type = DeflatingStreamBuf::STREAM_ZLIB, int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
/// Creates a DeflatingIOS for compressing data read
/// from the given input stream.
DeflatingIOS(std::istream & istr, int windowBits, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingIOS for compressing data read
/// from the given input stream.
/// Please refer to the zlib documentation of deflateInit2() for a description
/// of the windowBits parameter.
/// Destroys the DeflatingIOS.
DeflatingStreamBuf * rdbuf();
/// Returns a pointer to the underlying stream buffer.
DeflatingStreamBuf _buf;
class Foundation_API DeflatingOutputStream : public std::ostream, public DeflatingIOS
/// This stream compresses all data passing through it
/// using zlib's deflate algorithm.
/// After all data has been written to the stream, close()
/// must be called to ensure completion of compression.
/// Example:
/// std::ofstream ostr("data.gz", std::ios::binary);
/// DeflatingOutputStream deflater(ostr, DeflatingStreamBuf::STREAM_GZIP);
/// deflater << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
/// deflater.close();
/// ostr.close();
std::ostream & ostr, DeflatingStreamBuf::StreamType type = DeflatingStreamBuf::STREAM_ZLIB, int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
/// Creates a DeflatingOutputStream for compressing data passed
/// through and forwarding it to the given output stream.
DeflatingOutputStream(std::ostream & ostr, int windowBits, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingOutputStream for compressing data passed
/// through and forwarding it to the given output stream.
/// Please refer to the zlib documentation of deflateInit2() for a description
/// of the windowBits parameter.
/// Destroys the DeflatingOutputStream.
int close();
/// Finishes up the stream.
/// Must be called when deflating to an output stream.
virtual int sync();
class Foundation_API DeflatingInputStream : public std::istream, public DeflatingIOS
/// This stream compresses all data passing through it
/// using zlib's deflate algorithm.
std::istream & istr, DeflatingStreamBuf::StreamType type = DeflatingStreamBuf::STREAM_ZLIB, int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
/// Creates a DeflatingIOS for compressing data read
/// from the given input stream.
DeflatingInputStream(std::istream & istr, int windowBits, int level);
/// Creates a DeflatingIOS for compressing data read
/// from the given input stream.
/// Please refer to the zlib documentation of deflateInit2() for a description
/// of the windowBits parameter.
/// Destroys the DeflatingInputStream.
} // namespace Poco
#endif // Foundation_DeflatingStream_INCLUDED