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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#pragma once
#include <DB/IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeFixedString.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDate.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <DB/Functions/IFunction.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <statdaemons/ext/range.hpp>
#include <array>
namespace DB
/** Функции кодирования:
* IPv4NumToString(num) - См. ниже.
* IPv4StringToNum(string) - Преобразуют, например, '' в 3232235521 и наоборот.
* hex(x) - Возвращает hex; буквы заглавные; префиксов 0x или суффиксов h нет.
* Для чисел возвращает строку переменной длины - hex в "человеческом" (big endian) формате, с вырезанием старших нулей, но только по целым байтам. Для дат и дат-с-временем - как для чисел.
* Например, hex(257) = '0101'.
* unhex(string) - Возвращает строку, hex от которой равен string с точностью до регистра и отбрасывания одного ведущего нуля.
* Если такой строки не существует, оставляет за собой право вернуть любой мусор.
* bitmaskToArray(x) - Возвращает массив степеней двойки в двоичной записи x. Например, bitmaskToArray(50) = [2, 16, 32].
/// Включая нулевой символ в конце.
const auto ipv4_bytes_length = 4;
const auto ipv6_bytes_length = 16;
class FunctionIPv6NumToString : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "IPv6NumToString";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionIPv6NumToString; }
String getName() const { return name; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
const auto ptr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(arguments[0].get());
if (!ptr || ptr->getN() != ipv6_bytes_length)
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() +
" of argument of function " + getName() +
", expected FixedString(" + toString(ipv6_bytes_length) + ")",
return new DataTypeString;
/// integer logarithm, return ceil(log(value, base)) (the smallest integer greater or equal than log(value, base)
static constexpr uint32_t int_log(const uint32_t value, const uint32_t base, const bool carry = false)
return value >= base ? 1 + int_log(value / base, base, value % base || carry) : value % base > 1 || carry;
/// mapping of digits up to base 16
static constexpr auto && digits = "0123456789abcdef";
/// print integer in desired base, faster than sprintf
template <uint32_t base, typename T, uint32_t buffer_size = sizeof(T) * int_log(256, base)>
static void print_integer(char *& out, T value)
if (value == 0)
*out++ = '0';
char buf[buffer_size];
auto ptr = buf;
while (value > 0)
*ptr++ = digits[value % base];
value /= base;
while (ptr != buf)
*out++ = *--ptr;
/// print IPv4 address as %u.%u.%u.%u
static void ipv4_format(const unsigned char * src, char *& dst)
constexpr auto size = sizeof(UInt32);
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size))
print_integer<10, UInt8>(dst, src[i]);
if (i != size - 1)
*dst++ = '.';
/** rewritten inet_ntop6 from
* performs significantly faster than the reference implementation due to the absence of sprintf calls,
* bounds checking, unnecessary string copying and length calculation */
static const void ipv6_format(const unsigned char * src, char *& dst)
struct { int base, len; } best{-1}, cur{-1};
std::array<uint16_t, ipv6_bytes_length / sizeof(uint16_t)> words{};
/** Preprocess:
* Copy the input (bytewise) array into a wordwise array.
* Find the longest run of 0x00's in src[] for :: shorthanding. */
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, ipv6_bytes_length))
words[i / 2] |= src[i] << ((1 - (i % 2)) << 3);
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, words.size()))
if (words[i] == 0) {
if (cur.base == -1)
cur.base = i, cur.len = 1;
if (cur.base != -1)
if (best.base == -1 || cur.len > best.len)
best = cur;
cur.base = -1;
if (cur.base != -1)
if (best.base == -1 || cur.len > best.len)
best = cur;
if (best.base != -1 && best.len < 2)
best.base = -1;
/// Format the result.
for (const int i : ext::range(0, words.size()))
/// Are we inside the best run of 0x00's?
if (best.base != -1 && i >= best.base && i < (best.base + best.len))
if (i == best.base)
*dst++ = ':';
/// Are we following an initial run of 0x00s or any real hex?
if (i != 0)
*dst++ = ':';
/// Is this address an encapsulated IPv4?
if (i == 6 && best.base == 0 && (best.len == 6 || (best.len == 5 && words[5] == 0xffffu)))
ipv4_format(src + 12, dst);
print_integer<16>(dst, words[i]);
/// Was it a trailing run of 0x00's?
if (best.base != -1 && (best.base + best.len) == words.size())
*dst++ = ':';
*dst++ = '\0';
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const size_t result)
const auto & col_name_type = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]);
const ColumnPtr & column = col_name_type.column;
if (const auto col_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnFixedString *>(column.get()))
if (col_in->getN() != ipv6_bytes_length)
throw Exception("Illegal type " + col_name_type.type->getName() +
" of column " + col_in->getName() +
" argument of function " + getName() +
", expected FixedString(" + toString(ipv6_bytes_length) + ")",
const auto size = col_in->size();
const auto & vec_in = col_in->getChars();
auto col_res = new ColumnString;
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
ColumnString::Chars_t & vec_res = col_res->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_res = col_res->getOffsets();
vec_res.resize(size * INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
auto begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&vec_res[0]);
auto pos = begin;
for (size_t offset = 0, i = 0; offset < vec_in.size(); offset += ipv6_bytes_length, ++i)
ipv6_format(&vec_in[offset], pos);
offsets_res[i] = pos - begin;
vec_res.resize(pos - begin);
else if (const auto col_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<String> *>(column.get()))
const auto data_type_fixed_string = typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(col_in->getDataType().get());
if (!data_type_fixed_string || data_type_fixed_string->getN() != ipv6_bytes_length)
throw Exception("Illegal type " + col_name_type.type->getName() +
" of column " + col_in->getName() +
" argument of function " + getName() +
", expected FixedString(" + toString(ipv6_bytes_length) + ")",
const auto & data_in = col_in->getData();
char * dst = buf;
ipv6_format(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(, dst);
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConstString{col_in->size(), buf};
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionIPv6StringToNum : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "IPv6StringToNum";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionIPv6StringToNum; }
String getName() const { return name; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeFixedString{ipv6_bytes_length};
static bool isDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
static bool ipv4_scan(const char * src, unsigned char * dst)
constexpr auto size = sizeof(UInt32);
char bytes[size]{};
for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size))
UInt32 value = 0;
size_t len = 0;
while (isDigit(*src) && len <= 3)
value = value * 10 + (*src - '0');
if (len == 0 || value > 255 || (i < size - 1 && *src != '.'))
memset(dst, 0, size);
return false;
bytes[i] = value;
if (src[-1] != '\0')
memset(dst, 0, size);
return false;
memcpy(dst, bytes, sizeof(bytes));
return true;
/// slightly altered implementation from
static void ipv6_scan(const char * src, unsigned char * dst)
const auto clear_dst = [dst] {
memset(dst, '\0', ipv6_bytes_length);
/// Leading :: requires some special handling.
if (*src == ':')
if (*++src != ':')
return clear_dst();
/// get integer value for a hexademical char digit, or -1
const auto number_by_char = [] (const char ch) {
if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F')
return 10 + ch - 'A';
if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f')
return 10 + ch - 'a';
if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
return ch - '0';
return -1;
unsigned char tmp[ipv6_bytes_length]{};
auto tp = tmp;
auto endp = tp + ipv6_bytes_length;
auto curtok = src;
auto saw_xdigit = false;
uint16_t val{};
unsigned char * colonp = nullptr;
while (const auto ch = *src++)
const auto num = number_by_char(ch);
if (num != -1)
val <<= 4;
val |= num;
if (val > 0xffffu)
return clear_dst();
saw_xdigit = 1;
if (ch == ':')
curtok = src;
if (!saw_xdigit)
if (colonp)
return clear_dst();
colonp = tp;
if (tp + sizeof(uint16_t) > endp)
return clear_dst();
*tp++ = static_cast<unsigned char>((val >> 8) & 0xffu);
*tp++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(val & 0xffu);
saw_xdigit = false;
val = 0;
if (ch == '.' && (tp + ipv4_bytes_length) <= endp)
if (!ipv4_scan(curtok, tp))
return clear_dst();
tp += ipv4_bytes_length;
saw_xdigit = false;
break; /* '\0' was seen by ipv4_scan(). */
return clear_dst();
if (saw_xdigit)
if (tp + sizeof(uint16_t) > endp)
return clear_dst();
*tp++ = static_cast<unsigned char>((val >> 8) & 0xffu);
*tp++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(val & 0xffu);
if (colonp)
* Since some memmove()'s erroneously fail to handle
* overlapping regions, we'll do the shift by hand.
const auto n = tp - colonp;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
endp[- i] = colonp[n - i];
colonp[n - i] = 0;
tp = endp;
if (tp != endp)
return clear_dst();
memcpy(dst, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const ColumnPtr & column = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
if (const auto col_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(&*column))
const auto col_res = new ColumnFixedString{ipv6_bytes_length};
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
auto & vec_res = col_res->getChars();
vec_res.resize(col_in->size() * ipv6_bytes_length);
const ColumnString::Chars_t & vec_src = col_in->getChars();
const ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_src = col_in->getOffsets();
size_t src_offset = 0;
for (size_t out_offset = 0, i = 0;
out_offset < vec_res.size();
out_offset += ipv6_bytes_length, ++i)
ipv6_scan(reinterpret_cast<const char* >(&vec_src[src_offset]), &vec_res[out_offset]);
src_offset = offsets_src[i];
else if (const auto col_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(&*column))
String out(ipv6_bytes_length, 0);
ipv6_scan(col_in->getData().data(), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&out[0]));
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConst<String>{
new DataTypeFixedString{ipv6_bytes_length}
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionIPv4NumToString : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "IPv4NumToString";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionIPv4NumToString; }
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return name;
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName() + ", expected UInt32",
return new DataTypeString;
static void formatIP(UInt32 ip, char *& out)
char * begin = out;
/// Запишем все задом наперед.
for (size_t offset = 0; offset <= 24; offset += 8)
if (offset > 0)
*(out++) = '.';
/// Достаем очередной байт.
UInt32 value = (ip >> offset) & static_cast<UInt32>(255);
/// Быстрее, чем sprintf.
if (value == 0)
*(out++) = '0';
while (value > 0)
*(out++) = '0' + value % 10;
value /= 10;
/// И развернем.
std::reverse(begin, out);
*(out++) = '\0';
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const ColumnPtr column = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
if (const ColumnVector<UInt32> * col = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<UInt32> *>(&*column))
const ColumnVector<UInt32>::Container_t & vec_in = col->getData();
ColumnString * col_res = new ColumnString;
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
ColumnString::Chars_t & vec_res = col_res->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_res = col_res->getOffsets();
vec_res.resize(vec_in.size() * INET_ADDRSTRLEN); /// самое длинное значение:\0
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&vec_res[0]);
char * pos = begin;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_in.size(); ++i)
formatIP(vec_in[i], pos);
offsets_res[i] = pos - begin;
vec_res.resize(pos - begin);
else if (const ColumnConst<UInt32> * col = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<UInt32> *>(&*column))
char buf[16];
char * pos = buf;
formatIP(col->getData(), pos);
ColumnConstString * col_res = new ColumnConstString(col->size(), buf);
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionIPv4StringToNum : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "IPv4StringToNum";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionIPv4StringToNum; }
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return name;
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeUInt32;
static bool isDigit(char c)
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
static UInt32 parseIPv4(const char * pos)
UInt32 res = 0;
for (int offset = 24; offset >= 0; offset -= 8)
UInt32 value = 0;
size_t len = 0;
while (isDigit(*pos) && len <= 3)
value = value * 10 + (*pos - '0');
if (len == 0 || value > 255 || (offset > 0 && *pos != '.'))
return 0;
res |= value << offset;
if (*(pos - 1) != '\0')
return 0;
return res;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const ColumnPtr column = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
if (const ColumnString * col = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(&*column))
ColumnVector<UInt32> * col_res = new ColumnVector<UInt32>;
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
ColumnVector<UInt32>::Container_t & vec_res = col_res->getData();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & vec_src = col->getChars();
const ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_src = col->getOffsets();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_res.size(); ++i)
vec_res[i] = parseIPv4(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&vec_src[prev_offset]));
prev_offset = offsets_src[i];
else if (const ColumnConstString * col = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(&*column))
ColumnConst<UInt32> * col_res = new ColumnConst<UInt32>(col->size(), parseIPv4(col->getData().c_str()));
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionHex : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "hex";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionHex; }
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return name;
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt8 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt16 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt64 *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeString;
template <typename T>
void executeOneUInt(T x, char *& out)
const char digit[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
bool was_nonzero = false;
for (int offset = (sizeof(T) - 1) * 8; offset >= 0; offset -= 8)
UInt8 byte = static_cast<UInt8>((x >> offset) & 255);
/// Ведущие нули.
if (byte == 0 && !was_nonzero && offset)
was_nonzero = true;
*(out++) = digit[byte >> 4];
*(out++) = digit[byte & 15];
*(out++) = '\0';
template <typename T>
bool tryExecuteUInt(const IColumn * col, ColumnPtr & col_res)
const ColumnVector<T> * col_vec = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<T> *>(col);
const ColumnConst<T> * col_const = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<T> *>(col);
if (col_vec)
ColumnString * col_str = new ColumnString;
col_res = col_str;
ColumnString::Chars_t & out_vec = col_str->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & out_offsets = col_str->getOffsets();
const typename ColumnVector<T>::Container_t & in_vec = col_vec->getData();
size_t size = in_vec.size();
out_vec.resize(size * 3 + MAX_UINT_HEX_LENGTH);
size_t pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
/// Ручной экспоненциальный рост, чтобы не полагаться на линейное амортизированное время работы resize (его никто не гарантирует).
if (pos + MAX_UINT_HEX_LENGTH > out_vec.size())
out_vec.resize(out_vec.size() * 2 + MAX_UINT_HEX_LENGTH);
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&out_vec[pos]);
char * end = begin;
executeOneUInt<T>(in_vec[i], end);
pos += end - begin;
out_offsets[i] = pos;
return true;
else if(col_const)
char * pos = buf;
executeOneUInt<T>(col_const->getData(), pos);
col_res = new ColumnConstString(col_const->size(), buf);
return true;
return false;
void executeOneString(const UInt8 * pos, const UInt8 * end, char *& out)
const char digit[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
while (pos < end)
UInt8 byte = *(pos++);
*(out++) = digit[byte >> 4];
*(out++) = digit[byte & 15];
*(out++) = '\0';
bool tryExecuteString(const IColumn * col, ColumnPtr & col_res)
const ColumnString * col_str_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(col);
const ColumnConstString * col_const_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(col);
if (col_str_in)
ColumnString * col_str = new ColumnString;
col_res = col_str;
ColumnString::Chars_t & out_vec = col_str->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & out_offsets = col_str->getOffsets();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & in_vec = col_str_in->getChars();
const ColumnString::Offsets_t & in_offsets = col_str_in->getOffsets();
size_t size = in_offsets.size();
out_vec.resize(in_vec.size() * 2 - size);
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&out_vec[0]);
char * pos = begin;
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t new_offset = in_offsets[i];
executeOneString(&in_vec[prev_offset], &in_vec[new_offset - 1], pos);
out_offsets[i] = pos - begin;
prev_offset = new_offset;
if (!out_offsets.empty() && out_offsets.back() != out_vec.size())
throw Exception("Column size mismatch (internal logical error)", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return true;
else if(col_const_in)
const std::string & src = col_const_in->getData();
std::string res(src.size() * 2, '\0');
char * pos = &res[0];
const UInt8 * src_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const UInt8 *>(src.c_str());
/// Запишем ноль в res[res.size()]. Начиная с C++11, это корректно.
executeOneString(src_ptr, src_ptr + src.size(), pos);
col_res = new ColumnConstString(col_const_in->size(), res);
return true;
return false;
bool tryExecuteFixedString(const IColumn * col, ColumnPtr & col_res)
const ColumnFixedString * col_fstr_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnFixedString *>(col);
if (col_fstr_in)
ColumnString * col_str = new ColumnString;
col_res = col_str;
ColumnString::Chars_t & out_vec = col_str->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & out_offsets = col_str->getOffsets();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & in_vec = col_fstr_in->getChars();
size_t size = col_fstr_in->size();
out_vec.resize(in_vec.size() * 2 + size);
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&out_vec[0]);
char * pos = begin;
size_t n = col_fstr_in->getN();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t new_offset = prev_offset + n;
executeOneString(&in_vec[prev_offset], &in_vec[new_offset], pos);
out_offsets[i] = pos - begin;
prev_offset = new_offset;
if (!out_offsets.empty() && out_offsets.back() != out_vec.size())
throw Exception("Column size mismatch (internal logical error)", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return true;
return false;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const IColumn * column = &*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
ColumnPtr & res_column = block.getByPosition(result).column;
if (tryExecuteUInt<UInt8>(column, res_column) ||
tryExecuteUInt<UInt16>(column, res_column) ||
tryExecuteUInt<UInt32>(column, res_column) ||
tryExecuteUInt<UInt64>(column, res_column) ||
tryExecuteString(column, res_column) ||
tryExecuteFixedString(column, res_column))
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionUnhex : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "unhex";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionUnhex; }
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return name;
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeString;
UInt8 undigitUnsafe(char c)
if (c <= '9')
return c - '0';
if (c <= 'Z')
return c - ('A' - 10);
return c - ('a' - 10);
void unhexOne(const char * pos, const char * end, char *& out)
if ((end - pos) & 1)
*(out++) = undigitUnsafe(*(pos++));
while (pos < end)
UInt8 major = undigitUnsafe(*(pos++));
UInt8 minor = undigitUnsafe(*(pos++));
*(out++) = (major << 4) | minor;
*(out++) = '\0';
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const ColumnPtr column = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
if (const ColumnString * col = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(&*column))
ColumnString * col_res = new ColumnString;
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
ColumnString::Chars_t & out_vec = col_res->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & out_offsets = col_res->getOffsets();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & in_vec = col->getChars();
const ColumnString::Offsets_t & in_offsets = col->getOffsets();
size_t size = in_offsets.size();
out_vec.resize(in_vec.size() / 2 + size);
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&out_vec[0]);
char * pos = begin;
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t new_offset = in_offsets[i];
unhexOne(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&in_vec[prev_offset]), reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&in_vec[new_offset - 1]), pos);
out_offsets[i] = pos - begin;
prev_offset = new_offset;
out_vec.resize(pos - begin);
else if(const ColumnConstString * col = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(&*column))
const std::string & src = col->getData();
std::string res(src.size(), '\0');
char * pos = &res[0];
unhexOne(src.c_str(), src.c_str() + src.size(), pos);
res = res.substr(0, pos - &res[0] - 1);
block.getByPosition(result).column = new ColumnConstString(col->size(), res);
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionBitmaskToArray : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "bitmaskToArray";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionBitmaskToArray; }
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return name;
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt8 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt16 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt32 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt64 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt8 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt16 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt32 *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeInt64 *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeArray(arguments[0]);
template <typename T>
bool tryExecute(const IColumn * column, ColumnPtr & out_column)
if (const ColumnVector<T> * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<T> *>(column))
ColumnVector<T> * col_values = new ColumnVector<T>;
ColumnArray * col_array = new ColumnArray(col_values);
out_column = col_array;
ColumnArray::Offsets_t & res_offsets = col_array->getOffsets();
typename ColumnVector<T>::Container_t & res_values = col_values->getData();
const typename ColumnVector<T>::Container_t & vec_from = col_from->getData();
size_t size = vec_from.size();
res_values.reserve(size * 2);
for (size_t row = 0; row < size; ++row)
T x = vec_from[row];
while (x)
T y = (x & (x - 1));
T bit = x ^ y;
x = y;
res_offsets[row] = res_values.size();
return true;
else if (const ColumnConst<T> * col_from = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst<T> *>(column))
Array res;
T x = col_from->getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T) * 8; ++i)
T bit = static_cast<T>(1) << i;
if (x & bit)
out_column = new ColumnConstArray(col_from->size(), res, new DataTypeArray(new typename DataTypeFromFieldType<T>::Type));
return true;
return false;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const IColumn * in_column = &*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
ColumnPtr & out_column = block.getByPosition(result).column;
if (tryExecute<UInt8>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<UInt16>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<UInt32>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<UInt64>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<Int8>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<Int16>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<Int32>(in_column, out_column) ||
tryExecute<Int64>(in_column, out_column))
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of first argument of function " + getName(),
class FunctionToStringCutToZero : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = "toStringCutToZero";
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionToStringCutToZero; }
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return name;
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(&*arguments[0]) &&
!typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeString;
bool tryExecuteString(const IColumn * col, ColumnPtr & col_res)
const ColumnString * col_str_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnString *>(col);
const ColumnConstString * col_const_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnConstString *>(col);
if (col_str_in)
ColumnString * col_str = new ColumnString;
col_res = col_str;
ColumnString::Chars_t & out_vec = col_str->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & out_offsets = col_str->getOffsets();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & in_vec = col_str_in->getChars();
const ColumnString::Offsets_t & in_offsets = col_str_in->getOffsets();
size_t size = in_offsets.size();
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&out_vec[0]);
char * pos = begin;
const char * pos_in = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&in_vec[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t current_size = strlen(pos_in);
memcpy(pos, pos_in, current_size);
pos += current_size;
*pos = '\0';
out_offsets[i] = ++pos - begin;
pos_in += in_offsets[i];
out_vec.resize(pos - begin);
if (!out_offsets.empty() && out_offsets.back() != out_vec.size())
throw Exception("Column size mismatch (internal logical error)", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return true;
else if(col_const_in)
std::string res(col_const_in->getData().c_str());
col_res = new ColumnConstString(col_const_in->size(), res);
return true;
return false;
bool tryExecuteFixedString(const IColumn * col, ColumnPtr & col_res)
const ColumnFixedString * col_fstr_in = typeid_cast<const ColumnFixedString *>(col);
if (col_fstr_in)
ColumnString * col_str = new ColumnString;
col_res = col_str;
ColumnString::Chars_t & out_vec = col_str->getChars();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & out_offsets = col_str->getOffsets();
const ColumnString::Chars_t & in_vec = col_fstr_in->getChars();
size_t size = col_fstr_in->size();
out_vec.resize(in_vec.size() + size);
char * begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&out_vec[0]);
char * pos = begin;
const char * pos_in = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&in_vec[0]);
size_t n = col_fstr_in->getN();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t current_size = strnlen(pos_in, n);
memcpy(pos, pos_in, current_size);
pos += current_size;
*pos = '\0';
out_offsets[i] = ++pos - begin;
pos_in += n;
out_vec.resize(pos - begin);
if (!out_offsets.empty() && out_offsets.back() != out_vec.size())
throw Exception("Column size mismatch (internal logical error)", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return true;
return false;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
const IColumn * column = &*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
ColumnPtr & res_column = block.getByPosition(result).column;
if (tryExecuteFixedString(column, res_column) || tryExecuteString(column, res_column))
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),