2017-03-19 21:58:12 +04:00

139 lines
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#pragma once
#include <common/Common.h>
#include <future>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <zookeeper/zookeeper.h>
#include <Poco/Event.h>
namespace zkutil
using ACLPtr = const ACL_vector *;
using Stat = Stat;
struct Op
Op() : data(new zoo_op_t) {}
virtual ~Op() {}
virtual std::string describe() = 0;
std::unique_ptr<zoo_op_t> data;
struct Remove;
struct Create;
struct SetData;
struct Check;
struct Op::Remove : public Op
Remove(const std::string & path_, int32_t version) :
zoo_delete_op_init(data.get(), path.c_str(), version);
std::string describe() override { return "command: remove, path: " + path; }
std::string path;
struct Op::Create : public Op
Create(const std::string & path_, const std::string & value_, ACLPtr acl, int32_t flags);
std::string getPathCreated()
std::string describe() override
return "command: create"
", path: " + path +
", value: " + value;
std::string path;
std::string value;
std::vector<char> created_path;
struct Op::SetData : public Op
SetData(const std::string & path_, const std::string & value_, int32_t version) :
path(path_), value(value_)
zoo_set_op_init(data.get(), path.c_str(), value.c_str(), value.size(), version, &stat);
std::string describe() override
"command: set"
", path: " + path +
", value: " + value +
", version: " + std::to_string(data->set_op.version);
std::string path;
std::string value;
Stat stat;
struct Op::Check : public Op
Check(const std::string & path_, int32_t version) :
zoo_check_op_init(data.get(), path.c_str(), version);
std::string describe() override { return "command: check, path: " + path; }
std::string path;
struct OpResult : public zoo_op_result_t
/// Указатели в этой структуре указывают на поля в классе Op.
/// Поэтому деструктор не нужен
using Ops = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>>;
using OpResults = std::vector<OpResult>;
using OpResultsPtr = std::shared_ptr<OpResults>;
using Strings = std::vector<std::string>;
namespace CreateMode
extern const int Persistent;
extern const int Ephemeral;
extern const int EphemeralSequential;
extern const int PersistentSequential;
using EventPtr = std::shared_ptr<Poco::Event>;
class ZooKeeper;
/// Callback to call when the watch fires.
/// Because callbacks are called in the single "completion" thread internal to libzookeeper,
/// they must execute as quickly as possible (preferably just set some notification).
/// Parameters:
/// zookeeper - zookeeper session to which the fired watch belongs
/// type - event type, one of the *_EVENT constants from zookeeper.h
/// state - session connection state, one of the *_STATE constants from zookeeper.h
/// path - znode path to which the change happened. if event == ZOO_SESSION_EVENT it is either NULL or empty string.
using WatchCallback = std::function<void(ZooKeeper & zookeeper, int type, int state, const char * path)>;