
518 lines
18 KiB

#include <Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnsNumber.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <DataTypes/IDataType.h>
#include <DataTypes/getLeastSupertype.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
#include <base/range.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND;
struct L1Distance
static inline String name = "L1";
struct ConstParams {};
template <typename FloatType>
struct State
FloatType sum = 0;
template <typename ResultType>
static void accumulate(State<ResultType> & state, ResultType x, ResultType y, const ConstParams &)
state.sum += fabs(x - y);
template <typename ResultType>
static void combine(State<ResultType> & state, const State<ResultType> & other_state, const ConstParams &)
state.sum += other_state.sum;
template <typename ResultType>
static ResultType finalize(const State<ResultType> & state, const ConstParams &)
return state.sum;
struct L2Distance
static inline String name = "L2";
struct ConstParams {};
template <typename FloatType>
struct State
FloatType sum = 0;
template <typename ResultType>
static void accumulate(State<ResultType> & state, ResultType x, ResultType y, const ConstParams &)
state.sum += (x - y) * (x - y);
template <typename ResultType>
static void combine(State<ResultType> & state, const State<ResultType> & other_state, const ConstParams &)
state.sum += other_state.sum;
template <typename ResultType>
static ResultType finalize(const State<ResultType> & state, const ConstParams &)
return sqrt(state.sum);
struct L2SquaredDistance : L2Distance
static inline String name = "L2Squared";
template <typename ResultType>
static ResultType finalize(const State<ResultType> & state, const ConstParams &)
return state.sum;
struct LpDistance
static inline String name = "Lp";
struct ConstParams
Float64 power;
Float64 inverted_power;
template <typename FloatType>
struct State
FloatType sum = 0;
template <typename ResultType>
static void accumulate(State<ResultType> & state, ResultType x, ResultType y, const ConstParams & params)
state.sum += std::pow(fabs(x - y), params.power);
template <typename ResultType>
static void combine(State<ResultType> & state, const State<ResultType> & other_state, const ConstParams &)
state.sum += other_state.sum;
template <typename ResultType>
static ResultType finalize(const State<ResultType> & state, const ConstParams & params)
return std::pow(state.sum, params.inverted_power);
struct LinfDistance
static inline String name = "Linf";
struct ConstParams {};
template <typename FloatType>
struct State
FloatType dist = 0;
template <typename ResultType>
static void accumulate(State<ResultType> & state, ResultType x, ResultType y, const ConstParams &)
state.dist = fmax(state.dist, fabs(x - y));
template <typename ResultType>
static void combine(State<ResultType> & state, const State<ResultType> & other_state, const ConstParams &)
state.dist = fmax(state.dist, other_state.dist);
template <typename ResultType>
static ResultType finalize(const State<ResultType> & state, const ConstParams &)
return state.dist;
struct CosineDistance
static inline String name = "Cosine";
struct ConstParams {};
template <typename FloatType>
struct State
FloatType dot_prod = 0;
FloatType x_squared = 0;
FloatType y_squared = 0;
template <typename ResultType>
static void accumulate(State<ResultType> & state, ResultType x, ResultType y, const ConstParams &)
state.dot_prod += x * y;
state.x_squared += x * x;
state.y_squared += y * y;
template <typename ResultType>
static void combine(State<ResultType> & state, const State<ResultType> & other_state, const ConstParams &)
state.dot_prod += other_state.dot_prod;
state.x_squared += other_state.x_squared;
state.y_squared += other_state.y_squared;
template <typename ResultType>
static ResultType finalize(const State<ResultType> & state, const ConstParams &)
return 1 - state.dot_prod / sqrt(state.x_squared * state.y_squared);
template <class Kernel>
class FunctionArrayDistance : public IFunction
static inline auto name = "array" + Kernel::name + "Distance";
String getName() const override { return name; }
static FunctionPtr create(ContextPtr) { return std::make_shared<FunctionArrayDistance<Kernel>>(); }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 2; }
ColumnNumbers getArgumentsThatAreAlwaysConstant() const override { return {}; }
bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo & /*arguments*/) const override { return true; }
bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; }
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const override
DataTypes types;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
const auto * array_type = checkAndGetDataType<DataTypeArray>(arguments[i].type.get());
if (!array_type)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Argument {} of function {} must be array.", i, getName());
const auto & common_type = getLeastSupertype(types);
switch (common_type->getTypeId())
case TypeIndex::UInt8:
case TypeIndex::UInt16:
case TypeIndex::UInt32:
case TypeIndex::Int8:
case TypeIndex::Int16:
case TypeIndex::Int32:
case TypeIndex::UInt64:
case TypeIndex::Int64:
case TypeIndex::Float64:
return std::make_shared<DataTypeFloat64>();
case TypeIndex::Float32:
return std::make_shared<DataTypeFloat32>();
throw Exception(
"Arguments of function {} has nested type {}. "
"Support: UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64.",
ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr & result_type, size_t input_rows_count) const override
switch (result_type->getTypeId())
case TypeIndex::Float32:
return executeWithResultType<Float32>(arguments, input_rows_count);
case TypeIndex::Float64:
return executeWithResultType<Float64>(arguments, input_rows_count);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Unexpected result type {}", result_type->getName());
#define SUPPORTED_TYPES(action) \
action(UInt8) \
action(UInt16) \
action(UInt32) \
action(UInt64) \
action(Int8) \
action(Int16) \
action(Int32) \
action(Int64) \
action(Float32) \
template <typename ResultType>
ColumnPtr executeWithResultType(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, size_t input_rows_count) const
DataTypePtr type_x = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(arguments[0].type.get())->getNestedType();
/// Dynamic disaptch based on the 1st argument type
switch (type_x->getTypeId())
#define ON_TYPE(type) \
case TypeIndex::type: \
return executeWithFirstType<ResultType, type>(arguments, input_rows_count); \
#undef ON_TYPE
throw Exception(
"Arguments of function {} has nested type {}. "
"Support: UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64.",
template <typename ResultType, typename FirstArgType>
ColumnPtr executeWithFirstType(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, size_t input_rows_count) const
DataTypePtr type_y = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(arguments[1].type.get())->getNestedType();
/// Dynamic disaptch based on the 2nd argument type
switch (type_y->getTypeId())
#define ON_TYPE(type) \
case TypeIndex::type: \
return executeWithTypes<ResultType, FirstArgType, type>(arguments[0].column, arguments[1].column, input_rows_count, arguments); \
#undef ON_TYPE
throw Exception(
"Arguments of function {} has nested type {}. "
"Support: UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64.",
template <typename ResultType, typename FirstArgType, typename SecondArgType>
ColumnPtr executeWithTypes(ColumnPtr col_x, ColumnPtr col_y, size_t input_rows_count, const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const
if (typeid_cast<const ColumnConst *>(col_x.get()))
return executeWithTypesFirstArgConst<ResultType, FirstArgType, SecondArgType>(col_x, col_y, input_rows_count, arguments);
else if (typeid_cast<const ColumnConst *>(col_y.get()))
return executeWithTypesFirstArgConst<ResultType, SecondArgType, FirstArgType>(col_y, col_x, input_rows_count, arguments);
col_x = col_x->convertToFullColumnIfConst();
col_y = col_y->convertToFullColumnIfConst();
const auto & array_x = *assert_cast<const ColumnArray *>(col_x.get());
const auto & array_y = *assert_cast<const ColumnArray *>(col_y.get());
const auto & data_x = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<FirstArgType> &>(array_x.getData()).getData();
const auto & data_y = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<SecondArgType> &>(array_y.getData()).getData();
const auto & offsets_x = array_x.getOffsets();
const auto & offsets_y = array_y.getOffsets();
/// Check that arrays in both columns are the sames size
for (size_t row = 0; row < offsets_x.size(); ++row)
if (unlikely(offsets_x[row] != offsets_y[row]))
ColumnArray::Offset prev_offset = row > 0 ? offsets_x[row] : 0;
throw Exception(
"Arguments of function {} have different array sizes: {} and {}",
offsets_x[row] - prev_offset,
offsets_y[row] - prev_offset);
const typename Kernel::ConstParams kernel_params = initConstParams(arguments);
auto result = ColumnVector<ResultType>::create(input_rows_count);
auto & result_data = result->getData();
/// Do the actual computation
ColumnArray::Offset prev = 0;
size_t row = 0;
for (auto off : offsets_x)
/// Process chunks in vectorized manner
static constexpr size_t VEC_SIZE = 4;
typename Kernel::template State<ResultType> states[VEC_SIZE];
for (; prev + VEC_SIZE < off; prev += VEC_SIZE)
for (size_t s = 0; s < VEC_SIZE; ++s)
Kernel::template accumulate<ResultType>(states[s], data_x[prev+s], data_y[prev+s], kernel_params);
typename Kernel::template State<ResultType> state;
for (const auto & other_state : states)
Kernel::template combine<ResultType>(state, other_state, kernel_params);
/// Process the tail
for (; prev < off; ++prev)
Kernel::template accumulate<ResultType>(state, data_x[prev], data_y[prev], kernel_params);
result_data[row] = Kernel::finalize(state, kernel_params);
return result;
/// Special case when the 1st parameter is Const
template <typename ResultType, typename FirstArgType, typename SecondArgType>
ColumnPtr executeWithTypesFirstArgConst(ColumnPtr col_x, ColumnPtr col_y, size_t input_rows_count, const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const
col_x = assert_cast<const ColumnConst *>(col_x.get())->getDataColumnPtr();
col_y = col_y->convertToFullColumnIfConst();
const auto & array_x = *assert_cast<const ColumnArray *>(col_x.get());
const auto & array_y = *assert_cast<const ColumnArray *>(col_y.get());
const auto & data_x = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<FirstArgType> &>(array_x.getData()).getData();
const auto & data_y = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<SecondArgType> &>(array_y.getData()).getData();
const auto & offsets_x = array_x.getOffsets();
const auto & offsets_y = array_y.getOffsets();
/// Check that arrays in both columns are the sames size
ColumnArray::Offset prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t row : collections::range(0, offsets_y.size()))
if (unlikely(offsets_x[0] != offsets_y[row] - prev_offset))
throw Exception(
"Arguments of function {} have different array sizes: {} and {}",
offsets_y[row] - prev_offset);
prev_offset = offsets_y[row];
const typename Kernel::ConstParams kernel_params = initConstParams(arguments);
auto result = ColumnVector<ResultType>::create(input_rows_count);
auto & result_data = result->getData();
/// Do the actual computation
ColumnArray::Offset prev = 0;
size_t row = 0;
for (auto off : offsets_y)
/// Process chunks in vectorized manner
static constexpr size_t VEC_SIZE = 4;
typename Kernel::template State<ResultType> states[VEC_SIZE];
size_t i = 0;
for (; prev + VEC_SIZE < off; i += VEC_SIZE, prev += VEC_SIZE)
for (size_t s = 0; s < VEC_SIZE; ++s)
Kernel::template accumulate<ResultType>(states[s], data_x[i+s], data_y[prev+s], kernel_params);
typename Kernel::template State<ResultType> state;
for (const auto & other_state : states)
Kernel::template combine<ResultType>(state, other_state, kernel_params);
/// Process the tail
for (; prev < off; ++i, ++prev)
Kernel::template accumulate<ResultType>(state, data_x[i], data_y[prev], kernel_params);
result_data[row] = Kernel::finalize(state, kernel_params);
return result;
typename Kernel::ConstParams initConstParams(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName &) const { return {}; }
template <>
size_t FunctionArrayDistance<LpDistance>::getNumberOfArguments() const { return 3; }
template <>
ColumnNumbers FunctionArrayDistance<LpDistance>::getArgumentsThatAreAlwaysConstant() const { return {2}; }
template <>
LpDistance::ConstParams FunctionArrayDistance<LpDistance>::initConstParams(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() < 3)
throw Exception(
"Argument p of function {} was not provided",
if (!arguments[2].column->isNumeric())
throw Exception(
"Argument p of function {} must be numeric constant",
if (!isColumnConst(*arguments[2].column) && arguments[2].column->size() != 1)
throw Exception(
"Second argument for function {} must be either constant Float64 or constant UInt",
Float64 p = arguments[2].column->getFloat64(0);
if (p < 1 || p >= HUGE_VAL)
throw Exception(
"Second argument for function {} must be not less than one and not be an infinity",
return LpDistance::ConstParams{p, 1 / p};
/// These functions are used by TupleOrArrayFunction
FunctionPtr createFunctionArrayL1Distance(ContextPtr context_) { return FunctionArrayDistance<L1Distance>::create(context_); }
FunctionPtr createFunctionArrayL2Distance(ContextPtr context_) { return FunctionArrayDistance<L2Distance>::create(context_); }
FunctionPtr createFunctionArrayL2SquaredDistance(ContextPtr context_) { return FunctionArrayDistance<L2SquaredDistance>::create(context_); }
FunctionPtr createFunctionArrayLpDistance(ContextPtr context_) { return FunctionArrayDistance<LpDistance>::create(context_); }
FunctionPtr createFunctionArrayLinfDistance(ContextPtr context_) { return FunctionArrayDistance<LinfDistance>::create(context_); }
FunctionPtr createFunctionArrayCosineDistance(ContextPtr context_) { return FunctionArrayDistance<CosineDistance>::create(context_); }