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#include <map>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <DB/Common/escapeForFileName.h>
#include <DB/Core/Exception.h>
#include <DB/Core/ErrorCodes.h>
#include <DB/IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeNested.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnNested.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageLog.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#define DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_MARKS_FILE_NAME "__marks.mrk"
namespace DB
using Poco::SharedPtr;
LogBlockInputStream::LogBlockInputStream(size_t block_size_, const Names & column_names_, StorageLog & storage_, size_t mark_number_, size_t rows_limit_)
: block_size(block_size_), column_names(column_names_), storage(storage_),
mark_number(mark_number_), rows_limit(rows_limit_), rows_read(0), current_mark(mark_number_)
String LogBlockInputStream::getID() const
std::stringstream res;
res << "Log(" << storage.getTableName() << ", " << &storage << ", " << mark_number << ", " << rows_limit;
for (size_t i = 0; i < column_names.size(); ++i)
res << ", " << column_names[i];
res << ")";
return res.str();
Block LogBlockInputStream::readImpl()
Block res;
if (rows_read == rows_limit)
return res;
/// Если файлы не открыты, то открываем их.
if (streams.empty())
Poco::ScopedReadRWLock lock(storage.rwlock);
for (Names::const_iterator it = column_names.begin(); it != column_names.end(); ++it)
if (*it != storage._table_column_name) /// Для виртуального столбца не надо ничего открывать
addStream(*it, *storage.getDataTypeByName(*it));
bool has_virtual_column_table = false;
for (Names::const_iterator it = column_names.begin(); it != column_names.end(); ++it)
if (*it == storage._table_column_name)
has_virtual_column_table = true;
/// Сколько строк читать для следующего блока.
size_t max_rows_to_read = std::min(block_size, rows_limit - rows_read);
const Marks & marks = storage.getMarksWithRealRowCount();
std::pair<String, size_t> current_table;
/// Отдельно обрабатываем виртуальный столбец
if (has_virtual_column_table)
size_t current_row = rows_read;
if (mark_number > 0)
current_row += marks[mark_number-1].rows;
while (current_mark < marks.size() && marks[current_mark].rows <= current_row)
current_table = storage.getTableFromMark(current_mark);
current_table.second = std::min(current_table.second, marks.size() - 1);
max_rows_to_read = std::min(max_rows_to_read, marks[current_table.second].rows - current_row);
/// Указатели на столбцы смещений, общие для столбцов из вложенных структур данных
typedef std::map<std::string, ColumnPtr> OffsetColumns;
OffsetColumns offset_columns;
for (Names::const_iterator it = column_names.begin(); it != column_names.end(); ++it)
/// Виртуальный столбец не надо считывать с жесткого диска
if (*it == storage._table_column_name)
ColumnWithNameAndType column;
column.name = *it;
column.type = storage.getDataTypeByName(*it);
bool read_offsets = true;
/// Для вложенных структур запоминаем указатели на столбцы со смещениями
if (const DataTypeArray * type_arr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&*column.type))
String name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(column.name);
if (offset_columns.count(name) == 0)
offset_columns[name] = new ColumnArray::ColumnOffsets_t;
read_offsets = false; /// на предыдущих итерациях смещения уже считали вызовом readData
column.column = new ColumnArray(type_arr->getNestedType()->createColumn(), offset_columns[name]);
column.column = column.type->createColumn();
readData(*it, *column.type, *column.column, max_rows_to_read, 0, read_offsets);
if (column.column->size())
/// Отдельно обрабатываем виртуальный столбец
if (has_virtual_column_table)
size_t rows = max_rows_to_read;
if (res.columns() > 0)
rows = res.rows();
if (rows > 0)
ColumnPtr column_ptr = ColumnConst<String> (rows, current_table.first, new DataTypeString).convertToFullColumn();
ColumnWithNameAndType column(column_ptr, new DataTypeString, storage._table_column_name);
if (res)
rows_read += res.rows();
if (!res || rows_read == rows_limit)
/** Закрываем файлы (ещё до уничтожения объекта).
* Чтобы при создании многих источников, но одновременном чтении только из нескольких,
* буферы не висели в памяти.
return res;
void LogBlockInputStream::addStream(const String & name, const IDataType & type, size_t level)
/// Для массивов используются отдельные потоки для размеров.
if (const DataTypeArray * type_arr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&type))
String size_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(name) + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
if (!streams.count(size_name))
streams.emplace(size_name, std::unique_ptr<Stream>(new Stream(
? storage.files[size_name].marks[mark_number].offset
: 0)));
addStream(name, *type_arr->getNestedType(), level + 1);
else if (const DataTypeNested * type_nested = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNested *>(&type))
String size_name = name + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
streams[size_name].reset(new Stream(
? storage.files[size_name].marks[mark_number].offset
: 0));
const NamesAndTypesList & columns = *type_nested->getNestedTypesList();
for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it)
addStream(DataTypeNested::concatenateNestedName(name, it->name), *it->type, level + 1);
streams[name].reset(new Stream(
? storage.files[name].marks[mark_number].offset
: 0));
void LogBlockInputStream::readData(const String & name, const IDataType & type, IColumn & column, size_t max_rows_to_read,
size_t level, bool read_offsets)
/// Для массивов требуется сначала десериализовать размеры, а потом значения.
if (const DataTypeArray * type_arr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&type))
if (read_offsets)
streams[DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(name) + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level)]->compressed,
if (column.size())
typeid_cast<ColumnArray &>(column).getData(),
typeid_cast<const ColumnArray &>(column).getOffsets()[column.size() - 1],
level + 1);
else if (const DataTypeNested * type_nested = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNested *>(&type))
streams[name + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level)]->compressed,
if (column.size())
ColumnNested & column_nested = typeid_cast<ColumnNested &>(column);
NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = type_nested->getNestedTypesList()->begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < column_nested.getData().size(); ++i, ++it)
DataTypeNested::concatenateNestedName(name, it->name),
column_nested.getOffsets()[column.size() - 1],
level + 1);
type.deserializeBinary(column, streams[name]->compressed, max_rows_to_read);
LogBlockOutputStream::LogBlockOutputStream(StorageLog & storage_)
: storage(storage_),
lock(storage.rwlock), marks_stream(storage.marks_file.path(), 4096, O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY)
for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = storage.columns->begin(); it != storage.columns->end(); ++it)
addStream(it->name, *it->type);
void LogBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block)
storage.check(block, true);
/// Множество записанных столбцов со смещениями, чтобы не писать общие для вложенных структур столбцы несколько раз
OffsetColumns offset_columns;
MarksForColumns marks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i)
const ColumnWithNameAndType & column = block.getByPosition(i);
writeData(column.name, *column.type, *column.column, marks, offset_columns);
void LogBlockOutputStream::writeSuffix()
/// Заканчиваем запись.
for (FileStreams::iterator it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); ++it)
std::vector<Poco::File> column_files;
for (auto & pair : streams)
storage.file_checker.update(column_files.begin(), column_files.end());
void LogBlockOutputStream::addStream(const String & name, const IDataType & type, size_t level)
/// Для массивов используются отдельные потоки для размеров.
if (const DataTypeArray * type_arr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&type))
String size_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(name) + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
if (!streams.count(size_name))
streams.emplace(size_name, std::unique_ptr<Stream>(new Stream(
storage.files[size_name].data_file.path(), storage.max_compress_block_size)));
addStream(name, *type_arr->getNestedType(), level + 1);
else if (const DataTypeNested * type_nested = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNested *>(&type))
String size_name = name + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
streams[size_name].reset(new Stream(storage.files[size_name].data_file.path(), storage.max_compress_block_size));
const NamesAndTypesList & columns = *type_nested->getNestedTypesList();
for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it)
addStream(DataTypeNested::concatenateNestedName(name, it->name), *it->type, level + 1);
streams[name].reset(new Stream(storage.files[name].data_file.path(), storage.max_compress_block_size));
void LogBlockOutputStream::writeData(const String & name, const IDataType & type, const IColumn & column, MarksForColumns & out_marks,
OffsetColumns & offset_columns, size_t level)
/// Для массивов требуется сначала сериализовать размеры, а потом значения.
if (const DataTypeArray * type_arr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&type))
String size_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(name) + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
if (offset_columns.count(size_name) == 0)
Mark mark;
mark.rows = (storage.files[size_name].marks.empty() ? 0 : storage.files[size_name].marks.back().rows) + column.size();
mark.offset = streams[size_name]->plain_offset + streams[size_name]->plain.count();
out_marks.push_back(std::make_pair(storage.files[size_name].column_index, mark));
type_arr->serializeOffsets(column, streams[size_name]->compressed);
writeData(name, *type_arr->getNestedType(), typeid_cast<const ColumnArray &>(column).getData(), out_marks, offset_columns, level + 1);
else if (const DataTypeNested * type_nested = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNested *>(&type))
String size_name = name + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
Mark mark;
mark.rows = (storage.files[size_name].marks.empty() ? 0 : storage.files[size_name].marks.back().rows) + column.size();
mark.offset = streams[size_name]->plain_offset + streams[size_name]->plain.count();
out_marks.push_back(std::make_pair(storage.files[size_name].column_index, mark));
type_nested->serializeOffsets(column, streams[size_name]->compressed);
const ColumnNested & column_nested = typeid_cast<const ColumnNested &>(column);
NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = type_nested->getNestedTypesList()->begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < column_nested.getData().size(); ++i, ++it)
DataTypeNested::concatenateNestedName(name, it->name),
level + 1);
Mark mark;
mark.rows = (storage.files[name].marks.empty() ? 0 : storage.files[name].marks.back().rows) + column.size();
mark.offset = streams[name]->plain_offset + streams[name]->plain.count();
out_marks.push_back(std::make_pair(storage.files[name].column_index, mark));
type.serializeBinary(column, streams[name]->compressed);
static bool ColumnIndexLess(const std::pair<size_t, Mark> & a, const std::pair<size_t, Mark> & b)
return a.first < b.first;
void LogBlockOutputStream::writeMarks(MarksForColumns marks)
if (marks.size() != storage.files.size())
throw Exception("Wrong number of marks generated from block. Makes no sense.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
sort(marks.begin(), marks.end(), ColumnIndexLess);
for (size_t i = 0; i < marks.size(); ++i)
if (marks[i].first != i)
throw Exception("Invalid marks generated from block. Makes no sense.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
Mark mark = marks[i].second;
writeIntBinary(mark.rows, marks_stream);
writeIntBinary(mark.offset, marks_stream);
const std::string & path_,
const std::string & name_,
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_,
const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_,
size_t max_compress_block_size_)
: IStorage{materialized_columns_, alias_columns_, column_defaults_},
path(path_), name(name_), columns(columns_),
loaded_marks(false), max_compress_block_size(max_compress_block_size_),
file_checker(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + "sizes.json", *this)
if (columns->empty())
throw Exception("Empty list of columns passed to StorageLog constructor", ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_PASSED);
/// создаём файлы, если их нет
Poco::File(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/').createDirectories();
for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = columns->begin(); it != columns->end(); ++it)
addFile(it->name, *it->type);
marks_file = Poco::File(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_MARKS_FILE_NAME);
StoragePtr StorageLog::create(
const std::string & path_,
const std::string & name_,
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_,
const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_,
size_t max_compress_block_size_)
return (new StorageLog{
path_, name_, columns_,
materialized_columns_, alias_columns_, column_defaults_,
void StorageLog::addFile(const String & column_name, const IDataType & type, size_t level)
if (files.end() != files.find(column_name))
throw Exception("Duplicate column with name " + column_name + " in constructor of StorageLog.",
if (const DataTypeArray * type_arr = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&type))
String size_column_suffix = ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
String size_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(column_name) + size_column_suffix;
if (files.end() == files.find(size_name))
ColumnData & column_data = files.insert(std::make_pair(size_name, ColumnData())).first->second;
column_data.column_index = column_names.size();
column_data.data_file = Poco::File(
path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + escapeForFileName(DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(column_name)) + size_column_suffix + DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_DATA_FILE_EXTENSION);
addFile(column_name, *type_arr->getNestedType(), level + 1);
else if (const DataTypeNested * type_nested = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNested *>(&type))
String size_column_suffix = ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX + toString(level);
ColumnData & column_data = files.insert(std::make_pair(column_name + size_column_suffix, ColumnData())).first->second;
column_data.column_index = column_names.size();
column_data.data_file = Poco::File(
path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + escapeForFileName(column_name) + size_column_suffix + DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_DATA_FILE_EXTENSION);
column_names.push_back(column_name + size_column_suffix);
const NamesAndTypesList & columns = *type_nested->getNestedTypesList();
for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it)
addFile(DataTypeNested::concatenateNestedName(name, it->name), *it->type, level + 1);
ColumnData & column_data = files.insert(std::make_pair(column_name, ColumnData())).first->second;
column_data.column_index = column_names.size();
column_data.data_file = Poco::File(
path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + escapeForFileName(column_name) + DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_DATA_FILE_EXTENSION);
void StorageLog::loadMarks()
Poco::ScopedWriteRWLock lock(rwlock);
if (loaded_marks)
typedef std::vector<Files_t::iterator> FilesByIndex;
FilesByIndex files_by_index(files.size());
for (Files_t::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
files_by_index[it->second.column_index] = it;
if (marks_file.exists())
size_t file_size = marks_file.getSize();
if (file_size % (files.size() * sizeof(Mark)) != 0)
throw Exception("Size of marks file is inconsistent", ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_MARKS_FILES_ARE_INCONSISTENT);
int marks_count = file_size / (files.size() * sizeof(Mark));
for (size_t i = 0; i < files_by_index.size(); ++i)
ReadBufferFromFile marks_rb(marks_file.path(), 32768);
while (!marks_rb.eof())
for (size_t i = 0; i < files_by_index.size(); ++i)
Mark mark;
readIntBinary(mark.rows, marks_rb);
readIntBinary(mark.offset, marks_rb);
loaded_marks = true;
size_t StorageLog::marksCount()
return files.begin()->second.marks.size();
void StorageLog::rename(const String & new_path_to_db, const String & new_database_name, const String & new_table_name)
Poco::ScopedWriteRWLock lock(rwlock);
/// Переименовываем директорию с данными.
Poco::File(path + escapeForFileName(name)).renameTo(new_path_to_db + escapeForFileName(new_table_name));
path = new_path_to_db;
name = new_table_name;
file_checker.setPath(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + "sizes.json");
for (Files_t::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
it->second.data_file = Poco::File(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + Poco::Path(it->second.data_file.path()).getFileName());
marks_file = Poco::File(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + DBMS_STORAGE_LOG_MARKS_FILE_NAME);
const Marks & StorageLog::getMarksWithRealRowCount() const
const String & column_name = columns->front().name;
const IDataType & column_type = *columns->front().type;
String file_name;
/** Засечки достаём из первого столбца.
* Если это - массив, то берём засечки, соответствующие размерам, а не внутренностям массивов.
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&column_type))
file_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(column_name) + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX "0";
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeNested *>(&column_type))
file_name = column_name + ARRAY_SIZES_COLUMN_NAME_SUFFIX "0";
file_name = column_name;
Files_t::const_iterator it = files.find(file_name);
if (files.end() == it)
throw Exception("Cannot find file " + file_name, ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return it->second.marks;
BlockInputStreams StorageLog::read(
size_t from_mark,
size_t to_mark,
const Names & column_names,
ASTPtr query,
const Settings & settings,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum & processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size,
unsigned threads)
/** Если читаем все данные в один поток, то засечки не требуются.
* Отсутствие необходимости загружать засечки позволяет уменьшить потребление памяти при использовании таблицы типа ChunkMerger.
bool read_all_data_in_one_thread = (threads == 1 && from_mark == 0 && to_mark == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
if (!read_all_data_in_one_thread)
bool has_virtual_column = false;
Names real_column_names;
for (const auto & column : column_names)
if (column != _table_column_name)
has_virtual_column = true;
/// Если есть виртуальный столбец и нет остальных, то ничего проверять не надо
if (!(has_virtual_column && real_column_names.size() == 0))
processed_stage = QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns;
Poco::ScopedReadRWLock lock(rwlock);
BlockInputStreams res;
if (read_all_data_in_one_thread)
res.push_back(new LogBlockInputStream(
0, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()));
const Marks & marks = getMarksWithRealRowCount();
size_t marks_size = marks.size();
if (to_mark == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())
to_mark = marks_size;
if (to_mark > marks_size || to_mark < from_mark)
throw Exception("Marks out of range in StorageLog::read", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (threads > to_mark - from_mark)
threads = to_mark - from_mark;
for (size_t thread = 0; thread < threads; ++thread)
res.push_back(new LogBlockInputStream(
from_mark + thread * (to_mark - from_mark) / threads,
marks[from_mark + (thread + 1) * (to_mark - from_mark) / threads - 1].rows -
((thread == 0 && from_mark == 0)
? 0
: marks[from_mark + thread * (to_mark - from_mark) / threads - 1].rows)));
return res;
BlockInputStreams StorageLog::read(
const Names & column_names,
ASTPtr query,
const Settings & settings,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum & processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size,
unsigned threads)
return read(0, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), column_names, query, settings, processed_stage, max_block_size, threads);
BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageLog::write(
ASTPtr query)
return new LogBlockOutputStream(*this);
bool StorageLog::checkData() const
Poco::ScopedReadRWLock lock(const_cast<Poco::RWLock &>(rwlock));
return file_checker.check();