2019-12-01 20:41:35 +03:00

313 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Core/NamesAndTypes.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeIndexGranularity.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeIndexGranularityInfo.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeIndices.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreePartInfo.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreePartition.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataPartChecksum.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataPartTTLInfo.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/KeyCondition.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <shared_mutex>
namespace DB
struct ColumnSize;
class MergeTreeData;
/// Description of the data part.
struct MergeTreeDataPart
using Checksums = MergeTreeDataPartChecksums;
using Checksum = MergeTreeDataPartChecksums::Checksum;
MergeTreeDataPart(const MergeTreeData & storage_, const DiskSpace::DiskPtr & disk_, const String & name_, const MergeTreePartInfo & info_);
MergeTreeDataPart(MergeTreeData & storage_, const DiskSpace::DiskPtr & disk_, const String & name_);
/// Returns the name of a column with minimum compressed size (as returned by getColumnSize()).
/// If no checksums are present returns the name of the first physically existing column.
String getColumnNameWithMinumumCompressedSize() const;
/// NOTE: Returns zeros if column files are not found in checksums.
/// NOTE: You must ensure that no ALTERs are in progress when calculating ColumnSizes.
/// (either by locking columns_lock, or by locking table structure).
ColumnSize getColumnSize(const String & name, const IDataType & type) const;
ColumnSize getTotalColumnsSize() const;
size_t getFileSizeOrZero(const String & file_name) const;
/// Returns full path to part dir
String getFullPath() const;
/// Returns part->name with prefixes like 'tmp_<name>'
String getNameWithPrefix() const;
/// Generate the new name for this part according to `new_part_info` and min/max dates from the old name.
/// This is useful when you want to change e.g. block numbers or the mutation version of the part.
String getNewName(const MergeTreePartInfo & new_part_info) const;
/// Generate the new path for this part
String getNewPath(const MergeTreePartInfo & new_part_info, const DiskSpace::ReservationPtr & reservation) const;
bool contains(const MergeTreeDataPart & other) const { return info.contains(; }
/// If the partition key includes date column (a common case), these functions will return min and max values for this column.
DayNum getMinDate() const;
DayNum getMaxDate() const;
/// otherwise, if the partition key includes dateTime column (also a common case), these functions will return min and max values for this column.
time_t getMinTime() const;
time_t getMaxTime() const;
bool isEmpty() const { return rows_count == 0; }
const MergeTreeData & storage;
DiskSpace::DiskPtr disk;
String name;
MergeTreePartInfo info;
/// A directory path (relative to storage's path) where part data is actually stored
/// Examples: 'detached/tmp_fetch_<name>', 'tmp_<name>', '<name>'
mutable String relative_path;
size_t rows_count = 0;
std::atomic<UInt64> bytes_on_disk {0}; /// 0 - if not counted;
/// Is used from several threads without locks (it is changed with ALTER).
/// May not contain size of checksums.txt and columns.txt
time_t modification_time = 0;
/// When the part is removed from the working set. Changes once.
mutable std::atomic<time_t> remove_time { std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max() };
/// If true, the destructor will delete the directory with the part.
bool is_temp = false;
/// If true it means that there are no ZooKeeper node for this part, so it should be deleted only from filesystem
bool is_duplicate = false;
/// Frozen by ALTER TABLE ... FREEZE ... It is used for information purposes in table.
mutable std::atomic<bool> is_frozen {false};
* Part state is a stage of its lifetime. States are ordered and state of a part could be increased only.
* Part state should be modified under data_parts mutex.
* Possible state transitions:
* Temporary -> Precommitted: we are trying to commit a fetched, inserted or merged part to active set
* Precommitted -> Outdated: we could not to add a part to active set and doing a rollback (for example it is duplicated part)
* Precommitted -> Commited: we successfully committed a part to active dataset
* Precommitted -> Outdated: a part was replaced by a covering part or DROP PARTITION
* Outdated -> Deleting: a cleaner selected this part for deletion
* Deleting -> Outdated: if an ZooKeeper error occurred during the deletion, we will retry deletion
* Committed -> DeleteOnDestroy if part was moved to another disk
enum class State
Temporary, /// the part is generating now, it is not in data_parts list
PreCommitted, /// the part is in data_parts, but not used for SELECTs
Committed, /// active data part, used by current and upcoming SELECTs
Outdated, /// not active data part, but could be used by only current SELECTs, could be deleted after SELECTs finishes
Deleting, /// not active data part with identity refcounter, it is deleting right now by a cleaner
DeleteOnDestroy, /// part was moved to another disk and should be deleted in own destructor
using TTLInfo = MergeTreeDataPartTTLInfo;
using TTLInfos = MergeTreeDataPartTTLInfos;
TTLInfos ttl_infos;
/// Current state of the part. If the part is in working set already, it should be accessed via data_parts mutex
mutable State state{State::Temporary};
/// Returns name of state
static String stateToString(State state);
String stateString() const;
String getNameWithState() const
return name + " (state " + stateString() + ")";
/// Returns true if state of part is one of affordable_states
bool checkState(const std::initializer_list<State> & affordable_states) const
for (auto affordable_state : affordable_states)
if (state == affordable_state)
return true;
return false;
/// Throws an exception if state of the part is not in affordable_states
void assertState(const std::initializer_list<State> & affordable_states) const;
/// In comparison with lambdas, it is move assignable and could has several overloaded operator()
struct StatesFilter
std::initializer_list<State> affordable_states;
StatesFilter(const std::initializer_list<State> & affordable_states_) : affordable_states(affordable_states_) {}
bool operator() (const std::shared_ptr<const MergeTreeDataPart> & part) const
return part->checkState(affordable_states);
/// Returns a lambda that returns true only for part with states from specified list
static inline StatesFilter getStatesFilter(const std::initializer_list<State> & affordable_states)
return StatesFilter(affordable_states);
/// Primary key (correspond to primary.idx file).
/// Always loaded in RAM. Contains each index_granularity-th value of primary key tuple.
/// Note that marks (also correspond to primary key) is not always in RAM, but cached. See MarkCache.h.
using Index = Columns;
Index index;
MergeTreePartition partition;
/// Amount of rows between marks
/// As index always loaded into memory
MergeTreeIndexGranularity index_granularity;
/// Index that for each part stores min and max values of a set of columns. This allows quickly excluding
/// parts based on conditions on these columns imposed by a query.
/// Currently this index is built using only columns required by partition expression, but in principle it
/// can be built using any set of columns.
struct MinMaxIndex
/// A direct product of ranges for each key column. See Storages/MergeTree/KeyCondition.cpp for details.
std::vector<Range> parallelogram;
bool initialized = false;
MinMaxIndex() = default;
/// For month-based partitioning.
MinMaxIndex(DayNum min_date, DayNum max_date)
: parallelogram(1, Range(min_date, true, max_date, true))
, initialized(true)
void load(const MergeTreeData & storage, const String & part_path);
void store(const MergeTreeData & storage, const String & part_path, Checksums & checksums) const;
void store(const Names & column_names, const DataTypes & data_types, const String & part_path, Checksums & checksums) const;
void update(const Block & block, const Names & column_names);
void merge(const MinMaxIndex & other);
MinMaxIndex minmax_idx;
Checksums checksums;
/// Columns description.
NamesAndTypesList columns;
/// Columns with values, that all have been zeroed by expired ttl
NameSet empty_columns;
using ColumnToSize = std::map<std::string, UInt64>;
/** It is blocked for writing when changing columns, checksums or any part files.
* Locked to read when reading columns, checksums or any part files.
mutable std::shared_mutex columns_lock;
/** It is taken for the whole time ALTER a part: from the beginning of the recording of the temporary files to their renaming to permanent.
* It is taken with unlocked `columns_lock`.
* NOTE: "You can" do without this mutex if you could turn ReadRWLock into WriteRWLock without removing the lock.
* This transformation is impossible, because it would create a deadlock, if you do it from two threads at once.
* Taking this mutex means that we want to lock columns_lock on read with intention then, not
* unblocking, block it for writing.
mutable std::mutex alter_mutex;
MergeTreeIndexGranularityInfo index_granularity_info;
/// Calculate the total size of the entire directory with all the files
static UInt64 calculateTotalSizeOnDisk(const String & from);
void remove() const;
/// Makes checks and move part to new directory
/// Changes only relative_dir_name, you need to update other metadata (name, is_temp) explicitly
void renameTo(const String & new_relative_path, bool remove_new_dir_if_exists = true) const;
/// Generate unique path to detach part
String getRelativePathForDetachedPart(const String & prefix) const;
/// Moves a part to detached/ directory and adds prefix to its name
void renameToDetached(const String & prefix) const;
/// Makes clone of a part in detached/ directory via hard links
void makeCloneInDetached(const String & prefix) const;
/// Makes full clone of part in detached/ on another disk
void makeCloneOnDiskDetached(const DiskSpace::ReservationPtr & reservation) const;
/// Populates columns_to_size map (compressed size).
void accumulateColumnSizes(ColumnToSize & column_to_size) const;
/// Initialize columns (from columns.txt if exists, or create from column files if not).
/// Load checksums from checksums.txt if exists. Load index if required.
void loadColumnsChecksumsIndexes(bool require_columns_checksums, bool check_consistency);
/// Checks that .bin and .mrk files exist
bool hasColumnFiles(const String & column, const IDataType & type) const;
/// For data in RAM ('index')
UInt64 getIndexSizeInBytes() const;
UInt64 getIndexSizeInAllocatedBytes() const;
UInt64 getMarksCount() const;
/// Reads columns names and types from columns.txt
void loadColumns(bool require);
/// If checksums.txt exists, reads files' checksums (and sizes) from it
void loadChecksums(bool require);
/// Loads marks index granularity into memory
void loadIndexGranularity();
/// Loads index file.
void loadIndex();
/// Load rows count for this part from disk (for the newer storage format version).
/// For the older format version calculates rows count from the size of a column with a fixed size.
void loadRowsCount();
/// Loads ttl infos in json format from file ttl.txt. If file doesn`t exists assigns ttl infos with all zeros
void loadTTLInfos();
void loadPartitionAndMinMaxIndex();
void checkConsistency(bool require_part_metadata);
ColumnSize getColumnSizeImpl(const String & name, const IDataType & type, std::unordered_set<String> * processed_substreams) const;
using MergeTreeDataPartState = MergeTreeDataPart::State;