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#include <Access/AccessRights.h>
#include <base/logger_useful.h>
#include <base/sort.h>
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
struct ProtoElement
AccessFlags access_flags;
boost::container::small_vector<std::string_view, 3> full_name;
bool grant_option = false;
bool is_partial_revoke = false;
friend bool operator<(const ProtoElement & left, const ProtoElement & right)
/// Compare components alphabetically.
size_t min_size = std::min(left.full_name.size(), right.full_name.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != min_size; ++i)
int cmp = left.full_name[i].compare(right.full_name[i]);
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp < 0;
/// Names with less number of components first.
if (left.full_name.size() != right.full_name.size())
return left.full_name.size() < right.full_name.size();
/// Grants before partial revokes.
if (left.is_partial_revoke != right.is_partial_revoke)
return right.is_partial_revoke; /// if left is grant, right is partial revoke, we assume left < right
/// Grants with grant option after other grants.
/// Revoke grant option after normal revokes.
if (left.grant_option != right.grant_option)
return right.grant_option; /// if left is without grant option, and right is with grant option, we assume left < right
return (left.access_flags < right.access_flags);
AccessRightsElement getResult() const
AccessRightsElement res;
res.access_flags = access_flags;
res.grant_option = grant_option;
res.is_partial_revoke = is_partial_revoke;
switch (full_name.size())
case 0:
res.any_database = true;
res.any_table = true;
res.any_column = true;
case 1:
res.any_database = false;
res.database = full_name[0];
res.any_table = true;
res.any_column = true;
case 2:
res.any_database = false;
res.database = full_name[0];
res.any_table = false;
res.table = full_name[1];
res.any_column = true;
case 3:
res.any_database = false;
res.database = full_name[0];
res.any_table = false;
res.table = full_name[1];
res.any_column = false;
return res;
class ProtoElements : public std::vector<ProtoElement>
AccessRightsElements getResult() const
ProtoElements sorted = *this;
::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());
AccessRightsElements res;
for (size_t i = 0; i != sorted.size();)
size_t count_elements_with_diff_columns = sorted.countElementsWithDifferenceInColumnOnly(i);
if (count_elements_with_diff_columns == 1)
/// Easy case: one Element is converted to one AccessRightsElement.
const auto & element = sorted[i];
if (element.access_flags)
/// Difficult case: multiple Elements are converted to one or multiple AccessRightsElements.
sorted.appendResultWithElementsWithDifferenceInColumnOnly(i, count_elements_with_diff_columns, res);
i += count_elements_with_diff_columns;
return res;
size_t countElementsWithDifferenceInColumnOnly(size_t start) const
const auto & start_element = (*this)[start];
if ((start_element.full_name.size() != 3) || (start == size() - 1))
return 1;
auto it = std::find_if(begin() + start + 1, end(), [&](const ProtoElement & element)
return (element.full_name.size() != 3) || (element.full_name[0] != start_element.full_name[0])
|| (element.full_name[1] != start_element.full_name[1]) || (element.grant_option != start_element.grant_option)
|| (element.is_partial_revoke != start_element.is_partial_revoke);
return it - (begin() + start);
/// Collects columns together to write multiple columns into one AccessRightsElement.
/// That procedure allows to output access rights in more compact way,
/// e.g. "SELECT(x, y)" instead of "SELECT(x), SELECT(y)".
void appendResultWithElementsWithDifferenceInColumnOnly(size_t start, size_t count, AccessRightsElements & res) const
const auto * pbegin = data() + start;
const auto * pend = pbegin + count;
AccessFlags handled_flags;
while (pbegin < pend)
while (pbegin < pend && !(pbegin->access_flags - handled_flags))
while (pbegin < pend && !((pend - 1)->access_flags - handled_flags))
if (pbegin >= pend)
AccessFlags common_flags = (pbegin->access_flags - handled_flags);
for (const auto * element = pbegin + 1; element != pend; ++element)
if (auto new_common_flags = (element->access_flags - handled_flags) & common_flags)
common_flags = new_common_flags;
auto & back = res.back();
back.grant_option = pbegin->grant_option;
back.is_partial_revoke = pbegin->is_partial_revoke;
back.any_database = false;
back.database = pbegin->full_name[0];
back.any_table = false;
back.table = pbegin->full_name[1];
back.any_column = false;
back.access_flags = common_flags;
for (const auto * element = pbegin; element != pend; ++element)
if (((element->access_flags - handled_flags) & common_flags) == common_flags)
handled_flags |= common_flags;
enum Level
AccessFlags getAllGrantableFlags(Level level)
switch (level)
case GLOBAL_LEVEL: return AccessFlags::allFlagsGrantableOnGlobalLevel();
case DATABASE_LEVEL: return AccessFlags::allFlagsGrantableOnDatabaseLevel();
case TABLE_LEVEL: return AccessFlags::allFlagsGrantableOnTableLevel();
case COLUMN_LEVEL: return AccessFlags::allFlagsGrantableOnColumnLevel();
struct AccessRights::Node
std::shared_ptr<const String> node_name;
Level level = GLOBAL_LEVEL;
AccessFlags flags; /// flags = (inherited_flags - partial_revokes) | explicit_grants
AccessFlags min_flags_with_children; /// min_flags_with_children = access & child[0].min_flags_with_children & ... & child[N-1].min_flags_with_children
AccessFlags max_flags_with_children; /// max_flags_with_children = access | child[0].max_flags_with_children | ... | child[N-1].max_flags_with_children
std::unique_ptr<std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Node>> children;
Node() = default;
Node(const Node & src) { *this = src; }
Node & operator =(const Node & src)
if (this == &src)
return *this;
node_name = src.node_name;
level = src.level;
flags = src.flags;
min_flags_with_children = src.min_flags_with_children;
max_flags_with_children = src.max_flags_with_children;
if (src.children)
children = std::make_unique<std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Node>>(*src.children);
children = nullptr;
return *this;
void grant(const AccessFlags & flags_)
AccessFlags flags_to_add = flags_ & getAllGrantableFlags();
template <typename ... Args>
void grant(const AccessFlags & flags_, const std::string_view & name, const Args &... subnames)
auto & child = getChild(name);
child.grant(flags_, subnames...);
template <typename StringT>
void grant(const AccessFlags & flags_, const std::vector<StringT> & names)
for (const auto & name : names)
auto & child = getChild(name);
void revoke(const AccessFlags & flags_)
template <typename... Args>
void revoke(const AccessFlags & flags_, const std::string_view & name, const Args &... subnames)
auto & child = getChild(name);
child.revoke(flags_, subnames...);
template <typename StringT>
void revoke(const AccessFlags & flags_, const std::vector<StringT> & names)
for (const auto & name : names)
auto & child = getChild(name);
bool isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags_) const
return min_flags_with_children.contains(flags_);
template <typename... Args>
bool isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags_, const std::string_view & name, const Args &... subnames) const
AccessFlags flags_to_check = flags_ - min_flags_with_children;
if (!flags_to_check)
return true;
if (!max_flags_with_children.contains(flags_to_check))
return false;
const Node * child = tryGetChild(name);
if (child)
return child->isGranted(flags_to_check, subnames...);
return flags.contains(flags_to_check);
template <typename StringT>
bool isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags_, const std::vector<StringT> & names) const
AccessFlags flags_to_check = flags_ - min_flags_with_children;
if (!flags_to_check)
return true;
if (!max_flags_with_children.contains(flags_to_check))
return false;
for (const auto & name : names)
const Node * child = tryGetChild(name);
if (child)
if (!child->isGranted(flags_to_check, name))
return false;
if (!flags.contains(flags_to_check))
return false;
return true;
friend bool operator ==(const Node & left, const Node & right)
if (left.flags != right.flags)
return false;
if (!left.children)
return !right.children;
if (!right.children)
return false;
return *left.children == *right.children;
friend bool operator!=(const Node & left, const Node & right) { return !(left == right); }
void makeUnion(const Node & other)
void makeIntersection(const Node & other)
ProtoElements getElements() const
ProtoElements res;
getElementsRec(res, {}, *this, {});
return res;
static ProtoElements getElements(const Node * node, const Node * node_with_grant_option)
ProtoElements res;
getElementsRec(res, {}, node, {}, node_with_grant_option, {});
return res;
void modifyFlags(const ModifyFlagsFunction & function, bool & flags_added, bool & flags_removed)
flags_added = false;
flags_removed = false;
modifyFlagsRec(function, flags_added, flags_removed);
if (flags_added || flags_removed)
void logTree(Poco::Logger * log, const String & title) const
LOG_TRACE(log, "Tree({}): level={}, name={}, flags={}, min_flags={}, max_flags={}, num_children={}",
title, level, node_name ? *node_name : "NULL", flags.toString(),
min_flags_with_children.toString(), max_flags_with_children.toString(),
(children ? children->size() : 0));
if (children)
for (auto & child : *children | boost::adaptors::map_values)
child.logTree(log, title);
AccessFlags getAllGrantableFlags() const { return ::DB::getAllGrantableFlags(level); }
AccessFlags getChildAllGrantableFlags() const { return ::DB::getAllGrantableFlags(static_cast<Level>(level + 1)); }
Node * tryGetChild(const std::string_view & name) const
if (!children)
return nullptr;
auto it = children->find(name);
if (it == children->end())
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
Node & getChild(const std::string_view & name)
auto * child = tryGetChild(name);
if (child)
return *child;
if (!children)
children = std::make_unique<std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Node>>();
auto new_child_name = std::make_shared<const String>(name);
Node & new_child = (*children)[*new_child_name];
new_child.node_name = std::move(new_child_name);
new_child.level = static_cast<Level>(level + 1);
new_child.flags = flags & new_child.getAllGrantableFlags();
return new_child;
void eraseChildIfPossible(Node & child)
if (!canEraseChild(child))
auto it = children->find(*child.node_name);
if (children->empty())
children = nullptr;
bool canEraseChild(const Node & child) const
return ((flags & child.getAllGrantableFlags()) == child.flags) && !child.children;
void addGrantsRec(const AccessFlags & flags_)
if (auto flags_to_add = flags_ & getAllGrantableFlags())
flags |= flags_to_add;
if (children)
for (auto it = children->begin(); it != children->end();)
auto & child = it->second;
if (canEraseChild(child))
it = children->erase(it);
if (children->empty())
children = nullptr;
void removeGrantsRec(const AccessFlags & flags_)
flags &= ~flags_;
if (children)
for (auto it = children->begin(); it != children->end();)
auto & child = it->second;
if (canEraseChild(child))
it = children->erase(it);
if (children->empty())
children = nullptr;
static void getElementsRec(
ProtoElements & res,
const boost::container::small_vector<std::string_view, 3> & full_name,
const Node & node,
const AccessFlags & parent_flags)
auto flags = node.flags;
auto parent_fl = parent_flags & node.getAllGrantableFlags();
auto revokes = parent_fl - flags;
auto grants = flags - parent_fl;
if (revokes)
res.push_back(ProtoElement{revokes, full_name, false, true});
if (grants)
res.push_back(ProtoElement{grants, full_name, false, false});
if (node.children)
for (const auto & [child_name, child] : *node.children)
boost::container::small_vector<std::string_view, 3> child_full_name = full_name;
getElementsRec(res, child_full_name, child, flags);
static void getElementsRec(
ProtoElements & res,
const boost::container::small_vector<std::string_view, 3> & full_name,
const Node * node,
const AccessFlags & parent_flags,
const Node * node_go,
const AccessFlags & parent_flags_go)
auto grantable_flags = ::DB::getAllGrantableFlags(static_cast<Level>(full_name.size()));
auto parent_fl = parent_flags & grantable_flags;
auto parent_fl_go = parent_flags_go & grantable_flags;
auto flags = node ? node->flags : parent_fl;
auto flags_go = node_go ? node_go->flags : parent_fl_go;
auto revokes = parent_fl - flags;
auto revokes_go = parent_fl_go - flags_go - revokes;
auto grants_go = flags_go - parent_fl_go;
auto grants = flags - parent_fl - grants_go;
if (revokes)
res.push_back(ProtoElement{revokes, full_name, false, true});
if (revokes_go)
res.push_back(ProtoElement{revokes_go, full_name, true, true});
if (grants)
res.push_back(ProtoElement{grants, full_name, false, false});
if (grants_go)
res.push_back(ProtoElement{grants_go, full_name, true, false});
if (node && node->children)
for (const auto & [child_name, child] : *node->children)
boost::container::small_vector<std::string_view, 3> child_full_name = full_name;
const Node * child_node = &child;
const Node * child_node_go = nullptr;
if (node_go && node_go->children)
auto it = node_go->children->find(child_name);
if (it != node_go->children->end())
child_node_go = &it->second;
getElementsRec(res, child_full_name, child_node, flags, child_node_go, flags_go);
if (node_go && node_go->children)
for (const auto & [child_name, child] : *node_go->children)
if (node && node->children && node->children->count(child_name))
continue; /// already processed
boost::container::small_vector<std::string_view, 3> child_full_name = full_name;
const Node * child_node = nullptr;
const Node * child_node_go = &child;
getElementsRec(res, child_full_name, child_node, flags, child_node_go, flags_go);
void optimizeTree()
/// Traverse tree.
if (children)
for (auto it = children->begin(); it != children->end();)
auto & child = it->second;
if (canEraseChild(child))
it = children->erase(it);
if (children->empty())
children = nullptr;
void calculateMinMaxFlags()
/// Calculate min & max access:
/// min_flags_with_children = access & child[0].min_flags_with_children & ... & child[N-1].min_flags_with_children
/// max_flags_with_children = access | child[0].max_flags_with_children | ... | child[N-1].max_flags_with_children
min_flags_with_children = flags;
max_flags_with_children = flags;
if (!children || children->empty())
AccessFlags min_among_children = AccessFlags::allFlags();
AccessFlags max_among_children;
for (const auto & child : *children | boost::adaptors::map_values)
min_among_children &= child.min_flags_with_children;
max_among_children |= child.max_flags_with_children;
max_flags_with_children |= max_among_children;
AccessFlags add_flags = getAllGrantableFlags() - getChildAllGrantableFlags();
min_flags_with_children &= min_among_children | add_flags;
void makeUnionRec(const Node & rhs)
if (rhs.children)
for (const auto & [rhs_childname, rhs_child] : *rhs.children)
flags |= rhs.flags;
if (children)
for (auto & [lhs_childname, lhs_child] : *children)
if (!rhs.tryGetChild(lhs_childname))
void makeIntersectionRec(const Node & rhs)
if (rhs.children)
for (const auto & [rhs_childname, rhs_child] : *rhs.children)
flags &= rhs.flags;
if (children)
for (auto & [lhs_childname, lhs_child] : *children)
if (!rhs.tryGetChild(lhs_childname))
template <typename ... ParentNames>
void modifyFlagsRec(const ModifyFlagsFunction & function, bool & flags_added, bool & flags_removed, const ParentNames & ... parent_names)
auto invoke = [&function](const AccessFlags & flags_, const AccessFlags & min_flags_with_children_, const AccessFlags & max_flags_with_children_, std::string_view database_ = {}, std::string_view table_ = {}, std::string_view column_ = {}) -> AccessFlags
return function(flags_, min_flags_with_children_, max_flags_with_children_, database_, table_, column_);
if constexpr (sizeof...(ParentNames) < 3)
if (children)
for (auto & child : *children | boost::adaptors::map_values)
const String & child_name = *child.node_name;
child.modifyFlagsRec(function, flags_added, flags_removed, parent_names..., child_name);
auto new_flags = invoke(flags, min_flags_with_children, max_flags_with_children, parent_names...);
if (new_flags != flags)
new_flags &= getAllGrantableFlags();
flags_added |= static_cast<bool>(new_flags - flags);
flags_removed |= static_cast<bool>(flags - new_flags);
flags = new_flags;
AccessRights::AccessRights() = default;
AccessRights::~AccessRights() = default;
AccessRights::AccessRights(AccessRights && src) = default;
AccessRights & AccessRights::operator =(AccessRights && src) = default;
AccessRights::AccessRights(const AccessRights & src)
*this = src;
AccessRights & AccessRights::operator =(const AccessRights & src)
if (src.root)
root = std::make_unique<Node>(*src.root);
root = nullptr;
if (src.root_with_grant_option)
root_with_grant_option = std::make_unique<Node>(*src.root_with_grant_option);
root_with_grant_option = nullptr;
return *this;
AccessRights::AccessRights(const AccessFlags & access)
bool AccessRights::isEmpty() const
return !root && !root_with_grant_option;
void AccessRights::clear()
root = nullptr;
root_with_grant_option = nullptr;
template <bool with_grant_option, typename... Args>
void AccessRights::grantImpl(const AccessFlags & flags, const Args &... args)
auto helper = [&](std::unique_ptr<Node> & root_node)
if (!root_node)
root_node = std::make_unique<Node>();
root_node->grant(flags, args...);
if (!root_node->flags && !root_node->children)
root_node = nullptr;
if constexpr (with_grant_option)
template <bool with_grant_option>
void AccessRights::grantImplHelper(const AccessRightsElement & element)
assert(!element.grant_option || with_grant_option);
if (element.any_database)
else if (element.any_table)
grantImpl<with_grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database);
else if (element.any_column)
grantImpl<with_grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database, element.table);
grantImpl<with_grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database, element.table, element.columns);
template <bool with_grant_option>
void AccessRights::grantImpl(const AccessRightsElement & element)
if (element.is_partial_revoke)
throw Exception("A partial revoke should be revoked, not granted", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
if constexpr (with_grant_option)
if (element.grant_option)
template <bool with_grant_option>
void AccessRights::grantImpl(const AccessRightsElements & elements)
for (const auto & element : elements)
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessFlags & flags) { grantImpl<false>(flags); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database) { grantImpl<false>(flags, database); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table) { grantImpl<false>(flags, database, table); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::string_view & column) { grantImpl<false>(flags, database, table, column); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::vector<std::string_view> & columns) { grantImpl<false>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const Strings & columns) { grantImpl<false>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessRightsElement & element) { grantImpl<false>(element); }
void AccessRights::grant(const AccessRightsElements & elements) { grantImpl<false>(elements); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags) { grantImpl<true>(flags); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database) { grantImpl<true>(flags, database); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table) { grantImpl<true>(flags, database, table); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::string_view & column) { grantImpl<true>(flags, database, table, column); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::vector<std::string_view> & columns) { grantImpl<true>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const Strings & columns) { grantImpl<true>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessRightsElement & element) { grantImpl<true>(element); }
void AccessRights::grantWithGrantOption(const AccessRightsElements & elements) { grantImpl<true>(elements); }
template <bool grant_option, typename... Args>
void AccessRights::revokeImpl(const AccessFlags & flags, const Args &... args)
auto helper = [&](std::unique_ptr<Node> & root_node)
if (!root_node)
root_node->revoke(flags, args...);
if (!root_node->flags && !root_node->children)
root_node = nullptr;
if constexpr (!grant_option)
template <bool grant_option>
void AccessRights::revokeImplHelper(const AccessRightsElement & element)
assert(!element.grant_option || grant_option);
if (element.any_database)
else if (element.any_table)
revokeImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database);
else if (element.any_column)
revokeImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database, element.table);
revokeImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database, element.table, element.columns);
template <bool grant_option>
void AccessRights::revokeImpl(const AccessRightsElement & element)
if constexpr (grant_option)
if (element.grant_option)
template <bool grant_option>
void AccessRights::revokeImpl(const AccessRightsElements & elements)
for (const auto & element : elements)
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessFlags & flags) { revokeImpl<false>(flags); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database) { revokeImpl<false>(flags, database); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table) { revokeImpl<false>(flags, database, table); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::string_view & column) { revokeImpl<false>(flags, database, table, column); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::vector<std::string_view> & columns) { revokeImpl<false>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const Strings & columns) { revokeImpl<false>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessRightsElement & element) { revokeImpl<false>(element); }
void AccessRights::revoke(const AccessRightsElements & elements) { revokeImpl<false>(elements); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags) { revokeImpl<true>(flags); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database) { revokeImpl<true>(flags, database); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table) { revokeImpl<true>(flags, database, table); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::string_view & column) { revokeImpl<true>(flags, database, table, column); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::vector<std::string_view> & columns) { revokeImpl<true>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const Strings & columns) { revokeImpl<true>(flags, database, table, columns); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessRightsElement & element) { revokeImpl<true>(element); }
void AccessRights::revokeGrantOption(const AccessRightsElements & elements) { revokeImpl<true>(elements); }
AccessRightsElements AccessRights::getElements() const
#if 0
if (!root)
return {};
if (!root_with_grant_option)
return root->getElements().getResult();
return Node::getElements(root.get(), root_with_grant_option.get()).getResult();
String AccessRights::toString() const
return getElements().toString();
template <bool grant_option, typename... Args>
bool AccessRights::isGrantedImpl(const AccessFlags & flags, const Args &... args) const
auto helper = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Node> & root_node) -> bool
if (!root_node)
return flags.isEmpty();
return root_node->isGranted(flags, args...);
if constexpr (grant_option)
return helper(root_with_grant_option);
return helper(root);
template <bool grant_option>
bool AccessRights::isGrantedImplHelper(const AccessRightsElement & element) const
assert(!element.grant_option || grant_option);
if (element.any_database)
return isGrantedImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags);
else if (element.any_table)
return isGrantedImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database);
else if (element.any_column)
return isGrantedImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database, element.table);
return isGrantedImpl<grant_option>(element.access_flags, element.database, element.table, element.columns);
template <bool grant_option>
bool AccessRights::isGrantedImpl(const AccessRightsElement & element) const
if constexpr (grant_option)
return isGrantedImplHelper<true>(element);
if (element.grant_option)
return isGrantedImplHelper<true>(element);
return isGrantedImplHelper<false>(element);
template <bool grant_option>
bool AccessRights::isGrantedImpl(const AccessRightsElements & elements) const
for (const auto & element : elements)
if (!isGrantedImpl<grant_option>(element))
return false;
return true;
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(flags); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(flags, database); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(flags, database, table); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::string_view & column) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(flags, database, table, column); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::vector<std::string_view> & columns) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(flags, database, table, columns); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const Strings & columns) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(flags, database, table, columns); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessRightsElement & element) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(element); }
bool AccessRights::isGranted(const AccessRightsElements & elements) const { return isGrantedImpl<false>(elements); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(flags); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(flags, database); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(flags, database, table); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::string_view & column) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(flags, database, table, column); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const std::vector<std::string_view> & columns) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(flags, database, table, columns); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessFlags & flags, const std::string_view & database, const std::string_view & table, const Strings & columns) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(flags, database, table, columns); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessRightsElement & element) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(element); }
bool AccessRights::hasGrantOption(const AccessRightsElements & elements) const { return isGrantedImpl<true>(elements); }
bool operator ==(const AccessRights & left, const AccessRights & right)
auto helper = [](const std::unique_ptr<AccessRights::Node> & left_node, const std::unique_ptr<AccessRights::Node> & right_node)
if (!left_node)
return !right_node;
if (!right_node)
return false;
return *left_node == *right_node;
return helper(left.root, right.root) && helper(left.root_with_grant_option, right.root_with_grant_option);
void AccessRights::makeUnion(const AccessRights & other)
auto helper = [](std::unique_ptr<Node> & root_node, const std::unique_ptr<Node> & other_root_node)
if (!root_node)
if (other_root_node)
root_node = std::make_unique<Node>(*other_root_node);
if (other_root_node)
if (!root_node->flags && !root_node->children)
root_node = nullptr;
helper(root, other.root);
helper(root_with_grant_option, other.root_with_grant_option);
void AccessRights::makeIntersection(const AccessRights & other)
auto helper = [](std::unique_ptr<Node> & root_node, const std::unique_ptr<Node> & other_root_node)
if (!root_node)
if (!other_root_node)
root_node = nullptr;
if (!root_node->flags && !root_node->children)
root_node = nullptr;
helper(root, other.root);
helper(root_with_grant_option, other.root_with_grant_option);
void AccessRights::modifyFlags(const ModifyFlagsFunction & function)
if (!root)
bool flags_added, flags_removed;
root->modifyFlags(function, flags_added, flags_removed);
if (flags_removed && root_with_grant_option)
void AccessRights::modifyFlagsWithGrantOption(const ModifyFlagsFunction & function)
if (!root_with_grant_option)
bool flags_added, flags_removed;
root_with_grant_option->modifyFlags(function, flags_added, flags_removed);
if (flags_added)
if (!root)
root = std::make_unique<Node>();
AccessRights AccessRights::getFullAccess()
AccessRights res;
return res;
void AccessRights::logTree() const
auto * log = &Poco::Logger::get("AccessRights");
if (root)
root->logTree(log, "");
if (root_with_grant_option)
root->logTree(log, "go");
LOG_TRACE(log, "Tree: NULL");