mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 18:32:29 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Azat Khuzhin <a.khuzhin@semrush.com>
525 lines
16 KiB
525 lines
16 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ast import literal_eval
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from html import escape
import csv
import os
import datetime
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="main">
<span class="nowrap themes"><span id="toggle-dark">🌚</span><span id="toggle-light">🌞</span></span>
<h1><span class="gradient">{header}</span></h1>
<p class="links">
<a href="{raw_log_url}">{raw_log_name}</a>
<a href="{commit_url}">Commit</a>
<a href="{task_url}">Task (github actions)</a>
<a href="{job_url}">Job (github actions)</a>
<img id="fish" src="https://presentations.clickhouse.com/images/fish.png" />
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/// Straight from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14267781/sorting-html-table-with-javascript
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BASE_HEADERS = ["Test name", "Test status"]
class TestResult:
name: str
status: str
# the following fields are optional
time: Optional[float] = None
log_files: Optional[List[Path]] = None
raw_logs: Optional[str] = None
# the field for uploaded logs URLs
log_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None
def set_raw_logs(self, raw_logs: str) -> None:
self.raw_logs = raw_logs
def set_log_files(self, log_files_literal: str) -> None:
self.log_files = [] # type: Optional[List[Path]]
log_paths = literal_eval(log_files_literal)
if not isinstance(log_paths, list):
raise ValueError(
f"Malformed input: must be a list literal: {log_files_literal}"
for log_path in log_paths:
file = Path(log_path)
assert file.exists()
TestResults = List[TestResult]
def read_test_results(results_path: Path, with_raw_logs: bool = True) -> TestResults:
results = [] # type: TestResults
with open(results_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as descriptor:
reader = csv.reader(descriptor, delimiter="\t")
for line in reader:
name = line[0]
status = line[1]
time = None
if len(line) >= 3 and line[2]:
# The value can be emtpy, but when it's not,
# it's the time spent on the test
time = float(line[2])
except ValueError:
result = TestResult(name, status, time)
if len(line) == 4 and line[3]:
# The value can be emtpy, but when it's not,
# the 4th value is a pythonic list, e.g. ['file1', 'file2']
if with_raw_logs:
return results
class BuildResult:
compiler: str
build_type: str
sanitizer: str
status: str
elapsed_seconds: int
BuildResults = List[BuildResult]
class ReportColorTheme:
class ReportColor:
yellow = "#FFB400"
red = "#F00"
green = "#0A0"
blue = "#00B4FF"
default = (ReportColor.green, ReportColor.red, ReportColor.yellow)
bugfixcheck = (ReportColor.yellow, ReportColor.blue, ReportColor.blue)
ColorTheme = Tuple[str, str, str]
def _format_header(header, branch_name, branch_url=None):
result = " ".join([w.capitalize() for w in header.split(" ")])
result = result.replace("Clickhouse", "ClickHouse")
result = result.replace("clickhouse", "ClickHouse")
if "ClickHouse" not in result:
result = "ClickHouse " + result
result += " for "
if branch_url:
result += f'<a href="{branch_url}">{branch_name}</a>'
result += branch_name
return result
def _get_status_style(status: str, colortheme: Optional[ColorTheme] = None) -> str:
ok_statuses = ("OK", "success", "PASSED")
fail_statuses = ("FAIL", "failure", "error", "FAILED", "Timeout")
if colortheme is None:
colortheme = ReportColorTheme.default
style = "font-weight: bold;"
if status in ok_statuses:
style += f"color: {colortheme[0]};"
elif status in fail_statuses:
style += f"color: {colortheme[1]};"
style += f"color: {colortheme[2]};"
return style
def _get_html_url_name(url):
if isinstance(url, str):
return os.path.basename(url).replace("%2B", "+").replace("%20", " ")
if isinstance(url, tuple):
return url[1].replace("%2B", "+").replace("%20", " ")
return None
def _get_html_url(url):
href = None
name = None
if isinstance(url, str):
href, name = url, _get_html_url_name(url)
if isinstance(url, tuple):
href, name = url[0], _get_html_url_name(url)
if href and name:
return f'<a href="{href}">{_get_html_url_name(url)}</a>'
return ""
def create_test_html_report(
header: str,
test_results: TestResults,
raw_log_url: str,
task_url: str,
job_url: str,
branch_url: str,
branch_name: str,
commit_url: str,
additional_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None,
statuscolors: Optional[ColorTheme] = None,
) -> str:
if additional_urls is None:
additional_urls = []
if test_results:
rows_part = ""
num_fails = 0
has_test_time = False
has_log_urls = False
# Display entires with logs at the top (they correspond to failed tests)
key=lambda result: result.raw_logs is None and result.log_files is None
for test_result in test_results:
colspan = 0
if test_result.log_files is not None:
has_log_urls = True
row = "<tr>"
is_fail = test_result.status in ("FAIL", "FLAKY")
if is_fail and test_result.raw_logs is not None:
row = '<tr class="failed">'
row += "<td>" + test_result.name + "</td>"
colspan += 1
style = _get_status_style(test_result.status, colortheme=statuscolors)
# Allow to quickly scroll to the first failure.
fail_id = ""
if is_fail:
num_fails = num_fails + 1
fail_id = f'id="fail{num_fails}" '
row += f'<td {fail_id}style="{style}">{test_result.status}</td>'
colspan += 1
if test_result.time is not None:
has_test_time = True
row += f"<td>{test_result.time}</td>"
colspan += 1
if test_result.log_urls is not None:
test_logs_html = "<br>".join(
[_get_html_url(url) for url in test_result.log_urls]
row += "<td>" + test_logs_html + "</td>"
colspan += 1
row += "</tr>"
rows_part += row
if test_result.raw_logs is not None:
raw_logs = escape(test_result.raw_logs)
row = (
'<tr class="failed-content">'
f'<td colspan="{colspan}"><pre>{raw_logs}</pre></td>'
rows_part += row
headers = BASE_HEADERS.copy()
if has_test_time:
headers.append("Test time, sec.")
if has_log_urls:
headers_html = "".join(["<th>" + h + "</th>" for h in headers])
test_part = HTML_TEST_PART.format(headers=headers_html, rows=rows_part)
test_part = ""
additional_html_urls = " ".join(
[_get_html_url(url) for url in sorted(additional_urls, key=_get_html_url_name)]
raw_log_name = os.path.basename(raw_log_url)
if "?" in raw_log_name:
raw_log_name = raw_log_name.split("?")[0]
title=_format_header(header, branch_name),
header=_format_header(header, branch_name, branch_url),
return html
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {{ font-family: "DejaVu Sans", "Noto Sans", Arial, sans-serif; background: #EEE; }}
h1 {{ margin-left: 10px; }}
th, td {{ border: 0; padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; line-height: 1.5; background-color: #FFF;
border: 0; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 8px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }}
a {{ color: #06F; text-decoration: none; }}
a:hover, a:active {{ color: #F40; text-decoration: underline; }}
table {{ border: 0; }}
.main {{ margin: auto; }}
p.links a {{ padding: 5px; margin: 3px; background: #FFF; line-height: 2; white-space: nowrap; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 8px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }}
tr:hover td {{filter: brightness(95%);}}
<div class="main">
<th>Build type</th>
<th>Build log</th>
<th>Build time</th>
<th class="artifacts">Artifacts</th>
<p class="links">
<a href="{commit_url}">Commit</a>
<a href="{task_url}">Task (github actions)</a>
LINK_TEMPLATE = '<a href="{url}">{text}</a>'
def create_build_html_report(
header: str,
build_results: BuildResults,
build_logs_urls: List[str],
artifact_urls_list: List[List[str]],
task_url: str,
branch_url: str,
branch_name: str,
commit_url: str,
) -> str:
rows = ""
for (build_result, build_log_url, artifact_urls) in zip(
build_results, build_logs_urls, artifact_urls_list
row = "<tr>"
row += f"<td>{build_result.compiler}</td>"
if build_result.build_type:
row += f"<td>{build_result.build_type}</td>"
row += "<td>relwithdebuginfo</td>"
if build_result.sanitizer:
row += f"<td>{build_result.sanitizer}</td>"
row += "<td>none</td>"
if build_result.status:
style = _get_status_style(build_result.status)
row += f'<td style="{style}">{build_result.status}</td>'
style = _get_status_style("error")
row += f'<td style="{style}">error</td>'
row += f'<td><a href="{build_log_url}">link</a></td>'
if build_result.elapsed_seconds:
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=build_result.elapsed_seconds)
delta = "unknown" # type: ignore
row += f"<td>{delta}</td>"
links = ""
link_separator = "<br/>"
if artifact_urls:
for artifact_url in artifact_urls:
links += LINK_TEMPLATE.format(
text=_get_html_url_name(artifact_url), url=artifact_url
links += link_separator
if links:
links = links[: -len(link_separator)]
row += f"<td>{links}</td>"
row += "</tr>"
rows += row
title=_format_header(header, branch_name),
header=_format_header(header, branch_name, branch_url),