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synced 2024-11-19 06:01:57 +00:00
163 lines
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163 lines
4.5 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <Poco/Stopwatch.h>
#include <DB/IO/WriteBufferFromOStream.h>
#include <DB/Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTSelectQuery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ParserSelectQuery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/formatAST.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/TabSeparatedRowOutputStream.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/LimitBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/OneBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/BlockOutputStreamFromRowOutputStream.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/copyData.h>
#include <DB/Interpreters/Expression.h>
void dump(DB::IAST & ast, int level = 0)
std::string prefix(level, ' ');
if (DB::ASTFunction * node = dynamic_cast<DB::ASTFunction *>(&ast))
std::cout << prefix << node << " Function, name = " << node->function->getName()
<< ", return type: " << node->return_type->getName() << std::endl;
else if (DB::ASTIdentifier * node = dynamic_cast<DB::ASTIdentifier *>(&ast))
std::cout << prefix << node << " Identifier, name = " << node->name << ", type = " << node->type->getName() << std::endl;
else if (DB::ASTLiteral * node = dynamic_cast<DB::ASTLiteral *>(&ast))
std::cout << prefix << node << " Literal, " << apply_visitor(DB::FieldVisitorToString(), node->value)
<< ", type = " << node->type->getName() << std::endl;
DB::ASTs children = ast.children;
for (DB::ASTs::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
dump(**it, level + 1);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
DB::ParserSelectQuery parser;
DB::ASTPtr ast;
std::string input = "SELECT x, s1, s2, "
"2 + x * 2, x * 2, x % 3 == 1, "
"s1 == 'abc', s1 == s2, s1 != 'abc', s1 != s2, "
"s1 < 'abc', s1 < s2, s1 > 'abc', s1 > s2, "
"s1 <= 'abc', s1 <= s2, s1 >= 'abc', s1 >= s2, "
"s1 < s2 AND x % 3 < x % 5";
std::string expected;
const char * begin = input.data();
const char * end = begin + input.size();
const char * pos = begin;
if (parser.parse(pos, end, ast, expected))
std::cout << "Success." << std::endl;
DB::formatAST(*ast, std::cout);
std::cout << std::endl << ast->getTreeID() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Failed at position " << (pos - begin) << ": "
<< mysqlxx::quote << input.substr(pos - begin, 10)
<< ", expected " << expected << "." << std::endl;
DB::Context context;
DB::NamesAndTypesList columns;
columns.push_back(DB::NameAndTypePair("x", new DB::DataTypeInt16));
columns.push_back(DB::NameAndTypePair("s1", new DB::DataTypeString));
columns.push_back(DB::NameAndTypePair("s2", new DB::DataTypeString));
DB::Expression expression(ast, context);
size_t n = argc == 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 10;
DB::Block block;
DB::ColumnWithNameAndType column_x;
column_x.name = "x";
column_x.type = new DB::DataTypeInt16;
DB::ColumnInt16 * x = new DB::ColumnInt16;
column_x.column = x;
std::vector<Int16> & vec_x = x->getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
vec_x[i] = i;
const char * strings[] = {"abc", "def", "abcd", "defg", "ac"};
DB::ColumnWithNameAndType column_s1;
column_s1.name = "s1";
column_s1.type = new DB::DataTypeString;
column_s1.column = new DB::ColumnString;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
column_s1.column->insert(DB::String(strings[i % 5]));
DB::ColumnWithNameAndType column_s2;
column_s2.name = "s2";
column_s2.type = new DB::DataTypeString;
column_s2.column = new DB::ColumnString;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
column_s2.column->insert(DB::String(strings[i % 3]));
Poco::Stopwatch stopwatch;
block = expression.projectResult(block);
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
<< "Elapsed " << stopwatch.elapsed() / 1000000.0 << " sec."
<< ", " << n * 1000000 / stopwatch.elapsed() << " rows/sec."
<< std::endl;
DB::OneBlockInputStream * is = new DB::OneBlockInputStream(block);
DB::LimitBlockInputStream lis(is, 20, std::max(0, static_cast<int>(n) - 20));
DB::WriteBufferFromOStream out_buf(std::cout);
DB::RowOutputStreamPtr os_ = new DB::TabSeparatedRowOutputStream(out_buf, block);
DB::BlockOutputStreamFromRowOutputStream os(os_);
DB::copyData(lis, os);
catch (const DB::Exception & e)
std::cerr << e.displayText() << std::endl;
return 0;