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synced 2024-12-04 05:22:17 +00:00
265 lines
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265 lines
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <Poco/DirectoryIterator.h>
#include <Yandex/Revision.h>
#include <statdaemons/ext/unlock_guard.hpp>
#include <DB/Common/SipHash.h>
#include <DB/IO/Operators.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <DB/IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <DB/IO/ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor.h>
#include <DB/IO/copyData.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteBufferFromFile.h>
#include <DB/Interpreters/Compiler.h>
namespace DB
Compiler::Compiler(const std::string & path_, size_t threads)
: path(path_), pool(threads)
Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end;
for (Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_it(path); dir_end != dir_it; ++dir_it)
std::string name = dir_it.name();
if (name.length() > strlen(".so") && 0 == name.compare(name.size() - 3, 3, ".so"))
files.insert(name.substr(0, name.size() - 3));
LOG_INFO(log, "Having " << files.size() << " compiled files from previous start.");
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for threads to finish.");
static Compiler::HashedKey getHash(const std::string & key)
SipHash hash;
auto revision = Revision::get();
hash.update(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&revision), sizeof(revision));
hash.update(key.data(), key.size());
Compiler::HashedKey res;
hash.get128(res.first, res.second);
return res;
/// Без расширения .so.
static std::string hashedKeyToFileName(Compiler::HashedKey hashed_key)
std::string file_name;
WriteBufferFromString out(file_name);
out << hashed_key.first << '_' << hashed_key.second;
return file_name;
SharedLibraryPtr Compiler::getOrCount(
const std::string & key,
UInt32 min_count_to_compile,
const std::string & additional_compiler_flags,
CodeGenerator get_code,
ReadyCallback on_ready)
HashedKey hashed_key = getHash(key);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
UInt32 count = ++counts[hashed_key];
/// Есть готовая открытая библиотека? Или, если библиотека в процессе компиляции, там будет nullptr.
Libraries::iterator it = libraries.find(hashed_key);
if (libraries.end() != it)
if (!it->second)
LOG_INFO(log, "Library " << hashedKeyToFileName(hashed_key) << " is already compiling or compilation was failed.");
/// TODO В этом случае, после окончания компиляции, не будет дёрнут колбэк.
return it->second;
/// Есть файл с библиотекой, оставшийся от предыдущего запуска?
std::string file_name = hashedKeyToFileName(hashed_key);
if (files.count(file_name))
std::string so_file_path = path + '/' + file_name + ".so";
LOG_INFO(log, "Loading existing library " << so_file_path);
SharedLibraryPtr lib(new SharedLibrary(so_file_path));
libraries[hashed_key] = lib;
return lib;
/// Достигнуто ли min_count_to_compile?
if (count >= min_count_to_compile)
/// Значение min_count_to_compile, равное нулю, обозначает необходимость синхронной компиляции.
/// Есть ли свободные потоки.
if (min_count_to_compile == 0 || pool.active() < pool.size())
/// Обозначает, что библиотека в процессе компиляции.
libraries[hashed_key] = nullptr;
LOG_INFO(log, "Compiling code " << file_name << ", key: " << key);
if (min_count_to_compile == 0)
ext::unlock_guard<std::mutex> unlock(mutex);
compile(hashed_key, file_name, additional_compiler_flags, get_code, on_ready);
return libraries[hashed_key];
compile(hashed_key, file_name, additional_compiler_flags, get_code, on_ready);
catch (...)
LOG_INFO(log, "All threads are busy.");
return nullptr;
struct Pipe : private boost::noncopyable
FILE * f;
Pipe(const std::string & command)
errno = 0;
f = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
if (!f)
throwFromErrno("Cannot popen");
errno = 0;
if (f && -1 == pclose(f))
throwFromErrno("Cannot pclose");
catch (...)
void Compiler::compile(
HashedKey hashed_key,
std::string file_name,
const std::string & additional_compiler_flags,
CodeGenerator get_code,
ReadyCallback on_ready)
std::string prefix = path + "/" + file_name;
std::string cpp_file_path = prefix + ".cpp";
std::string so_file_path = prefix + ".so";
WriteBufferFromFile out(cpp_file_path);
out << get_code();
std::stringstream command;
/// Слегка неудобно.
command <<
" /usr/share/clickhouse/bin/clang"
" -x c++ -std=gnu++11 -O3 -g -Wall -Werror -Wnon-virtual-dtor -march=native -D NDEBUG"
" -shared -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -fno-implement-inlines"
" -isystem /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/usr/local/include/"
" -isystem /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/usr/include/"
" -isystem /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/usr/include/c++/*/"
" -isystem /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
" -isystem /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/*/"
" -isystem /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/usr/local/lib/clang/*/include/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/dbms/include/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/libs/libcityhash/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/libs/libcommon/include/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/libs/libdouble-conversion/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/libs/libmysqlxx/include/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/libs/libstatdaemons/include/"
" -I /usr/share/clickhouse/headers/libs/libstats/include/"
" " << additional_compiler_flags <<
" -o " << so_file_path << " " << cpp_file_path
<< " 2>&1 || echo Exit code: $?";
std::string compile_result;
Pipe pipe(command.str());
int pipe_fd = fileno(pipe.f);
if (-1 == pipe_fd)
throwFromErrno("Cannot fileno");
ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor command_output(pipe_fd);
WriteBufferFromString res(compile_result);
copyData(command_output, res);
if (!compile_result.empty())
throw Exception("Cannot compile code:\n\n" + command.str() + "\n\n" + compile_result);
/// Если до этого была ошибка, то файл с кодом остаётся для возможности просмотра.
SharedLibraryPtr lib(new SharedLibrary(so_file_path));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
libraries[hashed_key] = lib;
LOG_INFO(log, "Compiled code " << file_name);