Ivan 97f2a2213e
Move all folders inside /dbms one level up (#9974)
* Move some code outside dbms/src folder
* Fix paths
2020-04-02 02:51:21 +03:00

370 lines
12 KiB

#include <Access/AllowedClientHosts.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <common/SimpleCache.h>
#include <Functions/likePatternToRegexp.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SocketAddress.h>
#include <Poco/RegularExpression.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <ext/scope_guard.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int DNS_ERROR;
using IPAddress = Poco::Net::IPAddress;
using IPSubnet = AllowedClientHosts::IPSubnet;
/// Converts an address to IPv6.
/// The loopback address "" (or any "127.x.y.z") is converted to "::1".
IPAddress toIPv6(const IPAddress & ip)
IPAddress v6;
if ( == IPAddress::IPv6)
v6 = ip;
v6 = IPAddress("::ffff:" + ip.toString());
// ::ffff:127.XX.XX.XX -> ::1
if ((v6 & IPAddress(104, IPAddress::IPv6)) == IPAddress("::ffff:"))
v6 = IPAddress{"::1"};
return v6;
IPSubnet toIPv6(const IPSubnet & subnet)
return IPSubnet(toIPv6(subnet.getPrefix()), subnet.getMask());
/// Helper function for isAddressOfHost().
bool isAddressOfHostImpl(const IPAddress & address, const String & host)
IPAddress addr_v6 = toIPv6(address);
/// Resolve by hand, because Poco don't use AI_ALL flag but we need it.
addrinfo * ai_begin = nullptr;
if (ai_begin)
addrinfo hints;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_flags |= AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ALL;
int err = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), nullptr, &hints, &ai_begin);
if (err)
throw Exception("Cannot getaddrinfo(" + host + "): " + gai_strerror(err), ErrorCodes::DNS_ERROR);
for (const addrinfo * ai = ai_begin; ai; ai = ai->ai_next)
if (ai->ai_addrlen && ai->ai_addr)
if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET)
const auto & sin = *reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in *>(ai->ai_addr);
if (addr_v6 == toIPv6(IPAddress(&sin.sin_addr, sizeof(sin.sin_addr))))
return true;
else if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6)
const auto & sin = *reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in6*>(ai->ai_addr);
if (addr_v6 == IPAddress(&sin.sin6_addr, sizeof(sin.sin6_addr), sin.sin6_scope_id))
return true;
return false;
/// Whether a specified address is one of the addresses of a specified host.
bool isAddressOfHost(const IPAddress & address, const String & host)
/// We need to cache DNS requests.
static SimpleCache<decltype(isAddressOfHostImpl), isAddressOfHostImpl> cache;
return cache(address, host);
/// Helper function for isAddressOfLocalhost().
std::vector<IPAddress> getAddressesOfLocalhostImpl()
std::vector<IPAddress> addresses;
ifaddrs * ifa_begin = nullptr;
if (ifa_begin)
int err = getifaddrs(&ifa_begin);
if (err)
return {IPAddress{"::1"}};
for (const ifaddrs * ifa = ifa_begin; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next)
if (!ifa->ifa_addr)
if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
const auto & sin = *reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in *>(ifa->ifa_addr);
addresses.push_back(toIPv6(IPAddress(&sin.sin_addr, sizeof(sin.sin_addr))));
else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
const auto & sin = *reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in6 *>(ifa->ifa_addr);
addresses.push_back(IPAddress(&sin.sin6_addr, sizeof(sin.sin6_addr), sin.sin6_scope_id));
return addresses;
/// Whether a specified address is one of the addresses of the localhost.
bool isAddressOfLocalhost(const IPAddress & address)
/// We need to cache DNS requests.
static const std::vector<IPAddress> local_addresses = getAddressesOfLocalhostImpl();
return boost::range::find(local_addresses, toIPv6(address)) != local_addresses.end();
/// Helper function for getHostByAddress().
String getHostByAddressImpl(const IPAddress & address)
Poco::Net::SocketAddress sock_addr(address, 0);
/// Resolve by hand, because Poco library doesn't have such functionality.
char host[1024];
int err = getnameinfo(sock_addr.addr(), sock_addr.length(), host, sizeof(host), nullptr, 0, NI_NAMEREQD);
if (err)
throw Exception("Cannot getnameinfo(" + address.toString() + "): " + gai_strerror(err), ErrorCodes::DNS_ERROR);
/// Check that PTR record is resolved back to client address
if (!isAddressOfHost(address, host))
throw Exception("Host " + String(host) + " isn't resolved back to " + address.toString(), ErrorCodes::DNS_ERROR);
return host;
/// Returns the host name by its address.
String getHostByAddress(const IPAddress & address)
/// We need to cache DNS requests.
static SimpleCache<decltype(getHostByAddressImpl), &getHostByAddressImpl> cache;
return cache(address);
void parseLikePatternIfIPSubnet(const String & pattern, IPSubnet & subnet, IPAddress::Family address_family)
size_t slash = pattern.find('/');
if (slash != String::npos)
/// IP subnet, e.g. "" or "".
subnet = IPSubnet{pattern};
bool has_wildcard = (pattern.find_first_of("%_") != String::npos);
if (has_wildcard)
/// IP subnet specified with one of the wildcard characters, e.g. "192.168.%.%".
String wildcard_replaced_with_zero_bits = pattern;
String wildcard_replaced_with_one_bits = pattern;
if (address_family == IPAddress::IPv6)
boost::algorithm::replace_all(wildcard_replaced_with_zero_bits, "_", "0");
boost::algorithm::replace_all(wildcard_replaced_with_zero_bits, "%", "0000");
boost::algorithm::replace_all(wildcard_replaced_with_one_bits, "_", "f");
boost::algorithm::replace_all(wildcard_replaced_with_one_bits, "%", "ffff");
else if (address_family == IPAddress::IPv4)
boost::algorithm::replace_all(wildcard_replaced_with_zero_bits, "%", "0");
boost::algorithm::replace_all(wildcard_replaced_with_one_bits, "%", "255");
IPAddress prefix{wildcard_replaced_with_zero_bits};
IPAddress mask = ~(prefix ^ IPAddress{wildcard_replaced_with_one_bits});
subnet = IPSubnet{prefix, mask};
/// Exact IP address.
subnet = IPSubnet{pattern};
/// Extracts a subnet, a host name or a host name regular expession from a like pattern.
void parseLikePattern(
const String & pattern, std::optional<IPSubnet> & subnet, std::optional<String> & name, std::optional<String> & name_regexp)
/// If `host` starts with digits and a dot then it's an IP pattern, otherwise it's a hostname pattern.
size_t first_not_digit = pattern.find_first_not_of("0123456789");
if ((first_not_digit != String::npos) && (first_not_digit != 0) && (pattern[first_not_digit] == '.'))
parseLikePatternIfIPSubnet(pattern, subnet.emplace(), IPAddress::IPv4);
size_t first_not_hex = pattern.find_first_not_of("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef");
if (((first_not_hex == 4) && pattern[first_not_hex] == ':') || pattern.starts_with("::"))
parseLikePatternIfIPSubnet(pattern, subnet.emplace(), IPAddress::IPv6);
bool has_wildcard = (pattern.find_first_of("%_") != String::npos);
if (has_wildcard)
name_regexp = likePatternToRegexp(pattern);
name = pattern;
bool AllowedClientHosts::contains(const IPAddress & client_address) const
if (any_host)
return true;
IPAddress client_v6 = toIPv6(client_address);
std::optional<bool> is_client_local_value;
auto is_client_local = [&]
if (is_client_local_value)
return *is_client_local_value;
is_client_local_value = isAddressOfLocalhost(client_v6);
return *is_client_local_value;
if (local_host && is_client_local())
return true;
/// Check `addresses`.
auto check_address = [&](const IPAddress & address_)
IPAddress address_v6 = toIPv6(address_);
if (address_v6.isLoopback())
return is_client_local();
return address_v6 == client_v6;
for (const auto & address : addresses)
if (check_address(address))
return true;
/// Check `subnets`.
auto check_subnet = [&](const IPSubnet & subnet_)
IPSubnet subnet_v6 = toIPv6(subnet_);
if (subnet_v6.isMaskAllBitsOne())
return check_address(subnet_v6.getPrefix());
return (client_v6 & subnet_v6.getMask()) == subnet_v6.getPrefix();
for (const auto & subnet : subnets)
if (check_subnet(subnet))
return true;
/// Check `names`.
auto check_name = [&](const String & name_)
if (boost::iequals(name_, "localhost"))
return is_client_local();
return isAddressOfHost(client_v6, name_);
catch (const Exception & e)
if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::DNS_ERROR)
/// Try to ignore DNS errors: if host cannot be resolved, skip it and try next.
"Failed to check if the allowed client hosts contain address " << client_address.toString() << ". " << e.displayText()
<< ", code = " << e.code());
return false;
for (const String & name : names)
if (check_name(name))
return true;
/// Check `name_regexps`.
std::optional<String> resolved_host;
auto check_name_regexp = [&](const String & name_regexp_)
if (boost::iequals(name_regexp_, "localhost"))
return is_client_local();
if (!resolved_host)
resolved_host = getHostByAddress(client_v6);
if (resolved_host->empty())
return false;
Poco::RegularExpression re(name_regexp_);
Poco::RegularExpression::Match match;
return re.match(*resolved_host, match) != 0;
catch (const Exception & e)
if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::DNS_ERROR)
/// Try to ignore DNS errors: if host cannot be resolved, skip it and try next.
"Failed to check if the allowed client hosts contain address " << client_address.toString() << ". " << e.displayText()
<< ", code = " << e.code());
return false;
for (const String & name_regexp : name_regexps)
if (check_name_regexp(name_regexp))
return true;
auto check_like_pattern = [&](const String & pattern)
std::optional<IPSubnet> subnet;
std::optional<String> name;
std::optional<String> name_regexp;
parseLikePattern(pattern, subnet, name, name_regexp);
if (subnet)
return check_subnet(*subnet);
else if (name)
return check_name(*name);
else if (name_regexp)
return check_name_regexp(*name_regexp);
return false;
for (const String & like_pattern : like_patterns)
if (check_like_pattern(like_pattern))
return true;
return false;